HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I RBCRJLUl 11BBTIBG1 OOUJICIL CHAMBERS Cift or aGLBWOOD, COLORADO JUBB S, 1961 Tb• City Council of th• City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, -t in regular ••••ion on Monday, June 5, 1961, in the Council Chamber•, City Ball, Bngl.wood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Kreilin9 preaiding called th• meeting to order and th• invoca- tion waa given by th• Rev. Stowell Sandmeyer of the Engl.wood Methodist Church. 'l'h• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following per80n• w.re pr•••nt1 eounci1-n1 Braun, Brownewell, Mile•, Martin, McLellan, Woods, J<reiling. Al80 pr•••nt1 City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaents llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared a quorum pr•••nt. 611-59 RBIA'fillG TO PUBLIC llBARIRG ON ZORillG or BYALL TRACT 'l'h• City Attorney reported that th• Byall hearing reacheduled for June 19th was called off due to the refusal of Dr. Byall to pay the cost• for auch hearing. Oouncil.llan Braun di•cu••ed th• minute• relating to the Council action in reache4ul- in9 the above hearing. Di•cu••ion ensued. COUllCIU-1'11 8UUll MOVBD, OOUJICILMAll WOODS SBCCBDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB MDIU'l'BS or llAY lST BB NIWl>SI> BY S'l'RD<IBG '1'BB RBPBRDCB TO A $40.00 COST POR POSTIBG AllD PU8LICA'fI09 mm PICM 'l'BB DISCUSSIOll AllD rRC»t '1'HB MO'l'IOll. Th• City Clerk co •nted that if the cost of the hearing was to be paid in advance of th• acheduling of that hearing, acme figure muat be established and that it was hi• opinion that the amount of $40.00 waa reaaonable aa an estimate and that th• actual cost would be used when known. Diacuasion ensued. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows1 Aye•s Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Bayas Bone. Abaent1 llone. Tb• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-2 MIIRft'BS or PREVIOUS MEETINGS COUllCIUIAll BRAUit MOVBD, OOUJICIUtAN WOODS SBOOHDBD, 'DIA'l' 'l'BB MillUTBS or 11AY lS'l' BB APPROVBD AS CORRBC'l'BD1 MAY lS'l'H AS WRI'l"l'BR, ARD MAY 26'1'B AS OORRBC'l'BD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote resulted as follow•: Aye•: Counci1-n Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Miles, BroWn9W811, Braun, Kreiling. Bayas llone. Abaent1 llone. Tb• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-.75 PUBLIC &BARING ON PROPOSED T ZOllB DISTRICT OOUllCIIMAll MILBS MOVBD, COUJICILMAN BROWNBWBLL SBOORDBD, 'l'BA'f 'l'BB PUBLIC BMRillG BB OPBllBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote resulted as followaa Ayea1 Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Bayas None. Abaent: None. Tb• llllyor declared th• motion carried. Tb• City Manager reviewed the intention of the proposed ... ndlDent to the Zoning Ordinance which would eatabli•h a new T zone and the application of thi• aone. Di•cu••ion enaued. 461 462 Minut•• of June 5, 1961 Th• Mayor aak .. if anyone pr•••nt might wi•h to be heard on thi• matter. There waa no one pr•••nt in the Council Chamber• on this matter. OOUllCILMAll BRAm1 MOVBD, OOUBCIIMAB llAR'l'IR SBOORDBD, TBA'!' '1'BB PUBLIC BBARillG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Aye•• Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Rayas Rone. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the ..,tion carried. Council.man Braun reported that there were some person• preaent intereated in the n.w diatrict although they did not wish to speak at the public hearing. 'l'h• advi•ability of acting on the matter at this time waa diacuaaed. COUllCIUIAll UAUB MOVBD, OOUllCILMAll MARTIN SBCORDBD, 'BIA'!' TBB Cift A'l'TORRft BB DIRBC!'BD '1'0 PRBPARB A BILL fOR AR ORDIRARCB 'l'O BS'l'ABLISB A PROPOSBD '1' DISft!CT A11D THAT TBB BILL SHOULD IRCLUDB All BMBRGBRCY CLAUSB SO 'l'llA'l' IT MAY BB AVAILABLB fOR De'l!DIATB APPLICATIOll. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•• Ay••• Council.lien Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, BrownM1ell, Braun, Kreiling. Rayas llone. Abaents llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-10 PUBLIC llBARillG 08 ISSUAllCB OF PAVIllG DISTRICT RO. 11 BORDS CDUllCIUIAll 8aAUll MOVBD, COUllCIUIAR WOODS SBOORDBD, THAT 'l'BB PUBLIC BBAR- ImG 88 OPlllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ay••• Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Bayas llone. Abaent: llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager atated that the bill for an Ordinance to iaaue $250,000.00 Special Iaprov ... nt Bond• for the construction of the Street Illprov ... nt• known a• Paving Diatrict Ro. 11 provided for a public hearing on the iaauance of tho•• bond•. lie atated that the public hearing had been advertiaed by the publicat i on in the Bill for an Ordinance. 'l'h• Mayor aaked if there wa• anyone preaent on thia matter. '!'here waa no one. OOUllCILMAll BRAUB MOVBD, OOUBCIIMAlf MCLELLAN SBCONDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'BB PUBLIC BBARI9G BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Raya: llone. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RBLATIBG TO CURB AllD GU'rtD IRSTALLATIOR IR 4800 BLOCK SOU'l'B SllBRMAR llr. Richard or .. ne, repreaenting variou• property owner• in the 4800 block of South Sherman Str .. t, di•cu••ed the propoaed inatallation of vertical curb portion• of Which are in place or Hollywood curb and gutter Which the property owner• deaire aa the type of curb to be inatalled in thi• block. Be ••t forth in conaiderabl• detail of the ori9inal contact with the City Mana9er•• office at Which time the r .. u••t waa made for Council hearin9 on the -tter. lie waa informed that the ... tin9 of Juae 5th would be timely. Within the period betwe9n tho•• date• conatruction of additional vertical curb waa undertaken and the policy ••tabli•hed for conatruction of vertical curb. lie atated that hi• client had a contract with a private contractor for th• inatallation of curb, gutter and aid.walk and that unle•• hi• contractor were enabled to complete the inatallation of the aid.walk, th• client "°uld not make payamnt. Diacuaaion enaued. Mr. Greene waa very critical of the laek of cooperation and coordination between the City Mana9er and th• City Bn9in .. r with the pending Council hearing on the matter. I I I I I I Minute• of June S, 1961 The City 11ana9er explained the need for a deadline for conatruction by pri•ate contractor• on portion• of th• improv•ent• to .be included in Pa•in9 Di•trict llo. 11. Be reaffirmed that the portion of curb and gutter and aid.walk under diacuaaion had been removed from the Pavin~ Diatrict contract aa havin9 bem completed by private contractor due to th• permit iaaued prior to th• de..Sline for auch conatruction by private contractor•. Di•cu•- aion •ned.with r99ard to th• need for adequate aidewalk on both aid•• of the •tr•t. llr •• and llr•. Steve Smocsyk, 4840 South Wherman Street, reported on .arioua con..reation• with •maber• of th• Bngineering Department who ••••d to contradict eaob other and at time• refuaed to provide grade• when requ••~. llr•. a.ocayk atated that ah• had requested the 36 foot •tr-t and no~ anythin9 ,••••· Diacuaaion enaued. 11r. Javi• s .. st. Clair, 4851 South Sherman Street, inquired about the location of the •tr••t drainage pan. The City .Manager diacuaaed the uae of concrete pan• to carry water aero•• a street and the transitional aectiona of curb, 9Qtter and aidewalk to allow a water flow across the aid.walk. OOmlCIUIAll WUll llOVSD, <XJUllCILMAll MAR'l'DI SBCOllDBD, TllA'l' '1'llB CITY MAllAGBR BS Dia8CTBD TO DPBDITS TllB U'l'ABLISBMDl'l' OP GRADBS l'OR SIDBWALK COllS'l'RUC'l'IOR I• '1'llS 4800 BLOCK OP SOU'fll SBDM..\11 S'l'RBBT SO 'l'BA'l' Al1Y PRIVATB CCB'l'RAC'l'ORS BAVIm S8CUllSD A PDMIT POa SID•ALK OR CURB ARD GUT'l'BR CX>BS'l'JlUC'l'IOB IR ADVA9CS OP TBS DMDLID POR SSCUllillG SUCH PBltMITS llAY PROCBBD WITH BIS 1IORK 1fI 1iiDU'1' PUltTllD DSLAY. The City Mana9er atated that he would have acted to clarify th• con- atruction atatua of thi• project and review aequenc• of event• with tho•• concerned in an effort to determine where the point of confuaion aro••· Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Xreilin9 • .. y•a llone. Absents llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611--~TI9G ft> DSLilfQUDT SPBCIAL ASSBSSMBN'l' TAXBS llr. Geor9e 8. Gilbert, 3626 south Bannock Street, diacuaaed hia parcl*ae of a Treaaurer'• Deed for th• General Tax•• on the South Sis' of Lot 8, Block 2, of Bngl.wood Bei9ht• Addition adjoining hi• lot upon which hi• reaidence i• constructed. Be atated that h• had purchaaed thi• land to make certain that the eave• of th• roof and any drainage 0% wa-.:from th-wculd not fall on hi• nei9hbor'• land. Be did not know at the time of the pur-ch••• of th• tax deed of the apecial a••••ament• outatanding on thi• property •• Be aaked if th• C6tLy Council could determine a value for the apecial aaaign- 11ent• so that the title could be cleared and yet the City receive aome value. 'l'h• City Clerk-Treaaurer reported that there were four a••••ament• involved a• followaa Batimated Original Current Amount Amount $ 22.38 $ 66.02 30.1396 47.40 sanitary S.wer Ito. 1 •••••••••••••••••• Water Min Ito. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• South Broadway paving ••••••••••••••••• Bersoq Sid.walk Diatrict •••••••••••••• 10.08 34.20 24.65 -84.93 $ 77.07 $232.55 Be reported that the f ir•t three of th••• district• are defaulted and ad- •iniatered under court order. The a•••••ment in the laat diatrict ia not under court order. The City Attorney stated that title could be cleared through a quiet title auit. Be auggeated to the Council the poaaibility that the intereat and penalti•• on tho•• a••••-nt• could be waived. Mr. Gilbert offered $20.00 or $25.00 aa a aettl-nt price. Councilman McLellan colllllented that he felt th• land was worth at least $77.07. Diacuaaion ensued. COUBCILMAIJ JICLBIJ·U MOVBD, COUBCILMAB MILBS SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT TBB MA'l"l'BR BB RBPBRRBD TO TBB Cift ATTORDY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as followas Aye•: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brown.well, Bra'1n, Kreilin9. Raya: lfone. Absent: lfone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 463 Minute• of June S, 1961 611-64 RBLATUG TO KD'1' SCHOOL AnlBXATICB Mr. Ken Hubbard, repreaenting Kent School, Inc., requeated that the City Council achedule a public hearing on the matter of it• zoning requeat in connection with the annexation ao that they may meet the legal deadline in thia annexation matter. '1'he City Attorney diacusaed th• need for some adjuataent in the normal procedure of the Council awaiting the Planning Cc taaion recca1 endation prior to acheduling a hearing by the Council and of the need for fiftHn daya ainimull publication. He auggeated that a Council hearing on the zonin9 be held on July 3rd after the Plannin9 cc taaion hearing which ia achedulea for June 22nd. Diacuaaion enaued with regard to th• July 3rd date. Councilman Martin clarified that Kent School did...JIQ~r91DOVe their annexation petition from conaideration, but -rely posle'J19!he propoaed hear in9 on the zoning before the Council. COUllCILMAIJ BROIGl...U. llOVSD, OOUllCIIllMl NUBS SBOOBDBD, 'l'BAT A PUBLIC llMllim H mg.n OR JULY JIU> AT 8100 P.M. AT '1'BB OOUllCIL CBAMBBRS IR '1'BB Clft BATJ. POR TBS PUJUI08S or CID98IDDillO '1'BB ZORIRG or 'l'llB KBllT SCBOOL nAC1' AllD 'l'llAT '1'llB PROPDft BS P08DD MID MOTICB PUBLISBBD AS RBQUIRBD n LAlfr TBS COST or SUCH P08Tim AllD PUBLISBIRG TO BB BOBB BY KD1'1' SalOOL., DIC. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Rayas llone. Abaenta llone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-91 RBLATillG TO MftllOPOLITAlf SALBS TAX DISTRICT Mr. Robert P. Downing, Bxecutiv• Director of the Bnglewood Chamber of Co erce, pr•••nted a reco ... ndation of the Chamber that the City of BnglMll'OOd enact a one per cent (l") aalea tax to be effective i""Mdiately following the ••tablialment of a Metropolitan Sale• Tax Diatrict by the vote of the people at a apecial election. Be apok• of the advantage• of having an ordinance paaaed in advance of th• election on the Diatrict Sale• Tax contin9ent upon a aucceaaful formation of the Diatrict. Be stated that the oppoaition to an Snglewood aale• tax would not ari•• if this waa part of a Diatrict. Diacuaaion enaued. 'l'h• City Attorney reported that he did not believe a conditional ordinance would be legal but an ordinance could be .,acted effective any date after election with the intent that the Council could repeal the ordinance before it became effective. 'l'h• Mayor aaked the City Attorney for an opinion on how an Bnglewood Alea tax could be enacted to ••t the auggeationa and recomendations of the Sn9l.wood ChUlber of cc ere• and that a tentative bill could be prepared. ~TiacJ TO POLIO CLINIC llr. Gil Martinea, repreaenting the Bnglewood Jayceea, apoke of National Polio ReCOCJDition Week and the project of the Junior Chamber of Co111Derce to provide a Polio Clinic in Sn9lewood. Be atated that injection• lllOuld be 9iven by a voluntHr for a charge of one dollar ($1.00). Any profits reaultincJ would CJO to the Polio rund. Injection• will be given on Priday, JuAe 16th, between 6130 and 8130 P.M. and Saturday, June 17th, 1:00 to 5100 P.M. Be requeated peraiaaion to park a trailer tor the aJ.ove purpoae at the 80uthw9at corner of the interaection of Girard Avenue and South Broadway. COUllCILr-\11 MILS& MOVSD, CDUllCILMAR MARTIN SBOOBDBD, 'l'llAT PBmlISSION BS GltAllftD 'l'O '1'llB JAYCDS 'l'O PMK A TltAILBR ON BROADWAY AT TBB SOU'l'BWBST ~ or '!BB I11Tmacr1mr or 80U'l'll BIOADWAY WI'l'B GIRARD AVBllUB AllD 'l'llAT A Sicm llAY BS P~SD O• TD &ID•ALK TO PROVIDB IRPORMATIOR AS TO !Ill POLIO I&DCl'IOllS D ADVAllCB OP TBB LOCATillQ OP 'l'llB TRAILBR AT 'l'BIS SIR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayeas Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling • .. ya1 llone. Abaent1 Rone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. RBIATIRG TO UTILITY BASIDIDl'.l' Mr. Barry carleno, repreaenting the Weatern Aspen Bxcelaior Manufac- turin9 Colllp••·located at th• corner of Weat Layton Avenue and South Peco• StrHt, atated that an utility eaa .... nt had been granted to the City by I I I I Minute• of June 5, 1961 llr. D. B. aoeaner, owner of th• company, but that the actual utility line• were not conatructed in the eaa-nt. Mr. carleno ahowed a sketch of the eaa ... nt and the location of the utility line• in length to that eaaement. llr. carleno explained that th• Bxcelaior COmpany wiahed to expand it• plant and that a correction of th• eaaement deacription would allow th .. to make more effective uH of their land. Di•cu••ion enaued. CDUllCIUIAll llILSS llOVBD, OOUllCIUIAll MARTI• SBCOllDBD, 'l'llA'l' ma Cift llAllAGD MID Cift A'l"IOJUlft as AU'l'llORIZBD TO llBGOTIATB IOR A ODRRBCl'BD .. __., IOR '1'118 WA'l'BR U'1'ILift LID IR TBB VICIBift OP WBS'l' IAY'IOB Avau--s MID M>U'iti PSCOS STRBBT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilaen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brown.,.11, Braun, 1treilin9. Bayas llone. Abaentz llone. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. RBCBSS The Mayor called a 15 minute rec••• until 10:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR The Mayor called the council to order at 10130 P.M. Upon the call of the roll, the following COuncilMn were preaent: Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Mile•, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreilin9. 'l'h• Mayor declared a quorum preaent •• 611-89 .AllDDl8ll'1' TO BLBCTRICAL CX>DB COuncilllan Braun reported that the Board of Examiner• for examination of electrician• ha• been working on the Blectrical Code for nearly 2 year•. lie atated that he had a propoaed ... ndment to the Blectrical Code at thi• tille which he wiahed to preaent to the Council for review by the City Attorney and drafting of a bill for an ordinance to the Council if deaired. Diacuaaion enaued. OOUllCIUl&ll 8ltAUll llOVSD, CX>UllCIUIAll MCLBI.r.g SBCOllDBD, 'l'BA'l' 'ftlB PROPOSBD MWIWIM'f '1'0 'iti8 SL&"l'RICAL ODDS BB RBPBRRBD '1'0 TBB Cift A'l"l'Oltllft 'l'O RBVIBW AllD IOR mArrim OP A BILL '1'0 aAC'l' '1'BB PROPOSm> AMBllDIBO'S. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayeaa COuncilaen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Milea, Brown.,.11, Braun, 1treilin9. •ay•a llone. Abaenta llone. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. 611-4 PaDCSSDimS OP 80AltD or ADJUS'DID'l' MID APPEALS MmIBGS OP APRIL 218'1' llAY 10'1'8, llAY 17'l'B 'l'h• Mayor -ked that the minute• be received and placed on file •• 611-6 PROCUDIBGS OP Cift PLAllllillG MD ZOBIBG COMMISSIOll llBB'l'IllQS OP MAYll'l'B ARD MAY 2S'l'B '!'he Mayor atated that aa the recoaaendation aet forth in the May 25th ainutea had been acted upon by the Council that the minute• be received and placed on file. 611-5 PROCBBDDIGS OP BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB COMMISSIODRS MBB'l'DfGS 01' MAY 16'1'8 Al1D MAY 2211D '1'he Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file • ... bottoll of pa9e for omaiaaion Inaet'tion 611-15 APPODl'l'llD'l' TO BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB CDUBCIUIAll WOODS llOVSD, OOUIJCIIllAll MCLBLLUJ SBCOllDSD, 'l'llA'l' BILL llOORB BB APPODl'l'BD TO TB8 VACAllCY O• 'l'BB BOARD OP CARBBR SDVICB CXllllISSIO- IOR A '!'SIM OP 6 YBAllS BllDIBG JUD 1, 1967. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ay••• Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Milea, Brown.well, Braun, 1treilin9. 611-3 PROCDDillGS OP PARKS UD RBCRBATIOH CCICMISSIOH MBB'l'IBG OP MAY 10'1'& Al1D lS'l'B 'l'h• Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 465 Minute• of June 5, 1961 Rayas llone. Ab•ent1 llone. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-82 am.A'l'DG TO POLIC--PAY PB'l'ITIORS Th• City Attorney read a letter dated May 23rd addr•••ed to the Mayor •• followa1 "JOSDB W •• BSCB Attorney and Counaelor at Law 303 Pirat ••tional Bank Building Bngl.wood, Colorado -- SUnaet 1-7212 May 23, 1961 The Honorable John c. Kreiling, Mayor and the City Council City of BnglM«>Od, Colorado Gentl-n: Purauant to refeaence to me on May 8, 1961, I have examined the petition• for an initiated ordinance, filed on behalf of member• of the Police Depart- lleftt, pertaining to th• aalari•• of th• members of said department. I have accepted th• count of the City Clerk'• Office of th• aignaturea, •bowing a total of 1897 aignaturea, of which they have rejected 393 for incorrect affidavit• and 4 for iaproper •ignaturea, leaving a net number of 1500. There were 4477 regiatered voters for the City election of llov.-ber 3, 1959. The laat preceding vote for governor waa 10,374. The petitions were filed with the City Clerk on May 8, 1961, requeating that th• Council enact the propoaed ordinance contained therein within not l••• than 30 days nor more than 60 day• from the date of filing of the petition•. The City Charter provide•, in the applicable part•, with referecnet to initiative and referendwa, in Article VI, Section 46, aa follows: "Sul:miaaiona --If the petition accompanying the propoaed ordinance i• aiqned by qualified elector• equal in nUllber to ten percent of the number regiatered to vote in the la•t general municipal election, and requests that auch propo•ed ordinance be aulaitted to the vote of the peop~e, the Council ahall either paaa aaid ordinance without alteration• within thirty day• after the petition i• filed, aubject to the refer- end .. , or call a apecial municipal election, unl••• a general or apecial municipal election i• to occur within ninety days thereafter. At such apecial or general municipal election the Council shall aublllit said proposed ordinance to a vote of the qualified elector• of the City ••••• " "Th• ballot upon which auch propoaed ordinance is submitted •hall •tat• briefly it• nature and •hall contain the words: 'Por the Ordinance• and 'Aqain•t th• Ordinance.• If a majority of the qualified elector• voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, th• •-shall thereupon, without futher publication, become an ordinance of the City immediately." It ahould be noted that th• petit i on• we2• not filed within 90 days of a general municipal election. 'ftle Cllaeter further provides that in the event th• Council doe• not paaa the ordinance, it shall call a special municipal election, but fail• to •tat• the time within which auch election •hall be called. In th• event the Charter i• •ilent on any •tter, Article XX of the State Con•titution pro- vide• that th• atate atatulea •hall govern. The applicable proviaion of the state atatute, quoting in part 70-1-17, CRS 1953, provides aa followa1 " ••••• If auch petition contain a request for a special election and i• signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least fifteen percent of the last preceding vote for governor, the ordinance, charter or charter amendment thereby proposed shall be passed by the legialativ• body, without amendment or change, within twenty days after such petition shall be filed, and if vetoed by the mayor shall be paaaed over his veto within ten I I I I I Minute• of June S, 1961 day• after auch veto, or auch legislative body ahall refer auch propoaed ordinance, charter or charter amendment, in the form petitioned for, to the qualified elector• at a apecial election which ahall be called within aaid thirty day• and held not l••• than aixty nor more than ninety day• afteer auch petition ia filed, unl••• a apecial election for aome other purpoae or a general election ia held within •aid period of tiae, in which caae auch propoaed ordinance, charter or charter ... ndment ahall be aubaitted to a vote at auch election ••••• • . In my opinion, the 20-day proviaion of the statute conflict• with the lo-day proviaion of the Charter aa to the paaaage of the ordinance, an4 the latter govern•, thia being a Mtter of local concern. In my opinion further, however, th• atatute permit• the holding of the election within a maxiaua of 90 day• after the petition• are filed aince the Charter ia ailent on this point. It i• noted that th• section• of the ordinance which the initiated petitMll propo-• to replace w.re repealed by Ordinance No. 3, Seri•• of 1961. In the event that the ordinance ia paaaed in the form propoaed by the initiated petition, it i• my opinion that it would replace the repealed proviaiona and that Ordinance llo •• 3, Seri•• of 1961, would be ineffective insofar aa it con- flict• with the proviaiona of the initiated ordinance. It is my conclusion frca the above that the City Council muat either enact the initiated ordinance in the form proposed not later than June 7, 1961, or muat call a apecial election, which shall be held on the propoaed ordinance not later than Auf)u•t 4, 1961. .nmt-· Reapectfully aubmitted, /s/ Joseph W. Bach City Attorney City of Englewood, Colorado lfhe City Clerk read a letter from theBnglewood Chamber of Commerce, written by Jtobert r. Downing, Bxecutiv• Manager, addreaaed to the Mayor dated llay 29, 1961 reco anding that the City Council refer the matter of the Police Pay Propoaal to the electorate for their deciaion, in full. 'lbe City Clerk read in full the following letter addr•••ed to the Mayor frOll John 8. Kr~ of the Board of car .. r Service COmmi••ioner• dated llay 3lat1 Honorable John c. Kreiling Mayor of Bngl.wood Sngl.wood, Colorado Dear Mayor Kreiling1 •11ay 31, 1961 Sncloaed i• the -terial requeated by Council at the m .. ting. held on llay 22, 1961. Table •A• i• the original table compiled by the career Service Board frOll approxiaate figures aa of the beginning of May. 'fable •a• i• one ..Se up frOll th• individual personnel record• and take• into account anniversary date• and normal incr ... nta. 'l'h••• figures are over and above the normal coats budgeted for 1962. The police figure• w.re ca11piled frOll a copy of the Initiated Ordinance. Also included are coat f igur•• for the propoaed 5" increaae for all employ .. • aa rece....nded by the Car .. r Service Board to become effective January 1, 1962. If any further explanation or clarification of the materials is neceaaary, the lloard will make itaelf available at any time deemed appropriate. Board of career Service Commissioner• /•/ John B. Kramer, Chairman~ Councilman Brown.well diacu••ed the matter of an initiating ordinance to ~ a section of an ordinance which had been repealed. 'l'h• City Attorney atated that he felt in auch a caae the initiated measure would carry prece- dence and ••tabliah itaelf in lieu of the repealed aection. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun aaked permiaaion to direct certain question• to the llana«Jer a• to certain pha••• of the circulation and financing of the petition• for the Polic-•n • • pay rai••. After discuasion the Mayor atated that auch quaation• did not •-to be pertinent at thia moment and would be taken up later at thi• -ting or at another m .. tin9 of theCouncil. 'l'h• City Clerk •UCJCJ••ted that the earlieat date upon which the election could be held in advance of th• deadline of August 4th was July 25th, due to th• fact that August lat i• a State holiday. 467 Minute• of June 5, 1961 council.an Wood• and Braun •poke for the election and requeated that the following re110lution be reads .!.l.!.Q~ U T.!.Q.! tf•DUS, a petition for an initiated ordinance waa filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, on May 8, 1961, relating to aalari•• and pay grad•• of mmaber• of the Police Department of •aid City, and waa pr•••nted to the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood on May 15, 1961, and referred to th• City Attorney for checking on the la•t named dater and, wacaus, th• City Attorney of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado, ha• ren- dered an opinion on •aid petition and the procedure• to be followed there- under, which waa received on June 5, 1961, by the aaid City Council: and, WRD.BAS, ••id City council find• and determine• that the deciaion on ••id initiated ordinance •bould be •ubaitted to th• qualified elector• of .. id City: .,., TBDSIOU, •• IT U80Lvm> BY TllB CITY' CX>UllCIL or '1'BB CI'l'!' or Bmt·•IDOD, OOIDllADO, thi• 5th day of June, 1961, that the Blection ec-tiailion of ••id City be and hereby i• directed to call a •pecial election on the initiated ordinance relatirMJ to the ••lari•• and pay grade• of -blr• of tJae Police Department of aaid City, which election •hall be held not later than Auquat 4, 1961. BB IT PURhiBll RBIOLVSD that the ••id initiated ordinance •hall be in th• following fora of aubaiaaion, •• provided in the petition for said initiated ordinances SVlllISSI08 !'he voting -chine• and paper ballot• for ••id election •hall carry the following designation, which •hall be the •u!ai••ion clau••s An initiated ordinance fixin9 the rate of pay and cl•••if ication according to the length of aervice within pay grade•, and providing allowance• for -rtain CJZ'Oup• of 9111ploy••• of the Englewood Police Departllent. POR 'ftlB ORDillMCB WDIST 'lllB ORDI8AllCB Approved and adopted thi• 5th day of June, 1961 A.D. ~L~~ (/--Mayor~ (jT OOUJICILllAll llARTI8 MOYm>VOOU8CIUIAl1 BRAUB SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'llB RBSOLU'l'I08 BB ADOPTBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote re•ulted •• followa: Aye•: Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brown.well, Brawi, Kr•iling. Bay•: Rone. Ab•ent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-62 RBLATDG TO SOU'1'll mGLDIOOD SAllITATIOB DISTRICT t'h• City Attorney reported that a date of Junel2th had been ••t with the South BncJlMR>Od Sanitation Di•trict at which time it would m•t with t.h• Bn4Jl.wood Water and S.wer Board, Bnglewood City Council, and other official• for the purpo•• of •i•cu••inq variou• infractions of the contract with the City of BnglMIOOd. The Mayor •tated that thi• aemned to be agreeable and the date a• •WJg••ted wa• acceptable. I I I I . ' Minutes of June 5, 1961 Introduced aa a bill ~ Councilman McLellan 611-10 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 15, SERIES OP 1961 All ORDillMICB AU'l'llORIZIRG THB ISSUARCB OP CITY OP BBGLBWIOOD, COLORADO, PAVZm DISTRICT ao. 11 BORDS MID PROVIDING POR '1'BB PA'!MBRT OP SAID 80111>8 Alm IllTBllBST TRDBOll. waa read for the ••cond time. COUllCIIMAll BROWllBWBLL MOVBD, OOURCILMAR WOODS SBOOllDBD, THAT ORDillAllCB 90. 15, SBRIBS OP 1961 BB FINALLY PASSED ARD ADOPTED OR SBCOllD RBADDJG AllD OltDDBD PUBLISBBD Ill PULL IR 'l'BB BNGLBWOOD HERALD Al1D BRTBIPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Mile~, Brown.well, Braun, Kreiling. Raya: Ilona. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Braun 611-43 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE N0 •. 16, SERIES OP 1961 All ORDillMCB APPROVING THE ANRBXATION OP THE PROPERTY BBRBIRAP'l'BR DBS- CIUBBD TO 'l'BB Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO, A!fD AmlBXIRG SAID DESCRIBBD PROPBRft' TO 'l'BB Cift' OP BllGLDfOOD, COLORADO, TO-WIT: ALL 'l'llAT PORTIOB OP SBC'l'IOR 8, 'IOWllEIP 5 SOU'l'll, RABGB 68 WBST OP THE 6TH PRIRCIPAL MBRIDIAll '!'BAT IS COR- TADISD IB 'l'BB l'OLLOWIRG DBSCRIBBD BOUllDARIES: BBGIDIRG AT THE llOR'l'BWBST CODD OP 'DIB 90RTllBAST QUARTER OP TBB SOU'l'BWBST QUARTBR OP TBB SOUTBBAST QUAa'1'D (• ...... SBll) OP SAID SBCTIC* 8: TBDICB ROR'l'B 99• &3' 50" BAST ALONG TBS 80U'l'B LID OP TllB RORTHWBST QUARTBR OP TBB SOU'l'BBAST QUARTBR (llW1-SBll) OP SAID SBCTIOR 8, 74.24 PBBT TO A POINT OR 'l'BB BAST LID OP SOU'l'B DBCATUll SftBft, WBICB PGDT IS '1'lB TRUB POIHT OP BBGIIDTDIG: TBBllCB PROM SAID TRUB PODIT OP BBGIDDIG, l!IORTll 7• 31' 10" BAST 1337.3 PBBT, MORB OR LBSS, TO A POIJft' o• TBB maTB LillB OP TllB SOUTHEAST QUARTBR (S .. ) OP SAID SBCTIOR 81 mmcB ac>RTB 99• 46' 40" BAST ALOllG SAID BORTH LIRB OP TllB 80U'l'llBAST QUUTD (&Bis) OP SAID SBCTIOR 8, 1026.0 PBBT: 'l'BBllCB 80U'l'B oo• 8' 00" &AST, 627.0 PBBT: TBBllCB SOUTH 99• 46' 40" WBST, 217.3 PBB'l': TBBllCB SOU'ftl . 00 • 04' 15" WBST 697.3 PBBT, MORB OR LBSS, TO TBB SOUTH LID OP TBB marn•AST QUMTBR OP 'l'BB SOU'l'BBAST QUARTER (RB\ SBll) OP SAID SBCTIOR 8: 'ftlmCB SOU'l'B 99• 43' 50" WBST ALOllG TBB SAID SOUTH LID OP 'BIB IJOR'ftlBNIT QUAnD OP '1'118 SOCJ'tH•MT QUARTBR (llalt S .. ) OP SAID SECTIOR 8, 984.3 PBBT, llOU OR LBS&, 10 '1'llB '!'RUB POIHT OP BBGIIDTIRG, ARAPAllOB oomrrr, COLORADO. waa read for the second time. cxnmc1U1AB MCLBLI.a.& MDVBD, comc1LMA11 MARTI& SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT ORDillAllCB mo. 16, SBRIBS OP 1961, BB a&SSBD OR SBCOllD AITD PillAL RBADIRG Al1D ORDBRBD PUBLI811WD IR PULL IR TBB BllGLmlOOD BBRALD AllD DTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Milea, Brown.well, Braun, Kreiling • .. ya: llone. AbHnts llone. Th• Mayor declared tht/-otion carried. Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Martin 611-43 BY AUTIK>RITY ORDillAllCB RO. 17, SBRIBS OP 1961 All ORDIJIAllCB APPROVIlfG THE AIDlBXATIOll OP TBB PROPDft' BBRBIRAPTBR DmlCllmsD TO TBB CI'l'I' OP mGLBWOOD, COLORADO, AllD ADBXIm SAID DBSCRIBBD Pa>PBRft TO 'l'BB CITY OP aOLBltOOD, OOLORADO, TO-WIT: ALL OP 'l'BAT POR'l'IC9 OP '1'BB llORllWBST QUARTD (llW's) OP SBCTIOll 8, TOWllSBIP 5 800'1"11, RAllGB 68 wmrf OP '1'BB 6TB PRillCIPAL JIDIDIAll THAT IS CX>llTADJBD DJ '1'BB POLLOWillG DBSCllIBSD BOUllDARIBS: BmI•IllG AT 'l'BB DJTBRSBC'l'IOll OP '1'BB CDTBR LID OP WB8T UllIOR AV•UB WITH TBB BAST LillB OP TllB RORTBWBST QUARTBR (..,.) OP SAXD SBCTIOlf 8, SAID POillT BEDIG OR 'l'BB PRBSDT CITY LIMITS OP TBB CITY 469 Minute• of June 5, 1961 o• mQLBMOOD, AllD BUllG ALSO 30.0 ran &ORTH OP TBS SOU'l'llBAST COIUIBR or SAID 90R'9f88T QUAftD (lftlla)r TllBRCB AIDRG TBS CBllTD LID OP DST UllIOR AVDOB ftlS POLLOWillO COURSBS1 SOUTH 99• 42' 15" WBST 225.71 PBft: 'l'llmCB AL09Q A TAllGDl'l' CORVB TO TBS RIGll'l' BAVDIG A RADIUlil OP 730.0 l'BBT, A CBl1'1'RAL AllGLB or 21• 55', All ARC LBllGTB OP 355.68 PBBT1 TBDCB IK>RTB 62• 22' 45" WBST 446.29 PDT: TBBllCB ALOllG A TAllGBRT CURVB TO TBB LBPT BAVIRG A RADIUS OP 214.0 rSBT, A CBR'l'RAL AmLB or 24• 51', Alf ARC LBllGTB OP 92.81 PBBT: 'IBDCB mam 97• 13' 45• WBST 156.86 ran TO TBB I&TBRSBCTIO& OP '1'BB cmTBR LDIB or WB8T UllIOR AVBllUB WI'l'll TBS CBlft'BR LD1B or SOUTH IRVDlG STRBBT: TBmCB ALOllG LAST SAID CBRTBR LI•B FROM A TAllGmT 'l'BAT BBARS llOR'l'B 02• 46' 15" MST ALOllG A CORVB TO '1'BB Larr BAVIllG A RADIUS or 175.0 Pan, A CBl1'1'RAL AJIGLB or 41• 55' 15", All ARC LDIGTB OP 128.05 PDT: TBmCB IK>RTB 39• 09' WBST 62.25 PBn1 TBBRCB ALOllG A TAllGDl'l' CURVB TO '1'BB RIGHT BAVIBG A RADIUS or 154.6 PSBT, A CalTRAL ABGLB or 39• 09', A& ARC LBBGTB OP 105.6 PBBT1 'l'llDICB llOR'IB 35.0 PBBT TO TBB SOU'l'BBAST CORllBR OP PLBASAllT VIBW SUBDIVISIOll: tllDCB DST ALOllG TBS SOU'l'll LID OP SAm PLBASAll'l' VIBW SUBDIVISIO& 1319.2 PDT TO TBB SOUTIDfBST COIUIBR OP SAID PLBASAHT VIBW SUBDIVISIOBJ m•c• 801l'l'B oo• 12' UST ALOllG TBB WBST LIBB OP SAm SUBDIVISIOR AllD ITS llORTBDLY PltOLOBGATIOB 674.1 PBBT TO TBB BORTBWBST CORBBR OP TBB SOU'l'BWBST QUARTBR OP TllB maiBWBST QUAllTBR ,.,. ..,., OP SAID SBC'm& 8, SAID POIBT BBillG ALSO Oii 'ftlB PRBSBllT cm LIMITS OP TBS CITr OP SHBRIDAB: TBB&CB ALOm TBB PRBSD1'1' -Cift LIMITS OP TBB CITY OP SBBRIDMI TBB POLLOWING COURSBS: BAST 1349.2 PDT TO TBB UST LIRB OP SOUTH . IRYDtG STRBBT: THBNCB llORTB ALOBG SAID BAST LID OP SOUTH IRVIRG STRBBT 60.0 PBBT TO TBB NORTBlfBST CORllBR OP LOT 25, BLOCK 48, CBll'l'DBIAL ACRBS BIGBTB PILIBG: TBDJCB BAST 554.4 PBB'l': tBmcB llOR'l'B 2 90 • 0 PDT: 'l'BB8CB BAST 7 35 • 0 PBBT TO TBB APORBSAID BAST LDIB or '1'BB llORmwa&T QUAR'l'BR <• > OP SBC'l'IOR 8: TBBRCB SOU'1'B ALOBG LAST DID UST LUB 227.9 PDT TO A PODIT OR 'l'BB PRBSBR'l' CITr LDII'l'S OP TBB CI'l'r OP aGLBMOOD1 1'BDCB COll'l'IllUill'l' SOUTH AIDBG SAID BAST LIBB 1417.1 PBB'l' TO TBB POift or BBGIIDII&G, ARAPAa>B cotnrrr, COLORADO. waa read for th• ••cond time. COURCIUIAll MARTIR MOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWNBWBLL SBCORDBD, THAT ORDIBABCB IK>. 17, SBRIBS OP 1961 BB PASSBD OB SBCOBD Al1D PIRAL U.ADI&G Al1D ORDBRBD PUBLISllBD IR PULL IN TBB DJGLmfOOD HBRALD DD DITBRPRISB. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayeas councilmen McLellan, Martin, Brownewell, Kreiling. Baya: COuncilmen Wooda, Milea, Braun. Abaent: Rone. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-75 RBLATING TO "T" ZORB DISTRICT Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR AH ORDIDllCB MDIDDIG ARTICLB IV OP ORDIRANCB HO. 45, SBRIBS OP 1955, AS MBMJ>a>, OP TBB ORDillAllCBS OP 'l'BB CITr OP ERGLBWOOD, COLORADO, JQJOWB AS '1'118 "ZORillO ORDillAllCB OP TBB CITr OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO," BY PROVID- mG IOR Alf ADDITIOllAL DISTRICT TO BB DBSIGNATBD AS "T" ('l'RANSITIOBAL DISTRICT), AllD DBCLARIBG Alf mtBRGBRcr. 1111BRBAS, purauant to ordinance, the City Planning and Zoning Colllllis- •ion of th• City of Bn9lM«>Od, Colorado, ha• duly held public hearing on a certain propoaed amendment to Ordinance No. 45, Serie• of 1955, as -nded, of the ordinance• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, known •• the "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado," and has made recc w.ndation of the adoption of an ordinance embodying said amendment: and, tBBRBAS, public notice baa been given of auch propoaed change in the zoning ordinance by one publication in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a n.wapaper of general circulation within th• City and the official new•- paper of th• City, at leaat fifteen (15) daya before the public hearing on auch change in the zoning ordinance, aa required by ordinance: and, WBBRBAS, public hearing was held purauant to the aforeaaid notice by the City Council of the City of Bngl9WOOd, Colorado, in the Council Chamber• of the City Ball, 3345 South Bannock Street, Bnglewood, Colorado, on the 5th day of June, A.D. 1961, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., at which hearing no peraon• appeared to protest or oppo•• th• propoaed change in the zoning ordinanc•1 and, WBBRBAS, the public nec•••ity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice• juatify the propoaed amendment to the zoning ordinance, aa herein6fter ••t forth1 IK>1f, 'l'BBRBIORB, BB IT O~IRBD BY THB CI'l'r OOUNCIL OP 'l'BB CI'l'r OP IBGLBt«>OD, COLORAD01 I I I I I I I Minute• of June 5, 1961 Section 1. Article IV of Ordinance No. 45, Seri•• of 1955, a• ... ndtd, of the ordinance• of th• City of Englewood, Colorado, known as the "ZOning Ordinance of the City of Englewood," i• hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section 17, providing for an additional di•trict to be deaignattd a• "T" (Tranaitional Di•trict), which •hall read as follows: "Stction 17. The following regulations shall apply in the "T" (Transitional Diatrict): "I DBSCRIPTIOR OP 'l'llB "T" (TRAHSITIONAL DISTRICT): Th• Transitional Di•trict i• designed to achieve •taltility of land use and land value through minimising the adver•• effect• of adjoining incompatible u•••· It ahould be applied only in sufficient aise to properly pe17form the above objective --that i• normally con•trued to mtan at l•••t one-half block in depth and one full block in length. "II USBS Ro building, atructure, or land shall be uaed and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally alttred, enlarged or maintaintd,·unle•• otherwi•e provided for in thi• ordinance, except for one or more of the following use•: A. P-Iftm PRDICIPAL USES (1) Any ust permitted in R-1 and R-2 zone Di•tricta. (2) Administrative and profeaaional offices, pro- vided that ntither mtrchandise is handled for sale nor merchandising strvic•• are rendered on the premi•••· txcept such as art incidental or acces80ry to th• principal use. (3) llurshing or rest banes (minimum lot area of 12,500 ~· fe1t1 100-foot frontag11 10- foot minimum aide yards for each side). (4) Permantnt txclusiv• facility for a 80cial club or fraternal organisation (miniaum lot ar .. of 12,500 square feet1 100-foot frontage1 10-foot minimum aide yard• each side). (5) Parks and playgrounds and employets' rtcreational area (6) Religious and educational inatitutions (minimum lot area of 12,500 aquare feet and 100-foot frontage). (7) Medical and dental and/or optical laboratories. (8) Off-strett parking lot•, provided that parking lot and residential uae not be allowed on the •amt site and that the surface be of a dust- fret mattrial. (9) Nursery achool•. (10) Boarding or rooming houaes. 8. ACCBSSORY USBS (1) Any uae which i• incidental to a use by right. "III RBGULATIC.S Witla the txctption of exiating building•, the following regulations shall apply: A. LAllD AllD BUILDillGS (1) MIRIMUM l'ROll'l' YARD SftBACIC SHALL BB 25 feet frOll the front lot line to the principal building and shall not be used for parking and shall be landscaped. (2) MIRDIUll RBAR YARD shall be 25 feet. (3) MillIMUM SIDB YARD SBTBACK from the lot line to a principal building shall be 5 feet (total 14 feet for both side•), unlt•• otherwi•• provided herein. (4) Unl••• othtrwi•• provided herein, MIRIMUM PROBTAGB OP LOT shall be 50 feet. (5) Unless otherwise provided herein, MIRIMUM ARM OP LOT shall be 6,000 9quare fMt. ( 6) MAXIMUM PDCDITAGE OF LOT COVBRAGB shall be 35%. ( 7) MAXIMUM BBIGBT OF BUIU>IRGS shall not exceed one (1) story, er 14 feet. 471 Minutes ot June 5, 1961 (8) MINIMUM PLOOR AREA --per dwelling 850 square teet; --per dwelling unit 750 square feet. "B. SCRDNINO All non-residential uses, when abutting an ex- isting residence or a residential district, shall provide and maintain along such abutting property line• the following minimal screening trom a point 25 teet back trom the front property line to the rear lot line: (1) (2) (3) An opaque butter strip ot trees and shrubs 1n a healthy growing cobdition, not leas than 5 teet in height, or An opaque fence of decorative type not lesa than 5 teet in height, or A aolid masonry wall not lesa then 5 teet in height. V&lla, screening or fencing within 15 feet ot any atreet intersection boundary shall not ex- ceed 3 feet 6 inches in height. C. SIONS (1) (2) (3) All aigna must relate only to buaineas conducted on the premises. No signs shall extend above or beyond the building wall• nor project more than one (1) toot troa the tront ot the structure. No advertising sign shall utilize any ex- posed artificial light globe or tubing or contain or utilize moving mechanical characteristics, or lighting features which tlaah, move, occult or V&l'J in intenait7. All aigna ahall be limited to no more than 6 aquare teet 1n size." ' Section 2. The City ot Englewood hereby finds and declares that th• ilmediate enactlllnt or thia ordinance is necessary to accomplish the purpoaea ot the Zoning Ordinance or the City of Englewood tor the preservation ot public property, health, peace and safety; that an e .. rgency exiata, and that thia ordinance ahall become effective 1J11Dediatel7 upon passage. Passed on Pirat Reading b7 the Cit1 Council ot the City of Engle- wood, Colorado, this 5th day or June, A.D. 1961, and ordered published in tull 1n the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. ~C.~ ATTEST: [T *i"7 C/ --- was read for time. Councilman Miles discussed minor changes in the ordinance from that pro- posed by the Planning C011Diaaion. Discussion ensued. COUMCIUlAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL POR AN ORDINANCE BB PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FOLL IR 'l'RE BNOLBVOOD HBRALD AND BN'l'ERPRISE. Upon the call ot the roll, the vot• re- sulted as tollowa: Ayes: Councilmen Woode, McLellan, Mart"in, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, JCreiling. Raya: None. Absent: None • The Ma7or declared the motion carried. I I I I I Minutes or June 5, 1961 611-24 APPEAL Pft(lll REZONING BY MRS. REF.ME COUNCIUUN BRAUN MOVED, COONCIUUN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT RECONSIDERATION ~ 'l'RB llA'rr&R OP RBZOlfil«I OP '1'RB RBDm TRACT Pft(J( R-1-B TO R-3-A BE RBMOVBD J'R(J( '1'BB TABLB AJG> RBlPBRRBD TO THE PLANNil«I CCMtISSION FOR ACTION IN LIGHT OP THE NEW TRAllSITIOllAL ZONE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: A7ea: Council•n Woode, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kre111ng. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-So RBLATINO TO C(lllPBNSATION FOR ELECTION JUDGES Introduced as a otlll by Councilman Woods A BILL Pm AN ORDINANCE AMDDINO ORDINANCE NO. 25, SERIF.s OF 1959, OP THE ORDINANCES OP THE CIT! OP BMOLEWOOD, COLORADO, RELATIRO TO THE RULES AND RF.OULATIONS IN RESPECT TO llURICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE CITY OP BNOLEWOOD, COLORADO, BY AMENDING SECTION 7 TllBREOF RBLA'l'IVK TO THE C(lllpENSATION OP JUDOBS OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. BB IT ORDAINBD BY THE CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITTYOF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 7 or Ordinance No. 25, Serie• or 1959, or the ordinances ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, ia hereby amended to read aa follows: "Section 7. Judges ot the municipal elections in the City of Englewood shall each receive •20.00 a day compensation tor their services aa such judges. The judges or elections shall select one or their number to deliver the election returns in accordance with the law, and that Judge ahall be paid tor the pertormnce or such service an additional awn or f2.00." Paaaed on First Reading by the City Council or the City or Englewood, Colorado, thia 5th day or June, A.D. 1961, and ordered publiahed in full in the BnsJ.ewood Herald and Enterprise. Paaaed on Final Reading by the City Council or the City or Englewood, Colorado, this 20th day or June, A.D. 1961, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Enterprise. Mayor ATTBS'l': waa read tor the tirat time. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCIUUN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL POR AN ORDIJWICB Bl PASSED ON PIRST RBADINO AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN POLL IN TRB BJIJLB- WO<I> HBRAJm AMD BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Counc1l•n Woods, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Maya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the mot1on ·carr1ed. 473 474 Minutes ot June 5. 1961 611-90 RBLATINO TO VIOLATIONS BUREAU Introduced aa a bill by Councilman McLellan A BILL Pm Alf CIU>IJIAlfCB AU'DIORIZIJfO THB JIJlfICIPAL JUDGE OF THE CI'l'f OP ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. TO BSTABLISB A VIOLATIONS BURBAU JPOR MISCELLANEOUS MINOR OPPBlfSBS AOAIHST TRI ORDIJWICBS OP SAID CITYJ TO DBSIORATB THE ORDINANC~ AND SBCTIOJIS OP ORDIJWfCBS POR VIOLATICllS OP WHICH PAYMBNT OP nm MAY BE ACCBPTBD BY SAID VIOLATIORS BURBAUJ TO BSTABLISR SCllBOOLBS OP nns Pcm SUCH VIOLATIONS; TO REMIT OR SUSPEND PIDS; ARD PROVIDD«I l'OR TRB DU'l'IBS THBRBOP. BE IT ORDAINED BY THI CI'l'f COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP EHOLEWOOD 1 COLORADO: Section 1. CREATION OF VIOLATIONS BUREAU (a) The Municipal Judge may eatabliah a violation• .bure~u to assist the court with the clerical work ot ordinance violations. The bureau shall be in charge ot such person or persona and shall be open on such days and during such hours as the Municipal Judge ... Y designate. Said bureau shall be operated in conjunction with the Trattic Violations Bureau established pursuant to Ordinance No. 39. Series ot 1957. aa ... nded. ot the ordinances or the City or Englewood. Colorado •. (b) The Municipal Judge. or Judges. who hear ordinance violations caaes ahall designate the ordinances and sections of ordinances of this municipality tor violation ot which p&J119nt of tines may be accepted by the bureau. and shall apecif)'. by suitable achedulea. the amount of such fines tor tirat. second or aubaequent often•••• provided such tines are within the limit• provides by law. and •hall turther apecity what number or such offenaea shall require an appearance before the Municipal Judge. (c) The Municipal Judge. or Judges. are herebi:~uthorized to suspend the payment ot any coats. or tine. or penalty assessed tor any violation ot any proviaion or an ordinance or section or an ordinance which has been designated as one tor violation or 11hiob ~~a.;t'Aolationa bureau may accept a tine. Section 2. WHBJf PERSONS CHARGED MAY ELECT TO APPEAR AT BUREAU OR BBPORB JUDGE (a) Any peraon charged with an ottense for which payment nay be made to the violation• bureau shall have the option ot: (1) Paying such tine within the time specified in the citation or notice of arrest at the violations bureau. upon entering a plea ot guilty and upon waiving an appearance in court; or. (2) Depositing any required lawful bail. and upon a plea ot not guilty shall be entitled to trial as authorized by law. (b) The paymnt ot a tine to aaid bureau shall be dee•d an acknowledge- .. nt or violation ot the designated ordinance. and the bureau. upon accepting the prescribed fine. shall issue a receipt to the violator acknowledging payment thereof. Section 3. OO'l'IBS OP VIOLATIONS BUREAU. The following duties are hereby illpoaed upon the violations bureau 1n reference to offenses for violations ot which the violations bureau ia authorized to accept fines~ (a) It shall accept tines. issue receipts. and represent in court such violators as are permitted and desire to plead guilty. waive court appearance, and give power ot attorney. (b) It shall receive and issue receipts for bail from the person who must. or wishes to be heard in court; enter the time of their appearance on the court docket; and notify the arresting officer and witnesses, if any, to be present. (c) It shall keep an easily accessible record or all violations of which each person has been guilty within the preceding twelve (12) months, whether such guilt was established in court or 1n the violations bureau. Section 4. VIOLATIONS JIJREAU TO KEEP RECORDS. The violations bureau shall keep records and submit sunaarized monthly reports to the City Council ot all notices and citations iaaued and arreata made tor violations or the ordinances ot this municipality, and of all the fines collected by the violations bui.au, and ot the final disposition or present status of every case or violation of the pro- viaions or said ordinances. Such records shall be so naintained as to show all types or violations and the totals or each. Said records shall be public records •. I I I I Minutes ot June 5, 1961 Section 5. ADDITIONAL DUTIES OP THE VIOLATIONS BUREAU. The violations bureau shall follow euch procedure• aa may be prescribed by the ordinances ot this municipality, or aa may be required by any laws of the State of Colorado. Passed on Pirat Reading ~l the City Council or the City of Englewood, Colo- rado, thia 5th day or June, A.D. 19bl, and ordered published in full in the Englewood H!rald !!!1 Enterprise. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this day or , A.D. 1961, and ordered published 1n tu11 In the BnglewoOd Rera1d and Ellterprlse. ~c.~·L .. ·, t7 Mii.ff . -T ATTBST: wae read tor the COUJfCILMAlf McI,BtJ.AN MOVED, COUJfCILMAN BROWHEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE BILL POR TRB PROPOSBD ORDINAlfCB BB PASSED ON PIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN PULL IN '1'BB BIOLKWOOD HERALD AND EN'l'ERPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted ae tollowa: Ayea: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RELATING TO SOPBR CASE The City Attorney reported that a value had been determined by the Court in the tter or securing a rilht-ot-way into the new Bear Creek Water Plant. He stated that the value had been aet at t4,850.oo plus $400.00 court coats for a total or $5,250.00. He stated that this waa nearly $4,ooo.oo more than an appraisal secured b y the City tor thia land. He stated that although the price was high he would not rec011mend an aepeal or the court decision. He requested that a check be dratted in th• AllOUJlt or f250.00, the dirterence between the deposit placed with the court and the ••rd. COUJfCillUN MARTIN MOVED, COUJfCILMAN McLEJJ.AN SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MARAOER BB AU'l'RORIZBD TO DRAW A CHBCJC TO 'l'HB DISTRICT COURT TO PAY THB ADDITIONAL AMOUMT OP $250.00 ABOVE OP THAT OP $5,000.00 DBPOSITED WITH THE COORT TO SECURE ADEQUATE RIOll'l'-OP-VAY TO TllB BEAR CREBIC PILTBR PLANT. Upon the call or the roll, the vote reaul ted as toll owe: Ayee: Councilmen Woode, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Maya: None. Absent: None • The Jlayor declared the motion carried •. 611-94 RELATING TO SEWER IN SCENIC VIEW The City Manager read a letter dated June 2, 1961, rrom Mr. RobertJ. Plynn, referring to an agreement dated April 1, 1957, with the Urban Land Development C0111PAny which provided that water and sewer facilities would be completed to the Southeast Quarter or the Southwest Quarter, Section 28, Towaehip 4 South, Range 68 Vest or the 6th Principal Meridian. The City Manager explained that the end ot the exieting eewer line waa 1,300 reet south of the property and that due to the depth required tor the line and earth conditions that he estimated $13,000.00 to $14,ooo.oo neceaeary to construct the line. Diecuasion ensued. The Mayor reco ... nded the ... tter be diacuaeed at the June 12th meeting or the Englewood ~ater and Sewer Board with the Council. 475 476 Minutes ot June 5, 1961 The City Manager atated the need tor money for the Northeast Englewood Relief Sewer Line which is turther dependent on the decision in the case ot the proposed annexation ot the XLZ land eati .. ted at $175,000.00 was necessary tor this proJect. Method• ot financing waa diacuaaed. No action was taken other than to diacuaa at the next Water and Sewer Board meeting. 611-29 RBLATIHO TO RBCODIPICATION OF ORDINANCES The City Attorney reported that Mr. John Banks who is working on the codifi- cation ot the Englewood ordinances had, through several different letters addressed to the City Attorne7, pointed out various conflicts and deticienciea of the Englewood ordinances and asked tor the City Attorney's opinion. The Cit7 Attorney suggested that the Cit1 Council give him th• authority to review these difterencea with Mr. Banke and other Cit1 otticiale it they are affected and not bring each one to the Cit1 Council at thi• ti.Jlle. The Mayor stated that he agreed with the policy as set out by the CityA£ttorney aa it follow• the intent or the codification procedures. 0'1'DR ATTORNEY MATTERS Th• City Attorney reported that the City or Englewood was successful in winning th• Ric• caae relatin& to conteated annexation in the southwest portion of the City. Be atated that at thi• tim it would be in order tor the City Engineer to prepare a description tor th• el1a1n&tion ot the portion ot the City of Englewood which now i• 1n the Littleton Pire Protection District in addition to the City roreexcluaion of that area troaa the district. Diacuaaion ensued. COUJfCIIllAlf BRAUM MOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWNBWBLL SECONDED, THAT THB CITY A'l'TOIUIBY BB DIRBCTBD 'l'O PROCDD TOWARD WI'l'lllltAWAL OP ANY ARBAS IN THE LIT'l'LB'l'OR l'IRB PRO- TBCTIOll DISTRICT OR 0'1ilBR ADAS ARDXBD IN SPECIAL DISTRICTS WHBN PROVIDBD WI'l'll A DBSCRIPTICll OP TBS TERRITORY SO IllCLUDBD BY THB CI'l'r BNOIDBR'S OJPJPICB. Upon the call or the roll, th• vote resulted aa tollowa: A7ea: Council•n Woode, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Na7a: None. Absent: None • The Ma7or declared the motion carried. 611-99 VACATIOlf RBPLAC:DCBNT FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE COUlfCILllAN MARTIN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT MR. JOB ATENCIO BE APPODTBD MUllICIPAL JUDOB JPOR THI TBRM OP THE VACATION OF JUDGE BODAN l'RCll JUD 19Tll 'l'RROOOH JULY 4'1'11 TO BB CCllPDSATBD IN THB AMOUMT OP $150. 00 POR THAT PERIOD. Upon ~· call or the roll, th• wote resulted as follows: Ayea: Council•n Woode, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. N&Ya: None. Absent: None. The Ma7or declared the motion carried. 'ftle City Attorney reported that one publication had been COlllPleted tor the Byall rezoning request prior to definite knowledge that he would not pay the coat ot auch a hearing. 611-100 RBLATINO TO COUNTY LIBRARY PROGRAM Council .. n Wood• diacuaaed th• need tor an indication or willingneee to accept the propoaal in principle that the county levy, a countr wide tax upon the property ot the count7, the proceeds ot which would be returned to those cities having a public library with the balance to be uaed tor county library purposes through contract• with those cities tor apecitic services tor non-city residents within those respective libraries. Diacuaaion ensued. COUllCILllAN BROWNBVBLL MOVBD, COUNCIIJUN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE CITY OP DOLB- WOOD DIDICATB ITS WILLDfONBSS TO JPAVORABLY CONSIDER THI CITY'S PARTICIPATION Ilf A COUlft'Y LIBRARY PLAN. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa: Ayea: Council•n Woode, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, 1Cre111ng •. Na7e: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I Minutes or June 5, 1961 611-51 RBLATINO TO SOU'l'lllATE SANITATION AOREIMBN'l' The CitJ Manager discussed the proposed Southgate Sanitation District Agreement which he had several queationa and c01111enta upon the wording or the agreement. The lta7or stated that thia wCNld alao be a matter to diacuaa with the Water and Sewer Board on June 12th. RB8IONATION OP PLANNING DIRECTOR The Cit1 Manager reported that llr. David Munns, Planning Director, had submitted his resignation ettect1ve June 30, 1961. Discussion ensued. 611-19 APPROVAL OP BILU, CLlm AND INVOICF.S FOR MAY, 1961 COUJICILllAN JlcI.JrJ.I.AJf llOVBD, COUllCIUUlf BROWNBWELL SECONDED, THAT 'l'HB BILLS, CLAIJe A1'D DVOICBS AS APPROVED BY TRI ACTDIJ CITY MANAGER AND LIS'l'BD BY TBB CITY CLIRI BB ALLOWBD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: A•es: Councilman Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling •. •1•1 None. Abaent: None. The 1ta1or declared the 110tion carried. MAYOR'S CHOICE Th• 1ta1or announted that he had appointed Chalmerse Parker, City representative to the DBDA. He stated that he waa planning to attend the first and third Thursday but will be unable to attend each Thursday's meetings. 'lb• 1ta7or inquired about the procedure which the Council wishes to have followed 1n appointing the Sale• Tax and Budget Comnittees. Discussion ensued. Counoil .. n Wood• and McLellan voiced their objections to the Citizens Budget COllll1ttee while Council ... n 1111•• apoke tavorably of the committee. The Mayor cOlllD8nted that the Salee Tax proceeda ot the Metropolitan District, if formed, should be b\adseted 1n the Capital Illprove .. nt portion of the budget and used to promote favor- able election on the diatrict. Discuasion ensued. '!be Jla7or stated that he would appoint a Capital Budget CoDDittee but not a workiq aMtpt COllll1ttee. He aaked that each Councilman have two persona 1n mind tor conaideration aa appointee• to auch a committee. Councilnan Martin re•rked that the Council 1• the beat budget cOlllaittee and the citizens committee is not necessary. The Jla7or announced the intention to have the Council meet with the Civil De- tenae Director at a Council meeting in the near tuture. COUNCIIMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN McJ.RJJ.AN SECONDED, THAT THE EXPENSES FOR JIUl.8 AT VARICXJS DDOIBR MDTillOS BB REIMBURSED BY THE CITY UP TO ARD INCLUDING ~ COUJICIIllBN ATTBNDINO SUCH MEBTINOS. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted •• tollowa: A7ea: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Na7s: None. Absent: None • 'ftle Jla7or declared the motion carried. ADJOURN COUNCIIIUJf McJ.BJ.I.AN MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNBD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: A7es: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Jfa7s: None. Absent: None. 'nle Jll.7or delcared the meeting adjoumed at 1:17 A.M. June 6, 1961. B. o. Beauaang City Clerk, Clerk of the Council. '477 The minute• of th• meetin9 of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado held on th• 5th day of June, 1961 A.D., stand approved aa written thia 3rd day of July, 1961 A.D.