HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-12-12 (Regular) Meeting Minutes.aEGULAH UEETING OF THE CITY COU~CIL uF THE CITY OF ElJGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS ~OHDAY THE 12th DAY 0F DECEI.iB&.1, A.D. 1932. qor J.E.Abbott called the meeting to order and asked for roll call. • aoLL CAL?,: Cullison Present, Hi el sen Present, 5 Present, .r.&a¥or asked Clerk to read Uinu.tea. Hall Present, Pearce A.bsent, Absent 1, UoCord Present, $mith Present, Clerk read all Uinu.tes of .aegu.lar Ueeting of l~ovember, 14, 1932. Alderman Hielsen Moved,) Smith Seconded,) That all ~inu.tes read by the Clerk be approved as read. ROD. CALL: hllison qe, liielsen Aye, Hall Aye, Pearce Absent, 5 Ayes, Absent Uayor so ordered. U&Tor asked Clerk to read reports of Officers. McCord Aye, Smith Aye, l, Clerk read reports of Officers for the month of liovember. 614erman Hall uoved,) Cullison ~econded,) That all reports of Officers read by the Clerk be received and filed. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, il ielsen Aye, Hall A7e, UcCord Aye, Pearce Absent, ~mith Aye, 5 Ayes, Absent 1, Uayor so ordered. All Bills read by the Clerk and o.K'd by the b1 inance Committee. 11734 J.B.Abbott 11735 Lenora logle 11736 c.c.conant 11737 Jack Russell 117~8 Barl Hastings 11739 D.J.l.West 11740 L.N.Terrell 11741 £.G.Prather 11742 James Cullison 117-t3 C.J.l.Hall 117-t4 J.C.MoCor4 11745 U.~.Bielsen 11T46 L.N.Pearoe 117-t7 w.J.Smith,Jr. 11748 Bnglewood Public Library SALARY FUl~D Lio.yor Clerk Attorney Chief of Police Asst.Chief 'l'reasu.rer Police Magistrate Heal th CODlUl •. .Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman LIBRARY ~U•D LIGHT FUUD 11749 Colorado Central Power Co. Light & Power 11750 Jim Robinson 11751 C.Bladholm 11762 Vaughn Ledford 11763 Englewood Hardware Co. 11754 .Amerioan-L&lrance 11766 Hugh Graham 11766 Englewood Au.to ~u.pply 11767 UcDonnell Garage 11768 Kephart Battery 11769 Al H1 vely 11760 ~herwin-~illiams 11761 Perry-Jacobs 11 762 o.~. ilson 117'J3 jJ.L.Foss 11794 £merican*Lal'rance 11763 .!.~park.man 11764 c .1'. lfi t t 11765 Bnglewood Welfare Assn. 11766 Englewood leed & Coal 11767 a.B. urp~ 11768 Wise & Perguson 11769 Pikes Peak Gravel 11770 Al Hively 11771 Cherrylin leed 11772 I.if.Hunt l!1 IitE ~1 Ul D Day Driver Ni5ht & ~unday Uan .N ight Driver Jupplies Charges Bed Suppl ie~ ~u.ppl ies Battery .;iervice Gas,011 Paint Gas Laundry ~uppliea oOO' fire hose PUBLIC I !.iPRUV~~ 'f b'Ul~D Care dwnp .::>t. Comm. Labor Coal aepair ~ater wain Cement Gravel Gas Gas Parts • 10.00 125.00 33.331 150.00 140.00 75.00 26.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 1619.33 $126. 00 $375.84 $125.00 33.00 25.00 2.51 7.20 14.76 3.40 .62 2.00 8.24 5.30 l.88 3.12 1.01 460.00 1na.aa ~ 60.00 150.00 321. 75 10.00 16.80 26.32 6.60 7.22 26.76 5.60 1621.9! I I I I ·I I ( , .. 11773 L. I.Phillipa 11774 Hans ~ibbert 11775 Englewood Hardware 11776 Pete Anderson 11777 Jack aussell 11778 Earl Hastings 1177~ ~ise & Ferguson 11710 Hamilton Towel ~upply 11781 Englewood Herald 11782 llo.wit'Bin States T .&: T. Co. 11783 Board of Water Comm. 11784 General Electric 11786 Public ~ervice 11786 J.tV.Black 11787 Ralph Evans 11788 Cancelled 11789 c.c.conant 11790 ~thletic Assn. 11791 Al Hively 11792 E.Uartin ~rand 'l'otal Alderman a ccord ~oved,) Caretaker Deskman dupplles ~pecial ~ervices Gas Gas · Coal Towels Printing Phone »ervice Water rent Trafic lamps Gas Grades Gas & Oil Eppick suit Police Protection Gas Coal • 70.00 30.00 1.56 6.75 6.00 6.00 37.79 2.00 56.26 21.86 10.08 3.24 4.28 6.00 3.44 ~2.06 24.00 4.10 18.76 1341.13 $2796.28 Cullison ~econded,) That all bills by the Finance Committee be allowed. read by the Clerk and O.K'4 ROLL CALL: Cullison J.ye, Nielsen Aye, 5 Aye'd, Hall Aye, . Pearce ~bsent, Absent l, ~ayor so ordered. Alderman Pearce arrived at this time. Jim ilson, ~ecretary of the Fire Depart rn ent, presented of the Englewood Volunteer ?ire Departu1ent for the year the last regular meeting of the Department as follows: Edwin Bladholm Chief .Niel a:»umulers ~asistant Chief Everett urtgysen Captain .i.~o. I Jim Robinson Captain No. 2 Al Guthner Lieutenant .No• I L)'DD Uiller Lieutenant No. 2 Jim Wilson ~ecretary G&ie H.Sievers Treasurer V.L.Ballow Trllstee Henry Gentsch Trllstee Prank Evans 'l'rllstee •1 deru1an Hal 1 !Jl oved, ) 1JcCor4 Aye, Smith >.ye, the new officers 1~33, elected at • • Cullison ~econded,) That the lire Department be approved. new Officers elected by the aoLL CALL: Cullison Aye, lUelsen Aye, Hall Aye, Pearce Aye, 6 Ayes, lJays lJone, Uayor so ordered. McCord Aye, Smith i!ye, Geo.R.Ballard came before the Cow1cil as<ing that the Council refund to the Athletic 4a~ociation twenty-four dollars paid out by the~ for Police Protection on the Athletic liel d durine the aw nr ner games. •lderman liielsen ~oved,) Pearce .3econded, ) 'l'ha t a Warrant be drawn for the amoWJt stated. ao:u, CALL: Cullison Aye, liielsen "'Ye, 6 Ayes, 1iayor Alderman Cullison Moved,) Hall A.ye, .Pearce Aye, liays so ordered. lione, lioCord Aye, ~mith Aye, Bielsen ~econded,) That proposed ordinance No. 8eries ot 1932, "AU O.RDii.WCE AP.PROPnIATiliG ~UU.;, 103 ALL lJUlUCIPAL PURPO.,ES !1f THE CITY 01 EUGLEWOOD, COLORADO, FOR 'J.'HE .FISC..U, YEAR BEGI.U~IlJG JilUA."iY 1, 1933, AUD UDilllG DEcm.raBR 31, l ~33, cou~·.rITUTilHi ~•ILU' I~ 'l'Eili.IED THE AlHJUAL APPROPRIATION BILL IOR ~HE 1ISCAL YEA~ 1933," be introdllced and placed upon its second reading. ROLL CALL: Cullison qe, .Nielsen Aye, Hall ~ye, Pearce Aye, Ayes, l~ays ~ayor so ordered. Uone, accord Aye, Smith Aye, Clerk read proposed ordinance Uo. ~eries of 1~32, "All ORDI~AliCE APPROPRIATI.NG ... lo• au. MWllOll&l. ruaro••• Ill Tilh: CI'l'Y u~' E~ GLE IJOOD, COLOaADO, IOR THE 1IJCAL YEAlt BEGI ~W i ll G JAlJUA.iY 1, 1 ~3 ~, Al~D ~Dil~G DECE114BER 31, l ~33, CO.NSTITUTijG WIAI l• II*''' THE Ali~lUAl AP.PaJP~I~TI0 U 3ILL FOR THE ., !:)CAL Yll'~ l ~33, "· 1n full. Alderman Cullison Uoved,) Nielsen Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Serles of 1932, "AU Ol?DIN~CE JU'PllOPRIA'l'Il~G SU"LlS FO:.t ALL UUUICIPAL PORPO!IS IN THE CITY O• DGLEWOOD, COLORADO, F03 THE FISCAL YEAR BEGilHlI UG JAUUA3Y 1, 1933, .AUD BUDillG DECEL!BER 31, 1933, CO l LSTI'l'U'l'IHG ~YHAT I~ TElij!ED '.i1HE All.NUAL APPROPRIATION BILL 103 THE FI~CAL YF~ 1933, do now pass as ordinance uo.6, ~eries of 1932. aoLL CALL: Cullison Aye, Nielsen Aye, Hall Aye, .Pearce Aye, 6 Ayes, Nays Uayor So ordered. !~one, McCord Aye, Smith Aye, . Alderman Cullison Uoved,) liielsen Secon·ded,) That be 1 t resolved that Ordinance Ho. 6, Series of 1932, this day passed by the City Cowicil of the City of Englewood, Colorado, be published in the Englewood Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Englewood, Coloraao, as required by the 3tatutee of the 3tate of Colorado. aoLL CALL: Cullison Aye, llielsen Aye, 6 Hall Aye, Pearce Aye, Ayes, lJays Mayor so ordered. Alt•rman .Nielsen Moved,) Hone, JJcCord Aye, Smith Aye, Cullison deconded,) Th~t all City Employes receiving a salary of from ~50.00 to ~100.,00 receive a lO~o cut and all receiving over 100.00 per month receive ~ 15% cut effoctive January l, 1~33. aoLL C.ilL: Cullison Aye, Hall Aye, McCord A:ye, Nielsen Aye, Pearce Aye, dmith Aye, 6 Ayes, Nays .None. Mayor so ordered. ; I I .I I I