HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-09-12 (Regular) Meeting MinuteslllGUUB KDTiliG or THE CITY COU?ICIL or THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLOBAI>O, !HIS KOBDJ.Y THI 12th DAY or SIPT!J.IBIB, A.D. 1932. KAJor J.l.Abbott oalled the meeting to order and asked tor roll oall. IOLL CALLs Cullieon Preaent, Ball Present, KoCor4 Pr•••nt, lielaen Preaent, Pearoe Present, Smith Preaent, 6 Preaent, Abeent Jone, 11&7or aaked Clerk to rea4 llinutea. Clerk read ·all Minute• ot Regular Keeting of Auguet 8, 1932. A14tl'll&D lieleen KoYed,) Culli•on Seoonded,) That all Minute• read b7 the Clerk be approYet u rea4. llOLL CALL: Culliaon A7e, lielaen qe, 6 qea, Hall qe, KoCor4 A7•. Pearce A.7e, Smith J.7•, Absent lone. llqor aake4 ct· erk to rea4 report• ot Officers. Clerk rea4 all reports ot Ottioere tor the month of August. Alderman Pearoe Wove4,) Ball Seoon4e4,) That all reports of Officers ·read ~7 the Clerk be reoeived an4 tiled. ROLL CALL: C1llliaon £7e, liielaen £7e, Hall J.7e, Pearce 1.7e, 6 qea, Na7a None, Ua7or so ordered. KoCord A7•• Smith J.7•, All Bill• read b7 the Clerk and o.K'd bJ the finance Committee. 11622 J.B.Abbott 11623 Lenora rogle 1162' c.c.conant 11626 Jaok Buaaell 11626 Jarl Baatings 1162'7 D.K.Weat 11688 L.w.Terrell 11689 A.O • .Prather 11630 Jame• I.Cullison 11631 c.11.1a11 11632 J.C.KoCor4 11633 •• S.lielaen 11686 L.Jl.Pearoe 11636 w.J.8m1th,Jr. S•.T·ARY J'UUD l.lqor Clerk Attorne1 Chief ot Police Aaat.Chiet Polioe Treasurer Polio• Magistrate Health Comm. Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman LIBRARY JUND 11636 Inglewood Public Librar7 LIGHT rtJUD 1163'7 Colorado Central Power Compan1 Light & Power. 11638 Jim Bobinaon 11639 C.Bladholm 11640 Vaughn Ledford 11641 J.C.PenJ11 Co. 11642 Inglewood Shoe Shop 116'3 Kra.John Q11igle1 116'-t ~ephart Batter7 11646 Inglewood Hardware 11646 C.Bladholm 1164'7 Quiu • KoQill JIBE J'UliD Da1 Draiver light & sun4a1 man light man l.lsdc. Supplies Laundry Batter1 ~ervice Suppl lee Repares on truck Raga 11648 Kine Satet7 Appliance Co. Llerouro 116'9 11•• • rergueon 11660 1ng.vo1.r1re Dept. 11661 .il BiYllJ 11662 Al JleYln S&ippllee Service rendered Gu,011 Laudr7 PUBLIC IWPROVFJ.IJWT J'UllD 11663 Charle• K.Witt St.Comm. 11664 1.1.aparkm•" Care dump 11666 .... tte Blakel7 Gas 11666 Wiae 6 Jerguaon Supplies 11117 J>enYer 8erwe Pipe • Cla7 Co. Sewer pipe 11668 CherJ'111n ree4 Store Ga• • 10.00 126.00 33.13 160.00 1,0.00 '76.00 26.00 26.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 11t8:i tl.26.00 .380.31 tl26.00 33.00 26.00 1.28 3.00 2.00 2.66 1.6'7 6.00 11,60 1.01 1.'76 100.00 '7.86 3.fO 1!18.1 fl.60.00 60.00 2.86 40.83 1,.38 16,8, llD.iS I I I I • • • .. 11619 L.K.Philllpe 11160 Ban• Sibbert 11661 Vaughn Le4for4 lll6Z c.c.conant 11663 8tanle7 Hill 11164 1Dglewoo4 Herald 11166 Pete C.AD4eraon 11666 Jaok auaaell 11667 Barl Baatinge Caretaker Deak Kan Collect Dog 'l'ax Services C.C.Power Special Service• Printing • '10.00 30.00 60.00 auit,Bppick 139.40 6.60 11668 General Bleotric Supply 11669 D.A.8utton 11670 BDglewood Uonitor 11671 Publlo sersioe Co. 11672 c.r.Boeokel 11673 Superior 8afet7 Ink 11174 Ben4rie & Bolthoff 11176 Hallilton Towel Supply 11176 8aoha•Lawlor 11177 A.a.Prather lllf8 Koanialn State• T.& T.Co. 11179 B.l.Dormer 11180 •1•• • rerguaon 11681 Bnalewood Bar4ware 11682 Jolmaon Beating co. 1118Z C.Q~Bla4holm 1118' 114ellt7 • Deposit 11186 BDglewoo4 Welfare A••· 11186 J .B.Koger 11187 QQT JIYerett 11188 Qraoe Clapp 11689 Dala7 Biggle 11190 L74a Alber• 11691 B.C.Bggleeton 11692 8a41e B.Jonee 11693 c.B.L)'Doh 11694 .... B.B4om 11696 John Dale Marlatt 11696 Ol1Ye T.atrong 11697 .ADDa G.Arend · 11698 Geo.c .Bullen 11699 B4win Bla4holm 11100 Lillian I.Ballen 11601 .iorenoe Bberhardt 11602 Lottie B.Withrow 11603 Kil4re4 Badger ll6G& J.A.Lewia 11606 .. •ar4 Slater 11606 SDg.Berald (aa)B.,.~lbers Cktan4 total Alterman MoCor4 MoYe4,) Speoial Servioea Gae Gae Signal Mazda& Wire Inep. Printing Gae Election Supplies Ribbon Supplies Towels Dog Tags W.lk Anal7•i• Phone Service Broom, Brush Supplies Supplies Signs Work on radiators Premium Labor lleotion Judge Bleotion Judge 11.eotion Judge llection Clerk llection Clerk 11.ection Judge Election Judge Election Judge 11.ection Clerk Election Clerk 11.ection Judge Election Judge Election Judge Election Clerk Election Clerk Election Judge Election Judge Election Judge Election Clerk 11.ection Clerk Printing. 127.11 4.00 1.00 6.00 1.62 12.10 4.61 3.88 12.80 1.00 '·81 2.00 9.00 21.00 2,.10 a.oo 7.68 3.41 16.00 11.00 10.00 163.60 ae.ao 20.00 20.00 10.00 12.60 22.IO 22.60 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 22.60 22.60 10.00 10.00 lR·f 9 Ball Seoon4e4,) That all Bills read b7 the 11Danoe Collllittee be allowed. the Clerk and o.JC'4 b7 BOLL CALL: Cull1aon qe, llielaen J.7e, Ball Aye, Pearce qe, KoCor4 J.7e, Smith qe, 6 J.7e•, H8Js Bone, M87or so ordere4. CITY o•··.BBGLBWOOll .ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO. Sleotion September 2, 1932. ABSTBACT or VOTBS CAST .AT THE BLECTIOU HELD IN TBS CifY or DQLBWOOD, COLOBADO, ON l'RIIUY THE SICO.liD DAY or SD!mlBD 1932. Question Submitted, ihall later works Ordinance Bo. 3, of the Cit7 of 1Dglewoo4, Colora4o, adopte4 and approved on the 8th da7 of Auguat, A.D. 1~32, adopting a plan for acquiring a water works e7etem for aaid Cit7 be approved? roB APPBOVil or WA'!BBWORKS ORDIBAUCE NO, 3 AGAili~T ~PROV.AL or WATERWORKS 04DIBAUCB NO. 3 Question SUbmitte4: No. ot Vote• Caat 764 Bo. of Vote• Caat 690 aball eleotrie light and power plant ordinanoe Bo.4 of the Cit7 of BDglewood, Colorado, adopted and approved on the 8th 4~ of Aaguat, A.D. 1932, adopting a plan for aoquiring an eleot•lo light and power plant and electrical 4ietr1bution a7atem for aa14 Cit7 be approve4T .. APPROVAL or BLBCTRIC LIGHT. AUD POOH PLAJiT OR1>IliAJICI 110. 4 110. ot Vote• Ca•t '90 AGAIBS! .APPROVAL or BLECTRIC LIGHT ilD PODB .PLAllT ORl>IBilCB 110. 4 10. ot Vote• c .. t 664 S!AD or COLORADO COU?ITY or ABAP.AHOB CitY O• BliGLBWOOD ) ) s~. ) We, the undereigned, the board of aanTa•••r• ot the eleotion return• ot an eleotion held in and for the C1t7 ot Inglewood, Cowit7 ot Arapahoe and State ot Colorado, on J'ri4q, the 2114 of September, A.D. 1932, oal1•4 an4 held under the provisions ot ordinano•• nwabere4 three an4 tour, tinall7 adopted on the 8th d87 of A&ll11•t, A.D. 1938, tor the purpose ot submitting to the dul7 qualified taxp87ing eleotora ot aa1d C1t7 the following questions: Shall waterworks ordinance 110. 3, of the Cit7 of 1Dglewoo4, Colorado, adopte~ and approved on the 8th cl&7 ot Auguat, A.D. 1932, adopting a plan tor acquiring a waterwork• •1atem for said Cit7 be approved? Shall electric light and power plant ordinance 10. 4 of the Cit7 ot Inglewood, Colorado, adopted and approved on the 8th dq ot Auguat, A.D. 1932, adopting a plan for aoquiring an electric light and power plant and electrical diatribution a7atem for eaid Cit7 be approved? do hereb7 certifJ that the above and foregoing is a true an4 correct abatraot ot the Yotea caat at eaid election, as shown b7 the return• thereof. WI!IB88 our hands and the seal of said Cit7 thie 6th 4q ot September, A.D. 1932. (8eal) J.B.Abbott Kqor. , Lenora rogle Cit7 Clerk an4 Kecor4er. RBSOLUTIO~ WHBRBAS, in accordance with ordinances numbered three and tour of the Cit7 ot Inglewood, finall7 passed and approved on the 8th 487 ot Auguat, A.D. 1932, in accordance with the laws of the State ot Colorado, the following queations were submitted to the properl7 qualit1e4 taxp&JiDg eleotor• ot aaid oitJ tor their determination at an election dul7 called an4 regularl7 held in said oit7 on the 2nd d87 of September, A.D. 1932, •alt que•tiona being al tollowe, to-wit: Shall waterworks ordinance No.3, of the Cit7 of lnglewoo4, Colora4o, adopted and approved on the 8th 487 of Augll8t, A.D. 1932, adopting a plan tor ac~uiring a waterworks s7stem tor aal4 clt7 be approYelT Shall electric light and power plant ordinance 10.4, ot th• Cit7 of Inglewood, Colorado, adopted and approTe4 on th• 8th ~ ot August, A.D. 1932, adopting · a plan for acquiring an eleotrlo light and power plant and electrical distribution •7•t•m tor aa14 oit7 be approve4T AID WHBRBA8 on the 6th da7 of Se~tember, A.D. 1932, (the Sr• after •a14 eleotion falling upon a legal hol14&7) the Clerk of •a14 Clt7 of 1Dll••oo4 opene4 aa14 returne, and oalling to his assistance the ~or of aai4 town, an4 in hie presence proceeded tl oanvaas the same, making an ab•traot ot the Tot•• oaat upon aaid questions, from which1t appear• that a total of 136' ballot• were caet upon the first question hereinaboTe ••t torth1 iiit 764 ballot• were caet whereon were placed the wor4a • ~r approTal ot wat'iflorka or41nance Bo.3"; that 690 ballots were oaat whereon .. r• plaoe4 th• wor4,,"Aga1nst approval ot9iiterworka ordinanoe 10.a; that ' a total of 13&4 ballots were oaet upon the second que•tion herelnaboTe eet forth; tiiit 790 ballots were cast whereon were plaoe4 the wor4• •ror approYal of electric light and power plant ordinanoe 10. 4; that 664 b91.lote were oaet whereon were placed the word• "Againat approval ot eiectrlo light an4 power plant ordinance No.4"; liOW, THBRBPO~E BE IT RESOLVED that the question of th• approTal ot •&14 or4inanoee numbered three and four, ae hereinafter eet forth, ha• been 4ul7 aubmltted to a Tote of the duly qualified taxp97ing elector• of the Cl•7 of Inglewood at th• municipal election duly called and regularl7 held in aai4 Cit7 ot Bnglewood on then2nd d97 of September A.D. 1932; that a maJorit7 of all th• Tote• oaat upon the ~ueetion first hereinaboTe set forth waa in faYor of th• approval of said ordinance Ho.3 as aforesaid and, therefore, it le hez-eb7 deolared that said election resulted in favor ot aa14 que•tion; that a maJorlt7 of all the votes oaet upon the question ot approYal ot or41nanoe Ho.4 hereinabove aet forth was in favor of the approTal of ••14 or41nanoe aa aforeaa14 and, therefore, it is hereby declared that aai4 eleotion reea.ltel in faTor of said ~uestion. I I I I I ~14erman Hall MoYe4,) Bielaen Seconded,) ROLL CALL: That the above resolution be a4opte4 ae rea4. Cullison qe, Bielaen qe, Hall Aye, Pearce qe, 6 £7ea, Bays Mayor so ordered. A14erman McCord Kove4,) KoCor4 qe, Smith qe, Bone, Pearce 8eoonde4, ) That the matter referre4 to ~he 8Uppl7 Committee With power to of purohaaaing fire hoee -· act. BOLL CALL: Cullison qe, llleleen qe, Ball qe, Pearce qe, 6 qea, B97a Bone, M97or ao or4ere4 •. Alderman Cullison Moved,) lloCor4 qe, 81llth qe, Bieleen ~econded,) That there being no before the Council, Council adJourn. further buianeaa to oo•e ROLL CALL: Cullison J.:3e, Bieleen Aye, Hall Aye, Pearce Aye, 6 ~es, Bate Mayor )eo ordered. Hone, KoCor4 qe, Smith qe, Klnutea of Regular Meeting of the City Council of the Clt7 of Inglewood, Colorado, this Kond~the 12th day of September,&·~32, atana approved aa .au(!...I thie t~ da7 of c , , A. D. 1932.