HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I RBOULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JULY 17, 1961 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on Monday, July 17, 1961, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Kreiling presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Reverend Allen B. Strong of the First Presbyterian Church. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following per- sona were present: Councilmen: Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Aleo Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: None • The Mayor declared a quorum present. RELATING TO JAYCEE POLIO CLINIC Mr. Lou1a Powell, representing the Englewood Junior Chamber or Commerce, re- quested that the organization be given permission to park a large trailer at the aouthweat corner or South Broadway and West Girard Avenue tor polio shot clinics on JPr1day and Saturday, July 21st and 22nd, and on Friday and Saturday, August 25th and 26th. He discussed the very excellent reception at the first clinic whereby $175.00 profit waa obtained, which upon the completipn of the polio clinic aeries would be turned over to the County Polio Foundation. COONCIIMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIUUN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE REQUESTED SPACE AT THE COIUIER OP SOUTH BROADWAY AND WEST GIRARD AVENUE BE PROVIDED ON JULY 21ST ARD 22Jm; ALSO, AUOUST 25TH AND 26TH FOR THE CONDUCTING OP A POLIO CLINIC AT THAT SITE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-86 REQUEST FOR A SITE FOR A JAYCEE BUILDING Mr. Louis Powell spoke with regard to the need of the Junior Chamber ot COllll8rce organization or a site tor their proposed building. He discussed the purposes to which this building would be placed and in considerable detail the advantages of the building to the community. Discussion ensued. The Mayor inquired if the Junior Chamber had talked with the Parka and Recreation Council or to the South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation District. Mr. Powell stated that he had talked with the School District and had not been auccess- tul at all in securing plans from that source under any condition and that the re- quest tor City land had been reviewed by the City Park and Recreation Council with a rec01111endation against such use. Councilman Brownewell suggested that a comaittee or the Council be appointed to investigate the need. Councilmen Woods and McLellan, members of the Parka and Recreation Council, explained in conaiderable detail the reason for the denial or any City-owned land presently used tor park purposes as a site for a collllllWlity building as proposed by the Jaycees. The City Attorney discussed in considerable detail that the sale or leasing or providing any use of City-owned land under contract would be subject to the favorable vote or the electors of the City. Mr. Powel~ remarked that the City was the only place left for securing such land. The Mayor suggested that the Jaycees approach the School Board again, as well aa the Recreation Council, for a possible recommendation to the Metropolitan Recreation District for their action. PROPOSAL POR NEW PARK LAND Mr. o. L. McBee, real estate salesman, spoke on behalf of Jim Jensen, the owner or a tract or land between Jason and Kalamath and Radcliff and the Denver City Ditch. Mr. McBee stated that this land was presently being platted, but 511 512 Minutes ot July 17, 1961 that it waa presently open and conaiated of nearly 3 acres. Some or the resi- dents 1n the neighborhood suggested that it might be better uaed for a park and not developed into home aitea. He stated that Mr. Jensen had set a price be- tween $27,500.00 and $32,500.00. Diacuasion ensued. The City Manager diacuased the need for park lands and the City's preference tor land that ia level for development aa park land and discussed the particular land as being 1.Jmlediately below Denver City Ditch and approximately one-third of this land has considerable elope. Diacusaion ensued. COUMCIUIAlf BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIUIAN McLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE MATTER BB RECEIVED AMI> REPERRBD TO THE PARKS AMD RECREATION CC1'1MISSION POR REVIEW OP THE PARK NDDS IN THE AREA AMD A RECCIOOOO>ATION AS TO THE POSSIBLE PURCHASE OP THE 2.74 ACRES PR(JIJ MR. JENSEN. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: Ayea: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and instructed the City Clerk to notify ·the Secretary or the Parka and Recreation Commission of this matter so that they could discuss it at their next meeting on July 18th. RELATING TO BUS STOP ON SOUTH UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD NEAR EAST DARTMOUTH AVENUE Mr. R. A. Graves, owner or the property on the corner of South University Boulevard and F.aat Dartmouth Avenue, reported his renters' strong objections to the stripcligravel imnediately between the curb and the paving on South University Boulevard. It ia 1n thia strip that the Denver Tramway busses discharge paaaengers, which action kicks up considerable duet during the evening ruah hours. He dis- cussed 1n considerable detail the reasons why this portion or South University Boulevard had not been paved and remarked on a Jurisdictional dispute 1n ettect between the county and the State Highway Department. Discussion ensued. Councilman Braun discussed the fact that this particular problem was not unique, that it was occurring and had occured in the past on various F.nglewood streets until those streets were improved through a paving district. Discussion ensued with regard to changing the location of the bus stop. COUHCIUUN MILES MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER CONSULT WITH THE COUNTY WITH R:mARD TO REPAVING SOUTH UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AMD THE PUBLIC UTILITY CCIOIISSION FOR A POSSIBLE CHANGE OP THE LOCATION OP THE BUS STOP AT SOUTH UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND EAST DARTMOUTH AVENUE TO ALLEVIN1'E MR. GRAVES' PROBLP>t. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RELATING TO RECEM'l' OVERFLOWING OP DENVER CITY DITCH Mr. Don Perry, 4260 South Inca, spoke to the Council on behalf of the residents ot approximately a four-block area, which was flooded by a recent break 1n the Denver City Ditch. He reported that numerous houses had received flooded basements aa a result or the overflowing, as well as others having silt and debris left on their lawns by the overflowing. Discussion ensued as to the cause of the flooding. Councilman McLellan stated that he had met with residents and owners ot the property 1n the area and reported that his own opinion was that the capital Im- provement District would provide financing for a storm sewer system in F.nglewood and 1n that ai,a 1n particular. Discussion ensued. It was brought out that the ditch ia not being taken care of and that irrigation water in the ditch is not being turned otf at the time or a storm when run-orr also enters the ditch and leads to overflowing in areas such as exist in the 4100 and 4200 blocks South Inca. Discussion ensued. COUMCIIMAN McLEJ.IAN MOVED, COONCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE DENVER WATER BOARD BE CONTACTED WITH REGARD TO THE CLEANING OUT OP THE DENVER CITY DITCH CHAHMEL TO REOOCB THE POSSIBILITY OP OVERFLOWING. The City Manager with the ad- vice ot the City Attorney was directed to make this request. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I Minutes of July 17, 1961 Mr. John Fattor, 4120 South Inca, reported that he learned this evening that the 4300 block South Jason was also being flooded. Councilman Braun reported that this particular area was in the natural drain course through that area and upon any heavy flow ot water due to storms undoubtedly they would experience difficulties. Councilman Brownewell stated that the City needs a storm drainage program. Dis- cussion ensued with the Mayor reviewing the effect of the motion made, calling tor the cleaning ot the Denver City Ditch. PRESENTATION OF STORM DRAINAGE REPORT Mr. Harold Hoskins, Engineer, who had undertaken a study on behalf ot the City ot Englewood and pursuant to an application by the City for a Federal Grant which will provide tor a cost ot the study, presented the study in its final form. He discussed different phases of the study in considerable detail with the Council and stated that the total drainage projects anticipated by the study would amount to $4,285,000.00 of which approximately $900,000.00 would be available in Federal Aid. Discussion ensued in detail with regard to the various provisions of the plan. The Mayor suggested a meeting of the Council with the Planning and Zoning Commission for a detailed study or the proposal and establishing a recommended schedule of construction of the various improvements outlined. The City Manager discussed the outline of the report and emphasized that it completed the task assigned to Harold Hoskins and Associates, Engineers, with regard to the Federal authorized study. He read a resolution indicating this acceptance and the compliance ot the report with the needs of the City of Englewood as follows: "RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Englewood, Colorado, accepted an otter from the United States Government for an advance tor preparation of planniilg documents pertaining to a public work described as storm drainage and flood control facilities; and WHEREAS, Harold Hoskins and Associates was engaged to prepare the planning documents tor the aforesaid public work, and said architect and/or engineer has completed the documents and submitted them tor approval; and WHEREAS, the completed planning documents have been carefully studied and are considered to comprise adequate planning or the public work essential to the community and within the financial ability of the City of Englewood, Colorado, to construct; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City or Englewood, Colorado, the governing body of said applicant, that the Planning documents submitted by Harold Hoskins and Associates aa the basis tor detailed planning of the storm drainage and flood control facilities dated July 17, 1961, in connection with Housing and Home Finance Agency Project No. P-COL0-3018 be and the same are hereby approved; and that certified copies of this resolution be tiled with the Housing and Home Finance Agency." ---------- "CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, (herein called the "applicant") and the keeper or the records of the applicant, including the Journal ot Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Engle- wood, Colorado, (herein called the "governing body"), do hereby certify: 1. That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy ot the resolution as finally adopted at a meeting ot the governing body on the 17th day of July, 1961, and duly recorded in my office; • 2. That aaid meeting was duly convened and held in all re- spects 1n accordance with law and to the extent required by law due and proper notice or such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally autticient number or members or the governing body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption or said resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings under the law incident to the proper adoption or paaaage of said resolution, including publication, it required, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to execute this certificate; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day or July, 1961. SEAL /s/ B. O. Beausang City Clerk" 513 514 Minutes ot July 17, 1961 He then stated that this standard resolution prepared by the Federal Govern- ment would be altered to indicate that acceptance of the report did not co11111t the City to the projects as outlined in the report nor to completion ot those projects within any particular period of time. COUHCII.llAN WOODS MOVED 1 COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED 1 THAT THE ENGINEERING RBPORT OP HAROLD HOSKINS AND ASSOCIATE ENGINEERS ON THE STORM DRAINAGE STUDY POR 'l'HB CITY OF Et«lLEWOOD 1 COLORAD0 1 BE RECEIVED AND THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan1 Miles, Woods1 Kreil1ng. Nays: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 10:40 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order at 10:50 P.M. Upon the call or the roll 1 the following members were present: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles 1 Woods, Kreil1ng. The Mayor declared a quorum present. RELATING TO LOCAL LIQUOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ~e City Clerk stated that Mr. Carl Swift, State Liquor En~arcement Otticer1 had been 1n contact with him with regard to various minor infractions of the Liquor Code and Health Code on the part of Mr. Jasper Jones dba Horse Car Bar. He discussed in some detail the nat\1119 of these violations and that while they did not call tor a sUlllllary revocation of the license, he expressed the view that a hearing should be called by the Council at which time Mr. Jones could be in- formed otticially or these various infractions on this part. Discussion ensued. The Mayor asked the City Clerk to contact the Liquor F.nforcement Officer with regard to receiving a written statement of these various violations so that the Council could determine what action would be proper. 611-94 CONSIDERATION OP BIDS POR SANITARY SEWER ALONG COLORADO SOUTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY The City Manager reported that bids had been received at 2:00 P.M.1 July 17, 1961 1 on the construction or a 15-inch sanitary sewer trunk line along the west right-or-way line or the Colorado Southern Railroad from West Bates Avenue ex- tended to West Yale Avenue extended. He stated that the results of the bid were as follows: B. & S. Constructors Herrick Construction Company Pascal Construction Company Pipelines, Inc. $141972.00 251552.00 18,270.00 13,824.00 He recommended that the low bid by Pipelines, Inc. be accepted. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED 1 CCXJNCILMAN MILES SECONDED 1 THAT THE LOW BID OF PIPELIDS 1 INC. IN THE AMCXJNT OP $13,824.00 BE ACCEPTED AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLBRK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Upon the call ot the roll 1 the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods1 Kre111ng. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I .. Minutes of July 17, 1961 612-14 FOR WATER MAIN TUBE UNDER DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RAILROAD The City Manager reported that bids had been received on a length of tube 24 inches in diameter installed under the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad in connection with the installation of a 14 inch cast iron water pipe in West Oxford Avenue. The results or the bids were as follows: Armoo, Hardesty Division c. V. Miller Company $1,786.05 1,665.00 The City Manager stated that acceptance of the low bid had been recommended by Dale Rea, Engineers, and Harold Babcock, Utility Director. COOMCILMAN McI.EJJ.AN MOVED, COONCIIMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE LOW BID OP 'l'llB C. V. MIJJ.Eft CCllPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF fl, 665. 00 BE ACCEPTED AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT ON BEHALF OP THE CITY. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager stated that he had available the forms for the crossing under the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad and recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN MARTIN MOVED, COOMCIIMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT AUTHORITY BE GRANTED TO THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC TO SIGN THE PERMIT AGREEMENT WITH THE DENVER AND RIO ORAMDE RAILROAD COMPANY POR A PIPELINE CROSSING UNDER THAT RAILROAD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-91 REI.ATINO TO PROPOSED METROPOLITAN SALES TAX The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Edward T. Paca, 4306 South Washington Street, Englewood, opposing the ~ Sales Tax. COONCIIlllN MARTIN MOVED, COONCIIMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE LETTER BE RE- CEIVED AND PILED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, flaartin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreil1ng. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-31 RESOLUTION RELATING TO DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT The City Clerk read the following resolution, passed by the Englewood Cbamber ot Coanerce Board of Directors: "July 12, 1961 The Board of Directors of the Englewood Chamber of Conaerce wholeheartedly supports and endorses the proposal encompassed in the plan to extend and improve South Cherokee Street between Floyd Avenue and the south bank of Little Dry Creek including a bridge over Little Dry Creek, the reconstruction and improve- ment ot South Sher!M.n Street between Floyd Avenue and Fast Jefferson Avenue (State Highway No. 70), and the necessary im- provements and additions of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, lights, etc. in these two areas. The Board of Directors or the Engle- wood Chamber or Conaerce suggests that the most feasible approach would be tor the Englewood City Council to ' initiate a Special Improvement District to see that the necessary improvements for the redevelop,ment or downtown Englewood be accomplished as quickly as possible. ' 515 5_16 Minutes ot July 17, 1961 The City Manager reviewed the proposed relocating of Little Dry Creek channel 1n connection with the Harold Hoskins Drainage Study and suggested that no 1m- prove11enta be made in connection with the proposed opening ot South Cherokee Street which conflicted with this proposal. COONCILMAN MARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE RBCBivKD AND PLACED ON FILE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and stated that after preliminary steps have been completed toward the formation of the district, that the City will consider formation ot the district. 611-82 RESOWTION PR<»l CHAMBER OF CCM1ERCE ON PROPOSED POLICE PAY ORDINANCE The City Clerk read the following resolution from the Englewood Chamber or C01111erce, adopted on July 11, 1961: "WHEREAS, All city employees are entitled to equitable compensation comnensurate with similar work, experience, and responsibilities elsewhere; and, WHBRBAS, The Englewood career Service was created by ordinance pur- suant to the City's Home Rule Charter to determine and establish equitable pay scales and increases for all city employees; and, WHEREAS, Special elections petitioned by any group ot Englewood city employees can seriously undermine provisions ot the Englewood City Charter and set a precedent for continued costly and inequitable action by other employee groups; and, WHEREAS, The pro~osed special plan would provide affected employees with as much as f2,450.00 annual increase and very few with as little as $500.00 annual increase in addition to those increases already provided; and, WRBRBAS, Such raises would require an inunediate increase of .87 ilii ln general tax levy; now, therefore, Be it Reaolved, That the Board of Directors of the Englewood Chamber ot Co1111erce orpoae the passage of the proposed Police-pay increase at the specia city election on July 25, 1961." COONCIIllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIU4AN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE CHAMBER OP c,-e1..-1-w-cB RESOWTIOH BE RECEIVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Hays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-5 PROCEEDIHOS OP BOARD OP CAREER SERVICE COMMISSIONERS ME!ll'INO OP JULY 12, 1961 612-15 Relating to method of charging for annual leave The City Clerk read the following reconunending of the Board or career Service COlllliaaioners in full: "The matter was thoroughly discussed. The motion was made, seconded and carried that: The career Service Board recommend that the City Council amend Article VI, Section 1, Sub-paragraph "c" ot Ordinance No. 2, Series ot 1961, to read as toll ows: c • How Charged, Annual Lea.ve ahall be charged trom the first day of absence from work that is regularly scheduled to the date or return to work on a calendar day basis excluding holida7s." The Mayor reviewed that the City Council spent considerable length ot time 1n working out an equitable means for charging annual leave which would be tair to all the employee• and that sub-paragraph (c) Section 1, Article VI sets forth their intention with regard to the charging of annual leave and that the 18 d.&7 allowance was established so that a two-week vacation would be assured. I I I I Minutes or July 17, 1961 The CitJ Clerk discussed various a1tuat1ons that had arisen in this regard and h1a policy 1n those i.-.ttera. COUJfCILMAM McLKTJ.Q MOVED, CClJNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE RECCllMBNDATION OJP TllB CARBBR SBRVICB C<MCISSION BE DENIED AND THAT THE DETERMINATION OF THE COOllCIL Df 'l'llIS RBOARD IS THAT THB 18 DAYS ANNUAL LEAVE ALLOWED EACH EMPLOYEE BACH YEAR SHALL BE CHARGED PR<* THE LAST DAY OF WORK UNTIL TH! RETURN OF THAT BllPLO!EB TO WORK. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayea: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woode, Kreiling. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Relating to probationary period The City Manager diacuaaed the changing or the probation&r)' period tor em- ployees earning more than $350.00 per month by the career service Board. He dia- cuaaed the provisions of the ordinance in this regard. The City Clerk reported a conversation where it was indicated that the career service Coaniaaion expected the Council to secure a legal opinion or their authority 1n thia regard, but until this opinion was forthcoming, they would con- tinue aa they had eatabliahed by its motion. Discussion ensued. COUJfCILMAN McLELLAH MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTOJUfBY BB DIRECTED TO RBVIBW THE CARBBR SERVICE ORDINANCE AND ESTABLISH THE CARBBR SBRVICE cmllISSION' s AU'l'RORITY TO EXTBND THB PROBATIONARY PERIOD OF AN BMPLOYBE UNDER CARBlll SERVICE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Counc1l•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Maya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-6 PROCEBDIMOS OP CITY PLANNIMJ AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 29, 1961 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and place on file. 612-4 612-7 PROCEEDINGS OP BOARD OF ADJUS'DmN'I' AND APPEALS MEE'l'IHOS OF JUNE 14TH ARD 20TH The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. PROCEEDINGS OP WATER AND SEWER BOARD MEETING JULY 10, 1961 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. The City Attorney alerted the City Council to the need for continual vigilance with regard to the reaidental development or the area surrounding the Englewood dall aite. He stated that service or water to this area ia one ot the meana that Englewood has to secure its right-of-way or easements to the dam. 612-16 Reconaending purchase or raw water reservoir land The City Clerk read the following recommendation or the Englewood Water and Sewer Board 1n full: "That Mr. Shivers, Water and Sewer Board Consultant, be authorized to negotiate further with Mr. Keith Talley tor the purchase or Lota 27 and 28, Plum Valley Subdivision, along with the well located thereon at a price not to exceed $17,000.00." COUJfCILMAN BROWNEWELL MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE RECCJMBNDATION Bl ADOPTED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Haya: Hoae. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 517 Minutes or July 17, 1961 612-10 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Councilman ~c requested that it be entered into the record that with re- gard to the Street Division report that apparently the Street Sweeping crews were Joyriding when the amount or debris picked up 1s compared with the number of miles that the sweepers traveled during the period under consideration. Dis- cussion ensued as to the need for establishing a cleaning program and marking appropriate streets for cleaning on a schedule. There was no action on this matter. COUJfCILMAH McT.gx.rAN MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THB MUHICIPAL COURT QUARTERLY REP<ltT, POLICE LIQUOR OUTLET QUARTERLY REPORT, FIRE DBPAR'D021l' QUARTERLY REPORT, TRAPPIC DIVISION QUARTERLY REPORT, STREET DIVISION QUARTERLY RBPml', POLICE DEPAMMBR'l' QUARTERLY REPORT, BUILDING INSPECTION SDII-AlOOJAL REPORT, AlfD TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE BE RECEIVED AlfD PLACED ON FILE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Maya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 602-29 RELATING TO APPOIN'l'MEN'l' OF CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO INTER-COUNTY RBOIORAL PLANNING COMMISSION COUllCIUIAN MARTIN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE SELECTION OP A RBPRBSBNTATIVE TO THE INTER-COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING CCllMISSION BE MOVED FRCll TRB TABJJE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woode, Kre111ng. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COOtfCIIMAN MARTIN MOVED, COUJfCIIMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT MR. ROBERT KELLBY, CHAIRIWf OP THE BNOLEWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING Cc.MISSION, BB APPOINTED THE dWJii!QF ENGLE- WOOD RBPRBSBNTATIVB UPON THE INTER-COONTY REGIONAL PLANNING CCIUCISSION. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kre111ng. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the moation carried. ATTORNEY'S CHOICE The City Attorney reported that Ripple and Howe Engineers had been awarded a $10,599.00 Judgment by the District Court. He discussed the decision and expressed his opinion that a new trial should be sought. CWJfCII.llAM MILBS MOVED, COONCIIMAN McLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTORJIBY BB AUTHORIZED TO PILE FOR A NEW TRIAL OR APPEAL THE DECISIOlf AS HE MAY DBTBRllID. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, ICreiling. Naya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Attorney Jteported that he had reviewed the laws with regard to re- moYing land trom tire districts and round that it had to be by petition. Discussion enaued. COOlfCIUUN BRAUJf MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE CITY A'l9?0DB! BE IlfSTROCTBD TO DRAW PETITIONS FOR THE CITIZENS OF THE PARTICULAR AREA AND 'l'RAT 'l'HBSE PB'l'ITIOlfS BE CIRCULATED IN THE NEWLY-ANNEXED AREA AND IN ANY FtJTURE ANMBXBD AREA SO THAT THOSB AREAS MAY BE RDtOVED FRCl4 ANY FIRE OR 01'HER DISTRICTS WHICH THEY MAY BB DICLUDBD PRIOR TO ANNEXATION. The City Attorney reported that only 20,C ot the ownera waa neceaaary to secure the legality of this petition. I I I I I I I Minutes of July 17, 1961 Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Na7a: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RELATINO TO POSTAL SERVICE IN NEWLY-ANNEXED AREAS The City Manager reported that he had been in contact with Poatmaater Adama with regard to including the newly-annexed areas to the City of Englewood to the Englewood postal service area. D1acuaaion ensued. COUlfCIIllAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN Mc1.m.t.AN SECONDED, THAT THE MAYOR BE AU'l'llCEIZED TO WRITE A LETTER TO THB ENOLIWOOD POSTMASTER REQUESTING THAT ALL THE RBCBll'l'LY AJOmXED AREAS TO THE CITY OP ENOLEWOOD BE SERVICD THROUGH THE ENGLEWOOD POST OPPICB. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Na.ya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CITY MANAGER'S CHOICE The City Manager reported that pursuant to State Statutes a highway needs study tor the City or Englewood is required by November 1, 1961. The CitJ Manager reported that the recently completed water storage tank in Scenic View would need to be drained before carnations could be painted on it in addition to the name "City of Englewood". The City Manager stated that he had correspondence with the County CoDllBissioners in which he notified them or the seal-coating program and the City's request for crushed chips. The City Manager reported that Beryl Wallace had been notified to seek a at~y or City Hall needs by use or an architectural student. He discuaaed possible use of the present City Hall building tor Library and a proposed new City Hall adequate tor 15 to 20 yeara future growth, perhaps a different site. Discussion ensued. Council ... n McLellan auggeated the Commerce Park location. MAYOR'S CHOICE The Mayor announced the Urban Mayors' Association would meet Thursday, July 20th, at Silver S&ddle Lodge. The Mayor set a meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission on the new drainage study after the Police Pay Election. ADJOURN COO'NCILMAN MARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN McLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE MEETilfO BE ADJOURNED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Naya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12:58 A.M., Tuesday, July 18, 1961. B. o. Beausang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council Th• minute• of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 17th day of July, 1961 A.D., stand approved as corrected thi• 7th day of Auguat, 1961 A.D. 519 .