HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I RBGULAll MBBTil!lGa OOUllCIL alAMBBRS Cift OP mGL&WOOD, COLORADO OCTOBBR 16, 1961 'l'h• City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, .. t in reqular ••••ion on Monday, October 16, 1961 in the Council Chamber•, City Ball, Bnglwood, at the hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Kreiling preaiding called the meeting to order and the invoca- tion waa given by the Reverend Bert Bdwards of the Church of the &azarene. '!'he Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the follow- ing persona were preaent: Councilmen: Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Also Preaent: City Manager Rudd, Deputy City Attorney Myrick, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent: councilman McLellan. 'l'h• Mayor declared a quorum preaent. \ 612-43 PUBLIC HBARDfG O• PROPOSBD RBZO•Il!lG OP WBST HALF BLOCK 3000 SOUTB Lil!lOOLlf STRBBT OOUBCIIMAll MARTI• MOVSD, OOUJrCIIllAl!l BRAUIJ SBOORDBD, TBA'l' 'l'BB PUBLIC Bu.aiaQ o• TB& PROPOS&D R&ZOllim OP ORB HALF BLOCK o• 'l'BB WBS'l' &IDB OP 3000 80UTB LI•OOLll S'l'llBBT P_. R-2-B RBSIDD'l'IAL DIS'l'RIC'l' '1'0 'l' 'l'llUISI'l'IOllAL DISTRICT B& OP .. &D. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Council.men Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, Wooda, Kreilin9. •ayaa llone. Abaent: Councilman llcLellan. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'h• City Manager pointed out the area concerned on the map. 'l'h• Mayor asked for an indication of tho•• preaent on thi• matter. '!'here w.re 2 preaent favoring the rezoning and no .one preaent to pppose. Mr. Richard Simon, repreaenting Dr. Davia, preaented information aa to the reque•t for re&onin9. Be atated that previoualy q>~cial zonin9 had been aoU4Jht and denied for two reason•, fi••t the who'-flalf block waa not conaidered for rezoning at that time and aecondly the tranaitional zone had not been eatabliahed and there waa aome oppoaition to the com- aercial zoning in that area. Dr. Davi• apok• briefly of hi• plan• for enlarging hi• medical office into a clinic and poaaible further expanaion at a later date. Be atated that in contacting the neighbor• no objection to hi• plan• had been ex- pr•••ed. Councilman Brown.well inquired about the proviaion for off-atreet parking. Dr. Davi• atated that he had made proviaion and pr•••nted a rather detailed plan. '!'here being no further diacuaaion for tho•• favor- ing and no one pr•••nt in oppoaition the Mayor aaked for a motion to cloae the hearing. OOUllCILllAll JIAR'l'I• MOVBD, OOUIJCIIllAll MILBS SBOOl1DBD, 'ftl8T TBB PUBLIC 118A.RillG BB CLO&m>. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as followaa Ayea1 council.men Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Mil••· Wood•, Kreiling. •aya1 llone. Abaenta Council.man McLellan. 'l'he Mayor declared th• motion carried. Introduced a• a Bill by COuncilaan Martin. A BILL POR All OaDIDllCB RBZO•IllG TBB POLLOWDIO DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft PRCll R-1-B (mIDmTIAL) TO 'l' ('l'ltAllSITIOllAL) DIS'l'RIC'l' CLASSIPICA'l'IO• '1'0-WI'l'a Lot• 25 to 45 incluaive, Block 8, Strayer'• Broadway Height• or th• weat aid• of 3000 south Lincoln Street, all in the City of BnlJlewood, Arapahoe county, Colorado. 575 576 llinutea of October 16, 1961 tlllBRllJ.8, application ha• been made for th• rezoning of certain property hereinafter deacribed frOll R-2-a (R••idence) to T (Tranaitional) diatrict claaaif ication aa hereinafter ••t forth, and the City Planning and zon mg ca i••ion ha• recc ended approval of auch change in zoning, and •DMS, public notice ha• been given of auch propoaed rezoning bY one publication in th• Bn9l.wood Herald and Bnterpriae, a n9W8paper of general circulation within th• City and the official newapaper of the City at leaat fifteen (15) day• before the public hearing on auch zezoning, and notice of auch propoaed rezoning ha• been poated on the property for fifteen (15) conaecutive day• prior to auch hearmig, a• required by ordinance' and tlllBRBAS, public hearing waa held purauant to the aforeaaid notice by th• City Council of the City of Bnglewood in the Council Chamber• of the City Ball, 3345 South Bannock Street, Bngl.wood, Colorado on the 16th day of October, A.D. 1961, at th• hour of 8100 P.M., at whichhhearing no per80n• appeared to prote•t or oppo•• the propoaed change in zoning, and WHCRBAS, the public nec•••ity, convenience, general welfare and good aoning practice• juatify the change in zoning of the hereinafter d .. cribed property from R-2-8 (Reaidence) to T (Tranaitional) district claaaification aa hereinafter ••t forth1 .. TBmPOU, •• IT omanrm> BY TBB CITY OOUHCIL OP TBB CITY 01' B9QI,D'O')D, OOLOMD01 1tction 1. Th• zoning of the hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado i• hereby changed from R-2-B (Reaidence) to T (Tranaitional) diatrict claaaification aa hereinafter ••t forth, to-wits Lota 25 to 45 incluaive, Block 8, Strayer'• Broadway Heights, or the w.at aid• of 3000 South Lincoln Str-t, all in the City of Snglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. 1tcttin ,2. '!'he City Council hereby find•, determine• anc! declare• that th• ereinabove change in zoning i• juatified by public nece••ity, convenience, general w.lfare and good zoning practice•. Paaaed on rir•t Reading by the City Council of th• City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 16th day of October A.D., 1961, and ordered publiahed in fall in the Snglewood Herald and Bnterpri••· ATTUT1 waa read for th• f irat comCIUl ..... \11 llAlt'l'I• llOV8D, COUllCIUIAll WOODS SBCOllDSD, 'l'BA!' '1'llB PaOPOISD ULL .. PWD cm PIJlST llMDim MD ORDDBD PUBLISllD I• JUl.L I• ms DIH1TfOOD aa•1.n AllD ..,.....188. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aul ted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, BrownMtell, Martin, llilea, Wooda, JCreiling. •aya1 llone. Abaent1 Council.aan llcLellan. The Mayor declared the 110tion carried. 612-49 RBLATm G 'l'O ZOBIRG OP GORDO& TRACT Kr. Barry carleno, Attorney, atated that the original requeat waa for th• zoning of the .. ••ire Gordon Tract aa M-1 manufacturing diatr ict. !'hi• requeat waa denied by the Planning Comniaaion • lie atated that aince then the co.pr011i•• had been ••tabli•h•d providing for R-1-A reaidential &onin9 w.at of Clay ltr-t extended and 11-1 aonin9 eaat of Clay str-t extended. Be atated that although reaidential and manufacturing would border on each other, the t?pographical feature• would provide natural barrier•. COU9CIU'.All mull llOVD, OOUllCILl'Alf MARTI• SBOOIJDBD, TllA'l' '1'llB Cift comcu. Sft A PUBLIC llMaim Oii ms PROPOSBD RBZOllillG POR 8100 P.11., JmllMY, ~ 20'l'll AT TBS Cift BALL, Cift OOUHCIL CBAKBm, AllD 'l'llA'l' TBS PllOPDft COllCDSBD 88 POITBD AllD LBGAL BOTICB OP '1'BB llMRDICI PROVIDBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: r I I I I I I Minute• of October 16, 1961 Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Milea, Wooda, JCreiling. •ayaa Rone. Abaenta Councilman llcLellan. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 'ftl• City Manager atated that no previoua action had been taken by the Council in thia .. tter other than to receive the denial aa preaented by the Plannin9 eo.aiaaion. 'l'h• Deputy City Attorney stated that he would check if there waa any time limit for zonin9 of an area that mi9ht effect thia particular caae. 612-54 PILLDrG VACAllcr 08 BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB OOMMISSI08BRS cou•CIIAU m<>DS IDIIllATBD ... BARRY CARLBllO TO TBB VACABcr 08 'l'BB 8DAaD OP cum SSllVICB OOMMISSIORBRS OCCASIOllBD BY TBB RBSIGllA'II08 OP OClllI88Iom BILL llOCllB. COU.CILll.U 8IUIJ 8 MOVBD, COUllCILMAR MARTI8 SBC08DBD, '1'11A'I .. IllA'IIO.S roa .,... VACAllCr m TBS CAPBD SBRVICB OOIUIISSI08 BB CLOSBD AllD 'l'llA'I '1'llB Cift C'·a.K BS DSftUCTSD '1'0 CAST A8 UllAllillOUS BALLOT !'OR BARRY CARLBllO PO• ms o•DPIJlSD T ... 08 TllB CARDR SBRVICB C<»UIISSI08 BllDDIG JUllB 1, 1967. Upon th• ea11 of the lloll, th• vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilaen Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Milea, Wooda, JCreiling. 8aya1 llone. AbHnta Councilman McLellan. '1'be Mayor declared the motion carried and instructed the City Clerk to notify Kr. carleno of hia appointment. 612-48 APPLICA'IIOll IOR TRAllSPBR OF LIQUOR LICmtSB OF BBLLBVIBW BOWL COUllCIUIAll UOWllSWBLL llOVBD, COUBCILMAR BRAUH SBCOl1DBD, 'l'BAT '1'BB APPLI- CS!'IOll POa 'l'llAll8PD OP TllB LIQUOR LICDSB AT BBLLBVIBW BOWL TO '1'BB Dl'l'DS'IA'l'B BC*LDIG COUOM'l'IO• BS RlllDVBD PR<»I TBB TABLB. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted •• followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Martin, Miles, Woods, JCreiling. •ayaa llone. Abaenta Councilman McLellan. '!he Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Tony Greco, Attorney, repreaentin9 Interatate Bowlin9 Corporation, waa preaent to anawer queationa on the tranafer. '!he City Clerk read a letter from the Deputy Director of the State Liquor Department, atatin9 that th• holdin9 of one or more 3.2 Beer Licenaea did not conflict with th• State Liquor Law• which intereat in only one liquor licenae .. Y be allowed. COUllCILll.U WOODS llOVBD, COU8CILMAR BRCWBWBLL SBCmDBD, 'l'BAT '1'BB APPLICA!'I09 roa fttAllSPD OP '1'118 LIQUOR Liams• OF BBLLBYIBW BOWL AT 4900 aoum PSDD!U. 80ULSVARD TO '1'118 I8'1'BRSTATB BOWLI8G CORPORATI08 BB APPaOVBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Brownew.11, Martin, Milea, Woods, Kreiling. ••y•1 Councilaan Braun. Abamta Oouncil .. n McLellan. Tl.-Mayor declared th• motion carried. 612-58 APPLICATIOll !'OR TRAllSPBR OP LIQUOR LICBNSB AT BORSB CAR ID Th• City Clerk read an application for the tranafer of the Beer, Wine, and Spirituoua Liquor Licenae by a corporation, Two Jay'• Limited dba aor .. car Inn at 65 Weat Ployd Avenue. Be atated that th• application a11Deared to be in order and that letter• of reference were attached. Councilman Braun inquired whether the p)lice report waa available. 'fh• City Manager reported that the detective working on thia report bec:aae ill and waa unable to complete it. Diacuaaion enaued. COCJllCIU'.lUI aaAUll llOVBD, COUIJCILMAR 8ROWBWBLL SBCOBDSD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB APPLICATI09 POR TIWISPBR OP LIQUOR LICBRS9 AT llORSB CAR ID BB TABLBD UllTIL mT COU9CIL llD'l'IBG SO 'l'BAT A CDIPLBTB POLICB UPOa'1' llAY BB RB- YI--BY '1'llB cou•CIL. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa 577 578 Minute• of October 16, 1961 Ayea: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, Woode, ICreiling. Jla7a: None. Abaent: Council ... n McLellan. '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried and informed the applicants that the next Council .. eting would be on November 6, 1961. 612-7 PROCBBDilllS 01' WATER AND SEWER BOARD MEETING OP OCTOBER 4TR The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. 612-5 PROCDDilllS o:r BOARD o:r CAREER SERVICE CCIOIISSION wr:UIO o:r OCTOBBR 5'1'11 The Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. 612-59 Relating 12 Additional Group Lite Insurance !2£. Cit7 Bllplo7eea Th• Cit7 Clerk read the recomnendation ot the Board or career Service COllllliaaionera aa tollowa: "That the career Service Board recommends the adoption ot a new Group Lite Inauranoe proposal b7 the F.quitable Lite Assurance Societ1 and that the Board turther recommends that membership be mandatory tor new ea- ployeea." The City 111.na .. r diacuased his opposition to the mandatory reco ... ndation by the career Service COlllliaaion. Discussion ensued. The Cit7 Clerk reported on the additional coverages ottered under the ex- tension ot the exiating plan and reported that the coat ot the plan •• within the UIOUnt aet up An the 1962 budget. Councilllan 111.lea d1acuaaed the timeliness ot reviewing the group lite in- auranoe program and determine it the existing polic7 which the Cit7 has ia the beat policy the City can secure. The Cit7 Manager reported that prior to iaauance ot the polic7 to the Cit7 ot Englewood b7 the Equitable Lite Aaaurance Societ1 an extenaive review had been 118de and the polic7 ottered b7 the Societ7 appeared to be the beat available at that time. D1aouaaion reaumed aa to the .. ndatory reco ... ndation and the conaenaua ot the opinion ot the Council waa that it was not advisable. COORCIUIAJI WOODS llOVBD, COUllCIIMAN ~UJf SBCORDBD, 'tllAT TllB RBCCllPaml'!IOJf OP '!Ill CARBIR SBRVICB Cc.ISSIOR RELATIVE TO JWIDATORY MDIBBRSllIP BB DDDD AIU> tlll'l' Alf IJIVBS'l'IOAfIOlf BB IW>B BY THI CITY IWIAGBR OP GROUP LIJPB Alfi) ACCIJ>D!AL DBA'1'B COVBRAOD AVAII.ABI.B THROUGH OTHER C<llPANIBS TO '1'BB CI'l'! OP DOLBVOOD. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa tollows: Ayes: CouncilMn Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. lla7a: None. Absent: Councilman McLellan. The Jla7or declared the motion carried. 612-6 PROCDDilllS OP cm PLANNING AND ZONING CCIUCISSION MBB'l'Im OP OCTOBER 5, 1961 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. 612-6o ft!latinl to vacation ot alley west ot .. 8wediah Bo&ital The City Clerk read the following recoJ111endation ot· the Cit7 Planning and Zoning COllllliaa1on in tull: "That the portion ot the alle7 in Block 6, West View Addition to ~ewooc:l, abutting the South quarter ot Lot 9 and Lota 10 throust! 16 and Lota 33 through 39 and the South quarter ot Lot 40, Block 6, Veat View Addition, be vacatedfi provided that a 16 1 eaae .. nt tor aewer real1.an-nt be obtained. ' '1'he Clt7 Manager pointed out the location and circUll8tancea tor the request tor vacation ot thia alle1 and the proposed relocation ot a sewer line 1n the area ao that it would not interfere with building construction. COUllCILllAK BROWJIBWBLL llOVBD, COONCIIllAN MARTIN SBCOllDBD, 'tllAT 'l'BB RBCmllm>A'fIO• OP '1'111 CIT! PLADillO AMD ZOllillO CCllMISSIO• BB ACCBPtED ARD 'l'JIAT '1'111 CI'l'! A'!TORDf BB DSTRUCTBD TO PRBPARB A BILL 1POlt Alf ORDIDKCB TO VACA'l'B 'l'llB PORTIOll OP TllB ALLEY AS RBQUESTBD. Upon the call ot the roll,. the vote reaulted aa tollowa: ....., I I I I I I llinu tea ot Oo tober 16, 1961 Ayea: Counoil•n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Miles, Woode, Kreiling. Jlaya: Kone. AbHnt: Council.an McLellan. The Mayor declared the aotion carried. PRBSEMTATION OP UNITED NATIONS DAY CBRTIPICATE The Nayor presented a citation to Mrs. Clarence lfelaon tor her service aa United Jlationa Chairman tor the City ot Englewood. Mr. Warren Hern, who recently returned tro11 a trip to X..goa, Nigeria, waa present and related to the Council acme ot the experiences and incidents ot his stay in Nigeria. Re will be the •1n speaker at United Nations Day celebration. Jira. Nelson thanked the Mayor tor his citation. 612-61 RELA'l'Illl TO STRDT DEDICATION IN 3100 BLOCK SOU'l'll HURON The City Clerk read the following reco11nendation trom the City Planning and Zoning COllll1aaion aa tollowa: "The Planning Commission recoDDDend to Council that the street dedications in 3100 South Huron be accepted provided that intereated parties get the neceaaary grants, eaae•nta, and agree•nta •de, and that Council observe Paragraph B, Section 6, Article II ot the Subdivision Regulations aa tollowa: In order to provide tor the orderly construction ot public illprove .. nts aa areas are built and developed, to avoid intel'llittent aectiona ao 111- proved or unillproved, and to pre>11ote the public health, aatety and weltare, all atreeta shall be graded and improved by paving, concrete curbs and gutters and aidewalka, unleaa and provided that Council shall tind, upon the reco ... ndation ot the Planning Comm1as1on, that paving, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, or any ot the•, are not required tor an adequate uae and develop•nt ot the area involved." The City Manager diacuaaed the need tor right-or-way in the 3100 block South Huron. Council-.n JUlea reported that the Colorado Central Power COllP&ny ia planning to relocate power tranamiaaion polea located on the approxillate center line ot South Huron Street. The eati.ted coat ot thia move ia $4,000.00 ot which the Power Company will aaaUlle halt and the sub-divider the other balt. Under theae condition• the requirement or a developer to 1-diately pave the street• within a aub-diviaion would present the .. Jor t1nano1&1 proble• tor the developer. Th• developer •••k• to have the Council waive the paving requ1re- •nt and provide paving ot the street aa part ot a district. The City Manager indicated that the 3200 block South Huron had been accepted without paving and now the owners ot property in the 3100 block South Huron were seeking the .... exception. He indicated the aaount ot right-or-way presently dedicated. D1acuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun stated that he did not teel it waa neceaaary to deand paving at thia time but that the Council could not comait tuture Council• aa to requiring or not requiring paving. COUJICILllAJI BRAUX llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTDf SBCOJfDBD, 'l'llAT TBB COUJICIL RBCBIVB TBB RBCmDIDDATIOlf OP TBB CITY PLANNING ARD ZOlfllfO CC191IS8IOJI ARD ACCBPl' Aft DBDICAftD LAlll> UP TO A WIDTH OP 60 POOT RIGHT-OP-WAY WI'l'llOU'.r PAVIlll IR '!llB 3100 BI.()CK SOU'l'B HUROll STRBBT AS LOJIO AS THIS RIGHT-OP-WAY DEDICATION IS DI ALIOR- llDl'f vrrB BUROJI STRDT AS BXISTIIG SOUTH OP THE ABOVE BLOCJt. IIWDIJCB AS I'f IS lf01' A COUlfCIL POLICY TO RBQUIRB PAVING OP A S'l'RBBT TllROUOB URillPROVBD LUD PRIOR TO SUB-DIVISIOJf. Discuaaion ensued. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Martin, Woods, JCreiling. NI.ya: •one. Abaent: Council•n JlcLellan. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RECBSS The Mayor called a recess or the Council until 10:25 P.11. 579 111.nutea ot October 16, 1961 CALL TO ORDER 'l'he Ma7or called the Council to order at 10:25 P.M. with the tollowing Couno1l•n present: Counc1l•n Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Absent: Councilman McLellan, Martin. 'ftle Ma7or declared a quorum present. 612-8 PROCKBDIJllS OP PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OP OCTOBER 10, 1961 The Ma7or asked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. 612-62 Study ot Library Needs by Consultant 'l'he City Jlanager reported on the action ot the Library Board requesting a prelillinary surve1 ot the Librarynneeds or F.nglewood by competent library consultant. Be stated that previous studies had simply pointed out the proble.. and ahortoomings ot the Englewood Library but did not otter an1 recOlmllendationa aa to size and requirements ot the ultillate Englewood Library responsibilit7. Re rec0111111tnded that the survey be authorized. Discussion ensued. COURCIIJIAR WOODS MOVED, COUNCIUIAN BROWNBWELL SBCOIDBD, THAT '1'llB RBQ1JBS'f OP 'l'RE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD BB APPROVED AND THAT THE CITY IWIAOBR BB AU'l'BOR- IZBD TO RBVISB '1'llB 1961 LIBRARY BUDGET TO PROVIDE A MAXIllUJI OP $1,000.00 1'0R SUCH AN IRDBPBNDBIT STUD!. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted aa tollows: A7es: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woods, ltre1ling. lla7s: None. Absent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-36 ADOPTION OP 1962 PROPOSBD BUDOBT The City Manager stated that he had adJusted the revenues and appropri- ations aet torth in the 1962 lllldget aa di1cu11ed and reviled b7 the Cit7 Council during it• recent ••tings. He asked that the Budget be adopted and th• Cit7 Attorne1 ordered to prepare the various appropriation and budget ordinances. COUNCIIMAN JIII·BS MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCONDBD, THAT TllB 1962 llJDClft, AS RBVISBD, Bl APPROVED ARD THAT THB CITY ATT<llD! BB AU'l'JICllIZBD AllJ> DIDC'l'BD '1'0 PRBPARB A BILL JPOR AN ORDIRANCE TO ADOPT THI BUDOBT DOCUlllll'l' Alm TO Sl.'1' JPOR'l'll '1'llB APPROPRIATIORS JPROM VARIOUS JPURDS AS BSTABLISBBD B! TBB BUDGET. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: Ayes: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woods, ltreiling. Na7a: None. Absent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-33 CONSmDBRATION OP GARBAGE COLLECTION CONTRACT COORCILIWf BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAM MILES SECONDED, 'l'llA'l' '1'JIB MAT'tBR OP 'l'llB COJISIDBRATIOlf OP sms POR THE GARBAGE COM'l'RACT BE RBMOVBD JPRC* TRB TABLE. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: Ayes: Council•n Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Wood.a, ltreiling. Nays: Hone. Absent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. 'Dle Jlayor declared the motion carried. The City llanager reported that he had contacted Mr. Everette Bond with regard to the requirements for the granting or the contract. Be stated that I I I I I I I IU.nutea ot October 16, 1961 1n order tor Mr. Bond to aecure a pertonance bond that Mr. A. J. Hansen would need to actually enter into a contract with Mr. Bond. The Deputy City Attorney stated that additional parties sigl'ling a contract with the City would not attect that contract but would make it stronger and more valuable to the City. COUNCILIWI BROWNBVBLL MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED GARBAGE CONTRACT JP<lt OD YEAR, BBGINNIHG FEBRUARY 1, 1962, WITH EVBRBTTE L. BOllD AllD A. J. RAllSBN BB APPROVED AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CIT! CLERIC BB AUTllOR- IZBD TO SIGN 'l'BB CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa: Ayes: Councilllen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woods, ICreiling. Maya: None. Ab•ent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-10 QUARTERLY DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS The City Manacer diacuaaed the Fire Report and recent developments 1n the bOllb acarea. lie reported that the Police Chief and City Attorney had been directed to provide an ordinance setting forth penalties on thoae who were convicted ot caua1n1 or beine a party to a bond acare plot. The recent illneaa ot the City Attorney had postponed further action. Councilll&n Braun auggeated that the District Attorney be informed that the City Council i• very 111Uch concerned about the bomb acarea and the danger to public property and the tire personnel in answering such calla in addition to actual coat ot auch talae alarms to the City or F.nglewood. COUlfCILIWI BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN BROWNEWELL SECOllDBD, 'l'JIAT THE CIT! ATTQIUIB! BB DIRBCTBD TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE DISTRICT ATTORllBr'S OFPICB SB'1'1'IJ11 1'<lft'll TD CITY OP ENGLEWOOD'S VIEWPOIH'l' ARD DBBP COllCBRR WITH RBOARD TO JiV'IURB VIOLATIOD AND EXPRESSING THE OPINION THAT AlfYOMB APPRBHBNDBD FOR '1'llIS CRDIB BB PROSBCUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTEM'l' OP THE LAW. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woode, ICreiling. Jlaya: Kone. Absent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. The 111.yor declared the motion carried. 612-10 CITY TRBISURBR'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OP SEPTEMBER, 1961 The llayor aaked that the report be received and placed on tile. Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Woods. 612-28 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 29, SERIES OF 1961 Alf ORDIJIAJK:B AllBllDIJIJ ORDillANCE NO. 2, SERIES OP 1961, IllPLBllDTilll TBB CARDR sanes SYST• OJ' TllB CI'l'Y OP ENOLEWOOD, COLORADO, VI'ftl APPROPRIAB RULES AJID RmULATIOllS, Bl DELB'l'IMO 'l'llEREPR~ SUB-SECTION 3 OF SBC!'IOll 2a OJ' Alft'ICLB I AJID SUBftI'lV'l'IllJ 'l'HBREl'OR A NBW SUB-SECTION 3, DDINIRO '1'111 AU'ftlORI'l'! J'Cll '1'RB BSTABLISJDmrr Ol' PROBATIClfARY PERFORMANCE PERIODS OP EMPLO'DllDl'l' AND THI BX- TDSIOJI 'l'llBRBOJI. waa read tor the second tiM. COUlfCIUIAJf WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE RO. 2f, SBRIBS OJI 1961, BB ADOPTED AND APPROVED ON SECOND AND PIRAL RBADilll AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN PULL IN 'l'HB ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPfiISB. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa:· Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woode, Kreiling. Maya: None. Absent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. 'ftle Mayor declared the •otion carried. 581 582 Minutea ot October 16, 1961 troduced ae a Bill by Councilman Braun 612-36 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 30, SERIES OP 1961 AN ORDINANCE PIXIl«J THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS UPON EACH DOLLAR OP THE ASSBSSBD VALUATION OP ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD,, COLORADO,, POR THE YEAR 1961. wae read tor the second time. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED,, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED,, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 30,, SBRIBS OP 1961, BE ADOPTED AND APPROVED ON SECOND AND PINAL READillJ OD ORDERBD PUBLISHED IN PULL IN THE Et«lLEWOOD HERALD AND BN'l'ERPRISE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Woods, 1Cre111ng. Na;ye: None. Absent: Councilmen Martin, McLellan. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced ae a Bill by Councilman Brownewell. 612-63 A BILL POR Alf CIU>INANCB TO LEVY A CITY RETAIL SALES AND USE TAX WITHIN THE CITY OP BllOLBWOOD,, COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD,, COLORADO: l!t1on 1. HAMB OP TAX. This ordinance may be known and cited as the CITY AIL SlLBS AND USE TAX ORDINANCE. Section 2. WORDS AND PHRASES DEPINBD. When not clearly otherwise indi- cated 61 the context, the following words and phrases, as used in this ordinance,, shall have the following meanings: 2-1. The tel'll "person" includes any individual, tirm,, co-partner- ahip, Joint adventure, corporation, estate or trust, or any group or cOllbination acting aa a unit, and the plural as well as the singular number. 2-2. The tera "City Clerk" shall mean the City Clerk or the City ot Bnglewood. Th• term "City Treasurer" shall mean the City Treasurer or the City ot Jrn&lewood. The term "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager or the City ot Bftslewood. 2-3. The term "sale" or "sale and purchase" includes installment and credit sales,, and the exchange or property, as well as the sale thereof tor 110ne7,, and every such transaction, conditional or otherwise,, tor a con- aideration conatituting a sale, and also includes the sale or furnishing or electrical energy, gas, telephone, or telegraph services taxable hereunder. 2-4. The term "wholesaler" means a person doing a regularly recognised wholesale or Jobbing business,, and known to the trade as such, and aelling to retail merchants, Jobbers, dealers, or other wholesalers, tor the purpoae ot resale. 2-5. The term "wholesale sale" means a sale by wholesalers to retail merchants, Jobbers, dealers, or other wholesalers tor resale (and does not include a sale by wholesalers to users or customers n9t tor resale, and such sales shall be deemed retail sales, and subject to the provisions or this ordinance) • 2-6. The term "retailer" or "vendor" means a person doing a retail business, known to the trade and public as such, and selling to the user or conau.I•, and not tor resale. 2-7. A "retail sale" includes any sale made within the City ot Bnglewood except a wholesale sale. 2-8. The term "City" shall mean the City or Englewood. 2-9. The term "taxpayer" shall mean any person obligated to account to the City Treasurer tor taxes collected or to be collected under the terms ot this ordinance. I I I I I Minutes ot October 16, 1961 2-10. The term "tax" •ana attlaar tne tax payable by the purchaser ot a c0111odity or service subject to tax or the aggregate amount ot taxea due trom the vendor ot auch cOlmlloditiea or services during the period tor which he is required to report hie collections, as the text may require. 2-11. The term "tangible personal property" ahall •an corporeal personal property. Thia ahall not be construed to Man newapapera aa legally detined by the 1953 Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 109-1-2. 2-12. The term "purchase price" means the price to the conaumer exclusive ot an7 direct tax 1.mpoaed b7 the federal government or by the State or Colorado or by thia ordinance; and, in the case of all retail sales involving the ex- change ot property, alao exclusive of the tair market value ot the property ex- changed at the time and place ot the exchange; PROVIDED, such exchanged property ia to be aold thereafter in the usual course or the retailer's buaineas. 2-13. The term "groaa taxable aalea" shall mean the total amount received 1n 11<>ney, credits, property (excluding the fair market value ot exchanged property which ia to be sold thereafter in the usual course ot the retailer's baa1ness) or other conaideration valued in money tor the sales and purchases at retail within the City, and embraced within the provisions ot this ordinance. 2-13 (1). PROVIDED, that the taxpayer •Y take credit in his report ot groaa aalea tor an aaount equal to the sale price ot property returned b7 the purchaser when the tull aale price thereof is retunded, either in cash or by credit; 2-13 (2). And PROVIDED, PURTHER, that the fair market value of any ex- changed property which ia to be sold thereafter in the usual course ot the retailer' a buaineaa, it included in the tull price ot a new article, shall be excluded troa the groaa aales; 2-13 (3). And PROVIDED, FURTHER, that taxes paid on the amount ot gross aalea which are represented by accounts not secured by conditional sale con- tract or chattel •ortgage and which are found to be worthlesa and are actuall7 and properly charged ott as bad debts tor the purpose or the income tax i•- poaed by the lawa or the State ot Colorado, may be credited upon a subsequent p&)'llent ot the tax herein provided; but if any such accounts are thereafter collected by the taxpayer, a tax shall be paid upon the amounts so collected. Such credit ahall not be allowed with respect to any account or item therein ar1a1ng tro11 the sale ot any article under a conditional sale contract whereb7 the aeller retain• title as security for all or part or the purchase price or troa the aale ot any article when the seller takes a chattel mortgage on the article to secure all or part of the purchase price. 2-14. S.lea to and purchases ot tangible personal property b7 a person •nsasecl in the bua1neas ot .. nutacturing, compounding for sale, profit or uae, &DJ article, aubatance, or comaodit7, which tangible personal property enters into th• proc•••ina ot or beco•• an ingredient or component part or the pro- duct which i• .anutactured, compounded or turnished or the container, label, or the turniahed •hipping case thereof, shall be deemed to be wholesale sales and ahall be d••-d to be exempt trom taxation under this ordinance. 2-15. S&lea and purchaaea ot electricity, gas, coal, tuel oil or coke, tor uae 1n proceaaing, •nutacturing, mining, refining, irrigation, building construction, telegraph, telephone and radio communication, street and rail- road tranaportation aervicea and all industrial uses, and newsprint and printers' ink tor uae by publishers or newspapers and coJ111Dercial printers shall be d .. lled to be wholesale sales and shall be exempt trom taxation under the proviaiona ot thia ordiance. 2-16. Should a dispute arise between the purchaser and seller as to whether or not any such sale ia exempt from taxation hereunder, nevertheless, the aeller •hall collect and the purchaser shall pay such tax; and the seller •ball thereupon iaaue to the purchaser a l'eceipt, or certificate, on tor11s preacribed b7 the Cit7 Treaaurer, showing the names or the seller and purchaaer, the ite• purchased, the date, price, amount or tax paid, and a brief state•nt ot the claill or exemption. The purchaser thereatter may apply to the City Treasurer tor a ·retund ot such taxes, and it shall then be the duty of the City Treasurer to determine the question ot exemption, subject to review by the courts as hereinafter provided. It shall be a violation ot this ordinance tor any seller to tail to collect, or any purchaser to tail to pay a tax levied by this ordinance, and on sales on which exemption ia disputed. 2-17. When right to continuous poaaeasion or use ot any article or tangible personal property 1s granted under a lease or contract and such tranater ot posaeaa1on would be taxable under this ordinance it an outright aale were .. de, such lease or contract shall be considered the sale of such article and the tax shall be computed and paid as in the case or an outright aale taxable hereunder. 583 58 Minutes or October 16, 1961 2-18. A "tarm auction closeout sale" means a regularly advertised and conducted aale at public auction or all the tangible personal property or a tal'ller or rancher previously used by him in carrying on hia tal'lling or ranching operations. Unless said farmer or rancher is making or attempting to ll&ke tull and final disposition at the auction sale or all property used 1n hi• taraing or ranching operations and is abandoning said operations on the prelliaea whereon they were previouslr, conducted, such sale shall not be deelled a "tara auction closeout sale' within the meaning ot this sub-section. 2-19. The sales tax is imposed on the tull purchase price or articles sold arter manufacture or after having been nade to order and inclwies the tull purchase price ot materials used and service performed in connection therewith, excluding, however, such articles as are otherwise exempted 1n this ordinance. 'ftle sale price is the gross value of all the materials, labor, aervice, and the protit thereon, included in the price charged to the user or conau.er. 2-20. The sale or furnishing or steam or other heat shall be in- cluded 1n the term "sale" or "sale and purchase" under this section. 2-21. The term "District" wherever used herein shall mean the "Jlour- County Metropolitan Capital Improvement District". Section 3. 3-1. It shall be unlawful tor any person to engage in the business ot aelling at retail, as the same is defined in tais ordinance, on and after January 1, 1962, without tirst having obtained a license therefor, which license shall be granted and issued without tee by the City Treasurer and shall be 1n rorce and errect until revoked. 3-2. APPLICATION; CONTENT. Such license shall be granted only upon application stating the name and address of the person desiring such license, the name or such business and the location, including the street nUllber of such business and such other tacts as may be reasonably required by the City Treasurer. Section 4. EACH RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT TO BE LICENSED. In case business is transacted at two or more separate places by one person, a separate license tor each place or business shall be required. Section 5. PORM OP LICENSE; LICENSE NON-TRANSFERABLE. Bach license shall be nUibered and shall show the name, mailing address, and place and character or business or the licensee and shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the place or business tor which it is issued. No license shall be transrerable. Sec ti on 6. SALE AT RETAIL WITHOUT LICENSE. business or selling at retail in the City without therefor, except as specifically provided herein, violation or this ordinance and shall be punished Any person engaged 1n the having secured a license shall be guilty of a accordingly. Section 7. REVOCATION OP LICENSE BY CITY TREASURER. The City Treasurer .ay, on a reasonable notice and after tull hearing, revoke the license of any person round by the City Treasurer to have violated any provision of this ordinance. Section 8. APPEAL PRCll CITY TREASURER'S ORDER. Any finding and order or the City Treasurer revoking the license ot any person shall be subject to review by the District Court ot the Eighteenth Judicial District or the State ot Colorado, upon application of the aggrieved party. The procedure tor re- view shall be in accordance with Rule 106 A (4) or the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure • Section 9. WBBN LICENSE N~ REQUIRED. No license shall be required tor any person engaged exclusively in the business of selling coD1Dodities which are exe1111>t tram taxation under this ordinance. · Section 10. TAXABLE ITEMS. On and after January 1, 1962, there is hereby levied ana there shall be collected and paid a tax in the aaount stated 1n Section 13 hereof, as follows: 10-1. On the purchase price paid or charged upon all sales and purchases or tangible personal property at retail. 10-2. In the case or retail sales involvibg the exchange of property, on the purchase price paid or charged, including the tair ... rket value of the property exchanged at the t~me and place ot the exchange, excluding, however, trom the consideration or purchase price the tair market value of the ex- changed property, provided such exchanged property is to be sold the~atter 1n the usual course ot the retailer's business. I I I I I I Minutes of October 16, 1961 10-3. Upon telephone services tor all Englewood local exchange service receipt• and upon telegraph services tor all intra-state service originating in the City. l~·,. Por gas and electric service, tor gas .&IMl ·electricity turnished and sold tor domestic or coamercial consumption and .not tor resale. 10-5. Upon the amount paid for all meals and cover charges, it any, turniahed 1n any restaurant, eating house, hotel, drug store, club, resort, or other such place at which meals or food are :regularly sold to the public. 10-6. Por steam or other heating service furnished and sold tor do .. atic or cOlllMtrcial use. Section 11. ITEMS BXIMPT FR<* TAXATION. The sales or the following cl••••• or tangible personal property are exempt from taxation under thi• ordi- nance; 11-1. Class 1 -Motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers registered outside ot the City ot Englewood. CAVEAT: The purchase or any motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer outaide the Pour-County Metropolitan capital Improvement Dmatrict by a resident ot the City ot Englewood tor uae in Englewood shall be subject to tax hereunder, which tax shall be payable to the City Treasurer or Englewood prior to the time the registration license is iaaued by the County Clerk or Arapahoe County. It &Jl7 reaident ot the City ot Englewood shall register his motor vehicle, trailer, r aeai-tre.iler in any other county than Arapahoe County, he shall be guilty or a violation ot thia ordinance and punished as provided in Section 66 he:reot. 11-2. Class 2 -Parm implements. 11-3. Class 3 -Parts and accessories for Articles in Clasaea 1 and 2 above. 11-4. Sales under conditional sales contracts made prior to the ettecti'fee date ot this ordinance. 11-5. Salee ot tangible personal property shall be exempted from the operation ot this ordinance if both the following conditions exist: (1) 'ftle sale• are to those who are residents or or doing buaineaa in the State or Colorado outaide the City or Englewood; and, (2) The articlee s purchased are to be delivered to the purchaser outside the City ot Englewood by co1111on carrier or by the conveyance of the seller or b7 mail. 11-6. Sales or tuel used for the operation ot internal combustion engine•. 11-7. Sales or tangible personal property shall be exempted troa the operation ot this ordinance it all the following condition• exist: (1) The aalea are made to a purchaser engaged in manufacturing, processing, llining, construction, or railroading; (2) The articles sold are to be uaed by the pur- chaser in the conduct or his manufacturing, erocessing, mining, construction, or railroadina business outside the City; (3) Delivery or th• articles sold is to be made to the purchaser at a point outside the City or to a carrier tor delivery ot the articles to a purchaser at a point outside the City, or to the railroad, in case the railroad is the purchaser, or to a truck or the con- struction company in case or a sale to a construction company. 11-8. The sale or drugs dispensed in accordance with a prescription. 11-9. The sale, uae, storage or consumption or rood and food pro- duct• which are to be consumed off the premises of the vendor, unless prepared by the vendor at the place of sale for immediate consuaption by the purchaser. 11-10. The sale, use, storage or consumption or goods nanutactured within the District and aolldirectly by the manufacturer to a coDDon carrier operating in interstate commerce as the ultimate consumer thereof. 11-11. The sale or goods manufactured within the District and aold by the manufacturer thereof directly to the ultimate conaWll8r, when delivery ot auch goods is .. de by connon, contract or commercial carrier, or by convey- ance ot *be· a1iMe •I' -1 '*hit .r ba,ar t9 a opotat t outaldem•beHa-...lerie•,oertb• District, for use outside the District. 11-12. All sales and purchases or conanodities or services, the sale ot which was on June 4, 1937, subject to a sale or excise tax under the laws ot the United States, where such federal sale or excise tax amounts to more than twelve-and-one-half per cent (12~) or the sale price under said laws. 585 586 M1nutea ot October 16, 1961 11-13. All aalea to the United States Government; to the State ot · Colorado, ita departllenta or inatitutiona, and the political aubdiviaiona thereof, in their governmental capacities only; and all aalea to the City and any department thereof. 11-14. All aalea to religious charitable, and eleemosynary corporations, in the conduct ot their regular religious, charitable, and elee11e>aynary tunctiona and activities. 11-15. All aalea which the City is prohibited trom taxing under the Constitution or lawa ot the United States, or the State ot Colorado, ahall be exe1111>t hereunder. 11-16. All aalea and purchases ot neat cattle, sheep, lambs, awine and goata; all aalea and purchases ot mares and stallions tor breeding purpp .. a; and all tarm auction close-out sales shall be exempt trom taxation hereunder. 11-17. All aalea and purchases of feed for live•*ook or poultry, all aalea and purchaaea ot aeeda, and all salea and purchases ot orchard treea ah&ll be exe111>t trom taxation hereunder. Section 12. RaAILER RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMBMT OP TAX. Every retailer (alao herein called "vendor"), shall, irrespective or proviaiona or Section 13, be liable and reaponaible tor the payment or an amount equivalent to one per cent (1•> ot all aalea .. de by him ot co1111oditiea or services specified 1n Section 10, and shall betore the fifteenth (15th) day ot each month .. ke a ret\ll'l'l to the City Treasurer tor the preceding calendar month and remit an a.aunt equivalent to aaid one ~r cent {1•> ot such sales to said City Treaaurer, l••• tive per cent (5•) ot such tax to cover the vendor's ex- penae 1n the collection and remittance ot said tax. . 12-1. RB'l'URN; CONTENT I PORM, ETC. Such retums or the taxpayer, or hi• duly authorized agent, shall contain such inrormation and be made 1n auch manner and upon auch torma aa the City Treasurer may prescribe and aaid CitJ 'l'reaaurer •1 extend the time for making retuma and paying the taxes due under luch reaaonable rules and regulations as he may prescribe, but no auch extenaion ahall be for a greater period than is provided in Section 16. 12-2. BXlllPTION; BURDEN OP PROOF. The burden ot proof that any retailer ia •n111>t trom collecting a tax upon any goods sold and paying aa.e to th• CitJ 'l'reaaurer, or trom making such retums, shall be on the retailer or vendor under auch reasonable requirements of proot aa the CitJ Treasurer •Y preacribe. S!ction 13. RB'l'AILERS TO COLLECT TAX. 13-1. There are hereby imposed upon all sales ot commodities and aervicea apecitied in Section 10, taxes 1n accordance with the following achedule: 13-1 (1). On sales amounting to 44¢ ao and including $1.18, a tax ot one cent ($0.01). 13-1 (2). On sales amounting to $1.19 to and including $2.18, a lax ot two cents ($0.02). 13-1 (3). And on all higher sales, one c cent ($0.01) shall be added in each bracket tor one dollar ffl.00) of additional selling price. 13-2. Retailers shall add the tax imposed hereby, or the average equivalent thereof, to the aale price or charge, showing such tax aa a separate and diatinct itea, and when added such .tax •ball constitute a part or auch price or charge and ahall be a debt trom the consumer or uaefl. to the retailer until paid and shall be recoverable at law in the same manner aa other debts; pro- vided, however, the retailer shall be entitled, as collecting •sent ot the Citf, to apply and credit the amount ot his collection againat the one per cent (l•> rate to be paid by him under the provisions ot Section 12, rellitting ~ exceaaive collection over aaid one per cent (l·~~ leas the tive per cent (5') collection expenae allowance ·atoreaaid, to the City Treasurer 1n the retailer'• next aonthly Nlea tax retum. notion 14. CITY TREASURER FORMULATES RULES. To provide uniform Mthoda ot ad 1iii the tax, or the average equivalent thereof, to the selling price, it ahall be the duty ot the City Treasurer, with the approval ot the City Manager, to tol'IUl&te and promulgate, atter hearing, appropriate rules and regulations to ettectuate the purpose ot this ordinance. I I I I I I I Minutes ot October 16, 1961 Section 15. UNLAWJUL TO ASSUME OR ABSBBB TAX. It shall be unlawtul tor &DJ retailer to ad.ertiae or hold out or state to the public or to a117 cuat011er, directly or indirectly, that the tax or any part thereot impoaed by thia ordi- nance will be aaaumed or absorbed by the retailer, or that it will not be added to the selling price ot the property aold, or, it added, that it or any part thereot will be retunded. Any person violating any provision ot thia ordinance shall be aubJect to the penalties herein provided. Section 16. SPECIAL ACCOUMTINO BASIS POR RBMITTAMCE OP TAX. It the accounting .. thods regularly .employed by the vendor in the transaction ot hi• busineaa, or other conditions, are auch that reports ot sale nade on a calendar aonth basis will impose unneceaaary hardship, the City Treasurer nay, upon re- quest ot the ~vendor, accept report• at such intervals as will, in hi• opinion, better suit the convenience of the taxpayer, and will not Jeopardize the collection or the tax; provided, however, the City Treasurer may by rule ~rait a taxpayer whose monthly tax collected la leas than twaaty dollars ($20.00) to Mke retuma and pay taxea at intervals not greater than three months. Section 17. CONSOLIDATION OP RETURNS. A retailer doing buaineaa in two or more places or locations taxable hereunder may tile one return covering all such buaineaa activities in the City. · Section 18. TAX OH CREDIT SALES, ETC. Whenever an article i• aold under a conditional aale contract whereby the seller retain• title as securit7 tor all or part ot the purchase price, or whenever the seller takes a chattel mort- gage on the article to secure all or part of the purchase price, the tetal tax baaed on the total selling price shall become i11111ediately due and payable. 'l'hia tax shall be charged or collected by the seller. Ro retund or credit ahall be allowed •o either part7 to the transaction in case ot repoaaeaaion. Section l~. BXCBSS COLLECTIONS; FAILURE TO RBllIT COLLECTIONS. It any vendor ahii1,ur~ any reporting period, collect aa a tax an aaount 1n exceas ot one per cent (1-) ot hia total taxable sales, he shall remit to the City Treasurer the tull net aaount ot the tax herein imposed and alao auch exceaa. The retention b7 the retailer or vendor or any exceaa ot tax collection• over one per cent (1.) ot the total taxable sales of such retailer or vendor, or the intentional tailure to reait punctually to the City Treasurer the tull aaount required to be remitted by the provisions or thia ordinance, ia hereby declared to be a violation ot this ordinance. Section 2~. TAX ON STORAOB, CONSUMPTION, AND USE. There ia hereby levied and there ahii be collected trom every person in the City a tax or exciae tor the privilege ot storing, using, or consuming in thia City any article• ot tanaible personal property purchased at retail trom aourcea outside the corporate 11a1t• ot Englewood, subsequent to· the ettective date ot this ordi- nance. Such tax ahall be payable to and ahall be collected by the City Treaaurer in accordance with the tollowing schedule: 20Tl (1). On storage or acquiaiton charges tor coats trom 44-to $1.18, both inclusive, a tax ot one cent ($0.01). 20-1 (2). On storage or acquisittDD charges or coats trom $1.19 to $2.18, both inclusive, a tax of two cents ($0.02). 20-1 (3). On all storage or acquisition charges or coats higher than $2.18, one cent ($0.01) shall be added tor each bracket of one dollar $1.00) ot such higher charges or costs. 20-2. ITEMS EXIMPT PR(I( TAX OH STORAGE, CONSUMPTION AND USE. Thia tax or excise on the storage, consumption, and uae or tangible personal prope~ ia hereby declared to be aupple .. n..., to the City tax on retail sales as pro- vided in taia ordinance and shall not apply: 20-2 (1). To the storage, use, or consumption ot any tangible personal property, the aale ot which is subject to the City Retail Sales Tax aa provided herein. 20-2 (2). To the storage, uae or conawaption ot any tangible personal property purchased tor resale in thia City, either in ita original form or aa an ingredient ot a manufactured or compounded product, in the regular course ot a buaineaa. 20-2 (3). To the storage, uae or conawaption or motor tuel upon which there haa accl'\led or haa been paid the motor tuel tax prescribed by the Colorado Motor Puel Tax Law ot 1933. 587 588 Minutes or October 16, 1961. 20-2 (4). To the storage, use or consumption ot tangible personal propert1 brought into this City by a non-resident thereot tor his own atorase, uae or consumption while temporarily within this CitJ, nor to the peraonal propert1 or a resident it such personal propert1 was purchaaed prior to becoaing a resident or this City. 20-2 (5). To the storage, use or consumption ot tangible personal property or the United States Government, or the State or Colorado, or it• 1.natitutiona, or its political subdivisions, in their governmental capacities onlJJ or bJ religious or charitable corporations in the conduct ot their reSU].ar religious or charitable tunctions. 20-2 (6). To the storage, use or consumption or tangible personal propert1 b7 a person engaged in the business or manufacturing, coaapoundinc k tor aale, protit or use, an7 article, substance or cOllllodity, which tangible peraonal propert1 enters into the processing or or becOlles an ingredient or cQ111Ponent part ot the product or service which is manutactured, compounded or turnished and the container, label or the turnished shipping case thereot. 20-2 (7). To the storage, use or consumption ot electricitJ, coal, coke, tuel oil or gas tor use in processing, manufacturing, mining, retining, irrigation, telegraph, telephone and radio conmunication, street and railroad tranaportation services and all industrial uses, except that electricity, gas, coal, tuel oil or coke used tor lighting or space hea~ing in these operations ahall not be exempt. 20-2 (8). To the storage and use or neat cattle, sheep, lambs, awine and goata within this City; or to the storage and use within this City ot .. rea and stallions kept, held and used tor breeding purposes only. !lotion 21 PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO PA111BNTS AND COLLECTION. The tolloW ng ·provlaiona shall apply to the payment and collection or the tax on storage, con•U11Ption and use or tangible personal :· propert1: 21-1. MOTOR VBllICLES AND TRAILERS. lny resident person who Mall purchaae any 110tor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer, whether new or used, outside the •our-County Metropolitan Improvement District tor use within th1• C1t7, ahall illlediately, and prior to registering and obtaining a licenae theretor, .. ke a return showing such transaction to the City Treasurer ot Bnglewood and thereupon pay to him the use tax applicable thereto as pro- vided tor 1n Section 20 hereot, and tailure to do so shall copstitute a violation ot th1• ordinance. All motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers, purchaaed outa1de the corporate limits or Englewood tor use 1n this City ahl.11 be regiatered with the County Clerk and Recorder ot Arapahoe County, Colorado, and &Jl7 person who shall register any such motor vehicle, trailer or ••Iii-trailer in any other county in this state or elsewhere shall be dee .. d in violation ot this ordinance and any such registration shall consti- tute pri.a tacie evidence or an attempt to evade payment ot such tax. 21-2. BJILDillJ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIF.S. Any person who shall build, construct, or 111prove an1 building, dwelling or other structure or improve .. nt to realt7 whataoever within the CitJ or Englewood, and who •hall purchase the neceaaari lumber, tixturea, .. terials, or an1 other suppli•• needed therefor trom any source outaide the Pour-County Metropolitan Capital Improve .. nt Dis- trict •hall keep and preserve all invoices and state .. nts showing such pur- chaaes and shall, on or betore the tenth day or each succeeding month tollowing the start or auch construction, tile a return with the City 'l'reaaurer ot Englewood, to which he shall attach such state11ents and invoices tor the lWlber, tixturea, .. 11erials and other supplies purchased the previous 110nth and ahall thereupon pa1 to said City Treasurer the tull amount ot the uee tax due thereon tor the precediM month or months. Any tailure to pre- serve such state .. nts and invoices and to nake such return and payment ot this tax ah&ll be dee .. d a violation or this ordinance, and any person so ottending shall be aubJect to the penalties and punishment provided herein. It shall be the duty ot the City Building Inspector and the contractor• and sub-contractor• who are hired to construct any such improvements to turnish the City Treaaurer auch intormation aa he •1 require as to any purchases or lWlber, fixtures, .. teriala, and auppliea tor such improvements which were obtained trom aourcea outside the Pour-County Metropolitan C&pital Improve11ent District. '!'be tull &llOunt ot any use tax due and not paid tor lumber, fixtures, .. teriala, and aupplies purchased trom such outside sources, together with penalties and interest thereon aa herein provided shall be and constitute a lien upon the real property benetited by such improvement, and the City Treaaurer is hereb7 authorized to tile a notice or such lien with the Count1 Clerk and Recorder ot A~-bee C Oomat7. I I I I I I Minutes ot October 16, 1961 21-3. Every person who shall become subject to the paJ119nt ot an excise tax tor the privilege ot storing, using, or conauaing within the CitJ ot Englewood &Jl7 articles ot tangible personal property purchased at retail troa aourcea outside the Pour-County Metropolitan Capital Illprove .. nt District ahall, unleaa a ditterent time be otherwise specifically provided herein, pr011Ptl1 tile a return with the City Treasurer and pay to him the 1'ull amount ot the tax due thereon; and &Jl7 undue delay, or effort to evade the payment ot auch tax, shall aubJect such person to auch penalties and punishment aa provided herein. Section 22. COLLECTION AND REPUHD OF DISPUTED TAX. Should a dispute arise between the purchaser and seller aa to whether or not any aale or comaoditJ or service ia exe111>t trom taxation hereunder, nevertheless, the seller shall collect and the purchaser shall pay auch tax, and the seller shall thereupon iaaue to the purchaser a receipt or certificate, on torma prescribed bJ the City Treasurer, showing the n&•• ot the seller and purchaser, the iteu pur- chased, the date, price, amount ot tax paid, and a briet state•nt ot the claill ot exe111>tion. The purchaser may thereatter apply to the Cit1 Treasurer tor a re1'und ot such taxes, and it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to deteraine the question ot exemption, subject to review by the courts, as herein provided. Section 23. REPUNDS; PROCEIXJRE. A retund shall be made or credit allowed tor thi tii so paid under dispute by any purchaser who has an exemption aa in this ordinance set out. Such re1'und shall be aade by the City Treasurer atter COllPliance with the tollowing conditions precedent; 23-1. APPLICATION. Applications tor re1'und muat be .. de within ninet1 (90) days atter the purchase or the goods on which the exemption ia claimed 9ad must be supported by the affidavit or the purchaser, accompanied bJ the original paid invoice or aalea receipt and a certiticate iaaued bJ the aeller, and be aade upon such forms as shall be prescribed and 1'urniahed by the City Treasurer, which forms shall contain such information aa said City Treasurer shall prescribe. 23-2. AODCY TO INITIATE REPUND. The re1'und ot receipts, either by reason ot overpayment, other error, return of deposits, return of agenc1 iteaa, court order, or otherwise; including retunda to the Department or Highways ot the State ot Colorado or ninety-tive percent (95-) or all sales taxes received by the City ot Englewood, on account ot the purchase ot tangible personal property by any persona, firm or corporation furnishing work and materials under contract with the aaid Department of Highways for construction or repair ot &ft7 portion ot a legally designated State highway located within the corpor- ate 11111ta ot the City ot Englewood, provided that such tangible personal property was ao purchased on and after January 1, 1962, and provided further, that auch tangible personal property, by reason of aaid contract, has bee~ an integral part ot auch State highway, and provided further, that the claill tor auch re1'und ia .. de as herein provided within ei8hteen (18) month• after purchase ot the same by the aaid contractor, shall be initiated by the agenc1 of the City ot Englewood through which the original receipt waa handled. The head ot the agency shall make, or cause to be made, a thorough e.xa•jn&t1on into the .. rite ot each such retund, shall determine whether it 1• juat1t1ed, and ahall rec011111tnd ita approval or disapproval. 23-3. DECISIONS. Upon receipt or such application, the CitJ Treaaurer shall exaaine the .._ with all due speed and shall give notice to the applicant by an order in writing ot his decision thereon. 23-4. HBARIMO. An aggrieved applicant may, within' ten (10) da1a atter such decision is ... iled to him, petition the City Treasurer tor a hearing on the claill 1n the manner provided hereinatter. Section 24. RBPUllDS NOT ASSIGNABLE. The right ot anJ person to a retund under thia ordinance shall not be assignable, and application tor re1'und muat be .. de by the same person who purchased the goods and paid the tax thereon aa shown 1n the invoice ot the sale thereof. Section R· PENALTY FOR VIOLATING REFUND PROVISIOllS. Any applicant tor retunCt Uiider ~e provisions hereinabove, or any other person who shall .. ke abJ talae atate•nt in connection with an application tor a retund of any tax ahall be deemed guilty ot a violation or this ordinance and punished aa hereinafter provided. uraon.1. VIOLATIONS OF REPUND PROVISIONS TO BB USBD AS BVIDBllCB a-, JPRA I~. It any person be convicted under the proviaiona or Section 25, auch conviction shall be priJDa tacie evidence that all retunda received bJ auch person during the current year were obtained unlawtullJ, and the Cit7 Treasurer ia hereby e111>owered and directed to bring appropriate action tor re- coveri ot auch retund. A briet awmary or the above •ntioned penaltie• •ball be printed on each torm application for refund. 589 590 llinutes ot October 16, 1961 notion 27. BURDBlf OP PROOP. The burden ot proof that Nlea and c~ Od ties, and services on which tax retunda are claimed, are exempt troa taxation hereunder, or where not at retail, shall be on the one aaking such claia under auch reasonable requirements or proof as the City Treasurer may preacribe. Section •• SALBS TAX INJPOllUTION TO BE CONPIDEN'l'IAL. 28-1. Except in accordance with Judicial order or as otherwise herein provided, the City Treasurer, hia agents, clerks, and employees shall not divul .. &n7 1ntormation gained from any return tiled under the provia1ona ot thi• ordinance. 28-2. The otticiala charged with the custody ot such return• shall not beerequired to produce any ot them or evidence ot anytaing contained 1n the• 1n &n7 action or proceeding in any court, except on behalf ot the City Treaaurer 1n an action under the provisions or this ordinance to which he is a party, or on behalt ot any party to an action or proceeding under the pro- vialona ot thia ordinance or to punish a violator thereot when the report ot tacts shown by such report ia directly involved in such action or proceeding, 1n either' ot which events the court nay require the production or, and may adait 1n evidence, so 11Uch ot said returns, or of the tacts shown thereby, as are pertinent to the action or proceeding and no more. 28-3. Rothing contained in this section shall be construed to pro- hibit the delivery to a person, or his duly authorized representative, ot a copy ot any return or report tiled in connection with his tax, nor to prbblbit the publication or statistics so classified as to prevent the identification ot particular report• or returns and the items thereof, nor to prohibit the inapectlon by the City Attorney ot the City, or any other legal representative ot the City, ot the report or return or any person who shall bring action to set &aide or review the tax baaed thereon, or against whom an action or pro- ceeding is contemplated or has been instituted under this ordinance. 28-4. Reports and returns shall be preserved tor three years and thereatter until the City Treasurer, with approval ot the City Manager, order• the• deatroyed. Section 29. OOTY TO KBBP BOOKS AND RECORDS. It shall be the duty or ever;y person engaged or continuing in business in the City, tor the trans- action ot which a license is required hereunder, to keep and preserve suit- able records ot all sales made by him, and such other book• or accounts aa aay be necessary to detel'llline the amount or tax tor the collection ot which he ia liable hereunder. It shall be the duty or every such person to keep and pre .. rve tor a period or three years all invoices ot good• and .. rcban- dl .. purchaaed tor resale, and all such books, invoices, and other record• •hall be open tor exallination at any time by the City Treasurer, or his duly authorised agents. !fffion 30. PBNAL'l'Y POR WROIGPULLY DIWLOilfG SALBS TAX IDORIUTIOR. Any Cit7 ~ cer or e11Ployef, or any member or the otfice ot, or otticer, or ••- plo7ee ot the City Treasurer who shall divulge any intor11&tion claasitied herein aa contident1&1, in any manner, except in accordance with proper Judicial order, or as otherwise provided by law, shall be guilty ot a violation hereot. Section 31. BXAMINATIOR OP RE'l'URHS; REPUNDS, CREDITS, AlfD DBJPICIDCIBS. Aa aoon aa practicable after the return is tiled, the City Treasurer shall eoas ne it • 31Tl. It it then appears that the correct amount ot tax to be re- mitted ia greater or leas than that shown in the return, the tax shall be re- ccmpu tec:l. 31-2. It the amount paid exceeds that which is due, the excess shall be retunded or credited against any subsequent remittance trom the same person. 31-3. It the aaount paid is less than the amount due, the ditterence, together with interest thereon at the rate or one-half ot one per cent per aonth troa the time the return was due, shall be paid by the vendor within ten days atter written notice and demand to him from the City Treasurer. Section ~2. PDAL'l'Y P~ DBPICIDCI~ CAUSED BY DISRIDARD OP RULES. It &n7 part or t e deficiency i• due to negligence or intentional disregard or authorised rules and regulations with knowledge thereot, but without intent to detraud, there shall be added ten per cent (10,C) or the total amount or the deticienc1; and in such caae interest shall be collected at the rate ot one per cent (l•) per month on the amount or the deficiency troa the time the re- turn was due, from the person required to file the return, which interest and addition shall become due and payable within ten days atter written notice and de.and by the City Treasurer. I I I I I I Minute• ot October 16, 1961 Section 33. PENALTIES POR DEFICIENCY CAUSED BY PRAUD. It any part ot the deticlency ia ~ue to rraud with the intent to evade the tax, then there shall be added titty per cent (5~) or the total amount ot the deticiency, and 1n auch oaae the whole amount or the tax unpaid, including the additions, ah&ll become due and payable ten daya atter written notice and dell&nd by the City Treasurer, and an additional one per cent (1.) per month on •id aaounta shall be added troa date the return waa due until paid. Section 34. DfVBSTIOATION OP RETAILERS' BOCICS. Por the purpose ot aacer- tainina the correctneaa ot a return, or tor the purpose ot determining the &llOUnt or tax due trom any person, the City Treasurer, or his duly authorized deput1ea, .. 7 hold 1nveat1gat1ons and hearings concerning &J17 matters covered b7 thia ordinance, and •Y examine any relevant booka, papers, records, or llOl'anda or any such person and may require the attendance or such person, or any otticer or employee ot auch person, or of any person having knowledge or auch aalea, and -J' take teat1.mony and require proof" for hi• i.Jlrorm.tion. The City Treasurer and hia duly authorized deputies shall have power to ac1Jajn1ater oath• to auch per1on1. Section 35. HEARSNOS, SUBPODAS, AND WITNESS JPBBS. All subpoenas issued under the terms or this ordinance may be served by any person ot tull age. The teea ot witneaaes tor attendance and trial shall be the sall8 as the tees ot witneasea betore the District Court, such tees to be paid when the witneaa .is excused trom turther attendance. When the witness is subpoenaed at the 1n1tance ot the City Treasurer, such tees shall be paid 1n the same •nner as other ex- penses under the tel'lll8 or this ordinance, and when a witness is subpoenaed at the instance ot any party to any auch proceeding, the City Treasurer may require that the coat or service or the subpoena and the tee ot the witneaa be borne by the party at whoae instance the witness is summoned. In such case, the City Treasurer, in his discretion, nay require a deposit to cover the coat ot such aervice and witness tees. A subpoena issued as atoreaaid shall be served 1n the same •nner aa a subpoena issued out of a court ot record. Section 36. JUDGE CCllPELS ATTENDANCE. Any Judge ot the District Court ot the llibteenth Judicial District of the State or Colorado, either in tera time or vacation, upon the application or the City Treasurer, may compel the attendance ot witnesses, the production of books, papers, records, or 11eaoranda, and the giving ot testimony betore the City Treasurer or any ot his duly author- ized deputies, by an attacbllent for contempt, or otherwise, in the same 11&nner aa production or evidence 11&y be compelled before said Court. Section 31;. DEPOSITIONS. The City Treasurer or any party in an investi- gation or hear betore the City Treasurer may cause the deposition ot witnesses residing within or without the State to be taken in the manner pre- scribed by law tor like depositions 1n civil actions 1n courts ot this State and to that end compel the attendance of witnesses and the production ot books, papers, records, or ••oranda. Section 38. UNPAID TAX A PRIOR LIEN. The tax imposed by this ordin&nce ah&ll be a tlrat and prior lien upon the good.a and buainesa t1xtures ot or used by &Jl7 retailer under lease, title-retaining contract, or ether contract arrange .. nt, excepting stock ot goods sold or for sale in the ordinary course ot buainesa, and shall take precedence on all such property over other lie~a or clailla ot whatsoever kind or nature. Section i9· SALB OP BUSINESS. Any retailer who shall sell out his business or a ock ot good.a or shall quite business shall be required to nake out a return aa provided in thia article within ten days arter the date he aold out hia business or stock or good.a, or quit business, and his aucceasor 1n buaineaa ah&ll be required to withhold sufficient ot the purchase money to cover the aaount or aaid tax due and unpaid until such t1118 aa the tormer owner shall produce a receipt trom the City Treasurer showing that the taaes have been paid, or a certiticate that no taxes are due. Section 40. PURCHASES SUBJECT TO TAX LIEN. It the purchaser ot a busineaa or stock ot good.a ah&ll tail to withhold the purchase aoney as above provided, and the tax shall be due and unpaid atter the ten-day period allowed, he, aa well aa the vendor, ah&ll be personally liable tor the paJ1119nt ot the taxea unpaid by the tol'll8r owner. Likewise, anyone who takes any stock ot good.a or bua1neas fixtures or or used by any retailer under lease, title- retaining contract, or other contract arrangement, by purchase, foreclosure sale, or otherwise, takes aaae subject to the lien tor any delinquent sales taxes owed by such retailer, and shall be liable tor the paJ1119nt ot all de- linquent sales taxes or auch prior owner, not, however, exceeding the value or the property ao taken or acquired. 591 592 IUnutea ot October 16, 1961 1cti09 41. STATUS OP UNPAID TAX IN BANKRUPTCY AHD RBCEIVBRSHIP. When- ever ~.1iualneaa or property ot any taxpayer subject to this ordinance shall be placed in a receiverahip, bankruptcy, or assignment tor the benetit ot creditor•, or aeised under diatraint tor property taxes, all taxes, penalties, and intereat illpoaed b7 this ordinance and tor which said retailer is 1n a~ •1 liable under th• tel'IUI ot thia ordinance shall be a prior and preterred lien &&&1.nat all the property ot said taxpayer, except as to pre-existing clailaa or lien• ot a bona tide mortgagee, pledgee, Judglllent creditor, or pur- cha .. r who .. right• •hall have attached prior to the tiling ot the notice aa hereinatter provided on the property ot the taxpayer, other than the gooda, stock in trade, and buaineaa tixtures of such taxpayer, and no sheritt, re- ceiver, aaaignee, or other otticer shall sell the property ot any person aub- Ject to thi• ordinance under process or order or any court, without tirst aacertainina trc:m th• City Treasurer the amount ot any taxes due and payable under thi• ordinance, and it there be any such taxes due, owing and unpaid, it •ball be the dut7 ot auch otticer to first pay the amount ot aaid taaes out ot the proceed• or auch aale before naking payment or a~ moneys to any Judgllent creditor or other clai11&nts or whatsoever kind or nature, except the coata ot the proceeding• and other pre-existing claima or liens as above pro- vided. Por the purpose ot thia ordinance the term "taxpayer" shall include "retailer" • S!ctioJ 42. TRUST STATUS OP TAX IN POSSESSION OF RETAILER. All aum ot mone1 pi a bJ the purchaser to the retailer as taxes imposed by this ordi- nance ahall be and re .. in public money, the property or the City, in the bands ot auch retailer, and he shall hold the aame in trust tor the sole use and benefit ot the City until paid to the City Treasurer as herein provided, and tor tailure ao to pay to the City Treasurer, such retailer shall be punished tor a violation hereot. ASS..,.~n 43. RBPUSU. TO MAD RETURN; ESTIMATE OF TAXES; PENALTY; NOTICE; 43-1. It any person neglects or refuses to make a retum in paymnt ot the taxes aa required by this ordinance, the City Treasurer shall nake an ••timl.te, baaed upon such intor11&tion as may be available, ot the amount or the taxea due tor the period or period• tor which the taxpayer is delinquent; and upon the baaia ot such estimated amount, compute and aaaeas 1n addition thereto a penalt7 equal to ten per cent (l~) thereof, t98ether with interest on auch delinquent taxes at the rate or one per cent {l") per month from the date when due. 43-2. Promptly thereafter the City Treasurer shall give to the delinquent taxpayer written notice or such estimated taxes, penalty and intereat, which noti*9 must be served personally or by registed or certified •il. 43-3. Such eatillate aball thereupon become an assessment, and such aa .. a ... nt ah&ll be tinal and due and payable from the taxpay~r to the City Treaauftr ten (10) da7a tram the date or service or the notice or th• date ot •illng b7 registered or certified mail; provided, however, that within aaid ten-day period, auch delinquent taxpayer may petition the CitJ Treasurer tor a revision or moditication ot auch assessment, and shall, within such ten-day period, turniah the City Treasurer the tacts and correct figures ahowlng the correct uount or auch taxes. 43-4. Such petition shall be in writing and the tacts and figure• aubllitted ah&ll be aubaitted either in writing or orally, and shall be given under oath ot aaid taxpayer. 43-5. Thereupon the City Treasurer shall modify such assess•nt in accordance with the tacts submitted, which tacts he deema correct. Such aaaea ... nt shall be considered the r1na1 order ot the City Treasurer, and 11&7 be reviewed under Rule 106 (a) (4) or the Colorado Rules ot Civil Procedure as provided in thia ordinance; provided, that the taxpayer gives written notice to the City Treasurer ot such intention within five days atter receipt ot the tiral order or aaaeaa .. nt. Section 44. NOTICE OP TAX LIEN. 44-1. It any taxes, penalty or interest iapoaed by this ord1n&nce and ahown due by returns tiled by the taxpayer. or as shown by aaaeaa .. nta duly ad• aa provided herein, are not paid within five days atter the same are due. the CitJ Treasurer shall iaaue a notice, setting torth the name ot the tax- pa7er, the &110unt or the tax, penalties and interest, the date ot the accrual thereot, and that the City claims a tirat and prior lien therefor on the real and tangible personal property ot the taxpayer. except as to pre-existins clailaa or liens ot a bona tide mortgagee. pledgee, Judgllent creditor, o• pur- chaser whose rights shall have attached prior to the tiling ot the notice aa hereinafter provided on property or the taxpayer. other than the goods. stock in trade, and buaineas fixtures or such taxpayer. I I I I I I Minutes ot October 16, 1961 44-2. Such notice shall be on forms prepared by the City Treasurer and shall be veritied by him or his duly qualified deputy, or any duly qualified agent ot the City Treasurer, whose duties are the collection ot such tax, and ... Y be tiled in the ottice ot the Clerk and Recorder ot any county in this state in which the taxpayer owna real or tangible personal property, and the tiling ot such notice shall create such lien on such property in that county and consti- tute a notice thereof. 44-3. Atter said notice has been filed, or concurrently therewith, or at any time when taxes due are unpaid, whe•her such notice be filed or not, the City Treasurer may issue a warrant under his official seal directed to any duly authorized revenue collector, or to the sheriff ot any county in this state, co nding hill to levy upon, seize and sell sufficient of the real and personal property or the tax debtor found within his county tor the p&J119nt of the aaount due, together with interest, penalties and costs, as now or here- atter provided by ordinance, subject to valid pre-existing claims or liens as above provided. Section 45. SATISFACTION OP LIEN BY LEVY, SALE, AND OARHISHMENT. Such revenue collector or the sheriff shall forthwith lelry upon sufficient or the property or the taxpayer, or any property used by such taxpayer in conducting his retail business, and said property so levied upon shall be sold in all re- spects, with like effect and in the same manner as is prescribed by law in re- spect to executions against property upon judgment or a court of record, and the re .. dies or garnishments shall apply. The sheriff shall be entitled to such tees in executing such warrant as are allowed by law for similar services. Section 46. RELEASE OP LIEN. Any lien for taxes as shown on the records ot the county clerks and recorders as herein provided shall, upon the payment ot all taxes, penalties and interest covered thereby, be released by the City Treasurer in the same manner as mortgages or judgments are released. Section 47. REC9V&RI OP UNPAID TAX BY ACTION AT LAW. 47-1. The City Treasurer •Y also treat any such taxes, penalties or interest due and unpaid as a debt due the City from the vendor retailer. 47-2. In case or failure to pay the taxes, or any portion thereof, or any penalty or interest thereon, when due, the City Treasurer •Y recover at law the &llOunt or such taxes, penalties and interest in any justice, county or district court or the county wherein the taxpayer resides or has his principal e place or busineaa having Jurisdiction of the amounts sought to be collected. 47-3. The return or the taxpayer or the assesa•nt made by the City Treasurer, as herein provided, shall be prima facie proof ot the amount due. 47-4. Such actions aay be actions in attachments, and writs ot attachllent .. Y be isaued to the constable or sheritt, as the case may be, and 1n any auch proceeding no bond shall be required ot the City Treasurer, nor shall any conatable or aheritt require of the City Treasurer an indemnitying bond tor executing the writ ot attachment, or writ of execution upon any Judg- .. nt entered in auch proceedings; and the City Treasurer may prosecute appeals or writs ot error in such cases without the necessity or providing bond theretor. 47~5. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney ot the City, when requested by the City Treasurer, to conanence action tor the recovery ot taxes due under this ordinance, and this remedy shall be in addition to all other ex- isting remedies, or remedies provided in this ordinance. Section 48. CITY A PARTY TO TITLE ACTIONS POR DETERMINATION OP' LIEN. In . any action attecting the title to real estate or the ownership or rights to poaaeaaion ot personal property, the City may be 11&de a party defendant t1n1 the purpose ot obtaining a judgment or determination or its lien upon the property involved therein. Section 49. CITY TREASURER MAY WAIVE PENALTY. The City Treasurer is here- by authorized to waive, tor good cause shown, any penalty assessed as in this ordinance provided; and any interest imposed in excess or six per cent (6J') per annua shall be deemed a penalty. Section ~O. PETITIONS BY AOORIEVED TAXPAYERS TO SET HEARINGS. If any per- son having ma e a return and paid the tax provided for in this ordinance feels aggrie~d by the aaaessment made upon him by the City Treasurer, he may apply to the City Treasurer by petition in writing with ten (10) days atter the notice is mailed to him, tor a hearing and a correction or the amount ot the tax so assesaed, in which petition he shall set forth the reasons why such hearing should be granted, and the amount by which such tax should be reduced. 'nle City Treasurer shall notify the petitioner in writing of the time and place fixed bt hill tor auch hearing. Atter such hearing, the City Treasurer shall make such order in the matter as ia just and lawful and shall furnish a copy of such order to the petitioner. 593 594 Minutes ot October 16, 1961 Section ~· DECISIONS OP CITY TREASURER; NOTICE; WHBN PINAL. Every decialon of t City Treasurer shall be in writing, and notice thereof shall be .. iled to the vendor within ten (10) dayat and all auch deciaiona shall be- COlllt tinal upon the expiration or thirty (301 days arter notice or such de- cision shall have been mailed to the vendor, unless proceedings are begun within said time tor review thereof, as herein provided. Section 52. REVIEW OP CITY TREASURER'S DECISION. Should the applicant tor retund be aggrieved at the tinal decision or the City Treasurer, he may proceed to have aame ·reviewed by the courts in the manner provided tor review ot other deciaiona or the City Treasurer hereunder, such review to be in the District Court ot the Eighteenth Judicial District or the State ot Colorado. 52-1. Duties ot the City Treasurer herein provided may be performed by anyqqll&litied deputy. Section 5Bi_ REVIEW BOND FIELD WITH CITY TREASURER. Betore making appli- catt on to the strict Court under Rule lo6 (a) (4) ot the Colorado Rules or Civil Procedure, the party making such application shall tile with the City Treasurer a bond in twice the amount or the taxes, interest and other charges audited and stated in the determination and decision ot the City Treasurer, with surety aa ia now provided in other cases or appeal, or at his option may deposit lawtul money or the United States in the same manner as herein provided. Section 54. REVIEW IN DISTRICT COORT. 54~1. The District Court ot the Eighteenth Judicial District ot the State or Colorado shall have original Jurisdiction in proceedings to review all queationa or law and tact determined by the City Treasurer in administering the proviaiona or this ordinance by writ under Rule lo6 (a) {4) or the Colorado Rules ot Civil Procedure. 54-2. Such writs shall be issued by the Clerk or the Court upon a verified petition or the taxpayer, tiled within twenty (20) days after notice ot the decision or the City Treasurer in any such matter. 54-3. The writ shall be served within five (5) days after its issuance and ahall be returnable at such time as the Court may determine, not leas than ten (10) daya nor 11e>re than twenty (20) days after the date when the writ waa iasued. The City Treasurer shall forthwith certify the record or his proceedings to .. id Court. 54-4. The procedure thereunder shall be in conformity with the Rules ot Civil Procedure or the State or Colorado. Section 55. REVIEW OP DISTRICT COURT DECISIONS BY SUPRF.ME COURT. The decision or the District Court may be reviewed in the Supreme Court upon writ ·or error by any party. Section 56. NOTICES TO BE SENT REGISTERED OR CERTil'IED MAIL. All notices required to be given to the retailer or vendor under the provisions ot this ordinance shall be in writing and it mailed postpaid by certified or registered .. il "return receipt requested" to him at his last known address, shall be autticient tor the purpose or this ordinance. Section it• HEARINGS TO BE HELD IN CITY. Every hearing before the City Treasurer aha be held in the City ot Englewood. Section 58. LICENSE AND TAX; IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER TAXES. The license and tax lmpoaed by this ordinance shall be in addition to all other licenses and taxes iapoaed by law, except as herein otherwise provided. Section 59. AI*INISTRATION OP ORDINANCE BY CITY TREASURER. The admini.- stration or the licensing provisions or this ordinance i• hereby vested 1n the City Treasurer; and the administration or all the other provisions or this ordi- nance ia hereby vested in and shall be exercised by the City Treasurer, who ahall prescribe torma and reasonable rules and regulations 1n conformity with this ordinance tor the making or returns, tor the ascertainment, aaaeaa .. nt and collection or the taxes imposed hereunder, and tor the proper administration and enforcement hereof. Section 60. CONTRACT WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. The Cit7 •1 con- tract with the S1;ate or Colorado, the Four-County Metropolitan C&pital Illprove- .. nt District, or any city, town, county, city or county, or other gove!'nllental entit7, r~r the collection or the tax herein provided tor, or the pertor11ance ot such service or services pursuant to this tax as it 111&7 deem neceaaar;v. I I I I I Minutes ot October 16, 1961 Section 61. PURPOSE OP TAXJ DISTRIBUTION OP PROCEEDS. The Council ot the City hereby declares that the purpose ot the levy ot the taxes imposed by this _ ordinance ia tor the raising or tunda tor the payment or the expenses ot oper- a ting the City and tor capital improvements; and in accordance with these pur- poses, all or the proceed• or aaid tax shall be placed in and become a part ot a "Salee Tax Pund" or the City. Section 62. STATUTE OP LIMITATIONS. 62-1. The taxes tor any period, together with interest thereon and penalties with respect thereto, imposed by this ordinance shall not be aaaeaaed, nor ahall any notice or lien be tiled, or diatraint warrant be issued, or suit tor collection be inetituted, or any other action tQ collect the same be c01111enced, more than three (3) years atter the date on which the tax waa or ia p&J&ble. Mor ah&ll any lien continue atter such period, except tor taxea aaaeaaed before the expiration ot auch period, notice or lien with respect to which has been tiled prior to the expiration or such period; in which caaea such lien shall continue only tor one year arter the filing or notice thereof. 62-2. In case or a talae or fraudulent return with intent to evade tax, the tax, together with interest and penalties thereon, may be aaeeaaed, or proceeding• tor the collection or such taxes nay be begun at any time. 62-3. Betore the expiration or such period ot liaitation, the tax- payer and the City Treasurer .. Y agree in writing to an extenaion thereot, and the period ao agreed on 18y be extended by subsequent agreements in writing. Section 63. SEVERABILITY. It any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phre.ae or thia ordinance ia for any reaaon held or decided to be un- constitutional, such decision ahall not arrect the validity or the re .. ining portions or thia ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would ban paaaed thi• ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective or the tact that any one or more 1ection1, 1ub-1ectiona, aentencea, claueea or phraaea might be declared unconstitutional. Sec&t.m 64. OPTION OP RBMITTINO ONE-HALF COLORADO SALES TAX. The City Treasurer shill by rule give retailers the option ot remitting to the ~ity Treaeurer tor any month an a110unt equal to one-half ot •h• remittance niade by or tor them to the State Treasurer tor the Colorado retail sale• tax tor the .... aonth, tor sales .. de or aervicea performed in the City or Englewood. Such rellittance ah&ll be in lieu or the •onthly remittances required by Section 12J and all provisions or this ordinance applicable to the monthly remittances under Section 12 shall be applicable to the optional remittances permitted by thia Section 64. Section 65. EXPIRATION OP SALES TAX. The City Retail S&lea Tax shall continue to be imposed until the adoption or a new ordinance to the contrary. Section 66. VIOLATIONS; EVASION OP COLLECTION OR PAYMENT OP TAX. It •hall be a violation or thi• ordinance tor any retailer or vendor to retuae to ... ke any return provided to be made in this ordinance, or to 11&ke any talae or fraudulent return, or any talae statement ln any return, or to tail or retuae to ... ke payment to the City Treasurer or any taxes collected or due the City, or 1n any manner to evade the collection and payment or the tax, or any part thereof, 1.llpoaed by this ordinance, or for any person or purchaser to tail or retuae to pay auch tax or evade the payment thereof, or to aid or abet another in any attempt to evade the payment or the tax imposed by this ordinance. .Any corporation ... king a talae return or a return containing a talae statement shall be guilty or a violation or this ordinance. 66-1. PDTALft. Any per80n who ahall violate any of the proviaiona of thia ordinance aball be guilty of a violation hereof and ahall be puniahed by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollar• ($300.00) or impri80nment not to exceed ninety (90) daya. 66-2. Bach and every twenty-four (24) hour• continuation of any violation ahall conatitute a diatinct and aeparate offenae. S.Ction 'J· Thia ordinance shall become effective on the lat day of January, A.D. 962. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Bngl9wood, Colorado, thia 11th day of October, A.D. 1961, and ordered publiahed in full in th• lpalMIOOd Herald and Bnterpriae. ,_. _·595 Minute• of Octob91r r l6, 1961 COUllCIIllAll BltMJlf MOVBD, CX>mtCIIMAll BROWllBWBLL SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB PROPOSBD BILL BS PASSBD Oii PIRST RBADillG ARD ORDBRBD PUBLISHBD IR PULL IR TBS BBGLBlfOOD oaar.n AB D't&itPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Wooda, Kreilin9. Rayas Mone. Abaent1 Gouncilmen Martin, McLellan. 1'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 1!80lution frcm Brighton oppoaing capital Improv-•nt Diatrict The City Clerk read the followin9 reaolution in fulls RBSOLUTIOll 111UPlBAS, there are aerioua legal questions concerning the validity of IKJUSS BILL 221 paaaed by the 43rd General Aaaembly of the State of Colorado, and WllSRSAS, there are ••rioua legal queationa concernin9 the organization of Denver Ar•• MBTROPOLITU CAPITAL IMPROVIDUD1'1' DISTRICT' and' "8BllSAS, th• voter• of the City of Brighton, Colorado voted a9ainat the foraation of the DISTRICT by a vote of seven to one, and WIDMS, Th• City Council• of the citiea of Aurora and 'l'hornton, have already gone on official record aa aupporting a le9al action to cauae a:>USB BILL 221 and the or9anization of the MBTROPOLITAll CAPITAL IMPROVIDIBll'l' DIS'l'RICT under aaid Act to be judicially revi.wed. WBBRBAS, a:>USB BILL 221 provide• in Section 11 aa followa1 "B•tabliah- .. nt of auch diatrict under th• procedure herein aet forth •hall be concluaive of the r•9Ul•r organization there of againat all peraon• except the atate of Colorldo, in an action in the nature of a writ of quo warranto co enced by the attorney 9eneral within thirty days after said decree declaring such di•- trict u organized and not otherwise." 'ftlBRBPOU, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY ms CITY COUNCIL OP TBB CI'l'I' OP BRIGBTOll, OOLOltADO AS followa1 1. 'fhat th• Mayor be and hereby is directed to requeat the Attorney General of the State of Colorado to bring an action in the nature of a write of quo warranto and in aaid action to put in i••ue all valid legal queation• •• to th• validity of BOUSB BILL 221 and all valid le9al queationa •• to the validity of th• or9anization of the MBTROPOLITAll CAPITAL IMPROVlllBl1'1' DIS'l'RICT, and that aaid action be commence within the time provided in the Act. 2. That a copy of this Resolution be mailed by th• City Clerk to each County government and City and town government in the four county area affected by aaid Diatrict. PASSBD AID> ADOPTBD AT A RBGUIAR CITY CX>mtCIL MBBTillG OP TBB CITY OP 8UWIW, COLORADO TRIS 10th day of October, 1961. Aft8ST1 •7 R. A. Buffington City Clerk CITY OP BRIGB'l'Oll, COLORADO BY /s/ A. B. Wall MAYOR 1'h• Mayor aaked that the reaolution be received and placed on file •. RBIATIBG TO RIPPLE ARD HOWB JUDGIDIDT 'l'h• Deputy City Attorney reported on recent offers and counteroffers be- tween the City of Bnglewood and Ripple and Howe, Engineering COmpany. Be atated that he atill recommended an appeal in this caae and poaaibly an in- junction to ••t aaide the court order until such an appeal can be perfected. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCIIllAll BRAmt MOVBD, COUHCIIMAH WOODS SBCOBDBD, 'l'HAT 'l'BB CITY AT'l'OIU1BY BS AUTllORIZBD TO OOBTIBUB COURT ACTION IN THE RIPPLE ARD llOWB CASB TO PBRPBCT All APPML TO TllB SUPRlllB COURT FOR HBGOTIATION PURPOSES OR ACTUAL APPML AS MAY BB DI TBB BB&T IllTBRBSTS OP THB CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Milea, Wooda, Kreilin9. Bayas Rom. I I I I I Minute• of October 16, 1961 Abaenta Councilmen Martin, McLellan. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-64 mmRG•or RBPAIJlS AT SBWAGB DISPOSAL PLMl'l' Th• City Manager read a memo from Harold Babcock, Utilities Director., which reported that variou• repairs were neceaaary inmediately in the · Sewage Diapoaal Plant at a total coat eatimated to be approximately $2,500.00 and, therefore, aubject to competitive bidding by the Charter although imprac- tical in thi• particular caae. He aaked for exemption of thi• project from competitive bidding. Diacuaaion ensued aa to th• ca@•• of the plumbing fail- ure and mean• for correction. COUllCILMAll BRMJ• MOVBD, COU•CILMAN MILBS SBCOl1DBD, 'l'BAT TBB -Gmor RDADl8 AT TD SBWAGB DISPOSAL PLANT COHSISTIBG OP PIPB PIT'l'BRS SBRVICBS, SALVAGS OP BXISTIBG PIPB AS HBCBSSARY, PROCURBMD1'1' OP l1Blf MATBRIAL AS DCBB- SAU O• All AS DBDBD BASIS BB BXBMPTBD PROM COMPBTITIVB BIDDillG RBQUIRBMml'l'S OP '1'118 CllARTBR AS TBOSB RBQUIRlllBRTS ARB IMPRACTICAL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Wood•, Kreilinq. ••y•a !lone. Abaenta Councilmen Martin, McLellan. '1'be Mayor declared the motion carried. MAYOR'S alOICB 'l'h• Mayor reported that he had received a letter from the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• requeatinq a meeting with the .City Council to discus• .,.. of the back ground of recent action• by the Board and poaaible misin- terpretation of tho•• action• by the City Council. The Mayor atated that he had requeated that the Board meet with the City Council at it• informal ... ting on October 23rd. Th• Mayor relld a resolution drifted by the Deputy City Attorney diacharg- ing the member• of the Citizen• Conaittee for the Metropolitan Sale• Tax of the City of Bn9l.wood •• followaa RISOLUTION nsaw, the Citizen• Coalllittee for the Metropolitan Sal•• Tax of the City of Sngl.wood waa formed for the purpoae of aupportinq the Metropolitan I11prov-•ta Diatrict, and MB8RBAS, aaid Coalllitt•• worked many long and tediou• hours in performing the function which they ••t out to do, and 1fRSRSAB, the ••id Coamitt•• waa very effective in educating the public in rec)ard to the .. tropolitan ••le• tax, and WBIRBAS, the City Council of the City of Bnglewood feel• aaid Coaaittee performed a needed public aervice, aow, TBBR.roR&, BB IT RBSOLVBD that the City Council of the City of Sn9le'wood go on record aa cOUDendinq said Citizen• Coaaitt .. for the .. tro- politan aalea tax, all of ita off ic•r• and members for th• great public service Which th9Y performed prior to the creation of the Metropolitan capital I111prov ... nta Diatrict. Adopted and approved thia 16th day of October, A.D. 1961 AftBST1 OOUllCIIA!UI M'" MOVBD, OOUllCIIICAll WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT TBB RBSOLUTIOlf .. APPROVBD AllD ADOPTBD, A COPY TBBRBOP MAILED TO BACH MBMBBR OP '1'BB CQIMI•n-a-. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Mile•, Wood•, Kreiling. ••y•a !lone. Absents Councilmen Martin, McLellan. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 597 598 Minute• of October 16, 1961 ADJOURN COU.CIUIAll 8ltAUll llOVBD I COUBCIIMll WOODS SBCOBDBD I '1'11AT '1'BB llBB'l'IBG aa AD-JOUJUISD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa: Ayeas Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Milea, Wood•, Kreiling. •ayas llone. Abaents Councilmen Martin, McLellan. The Mayor declared th• meeting adjourned at 12:14 A.M., 'l'ueaday, October 17, 1961. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clark of the Council '!'be ainut•• of th• meeting of the City Council of the City of Sngl....ood, Colorado, held on the 16th day of October, 1961 A.D., atand approved a• written thi• 6th day of November, 1961 A.D. I