HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-03 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JULY 3, 1961 REGULAR MEETil«l: The City Council or the City or Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on Monday, July 3, 1961, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Engle- wood, at the hour or 8:00 P.M. Mayor ICreiling presiding called the meeting to order and invocation was given by Councilman Martin. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call or the roll, the following persons were present: Councilmen: Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woode, Kreiling. Alao Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 612-2 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS COONCIIMAM BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 5TB, 19TH, 20TR AND JUNE 30, 1961, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braua, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, ICreiling. Maya: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-64 PUBLIC HEARING ON KENT SCHOOL ZONING Mr. JCen Hubbard, Counsel for Kent School; Mr. Hugh Catherwood, President; and Dr. Pree11&n, Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Kent School, Inc. appeared before the Council to present their ideas to the Council. The City Attorney stated that as the Planning Co1111iaaion had not recommended the requested zoning classification of the Kent School property and no appeal trom this decision has been made, that there would be no public hearing ae such. He atated that the Council may discuss the question or zoning for the Ken~ School site with the representatives, but that it would not represent a hearing. Kr. Catherwood, 128 Eudora Street, Denver, President ot the Board ot Trustees ot Kent School, Ino ~, a non-profit organization, spoke ot the background ot the re- queat ot the Kent Scbool Trustees tor annexation to Englewood and zoning as a c~rcial district·. He discuased eventual commercial development which would _ naturally reault from the intersection ot South University Boulevard with East R1111pden Avenue due to the high volume or traffic. He spoke turther that the c01111ercial zoning requested was baaed on this condition and the tact that the Engle- wood Zoning Ordinance presently would allow free development and operation ot the private school only in this classification. He stated that there was no intention nor had there been any intention or selling part or all or the school's property tor c01111erc1al development. He stated that one or the primary reasons tor the re- queat tor co11111ercial zoning was that or securing a better financial position and anticipating future condemnation or land at the intersection ot University and Hallpden tor an interchange. He spoke in considerable detail as to the plans for expanding the school and ita tac111tiea and the desire or the Board or Trustees for the property to be annexed to Inglewood. He stated that he would consider conanercial zoning with deed or other reatrictions. Discussion ensued as to the petition before the Council tor aimultaneoua annexation and zoning. The City Attorney stated that the present annexation request is for all intents and purposes null and void and that annex- ation would need to be sought at a later date after the requested zoning ot the property waa reconciled. The Mayor discuased various amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to provide tor changing uaes and new conditions and offered the possibility that some tutwte amend- nt might provide for the operation or a private school in a zone other than C-1 or buaineas district zone. Mr. Harold A. Peder spoke to the Council as to the legal status ot the appli- cation tor annexation. The Mayor discussed the procedure under simultaneous annex- ation and zoning whereby the petition or the Kent School Board or Trustees could not be acted upon within the period or go days aa required by State law. 503 504 Minute• or July 3, 1961 Mr. Peder apoke briefly of the policy of the City whereby whenever a devi- ation or exception to the Zoning Ordinance arises, the Zoning Ordinance is ... nded to .. et that particular objection or problem. He spoke for retaining the existing proviaiona of the Zoning Ordinance and not amending it to meet the whi .. or tho•• seeking special gains or interests. Discussion ensued. COUJICIUUlf BRAUM MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON TllB IU'l"tKR OP SIMULTANEOUS ANNEXATION AND C-1 ZONING OP THE ICEN'1' SCHOOL LARD BB CAJICBLBD IN VIEW OP THE PACT THAT THE ZONING WAS NOT RECOMMENDED TO THB COUNCIL BY THE PLAIOIINO CCIOCISSION AND THAT THE OFFICIALS OF THE KENT SCHOOL HAD NOT SOUGHT TO APPEAL THIS DECISION. Council .. n Woode and McLellan apoke against the motion as the7 desired to aee the ulti .. te annexation or the Kent School property to Englewood; thererore, were opposed to the 110tion which would indicate disapproval or the annexation. Dia- cuaaion ensued. Council ... n Braun explained that he had ... de the motion to clear the record and provide future request for annexation by Kent School. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Council .. n Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Kreiling. Na7a: Counc11 .. n Woods. Absent: Councilllllll Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-11 APPLICATION FOR 3.2 BEER LICENSE The City Clerk read an application for renewal of Fermented Malt Beverage ._ License (3.2 beer) by Big Top, Inc., dba 123 F.aat Belleview Avenue. He stated that the application aee .. d to be in order and a check in the amount of $25.00 aCCOlllP&llied it. ... Th• City Manager stated that there had been no adverse reports on the outlet. COUllCIUUN WOODS MOVED, COONCILMAN McLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION P<lt RBNBllAL OP TRB 3.22BE!R LICENSE BY BIG TOP, INC. BE GRANTBD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ana: Counc11 .. n Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. 11&711 None. Abaent: Counc1111&n Brownewell • . The Ma1or declared the 110tion carried. 611-'6 RELATING TO JUHIOR CHAMBER OP CaotERCE REQUEST POR LAND The City Clerk read the following letter from Colbert CUahing, Chairman Englewood Park• and Recreation Conaission, dated June 19, 1961, in full: 4100 So. Bannock Englewood, Colorado SUnaet l-'861 "Et«JLEWOOD RECREATION COUNCIL June 19, 1961 Englewood CitJ Council Attn: L. R. Rudd, City Manager Bn&J.ewood C1tJ Rall Englewood, Colorado Dear Mr. Rudd: Ernest "Packy" Romana Director of Recreation RECEIVED JUN 21 1961 CITY MANAGER'S OPPICE The queationa or facilities for the proposed Ja7cee Conmunity Building waa di1cuaaed at the meeting or the Englewood Parka & Recreation COlllliaaion laat Wednesday ni&ht. Pirat let me a&J that the COlllllisslon went on record as opposing the uae or any exiating park land for buildings proposed by civic groups. I aa sure that thl• substantiates the feeling of the Co1m1iasion that we muat protect our existing park facilities which are already inade- quate. I I I I Minutes ot July 3, 1961 While the co .. 11sion 11 sympathetic with the project outlined by the Jaycees and complillmlt them on their aggressive conaunity spirit, 1t was the op,1n1on ot the COllllliasion that the project as indicated was not high on the priority list in terms or the needs or the cc unity. A. review or exiating rac1lities or the size indicated b7 the propoeed cOlllllWlity building would show that there are avail- able tacil1tiea ot that size in our schools and several other buildings. It turther intol'll8tion on the action of the Commission or their ex- preea1on ot need ot such facilities is needed, I hope you will reel tree to call upon me. CC/eh " Very truly yours, /a/ Colbert E. Cushing COLBERT CUSHING, Chairman Englewood Parka & Recreation Comm. 'ftle Cit7 Manager atated that the Junior Chamber had intormat1on ot the text ot thia letter and aeked to be present at the July 17th meeting so that the7 could d1acuaa the .. tter turther at that time. Councilman McLellan re .. rked that, it the Cit7 provide• the site tor the Junior Chamber ot Commerce c01a1W11t7 building, that 1t would be a precedent tor other groups to approach the Council for aillilar requeata. 612-5 The Mayor asked that the letter be received and placed on tile. PROCBKDINOS OP BOARD OP CAREER SERVICE CCIOIISSIONBRS MEB'l'ING OP JUlfB 21, 1961 'ftle Cit7 Manager drew the Council's attention to actiona or the Career Service COllll1saion with regard to temporary and hourly employeea. The Mayor and Cit7 Clerk d1acuaaed the motion dealing with the charging for annual leave. Thia laat item appeared to be contrary to the ordinance dealing with Career Service. D1scuae1on ensued. COUNCIIMAN WOODS MOVED, COONCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT TRB MAYOR BE DIRECTED TO COlft'ACT TRB CAREER SERVICE BOARD FOR AN EXPLANATION OP THBIR ACTIONS DEALIIO WITH VACATION, TBMPORARY AND HOURLY EMPLOYEES, AND ESTABI,ISHMBNT OP PROBATIONARY PERIODS. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Na71: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-6 PROCEEDINGS OP CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OP JUMB 22, 1961 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 611-64 Reco ... ndation as to annexation and zoning ot Kent School land The City Clerk read the following reconanendation ot the City Planning and Zoning COlllliesion: "That the request ror simultaneous annexation and c-1 zone claes1tication ot the Kent School land be denied." The Mayor stated that this matter had been taken care ot before and waa in- tonational at this time. 612-12 RecOlmlendation against rezoning of an area to M-3 1nduatr1&1 The City Clerk read the following recommendation or the City Planning and Zoning COllll1asion: "That the application ror rezoning or an area bounded by South Tejon and South Pecos, Vest Ilitt and West Harvard to M-3 manufacturing be denied." The CitJ Manager stated that the hearing had been held, b~t the action was untavorable and no appeal had been received to date. Councilman Martin reported that the new M-3 district did not include certain restrictions that 1t should and included others that should not be included. Discussion ensued. 'ftMt Mayor aaked that the recommendation be received and placed on tile as an 1ntol'lll.t1onal matter. ,505 506 Minutes ot July 3, 1961 611-93 RELATING TO SHERIDAN SANITATION DISTRICT Council11&n Braun reviewed that he had questioned the ratio ot trailers to .... r tap1. Re aaeured the Council that he had investigated thie matter andd waa convinced that the 3 to 1 ratio was fair. Discussion ensued. The Cit7 Manager ca...nted that the papers seemed to be in order except tor the inclusion ot 19 additional tap• which required an amendment to the original agreement which provided tor 165 tape -163 being issued to date. Diacuseion ensued. The Cit7 Clerk read the revised recommendation or the Water and Sewer Board 1n tull as tollows: "That the tollowing described land be allowed to annex to Sheridan Sanitation District, by Supplemental Agreement, with a maximum ot nineteen sewer taps allowable, the City head tap tee to be baaed on three trailer spaces as equivalent to one residential sewer tap at $100.00 per tap: That part or the Northeast Quarter or Section 5, Townahip 5 South, Range 68 West or the 6th P.M., 110re particularly described aa: Beginning at a point which is 1165.3 teet North and 187 teet Baat or the Southwest corner or the Northeast Quarter or Section 5, thence running East 576.92 teet, thence North at right angles, 340.7 reet, thence Weat at right angles, 576.92 feet, thence South at right angles 340.7 reet to the point or beginning, containing 4.oo acres, more or lees. That part or the NEi or Sec. 5, T. 5 s., R. 68 w. ot the 6th P.M., Arapahoe County, State or Colo- rado, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the West line or the HEi or said Section 5, 841.8 1 , more or leas, North or the Southwest corner or said HEt, thence Easterly as the rence now stands, 763.92' to a point, thfnce North parallel to the West line or aaid NBt, 323.5'; thence Westerly 576.92•; thence North parallel to the West line or said NBt, 79.3' to a point; thence Westerly 187' to a point on the Vest line or said NEi; thence South along the Vest line or said NEt, 402.8 1 to the point or beginning, containing 6.o acres, more or leaa." COUllCILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN McLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE RECOllmN- DATIOlf OP '1'llB VA'1'BR AJfD SBVBR BOARD BE ACCEPTED WI'1'H '1'RB PROVISIOlf JPOR All>I'IIOK OP 19 TAPS TO THI ORIOIXAL AOREBllENT WITH THE SJIERII>AR SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 1. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: A7es: Council•n Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. Na7s : lone • Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Ma7or declared t he motion carried. Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Braun 611-89 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 22, SERIES OP 1961 AN ORDIIWfCB AllBNDilfO ORDINANCE NO. 2, SERIES OP 1953, OP THE ORDINANCES OP TRB CIT! OP BllOLBVOOD, COLORADO, DOWN AS THE "ELECTRICAL CODE", AND REPEALilfO ALL ORDIJWICBS Cit PARTS OP ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. waa read tor the .. cond ti•. COONCILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COONCIIMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 22, SBRIBS OP 1961, BB PASSBD ON SECOND AND PINAL READING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED Ilf PULL IN '1'HB DOLKVOOD lllRALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as tollows: A;yea: Counc11-n Braun, Mile•. Martin, McLellan. Wooda, ICreiling. Na7a: None. Absent: Counc1l•n Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I Minutes of July 3, 1961 611-92 RENEWAL OP MACLEE RADIO LEASE The City Attorney re~orted that the renewal lease for MacLee Radio, Inc. tower a1te consisting or 6 acres at the rental or $5.00 per acre was ready without turther option tor renewal. Discussion ensued. COONCIUIAJf BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT '1'HB MAYOR AND CITY CLBRIC BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIOK THE RENEWAL LEASE WITH MACLEE RADIO, INC. ON BBllALP OP TRB CITY. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council•n Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Council .. n Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY'S CHOICE Relati in Block 20. Evan- The City Attorney reported that the City Clerk-Treasurer had brought to hi• attention an old tax certificate which should be filed with the County 'lreaaurer with a request that a Treasurer'• Deed be issued for the alle7 in Block 20, Bvan- aton'a Broadway Heights. He stated that the total coat in th1• matter would be $25.00. COUNCIUIAJf McT,EtJ.AN MOVED, COUNCIUUN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTORllEY APPLY JPOR A TREASURER'S DEED ON TAX CERTIFICATE NO. 4o819 AND THAT THE CITY '1'RBASURBR ENTER A DRAPT POR $25.00 PROM THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ll'UND. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayea: Counc11 .. n Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, 1Cre1ling. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Jlayor declared the motion carried. Logsdon case The City Attorney reported that the Logsdon case involved a car accident at Logan and Ployd which caused $456.00 damage to a police car, $17.00 additional tor the .. d1cal expense and $16.00 for court oosts. He stated that this case had been set tor hear11:lg on July 2lat, but that the attorney for the defendant had offered an &llOUnt of $300.00 to the City in order to provide a settlement out of court. The City Attorney estimated the coat of prosecution would be $100.00 and rec011111ended that the $300.00 offer be accepted. Discussion ensued. COUlfCillCAM MARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT TllB RBCCIOllNDATION OP THE CITY ATTORNEY, THAT Alf OFJPER OP $300.00 BE ACCEPTED IN FULL SB'l'TL!MENT 01' THE LOGSDON CASE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Lease with School District No. 1 for Old Administration Building The City Attorney stated that he had received a standard lease rorm executed by the School Attorney on behalf of School District No. l and the City of Fnglewood for rental of the Old Administration Building for the sum of $150.00 quarterly. He diacuaaed the provisions of the lease, in particular the notice of termination after days by either party. Discussion ensued. The City· Attorney rec0111Bended that the clause be stricken entirely, subject to review by the School District Attorney. COONCIIllAN McLELLAN MOVED, COUNCII.HAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE LEASE BB APPROVED WI'l'll THE CANCELLATION CLAUSE STRICKEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woode, Kreiling. Maya: None. Abaent: Councilman Brownewell. The Ma1or declared the motion carried. 507 508 Minutes ot July 3, 1961 Ripple and Howe Case The City· Attorney reported that he and the City Manager had spent several days in the previous week in court in connection with the suit by Ripple and Howe, Engineers, against the City ot Englewood. He stated that the claim tor damages had been reduced from $210,000.00 to $10,000.00. Discussion ensued. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT ON CITY JXJMP The City Manager read the following report ot the City Engineer dated June 29th: TO: Mr. L. R. Rudd PRCll: Mr. W. O. Davies SUBJECT: "INTER-OFFICE MPJ40RANOOM SANITARY JXJMP DATE: June 29, 1961 Aa ot today, Thursday, June 29, I Just completed an inspection ot our dump. The entire road on Union is in a deplorable condition. I have taken the liberty to instruct Peter Kiewit Sona, due to the prox1111ty or their headquarters to our dump operation, to scarify and shape up Union, from Santa Fe to the dump gate entrance way, and after this ia completed, to apply light road oil. I have in- structed the• to do this 1Dlnediately or sooner as this roadway ia 1n deplorable condition. The Street Department as ot this morning, ia picking up all the litter, boards and debris along this whole street right-of-way. After reviewing the dump and looking over the balance or the available till area, it is quite possible we will be looking tor a new location at the end or this year, January 1, 1962. Aa you are well aware, we are at our wits' end to know where to move next. May I suggest that the members ot the City Council be made aware ot this situation. WOD/bb " /s/ w. o. Davies W. o. Davies, City Engineer 'ft'9 City Manager c0111ented on the extremely rapid tilling ot the dump site by the ever 1ncreaa1ng volum or trash per capita. He stated that he planned to ... t with City Jlanager Moore and a representative of the Count1 Comaiaaioners and an ott1c1al ot th• D.U. Research Foundation tor the purpose ot diacuaaing the traah atud7 under way and reviewing the current needs in light ot that stud1 which i• nearing CQllPletion. 'ftle Mayor agreed and instructed the Manager to establish the •eting as out- lined above. RBLATIMO TO STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY The City Manager reviewed that when the Martin Company had leased their site troa the City ot Englewood that there was a reQatre•nt tor relocating the state h1ghwa7. He stated that first the description ot the right-or-way waa not avail- able, but that now it was available and that the deed had been prepared which would be ottered to th• State Highway Department on the receipt or adequate deed troa the Jetteraon County COlllllissioners to the City of Englewood for land no longer uaed tor highway purposes. Discussion ensued. COURCILIWI WOODS MOVED, COONCIUUN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE MAYOR ARD CITY CLBRI BB AUTH<l'IZBD TO SION THE DEED FRCJll THE CITY OF E?«ILBVOOO TO TBB STA'l'B BIOBVAY DBPAJmlD'l' POR THI STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY ON WHICH THE PRBSD'l' BIOB- WAY IS LOCA'l'BD Ulf'l'IL THB RECEIPT OF A DEED FRCJil THE JEFFERSON COUM'l'Y CmlllISSIOllBRS VACATIJIJ TllB PORllBR HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY AT WHICH TIME THE FIRST DEED WILL BB RBI.lfASBD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayee: Council .. n Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I Minutes of July 3, 1961 APPOIN'DIEN'l' OF ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR The City Manager reported that Mrs. Dorothy Romans had been appointed Acting Planning Director until she had proved herself capable or a qualified person was secured. 612-9 APPROVAL OF BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICES POR MONTH OP JUD COUMCIUIAH WOODS MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE BILLS, CLAIMS AND DfVOICES AS APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER AND LISTED BY '1'llB CITY CLERK BE ~. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. MAYOR'S CHOICE The Mayor diacuaaed the next meeting of the Arapahoe Mayors Association to be held on July 6th. The Mayor discussed the coming election for Police pay. He stated that the rest or the pay schedule will need adjustment, if the initiated ordinance ia approved by the people. He discussed that nearly $100,000.00 more waa necessary tor the other employees' salaries. Discussion ensued. Councilll&Jl Braun diacusaed th• need to express the City's view on this matter and asked it expenditure ot Cit7 llDl\ey would be legal. The City Attorney stated that he felt it would be peNissible. Councilman McLellan spoke as not being favorable to increase in one depart- •nt over the others and stated that taxes must be raised or have leas Public Improve•nt Punds available. The City Manager stated that he had 1tell1zed the increase and had information available. He spoke of the effect of the increase on the budget ot the City. COUNCIUIAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIUUN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE MAYOR, CITY ATT<IUfBY ARD CITY CLBRJC BE AUTHORIZED TO DRAFT A LETTER OVER TBB SIOtfA'l'URE OP 'l'RB llAYOR AND COUlfCIIMEN TO BE MAILED TO ALL THE USERS OP WATER IN THE CITY OP BIGLDfOOD ON OR ABOUT JULY 17TH OR 18TH. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted aa tollowa: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Wood.a, Kreiling. Haya: None. Abaent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager discussed the use of shortened version of the letter aa an advertisement. RELATING TO KLZ STORM SEWER The Mayor discussed the disposition of the drainage water trom the KLZ site into Little Dry Creek. The diversion of water from Harvard Gulch area to Little Dr, Creek and its legal implication was discussed. No action waa taken. MEETING WITH CHAMBER OF CCJ4MERCE COMMITTEE The Mayor announced that there would be a meeting or the members of the City Council, Planning Coaaisaion and Annexation Conanittee of the Chamber ot Co1111erce on July 13th at the City Hall. AMERICAN MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION The Mayor read an invitation to the officials of the City or Englewood to attend the American Municipal Association Congress to be held in Seattle, Washing- ton, on August 26th through 30th. METROPOLITAN IMPROV!MENT DISTRICT The Mayor announced that the Sales Tax Conanittee of the Metropolitan Public Improvement District was meeting each Wednesday. ADJOURN COUNCIUIAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCIUUN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE AD- JCXJRJIED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: 509 510 Minutes ot July 3, 1961 Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Councilnan Brownewell. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. B. o. Beausang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council l 'l'h• ainut•• of the •••ting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 3rd day of July, 1961 A.O., stand approved as written this 7th day of Auguat, 1961, A.D. I