HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-02 (Regular) Meeting Minutes·amm.Aa llBB'IJllG1 • 09Ulf CIL CHAllBBRS CI'lY or •GLBMOOD, CX>LORADO OCTOBBR 2, 1961 Th• City Council of th• City ofBn9lewodd, Arapahoe county, Colorado, .. t in r94JUl&r ••••ion on Monday, october 2, 1961 in th• Council Chamber•, City Ball, Sngl.wood, at th• hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Kreilinq preaidin9 called the meetin9 to order and th• invocation waa 9iven by th• Reverend Bert ldward• of the Church of the Razarene. The Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the ~ollowin9 peraon• w.re pr•••nt1 Oouncilaen1 Braun, Brovnewell, Mile•, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling. Alao1 Pr•••ntz City Mana9er Rudd, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaan9. Abaentz Councilman Martin. '!'be Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 612-2 MillUTU or PRBVIOUS MBB'l'D1GS COURCILMAll MAUii MOVBD, CX>UllCIIMll BROWBBWBLL SB<X>RDBD, 'l'BAT 'ftlB MDJU'l'BS or SSPTlllBBR STB BB APPROVBD AS WRITTBR AllD SBPl'IMBBR 18'1'B BB APPROVBD AS CORRB8TBD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted a• follows: Aye•z Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Milea, McLellan, Woods, I<reilin9 • .. y•z 11one. Abaentz councilman Martin. Th• Mayor deSred the motion carried. 612-23 PUBLIC HBARD1G OR ORDDIUCB TO ISSUB #275,000 WA-..RBOBDS COUlrCI™.All DCMllDIBLL MOVBD, COURCIIllAll MCLBLLAR SBCX>BDBD, TllAT 'ftlB PUBLIC ~IJG BB OPBllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ay••• OOuncil .. n Braun, Brown.well, Mile•, McLellan, Woods, Kreilin9. Rayas 11one. Abaentz councilman Martin. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• City Mana9er reported that th• bill for an ordinance passed on fir•t readin9 at the laat r•CJUlar Council meetin9 aet forth that a public hearing waa to be held at th• ti .. of final paaaa9e. He stated that 1961 Budget ••tillated the need for $350,000 Water Bonda to be iaaued in 1961 while only $275,000.00 were actually found to be neceaaary. Th• Mayor inquired if there were anyone preaent on thi• matter. There V'ere none. (councilman Martin entered and took hi• seat on the Council· at 8:05 P.M.) COUllCILllAll aROWllBWBLL llOVBD, COUllCILMMJ BRAmt SB<X>BDBD, TllAT '1'BB PUBLIC llBARillG 08 TBB ISSUAllCB or '1'BB WATBR BORDS BB CLOSED. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted a• follow•• Ayeaz councilmen Braun, Brovnewell, Martin, Miles, McLellan, Woode, Kreilin9. Rayas aone. Absents 11one. The Mayor declared the motion carried. BY AUTHORITY ORDIDllCB RO. 27, SBRIBS OP 1961 All OllDIDllCS TO Cl.\lli'litACT AR IllDBBTBDllBSS OB BBHALF or 'lllB CITY or BllGLBWOOD, COLOJtADO, AllD UPOll '!Im CRBDIT 'l'BBRBOP BY ISSUD1G BOllDS OP SAID CITY lB !BB PlllllCIPAL AIKJUllT or $275,000 l'OR 'ftlB IMPROVlllDIT AID> BXT•SIOR or ITS WA'l'BR- .,_ STBT91, ·-CRIBim '!'Im ro• or SAID BOllDS Al1D PROVIDillG POR TBB LBW or BD8 TO PAY TBB aams AllD TBB IBTBRBST 'l'BBRBOB. 561 562 Minute• of October 2, 1961 waa read for the aecond ti-. CJ>UllCIUIAll BltAUll llOVD, COUllCllMll JICLBIJM SBCOllDBD,'l'llAT ORDDIAllCB RO. 27, ssua or 1961 .. PA888D o• SBCOllD MD rIRAL RBADillG AllDPUBLISBBD IR PULL m ms mateBMO"D "BR't,n AllD aTDPRISB. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa councilmen Braun, kownewell. Martin, Milee, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. •ayae llone. Abaenta llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 612-36 PUBLIC HBARIJIG OR PROPOSED BUDGB'l' FOR 1962 C0U9CUMAJI 8JtAUll JIOVBD, COUllCIIMAR MARTIR SBCOIJDBD, '!'BAT 'l'BB PUBLIC BBAaI9Q o• TBB 1962 BUDGBT BB OPBBBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas COuncil .. n Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling • .. yas llone. Abaents llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 'file City Manager atated that th• hearing now being conducted had been duly advertiaed. Be then revi.wed th• proviaiona of the Budget, expreaaing that there were two occurenc•• during the fall of the year which allowed th• levy to be reduced a• follow•• l. 'l'h• Arapahoe County levy for Library services which allowed Bnglewood to reduce i• levy by 1 mill: 2. ftle approval at: the poll• of the Four County Metropolitan capital I11prov•enta Diatrictr 3. 'l'h• Council deteraination that City Sal•• Tax be enacted to receive .axillum benefit• under the propoaed capital Improv ... nt Diatrict. Be atated that the reault of the above waa a budget baaed upon a total levy for General Pund purpo••• of a.s mill•r a levy of .3 mill for rireaaen Penaion Pund and .4 mill for Water Bond Pund, adding to a total of 9.2 aill• for the City of Bnqlewood. Be atated that thi• waa a 3.25 reduction from the 1960 aill levy collected during the year of 1961, and a 7.6 mill reduc- tion from the original 1962 budget aa filed with the City Clerk. 'l'h• Mayor aaked if there were anyone preaent for the Budget hearing. There w.re none. a>U.::IUIAll BRAUR MOVBD, COURCILMAR MILBS SBOORDBD, TllAT '1'BB PUBLIC mama M '1'BB 1962 BUDGBT BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. Rayas Rone. Abaenta llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCIUIAR BRAUIJ MOVBD, COUllCIIMAR BROWllBWBLL SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB P.:>POSBD MILL LBV1' or 9.2 91'AL MILLS OR ALL ASSBSSBD PROPBRft WI'IBIR 'DIB C%ft LDU'l'S OP mGLBWOOD BB APPROYBD MD 'l'BAT A BILL FOR AR ORDillMlCB BB PRSPMIBD AllD DITRODUCBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, ¥ilea, McLellan, Wood•, Kreilinq. •ayas llone. Abaenta llone. ftl• Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I Minute• of October 2, 1961 Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR All ORDillAllCB PIXIRG TBB TAX LBW IN MILLS UPON BACH DOLLAR OP TBB ASSBSSBD VALUATIOB OP ALL TAXABLB PROPBRTr WI'mllf THB CITr OP BlfGLBMOOD, COLORADO, POR TllB YDR 1961. WBBRBAS, it i• th• duty of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, under the Charter of said City and the Statute• of the State of Colorado, to make the annual levy for City purposes for the year 1961, due and payable in 19621 and WBBRBAS, it i• necessary for an additional special levy to maintain the Pir ... n'• Pension Fund at a reasonable level1 and, WBBRBAS, it is necessary for an additional special levy to pay interest on water bonds issued •• a general obligation of the City of Bnglewood, Oolorado1 and WHllRJIAS, th• City Council ha• duly considered the estimated valuation of all of the taxable property within the City and the need• of the City for each of aaid levies, and ha• determined that the levies aa hereinafter ••t forth are proper and wise: 8C>W 'l'llBRSPORB, BB IT O~IlfBD BY THB CI'l'r COUNCIL OP 'DIB CITY OP mlL&llOOD I COLORADO: Jtction 1. That there be and there is hereby levied for the year A. D. 1961, due and payable aa required by the Statute• in the year A. D. 1962, a tax of 8.5 mill• on the dollar for the General Fund of the City of BngltNOOd, Colorado. ~tion 2. That there be and there is hereby levied for the year A.D. 1961,e aftd payable •• required by the Statute• in the year A. D. 1962, a tax of .3 of a aill on th• dollar for the Firemen'• Penaion Pund of the City of Snc)lewood, Colorado. ~tion 3. That there be and there i• hereby levied for the year A .• D. 1961,u• and payable a• required by the statute• in the year A. D. 1962, a tax of .4 of a mill on the dollar for the Water Bond and Interest Pane! of the City ofBngl.wood, Colorado. ltction 4. That each and every le9y·i hereinabove set forth shall be levied upon each dollar of the aaaeaaed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limit• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and the said levies shall be certified aa by law required. Paaaed on Pir•t Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thi• 2nd day of October, A.D. 1961, and ordered published in full in the Inglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ATTBST: waa read OOUllCILllAll 8ltAUB MOVBD, COUllCIIMAll MILBS SBOORDBD, 'l'BAT TBB PROPOSBD BILL U PASSBD 09 PIRST RBADillG UD ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IR IVLL IR 'l'llB BlfGLBllOOD asa•LD Alll> mrraaPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Raya: Rone. Abaent: llon•. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 'l'h• City Manager atated that the Budget dollar amount waa greater than a S" increase aa aet forth by State Statutes and requested authority from the council to make application aa required by law for the Colorado Tax Co ri••ion. 563 564 Minute• of October 2, 1961 CaJllCILllAll JIARTill MOVBD, CX>UllCILMAll MCLBLLAR SBCX>llDBD, 'l'BAT THB Cift M!UIAGD BB GRAllTBD AU'DIORift 'l'O MAKB APPLICATIOll POR IllCRBASB IR BUDGET POR 1962 AS RBQUIRBD BY LAW. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•a Ayeaa councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Milea, McLellan, Woods, Xreiling. Raya: llone. Abaent1 llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RBGARDillG JUllK YARD OPBRATIOllS IN llORTHWBST DtGLBWOOD Mr. Denni• o. Kelley, appeared before the Council repreaenting the llortlnM•t Bnglewood I11prov-nt Aaaociation. He atated that he waa before the Council to eo11plain about th• wrecking operation• at 1922 Weat Warren Avenue and atated that thi• particular operation ha• been reported to proper authoriti•• previoualy but no action had ~••alted~r tHe atated there were 5 or 6 other reaident• of the llorthweat Bngl..ood Area who would apeak on thi• aubject if the Council deaired. COUncil11an Wood• inquired if Mr. Kelley or any other reaident of the ar .. had filed complaint• a9ainat th• violation• of the code. Mr. Kelley atated that they had not but had reported th• matter to the Building Inapector. The City Mana9er atated that he waa pleaaed to report that the s pecial Inspector, to operate out of the Building Inapection Office, had been hired thi• W9ek and that it waa hi• duty to inveatigate and eliminate by proaecution if neceaaary, violations of the nature which Mr. Kelley called to the council'• attention thi• evening. Councilllan Braun urged thoae present and all other citizens of Bngl.wood to cooperate with the new Inapector and other officer• of the City by enter- in9 their coaplaint• against zoning violation• and making court appearance• a• witn••••• aa requeated or required in the apecific ca•••· Be emphaaisecl that only with the cooperation would the vj>lationa be abolished. Mr. Kelley and other reaidenta of the area express their willingn••• to cooperate with the Inapector in this and any other matter. Th• Mayor thanked Mr. Kelley and hi• neighbor• for coming before the Council and hoped that the particular violation in the Scenic View area could be corrected a• the entire city would benefit frc:a •tricter zoning enforc-ent. RBLATillO TO SOUTH SUBURBAll PARK Alll> RBCRMTIOB DISTRICT Mr. Colbert B. CUahing, Olairman of the Parka and Recreation Colmlli••ion, and Mr. Walt Jorgenaon,-ber of th• eo-i••ion, diacuaaed the question of the City of Bn9lewood'• opposition to the South Suburban Metropolitan Park and Recreation District. Th• repreaentativ•• Miked the Council'• policy with regard to including P92k -alMI recreation project• aa capital improvement project• to be constructed through the Pour County Metropolitan capital Illprov••nt• Diatrict program. The Mayor referred to th• 1962 Budget whereby the General Pund appropriation for Park and Recreation purpo••• waa •lightly l••• than $50,000.00. Another $20,000.00 had been ••t aaid• •• being available through the fund• of the Pour County Metropolitan Capital Improvement Diatrict. Mr •. Jorgenaon and Mr. CUahing spoke•• to the multiple taxation that exiat• for recreation in Bngl.wood and queationed the need for the South Suburban Metropolitan Park and Recreation Diatrict even if the district were functioning and providing aervice to reaident• of Bnglewood. Discuaaion enaued. Council-n Mil•• aaked what waa the moat pr•••ing need of Park• and aecr-tion at thi• time. Mr. Jorgenaon replied that land acquiaition ia the t ediate probi .. with nearly all available land within BnglMmd being de- veloped for r••idential or comaercial uaa9••· In addition to the fact that the coat of each particular aite is continually increasinq. Th• City Attorney atated that although the City of Bnglewood continues to •eek the diaaolution of the diatrict and ha• authorized printing and cir- culation of petition• to call for an election on the diaaolution of the diatrict that he felt it would be advisable to wait until after the conclusion of the auit entered againat the diatrict, namely, that it waa not serving it• purpoae. He then diacusaed the many detail• administrative and legal in aecuring a legally adequate petition of S°" of the taxpayers in the di•trict. Th• Mayor thanked Mr. CUahing and Mr. Jorgenson for discussing the probl .. of the park and recreation facilities within the City of Englewood and expr•••ed hi• continuing confidence in the work of the Park and Recr-tion Conmiaaion. I I I I I I I I Minutes of October 2, 1961 RBQUBST POR USB OF PARKING LOT FOR HIGH SalOOL BOMBOC»IING OOUIJCIIllAll MILES MOVED, COUNCIIMAN BRAUN SBOONDBD, THAT TBB CI'l'I' COUIJCIL DBYIATB IW»t ITS AGIDIDA AllD RECOGNIZE A GROUP OP 3 STUDBllTS PROM TBB •GLBWOOD BIGB SCllDOL AT 'ftlIS TIMB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. Rayas None. Abaents !lone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Doug Sovern, Jr., Mi•• Barbara Berghauaer, and Mi•• Donna Bill requested the use of the southeast corner of the Park-R-Shop Parking Lot i adiately eaat of the Pire Station for a homecoming atudent dance to be held Wedneaday evening. November lat from 7:00 to 8130 P.M. Mr. Sovern atated that thi• request was made in the intereat of •••king greater cooperation between the City and the school and hoped that bringing part of the homecoming celebration into the center of town would prove helpful. The City Manager reported that previously repreaentativea of the high school student body had requested that a portion of South Broadway be blocked off which did not appear to be adviaable and the uae of the aide atreet did not appear to be aa desirable aa the parking lot aa pro- poaed. Be did point out though that the lot i• leased by the Ambroae- Willi ... Company and it• permission should be secured by the high school student• aa well aa that of the City. COUllCII"Alf BRAUit JIOVBD, OOUllCILMAR MILES SBOORDBD, 'l'BAT TBB CITY COUBCIL GIVB ITS APPROVAL AllD PBIUIISSIOR POR THE USB OF TBB SOUTBBAST CODD OF 'l'BB PARK-•-SBOP PAIUtDIG LOT SUBJBCl' TO APPROVAL BY TBB AMBROSB-WILI.l'MS COMPABY, LBABB llOLDBR, POR TBB USB OP TBB PARKING LOT ON WBDDSDAY BVBRIRG, ROVBMBBR lST IR oomC'l!ON WITH '1'BB HIGH SCHOOL HOMBOC»IIRG CBLBBRATIOR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote r•••lted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Rayas Rone. Abaent: !lone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-33 OORSIDBRATIOlf OP BIDS FOR GARBAGB OOLLBCTIOB The City Clerk reported that notice had been advertised for the receipt of bid• for garbage collection at 2:00 P.M. on October 2nd. Bid• were re- ceived and opened with the reault that there was one bid aubaitted by Mr. SYerette L. Bonda of 815 Joyce Street, Golden, in the amount of $1,950.00 a month for the year beginning February 1, 1962. The preaent contract i• in the amount of $1,900.00 per month. The City Manager reported that Mr. William Conter, present garbage collector, did not bid and auggeated that under these circumatancea that the bidder be investigated aa to ability to perform the dutiea aet forth under the conuact aa well aa perhaps establishing a requirement for a performance bond. Be stated under th••• circumstance• that it would be adviaable for the Council to table the matter. COUEIUIAB BRAUIJ MOVBD, COUllCILMAN MCLELLUJ SBOOIJDBD, THAT '1'BB MATTBR OP All AlfARD POR TllB GARBAGE COllTRACT BB TABLBD Ul1'.l'IL FURTBBR Illl'ORllATIOB AllD asca• "'ll»TIOR IW»t TBB Cift MAllAGBR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Mile•, MeLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. Rayas llone. Abaents llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-45 APPLICATIOR POR TRA!ISPBR OP LICBNSB OP BHGLBWOOD LIQUOR STORB OOUBCIUIAR MARTIR MOVBD, COUllCIUIAR BROWREWBLL SBCONDBD, THAT TBB APPLI- CATIOR POR TRABSPBR OP TBB RBTAIL LIQUOR STORB LICBNSB POR TBB BBGLBWOOD LIQUOR STORB BB RmlOVBD PROM TBB TABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling. 565 Minute• of October 2, 1961 •aya: Rone. Abaent: &one • Th• .Mayor declared the motion carried. Tb• City Manager made available the police report on Mr. Fred and Mra •. Bazel B. Buhlman and paaaed thi• report among the council. OOUllCIIMAll MCLBIJeAIJ MOVBD I COUllCIU-.AJI MILBS SBOOllDBD I 'l'BA'I' AS 'ftlB POLICB RBPORT Oii llR. AID> MRS. llUllLllAlf WAS PAVORABLB THAT 'l'BB APPLICATIOB POR ftAllSPBR OP '1'llB RftAIL LIQUOR STORB LICDSB AT 3434 80UB BROAlllAY ,... assas. MAlt'l'ms AllD &BAY BB APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ay••• Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling. Rayas llone. Abaent: &one. !he Mayor declared the motion carried. l councilman Braun urged that th• Buhlmana work with the Police Depart- .. nt and contact them in ca•• of any difficulty in the liquor •tore operation. 612-48 APPLICATIO• l'OR TRAllSPBR OP LIQUOR LICIDISB AT BBLLBVIBW BOWL 'l'he City Clerk read an application for the tranafer of a Beer, Wine and Spirituou• Liquor Licenae frCID Belleview Bowl, Limited to Interatate Bowling Corporation dba a• Bellevi.w Bowl at 4900 South Federal Boulevard. Be atated that th• application •eemed to be properly executed, with letters of reference on th• officer• of th• corporation attached. 'l'be City Manaqer preaented the Police report on Mr. William Mattock• 11bich ••t forth that he had a conaiderable police and priaon record up to Dec-1>er 29, 1950. Mr. Miller, Counael for Interatate Bowling COrporation, introduced Mr. William e • .Mattock•, who, in apite of hi• previou• criminal record, had been named Secretary-Treaaurer of the Interatate Bowli119 corpor- ation in recognition of hi• ••rvice to that corporation and a• a token of the other off ic•r• confidence and in appreciation of hi• excellent manage- .. nt of the Bellevi.w Bowl operation. Be stated that Mr • .Mattock• ha• a 2" int•r••t in the corporation. Di•cu••ion enaued aa to whether the corporation had additional liquor licen••• in COlorado. 'l'h• applicant• atated they have a 3.2 Beer outlet at Dahlia Lan••· Di•cu••ion enaued a• to whether 3.2 licenae and spiritual liquor licenae by th• .... individual i• legal. OOUlfCD• ... U 8ROWllBWBLL MOVBD, COUBCIIMAB MARTIR SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT '?BB APPLICATIOB POR TRAllSPD OP TBB BBBR, WID AllD SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR LICaSB AT TBS BSLLBVI• BOWL BB TABLBD UllTIL TBB CITY A'l"l'ORlfft CAii CLARIJY '1'BB QUSSTIOll OP LIQUOR LICaSB IAWS RBLATUG TO OWllBRSBIP OP MOU TBA1I OD LIC .. SB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Milea, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling • .. ya: llone. Abaenta Hone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. Councilaan Braun requeated that the City Manager secure information aa to the lic•n•• at Dahlia Lane• and that a police report be made avail- able on the other member• of the corporation who are california reaidenta. 'l'be .Mayor atated that the next regular meetinq of the City Council would be held on Monday, October 16th, at which time, if the police report and other information were available the application for tranafer would be conaidered. RBCBSS 'l'h• Mayor called a rec••• of the City council until 10125 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR 'ft'9 Mayor called the Council to order at 10:25 P.M. with the following Councilmen pr•••nt: I I I I I I I Minute• of October 2, 1961 Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Wood•, Kreilin9. 'l'h• Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 612-6 PROCBBDIJIGS OP CI'l'r PIAllllillG ARD ZORIRG CC»tMISSIOR MBBTillGS OP SSPTIDUIBR 21ST ARD 2STH 'l'h• Mayor aalced that the minute• be received and placed on file. 612-49 Relating to Denial of proeo•ed Rezoning of Tract eaat of South Decatur , and South of Weat Union Avenue 612-50 atlatina to Dtnial of Propo•ed Resonin1 of Tract South of Baat Cbtnango Aaenue and Baat of Broadwav-L ncoln Avenue 612-51 atlatiny to Denial of atsoning of Tract Betw .. n Weat Layton and Weat 89 leviw between South Acoma and Broadway-Acoma Alley Bxtended Th• Mayor aalced that each of the recommendation• for denial• oa tllae above resoninq be received and placed on file. 611-31 a.QUUT l'OR A STUDr MID RBPORT BY STATB HIGHWAY DBPAR'l'MBllT TRAPPIC COllDITI8•S ALCmG STATB HIGHWAY llO. 70 'l'h• City Clerk read th• following recommendation of the City Planning and Zonin9 Co iaaion in fulls •'l'hat th• Plannin9 CO..i••ion recommend to the City Council that the Council requeat the State Hi9hway Department to make a atudy of State Bi9hway llo. 70 at South Cherokee, South Bannock, South Sher11&n, South Loc)an. and Soat:h Clarkaon interaectiora.• 'l'be City Mana9er diacuaaed th• back~ound of thi• requeat, etatin9 that there appeared to have been an appropriation for thi• type of atudy .. de by the Bi9hway Department and th• action of th• Plannin9 Coaaiaaion waa to ••t forth Sn9l.wood'• inter••t in thi• atudy. It wa• au99eated that south Buron Street interaection be analysed alao. COUllCILllUI aaDW•SLL llDYSD, COUllCIUIAll BRAUll SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT '1'BB llBCC»IMSMmTIC9 or '1'BS PI.Un• CDL'USSIOll BB ACCBPTBD WI'1'B TllB ADDI'l'IOB ... '1'llB IftlmBC'riml OP SOU'l'll llUllO• STRBft WIT& STATB BIGlllfAY llO. 70 TO '1'BB PRIOPOSSD STUD!. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Woode, Xreilin9. Bayas llone. Abaenta llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 612-4 PROCDDIJIGS OP TBB BOARD OP ADJUSTMD1T ARD APPBALS MBB'l'IllGS OP AUGUST 21ST, 2STH, ARD SBP'l'JDIBBR 13TB The Mayor aalced that the minute• be received and placed on file. 612-52 119ardin9 rri::•t for Clarification of Reaponaibility of Board in Granting Var ance~ Concerning City Property 'l'h• City Mana9er read th• following memorandum from the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal•• '1'01 •111TQ-ORICI MlllOJWIDUM City of Bn9lewood Council DATii Sep~ember 19, 1961 PRClh Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• SUBJBC'l's Below deacribed 'l'h• Board of Adjuatment and Appeals requests clarification of reaponaibility of thi• Board relative to ~anting variance• con- cernin9 private conatruction on City property. By order of Board of ~juatment and Appeals (Signed) Lealie Keckler by B.B. Lealie Keckler Secretary 567 568 Minute• of October 2, 1961 Councilman Braun di•cu••ed th• variou• improvement• to coanercial build- ing• which reault in the placing of face material on the front of tho•• build- iDCJ• which then extend into public right-of-way. Di•cu••ion enaued. '1'he Mayor atated that it waa not clear to him aa to the aubject matter of th• requeat for clarification by the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal•. Councilman. Brownewell expr•••ed the opinion that the blanket permiaaion for variance of comaercial building• waa too general. Be atated that var- iance• ahould be limited to apecif ic cases or to the commercial area exclu- aively. Di•cu••ion enaued a• to the fact that the City council waa the only authority that could authorize encroachment upon or uae of City owned land. Councilman Mil•• auggeated that the Board of Adjustment and Appeal• be in- atructed a• to th• procedure in construction by private parties on City owned land. COU8C%LllAR B .... BLL MOVBD, CX>UIJCILMAH MILBS SBOORDBD, 'l'BA'l' 'l'BB BOARD OP ADJUnllDT Alm APPBALS OR Al1Y O'lBBR DBPARTMBR'l' OR AGDICY' OP 'l'BB CI'ft' IB- VOLVSD DI GJUUITDIG 088 OP CITY PROPBR'l'Y POR PRIVA'l'B COBS'l'RUC'l'IOB, S'l'UDY 'l'BB lldlTS OP 'ftlB PAaTICULAll CASS AT HAim AND MAKS A RB0cMMBRDA'l'IOB '1'0 '1'BB CI'ft' COU.CIL 1'0R ISSUAllCS OP A llftOCABLB PBRMIT POR SUCH USB OR DICROACBMDJT UIOll CITY LAllD. Th• City Manager warned of the above 110tion poaaibly setting a prece- dent of final appeal of ca••• brought before theBoard of Adjuatment and Appeal• to the City Council. Diacussion ensued. The City Manager stated that in general, th• Building Inapector can advise the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• if City land u•• is involved and if so, the matter would be referred to th• City Council after action by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal•. Diacuaaion enaued. Th• queation wa• called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followas Aye•s Council-n Braun, BrownM1ell, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Xreiling. Rayas Ilona. Abaents Ilona. Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. COUncilman Braun inquired if the above motion i• retroactive. The City Attorney replied that in effect, it waa becauae even though permiasion had been granted for conatruc~ion upon the City owned land by the Board of Adjuataent and Appeal• and the Building Inapector iaaued a building permit for the conatruction, the legal procedure for eatabliahing the right of the private party to construct upon City owned land had not been ••tabli•hed and thi• right or permit could be granted only by the City Council. council- .and Braun reported to the Council ttha~s 1le Jhad·· ~•cently repreaented the Colo- rado Central Power Company in a ca•• before the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• which had requeated permiaaion to encroach four inch•• into the Broadway right-of-way a• the reault of a n.w building front to be conatructed on the fa'* of the power company'• offices. He asked the council for action on this matter. COUllCIUIAJI MILB8 MOVBD, COUBCIUIAB BROWllBWBLL SBOOBDBD, THAT 'l'BB COLORADO CDl'l'RAL P01fD COllPAl1Y BS GRAllTBD USB OP APPROXIMA'l'BLY POUR IBalBS OP C%ft STRBBT aIE'l'-OP-WAY AL08G '1'HB PACB OP 'l'BBIR OPPICB BUILDIBG AS PaovISIOllALl·Y CDAftBD BY TBB BOARD OP ADJUSTMBRT ABO APPEALS ARD 'l'BA'l' 'l'BB cm AT'fOBft BS IBS'l'RUC'l'BD '1'0 PRBPARB 1'HB HCBSSARY LBGAL DOctMBftS SBT- Tim 1'01tTB 'l'BIS USS OP marrxo• ABD RBCORDIBG. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follow•s Ayeas Councilmen BrownM1ell, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. Rayas Rone. Abatainin91 Councilman Braun. Abeents llone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. COU.CIUIAll MCLBl·IAll MDVBD, COUBCIIMB 1'00DS SBOORDBD, 'l'BA'l' 'l'BB BOARD OP ADJUS'JllBllT A11D APPMLS RBVOU '1'BB AU'l'llORITY GIVBll TO 'l'BB BUILDIBG IRSPBCTOR 11BDDY BB llAY ISSUB VARIMCBS POR BXTDJSIOB OP BUILDIBGS Ill'l'O !BB SftBBT WI1'BOUT RBQUIRIBG ACTIOB BY '1'HB BOARD OP ADJUS'DIBllT MID APPBALS Oii Mell CASS, AS BBDG OOftRAJtY TO '1'BB S'l'A'l'UTBS ARD ORDIBAllCBS OP 'l'BB CITY. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted as followas Aye•s Councilmen Braun, BrownM1ell, Mile•, Martin, McLellan, Wooda, Xreiling. I I I I I .. yaa llone. A!)Hnta llone. Minute• of October 2, 1961 !'be Mayor declared the motion carried and inatructed the City Clerk to pre- pare an excerpt of th••• •inute• for direction of the Board of Adjuatment and ADDeala. 612-53 am.ATim TO Jlft'ROPOLITAll DBllVD SBWAGB DISPOSAL ·DISTRICT BO. 1 The City llana9er reported that a letter had been aent to the City of BnqlMIOOd requeating that the City deteraine if it wi•hed to join the Metropolitan Denver a.wage Diapoaal Diatrict Ro. 1 on the aame baai• with the charter •911ber• • Di•cu•• ion enaued. COUllCIU'All UAU11 llOVm>, COU.:ILllAll llCLB'·'AR SBOOllDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'llB MATTBR .. a.rmwn TO TBS 11ATD MID ..... BCaRD l'OR STUDr ARD RBOCJ•nnnaTIOB '.fO 'BIB COUllCIL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followas Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling • .. y•1 Rone. Abaenta llone. fte Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-10 OOMllUllICATIO• l'RCJI IWBDISH HOSPITAL RBLATIRG '1'0 PAVDtG 'l'he City Manager read a letter from the SWedi•h Ho•pital written by Sllil John80n, Secretary of the Board of Truateea, dataed Sept.mer 14, 1961, expre••ing the appreciation of the Board of Tru•t••• of the hoapital for the paving on Girard Avenue from Clarkson to Lafayette. The Mayor aaked that the letter be received and placed on file. 612-5 PROCBBDimS OP BOARD OP C>PBBR SBRVICB CCIUIISSIOllBRS MBB'l'IRG OP S&TlllBBR 27, 1961 'ftle Mayor aaked that the •inute• be received and placed on file. 612-54 R!•ignation from aoard Of car .. r Service Coaaiaaionera The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Bill Moore, mmnber of the Career Service Oomaiaaion, dated Sept..-r 26, 1961, addreaaed to the Council, in which Mr. Moor• reaigned from the Career Service comniaaion due to a change of job• and reaidence. CXXJllCILM..U BRAUR MOVBD, COU9CILllAll MARTI& SBCOBDBD, 'l'llAT TBB RBSIGllA- TIO& OP BILL llOORB PRml THB CAaBD SBRVICB OOMIUSSIOB BB RBCBIVBD AllD AC.'mOlll·BDGBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeas Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Milea, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling. Bayas Rone. Abaent: Bone. '!be Mayor declared the motion carried and aaked that the member• of the Council ... t in advance of the next regular meeting to diacu•• po••ible appointee• to thi• vacancy. 612-16 RBIATXIJG '1'0 RBPllBSSllTATIO• Oii MftROPOLITAll DISTRICT SALBS TAX CDUIISSIOR '!be City Clerk read a letter frca Mr. c. L. Maddox, 2830 South Bannock Street, aetting forth hi• qualification• aa a comniaaioner on the Metropolitan Diatrict Sale• Tax Board. OOUllCIULU 8aAU11 llOVBD, CDUllCI'"l\11 MILBS SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT TBB LB'l"l'BR P.:J11 llR. ll.\.DOOX U mIVD AllD 'l'llAT HIS I11TBRBST IR TBB llBTROPOLITU SAT.SS TU 80Alt.D BB AamowLBDGBD ft COU.CILllAll BRAU& AS TBB Cift'S RBPRBSBll'l'ATIVB TO TBB ARAPAllOB COUll'IY llUllICIPALITIBS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. Bayas llone. Abaenta llone. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 569 Minute• of October 2, 1961 Introduced aa a Bill by COuncil .. n Martin BY AUTHORITY 612-19 ORDillAllC. m .. 28, SBRIBS OF 1961 All ORDDIMICB RSZOBillQ Tll8 IOLLOWIBG DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft FROM R-D-1 (RBSIDacB) TO T (TIWISITIOllAL) DISTRICT CIASSIFICATIOB TO-WITa LOTS 1 10 20 AllD 29 TO 48, BLOCK 50, SYAITSTOB BROADWAY ADDITIOB, ALL IR '1'BB Clft OP mGl·D'OOD, ARAPAHOS COUftY, COLORADO. waa read for th• aecond time. OOUlfCILt'AB llARTIB MOVBD, COUllCILMAll BROWllDfBLL SBOOBDBD, THAT ORDillAllCB m. 28, SBRIBS OP 1961 BB ADOPTSD AllD APPROVBD o• SBCOllD MID FDTAL RBADI9G Alm ORDDBD PUBLISBBD IB l'ULL 18 'DIB BllGLDOOD BUALD AID> mTBRPRISB. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Baya: Bone. Abaent: lion•. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. Introduced aa a Bill by COancilman Wood• 612-28 A BILL IOR A1f ORDIJIAllCB MWl>Im OJU>DIAllCB 80. 2, SBRIBS OF 1961, DIPLBMID1'1'DlG 'l'BB CARS• SDVICB SYftml OP 'lllS Cift OP •GLD'IOOD, COLORADO, WI!'ll APPROPRIATB RULU AllD RBGULATI08S, BS Dm.ITDG TBDSPR<»I SUB-SBC'l'I08 3 OP SBC'l'IOB 2a OP AltTici.. I AlfD SUBSTI'l'UTillQ 'l'llDBIOR A llBW SUB-SBCTIOB 3, DID'IBIBG 'l'BB AUl&>Uft JO• TBS U'l'AaLI-SMT or PROBATIOllARY PmtPORllAllCB PBRIODS OF ... LO!llm AID> TBS BX'fmSI08 TllmmOP. BB IT oana••&D BY 'l'BB Cift COUllCIL OF 'l'BB Cift OF BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Sub-aection 3 of Section 2a of Article I of Ordinance Bo. 2, Seri•• of 1961, impl ... nting the career ••rvice ayatem of the City of Sngl~, Colorado, with appropriate rule• and regulationa, ia hereby deleted therefrom, the following Sub-aection 3 aubatituted therefor: •3. 'l'h• original probationary period shall be fixed by the career Service Board for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year. 'l'h• initial probationary performance period for any -.ploy•• ao ••tabliahed by the Career Service Board may be extended by th• aaid Board only upon written requeat from the appointing authority atating the reasons for auch requeat.• P•••ed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thia 2nd day of October, A.D. 1961, and ordered publiahed in full in the Inglewood S..ald and Bnterpri••· K!. AftUT: waa read for ~II.MM WOODS llOVSD, COUllCILMAll llARTDI SBCOllDBD, TllAT 'l'BB PllOPOSBD aILL 88 PWBD Oii PIUT RMDillQ AllD ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IR FULL IB '1'118 mm.•K>OD m•1.n MD mTDPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aulted •• follow•: Ayea: Oounci1-n Braun, arownewell, Martin, Milea, McLellan, Wooda, JCreiling. 8aya1 llone. Abaent1 Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I Minute• of October 2, 1961 CITY ATTORllBY'S CHOICB aelating to Ripple and Bow! CA•• 'l'be City Attorney reported that rehearing on the cat• in the Dittrict Court vat denied and judC)ment vat entered on the City of Bn9lewood in the a110unt of $10,599.12 with the interett accruing from July 20, 1959. The City Attorney di1cu11ed th• po11ibility of an appeal to the Supreme Court and th• pottibiliti•• of 1ucce11ful court action in this ca1e. Di1cu1aion entued. 'l'h• Mayor direc•ed the City Attorney to offer an amount letter than th• ..ount of th• jud911ent in caah without further appeal ao that the -ttar -Y be ••ttled without further court action. Relating to City Sal•• T!J The City Attorney reported that he waa writing a clauae into the Sa1•• Tax Ordinance which would ex9111»t from u•• tax any purcha••• within the Metropolitan Dittrict. '!'be Mayor informed th• Council that the decree e1tabli1hing the Pour County lletropolitan capital Iaprov-nta Diatrict waa aigned by the - Dittrict Court at Littleton and th• n.wly appointed directors were to ... t for organization on October 18th. 612-55 TMllSPBR or IVllD8 TO WATBR BORD MID SBWBR RBYDUB 80l1D PUllDS C.rtif icate of Water Pund Available The City Clerk read th• following Certificate in fulls "CBRTIPICATB I, B. o. aeautang, City Clerk-Teeaturer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that there are tufficient aoni•• anticipated or pretently exiating a• a•••t• of th• Water Pund to perait a tranafer of ~35,000.00 from that fund to th• Water Bond and lntarett Pund of the City of Bnglewood. 8 BAL Dated1 September 22, 1961" /•/ B. o. Beautang City Clerk-Treaaurer l!tolution trantfering 135,000.00 to Water Bond Pund 'l'h• City Clerk-Treaturer read the following retolution in full: RBSOLUTIOB WBBRBAS, variou• ordinance• of th• City of ~lewood have authorized iatuance of General Obligation Water Bonda which further require the ettab- liabllent of Water Bond R•••rv••r and, WllBllBAS, th• varioua water Bond R•••rvea are deficient by approximately $70,000.00r and, ~. thi• deficiency ahould be made up during th• fiacal year of 1961 and 1962 and budgeted accordinglyr and, WRBRBAS, Certificate of available monie• for an illaediate trantfer hat been made by th• City Trea1urer1 aow, TBBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, that th• City Treaaurer be authorized and directed to tranafer a aum of $35,000.00 from the Water Pund to th• Water Bond and Intereat Fund during the fiacal year of 1961 and, BB IT PUllTBBR RBSOLVBD that th• 1962 budget include the tranafer of an additional $35,000.00 from the Water Fund to the Water Bond and Intereat Fund to ... t the legal Bond Reaerve requirements. Read and adopted thia 2nd day of October A.D., 1961 by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood. e. AftBSTs 571 572 Minute• of October 2, 1961 OOU8CILllAll MOODS MOVSD, CX>UllCIUIM MCLBLLAB SBCONDBD, TBA'!' TBB RBSOLU- TIOll BB ADOPTBD MD APPIOVBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follOW81 Ay••• Council•n Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling • .. y•a llone. Ab•enta llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Clrtif icate of Availablity of Sewer Fund• The City Clerk-Trea•ur•r read the following certificate• in fulls CBRTIPICATB I, B. o. Beau•ang, City Clerk-Treasurer, City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that there ia an unappropriated 8Urplu• in the Sewage Di•po•al Plant Fund in the amount of $144,961.31 available for appropriation or tran•f•r to other eligible fund•. SB A• Dateda Sept.mer 22, 1961 /•/ B. o. Beausang City Clerk-Treasurer CBR'l'IPICATB I, B. o. Beau•ang, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that there i• an unappro- priated •urplu• in the S.wa9e Diapoaal Plant Reserve Fund for Capital Addition• of $75,542.07 available for appropriation or tranafer to other eligible fund t1 . SB AL Dateda Sept.mer 22, 1961 I•/ B. o. Beauaang City Clerk-Treasurer at80lution tran•f•ring fund• to Sewer Revenue Bond Fund The City Clerk read the following reaolution in full: RBSOLU'l'ION WllBRMS, varioua ordinance• of the City of Englewood have authorized the i••uance of Sewer Revenue Bond• which further require the e•tabliahment of a.war Bond Re••rv••1 and, WBBRBAS, Certificate• of available monie• for immediate transfers have been made by th• City Trea•urer1 _,. TBBRDOU, BB IT RBSOLVBD by the City Council of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, that the City Trea•urer be authorized and directed to tranafer a •um of $10,000.00 from the Sewage Di•po•al Plant Pu~ to the S.wer Revenue Bond Fund and a •um of $45,000.00 from the Sewage Di•po•al Plant Reserve Pund for capital Additions to the Sewer Revenue Bond Fund during th• fi•cal year of 1961 for th• above purpose. Read and adopted thi• 2nd day of October A.D., 1961 by the City Council of theCity of Bngl.wood. A'l'TBST1 a>UEIU' .... U BROWll91)1LL llOVSD, COUJICILMAll BRAU& SECONDBD, THAT '1'BB RBSOLU- TIO• BS ADOP'fBD MD APf'aova>. Upon the call of the roll, the vote ra•ulted aa followaa Ay••• Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, McLellan, Wood•, Kreiling. I I I I I Minute• of October 2, 1961 Raya: llone. Abaent: llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. Cift MAllAGBR'S CHOICE 'l'h• City Manager expr•••ed hi• appreciation for the City Council'• authorization of a $500.00 per year aalary increaae for the year 1962. 'l'h• City Manager diacua8ed the propoaed annexation of centennial Acre• to the City of Bngle"900d. After diacuaaion of the feeling of th• area that it ahould be annexed aa a unit the Mayor auggeated that the Council go on record in thi• matter. cou•c11•_u MC'LU'eNI llOVlm, COUllCIUCAll MARTDJ SBCX>BDBD, THAT 'l'llB CIT!' -cou--11e-IL or '1'118 Cift or smLmK>OD GO o• RBOORD AS BBillG Il1'1'BllB8TBD DI 'l'BB AllllaATIC. OP ALL TBS cmmIAL ACRB8 SUBDIVISIOllS SOU'l'll TO '1'llB LITTLB'fOlf Cift LDII'l'S Barwm LOWn.L BOULSYAJlD MID PBDBRAL BOULBVARD, llOR'l'llBRLY TO TBS ......., Clft' LIMITS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follova: Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Mile•, McLellan, Wood•, ICreiling. •aya1 llone. Abaent 1 lion• • '!'he Mayor declared th• motion carried. Btlatin9 to Cro••-Walk in 3400 block South Broadway !'be City Manager reported that th• committee originally aupporting the croaa-walk in th• 3400 block South Broadway are not pre••ing for ilamediate action and that h• wa• taking advantage of this time to complete a thorough atudy. 612-10 oo•&IDDATIC. or BILLS, C~IMS ARD DIVOICBS IOR SBPTJDIBBR, 1961 CDUllC""-\11 UAUll llOVSD, COUllCIUCAll MARTIR SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB BILLS, CLUll8 AllD IllVOICBS A8 APPllOVSD 8Y TllB CITY' MARAGBR ARD LISTBD Br 'l'BB CITY' er.ax aa •1.1.owao. tJpoD the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followa1 Ayea1 Councilaen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Mil••· McLellan, Wood•, ICreiling. •aya1 llone. Abaent: llone. 'ft'9 Mayor declared the motion carried. MAYOR'S alOICB 1tlating to Aaaiatant for Citv Manager Council.an McLellan atated that th• City Manager ahould make uae of an .-ploy•• preaently on the City payroll for help in certain adminiatra- tiv• area•. The City Manager atated that he had al•o conaidered the particular -.ploy .. •UCJCJ••ted and that pending a more definite arrangement with this .-ploy .. •• auperior and proviaion for relief of the employee'• normal duti•• during tho•• time• he aaamaed admini•trative aaaigmaenta needed to be worked out. Th• City Manager atated he "'°uld move •lowly into the ar .. with an attempt at a gradual tranafer of dutie• on thi• .. ploy•• aa th• occaaiona ari••· Btgueat for cloaing south Broadway for Pancake Race The City Clerk called th• attention of the Council to the impending Shriner'• Pancake Race which had been diacuaaed by the Council aa requir- ing uae of South Broadway but permiaaion had not been apecifically granted. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCIIMAll MARTIR llOVSD, COUllCIUID MILBS A1ll> BRAUit SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT TBB •GLBllOOD 8llllDID8 BS AVTllORIZBD TO USB THAT PORTIOB or SOU'l'B BROADfAY PRC»I WUT PLOYD AV.US TO WUT BMPDm AVBllUB OB SA'l'UlmlS¥ OC'l'OBBR 7TB P80ll APPROXDIATSLY 9130 '1'0 11100 A.M. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaalted aa followa1 Ayea1 Council .. n Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Milea, McLellan, Wooda, Kreiling. 573 574 Minute• of October 2, 1961 •ay•a llone. Ab•enta Sone. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. ADJOURN COUllCIUIAll BRAUit ~VSD I COVE llllAll MCLBLLAlf SBCOITDBD I THAT 'ftlB JIBB'l'B G BB AD.JOUIUISD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• followaa Ay••• Councilmen Braun, BrownMMll, Martin, Mile•, JlcLellan, Wood•, Xreilin9. •ay•a llone. Abaenta llone. The Mayor declared the -•tin9 adjourned at 12: 30 A.M., Tuesday, October 3, 1961. /•/ B. o. Beauaan9, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'l'h• minute• of the -•tin9 of the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, held on the 2nd day of October, 1961 A.D., stand approved aa written thi• 6th day of llov-1>er, 1961 A.D. I I