HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-12-04 (Regular) Meeting Minutes<!"< RBOULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO DECEMBER 4, 1961 The City Council or the City or Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular aeaaion on Monday, December 4, 1961, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Englewood, at the hour or 8:00 P.M. Mayor Xre111ng presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by the Reverend Allen Strong of the First United Presbyterian Church. The Mayor asked ror roll call. Upon the call or the roll, the following per- sona were present: Councilmen: Braun, Brownewell, Miles, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Kreiling. Aleo Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: None. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 61 2-2 MINUTES OP PREVIOUS MEETINGS COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE MINUTES OP NOVEMBER 6TH AND 20TH, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote. resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-49 RELATING TO REZONING OF GORDON TRACT COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE CONSIDERATION OP THE REZOMil«J OP THE GORDON TRACT BE REMOVED PROM THE 'l'ABLE. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor reported that this matter had been tabled at the Council's last regular meeting, held on November 20th, so that the Planning Commission could review and encourage coQperation between the various residents or the area in the matter or zoning or the tract. Councilman Braun asked as to the propriety or Mr. Carleno•s appearance betore the Council? He asked if Mr. Carleno had anything new to bring up that had not been discussed at the public hearing? Mr. Carleno reported that he had aerial photo- graphs taken since that time showing the amount or vacant land in the area and the locations or the residential development. Councilman Miles stated that in view or the many variations and discussions or burrer areas not previously cqnsidered by the Planning Commission in the hear!~ that the matter should be referred back to the Planning Commission. Discussion en-· aued. The City Attorney reported that there was no limit in reapplying tor rezoning and that denial or this application at this time would not preclude consideration or the same application or a revised one in the near future. COUNCILMAN MILES MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE MATTER BE RB1PBRRBD TO THE PLANNll«J COMMISSION FOR FURTHER STUDY. The Mayor stated that the Council and the recoamendation or the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning of the entire area east ot South Clay Street extended as M-1 zoning and any verbal discussions since ia not to be considered. He stated that he would vote no accordingly. "' I I I I I I I Minutes of December 4, 1961 Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods. Haya: Councilman Kreiling. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-92 RELATING TO ENGLEWOOD COMMUNITY COUNCIL Councilaan-elect Smukler reported on the trip to Flint, Michigan, which he and other school and community officials, who were invited to attend a conference in Plint to discuss and see the community use of schools in action. He reported that on return or Harold Rust, w. H. Wallace, E. P. Romans, Al Mencher, and himaelr tram this tour that they were enthused with the program. The school appointed ca1- v1n Orr as coordinator and took the position that if the people of Englewood want such a program as initiated in Flint that it would furnish its facilities. Mr. Slllukler spoke in considerable detail as to the various viewpoints held as to the scope or activities which could be undertaken by the Englewood Community Council. The Mayor expressed his interest in the overall program and asked that a representative or the Council attend. 612-94 REQUEST FOR PAVING 3500 BLOCK SOUTH WASHINGTON Mr. c. J. Schockley, representing the Cherry Hills Manor Nursing Home, 3575 South Washington Street, requested that the 3500 block South Washington Street be paved in connection with the 1962 paving. He expressed the view that paving petition would not be successful due to the amount or vacant land in the vicinity. The City Manager reported further that it was too late to initiate a petition, that the Council could initiate the street if it felt that the paving was needed. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN BRAUM MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT RJEQUEST FOR PAVING 3500 BLOCK SOtrl'H WASHINOTON BE RECEIVED AND CONSIDERED AT THE TIME OF THE DETERMI- NATION OP THE STREET PROGRAM. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as tollows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-94 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE ON 1962 PAVING PROGRAM The City Clerk read a letter from the Englewood Chamber ot Commerce, dated Dece mber 1, 1961, by R. W. Scarffe, Executive Manager, addressed to the Mayor as rollows: "Honorable Mayor John c. Kreiling Members or the Englewood City Council City Manager L. R. Rudd Englewood, Colorado Gentlemen: In the interest of expanding and developing our present industry and in the interest or attracting more industry to Inglewood, the Board or Directors of the Englewood Chamber ot Coanerce in their regular monthly meeting of November 30, 1961 unanimously approved recommendations to be presented to the Englewood City Council at its meeting of December 4 as .follows: We recommend that special paving improvement districts be set up in one or two prime areas or our industrial areas or the section known as Scenic View, especially on heavy arteries and prime streets, also; We recommend that the City Council give high priority to a bridge across the Pl atte River on Dartmouth Street. We turther recommend that these projects be set up under the new capital Improvement District Program. Sincerely yours, /s/ R. W. Scarffe R. W. Scarffe Executive Manager RWS:cb Approved by the Board of Directors of the Englewood Chamber ot Comnerce November 30, 1961" Minutes of December 4, 1961 Mr. Jim Livesay, Chamber of C0111Derce representative, spoke favorable of the letter and urged paving or the main streets in Scenic View to foster industrial development in the area. South TeJon Street,· West Dartmouth Avenue, and South Zuni Street were discussed as being arterial streets eligible tor initiation by the Council for paving. Councilman Braun stated that the recommendation of the Chamber will be acknowledged but that any such paving program must be instituted after utility installation has been completed. He suggested that the Planning Commission work out proposed plats and time schedule for the installation or utilities to conform with the proposed plats so that paving may be undertaken in the near future. The Mayor stated that the Council will consider this request when the 1962 paving program is developed. RELATING TO ANNEXATION OF CENTENNIAL ACRES Mr. Harry Carleno reviewed the various undertaking involved in discussions and seeking signatures on annexation petitions in the Centennial Acre territory. He stated that or the 8o8 tracts or land in the area, 403 had been contacted, 225 indicated they would not sign, 144 have signed and 34 are renters. He ex- plained recent activities by persons favoring annexation to the City of Little- ton, a portion ot the area which he considered to be illegal. He explained the various arguments for and against annexation to Englewood. He suggested that a plan be undertaken to show that, first annexation to Denver is a remote possi- bility, second that Englewood is interested, third that Englewood is in a position to moat adequately serve the needs of the residents or the area. Mr. C&rleno suggested a more aggressive program initiated by the Council including greater personal contact with the residents of the area. The City Manager suggested a aeries or caretully written leaflets that set forth the data in support of annexation to Englewood. Discussion ensued as to base means •. The City Manager suggested that professional services would be required to pre- pare the information to be assembled and an expenditure for this purpose would be Justified. Mr. C&rleno suggested that Mrs. Romans might be designated to coordinate action on behalf or civic and city leaders in this area of personal contact. The City Manager suggested a steering conunittee or City officials in- cluding Councilaan Brownewell, Councilman Miles, City Attorney Esch, and Councilman McLellan, Chairman. ~he Mayor accepted the suggested appointment of a steering and policy group in the matter of providing a more aggressive annex- ation policy tor Englewood. 612-95 COMMUNICATION FROM POLICE CHIEF The City Clerk read a letter from the Chief of Police addressed to the Mayor and members or the City Council, dated November 27, 1961, thanking the Council tor its letter or commendation of the Police Department. The Mayor asked that the letter be received and placed on file. 612-63 RELATING TO SALES TAX COLLECTION PROCEDURE The City Clerk-Treasurer reported that the Four-County Metropolitan C&pital Improve .. nta District had determined the method of collection of its sales tax baaed upon each county administering its own tax through a central collection agency. He rec0111Dended that the City of Englewood use the District collection agency tor collecting City of &lglewood Tax, it at all possible. He discussed the need tor amendment or setting aside certain provisions of the Englewood Sales Tax Ordinance so that the collection procedures might be as uniform as poaaible. Discussion ensued. The City Manager urged that necessary agreements be entered into prior to the first or the year. The City Attorney suggested that a resolution of intention be considered by the Council at its next regular meeting as there was insufficient time to pass an ordinance and have it effective by the first of the year. The City Clerk- Treasurer reatt'lrmed that he was watching developments in the matter or the ad- miniatre.tion or the sales tax through the District and will attempt to always act in the beat interest or the City. 612-4 PROCEEDINOS OP BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS MEETING OP NOVPJmER 8TR AND 17TH The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 612-5 PROCEEDINOS OP CAREER SERVICE COMMISSIONERS MEETING OP NOVl>lBER 29'ftl The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. The City Manager referred to the verification of the exemption or the clerks in the Pire and Police Departments from participation in the pension tunds. The City Attorney reported that the Career Service Conmission denied J. T. Miller's request tor rehearing and that he expected a lawsuit will be brought in the •tter. I I I •' I I Minutes of December 4, 1961 612-96 PROCEEDINGS OP ELECTION COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER lOTH The City Clerk, ex-officio Chairman, of the Election Connission, called the Council's attention to the recommendation of the Election Commission that District and Precinct lines be alley or mid-block lines wherever possible rather than streets which lead to potential errors in filing the registrations in the various precincts as one aide or the street is in one precinct and district and the other aide in another. COOllCILMAN BROWNEWELL MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE MIRUTBS BE RBCKIVBD AND PILED AND THE SUGGESTION OF THE ELECTION CC»lMISSION BE ACKNOWLEDGED AND NO'l'ED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Naya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council until 10:20 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the Council to order at 10:20 P.M. with the following members present: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 612-97 RENEWAL OF AGREE>'IENT FOR TRASH DISPOSAL The City Attorney stated that he had prepared a form of renewal of the agreement between the City or Englewood and the City of Littleton and County or Arapahoe tor traah disposal. The areas of difference were that any disposal site would be con- tracted tor by all parties to the district, that the agreement will be automatically renewed. The renewal will be effective January 1, 1962. The City Manager reported that the present agreement provides for the County payment or $5,000.00 with the balance of the cost or the disposal operation to be borne two-thirds and one-third respectively between the City ot Englewood and City i • ot Littleton. He recommended acceptance of the agreement. COONCILMAN MILES MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE RENEWAL AQREJllBNT POR TRASH DISPOSAL BE APPROVED AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BBHALP OP THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Councilaan Braun stated that he would vote against the motion as he was opposed to being charged double, once through county taxation and secondly through the, agree .. nt. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Haya: Councilman Braun. Absent: None. The Ma1or declared the motion carried. 612-90 RBIATINO TO POLICEMEN'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO PENSION FUND The City Clerk read the following resolution in full: "RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Chapter 139-49, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, as amended, provides for the establishment and maintenance OT'"i' -- police pension fund for the police officers and their dependents or the various municipalities within the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, said Statute further provides for contribution to said pension tund by such municipalities and the members of their Police Department; and WHEREAS, the City of Englewood, Colorado, by its duly elected and acting City Council is desirous or setting up a specific contribution to be made by said City and by the members ot its Police Department for the benefit of its police pension tund; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the City Council ot the City or Englewood, a municipal corporation of the State of Minutes or December 4, 1961 Colorado, this 4th day of December, 1961, as follows: (1) The effective date of this Resolution shall be January 1, 1962. (2) From and after the effective date hereof, there shall be set aside trom the general 1'unds of the City of Englewood to be paid into the policemen's pension tund monthly, the sum or 5-of the monthly salaries of the total Police Department of the said City, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the general .funds of the City and pay into said pension fund the sum of 5- ot the 11e>nthly salaries of the total Police Department of the City of Englewood. (3) From and after the effective date hereof, there shall be contributed by each member of the Police Department of the City of Englewood from his respective monthly salary into the City of Engle- wood 'policemen's pension .fund, 5-of his respective monthly salary, so that the contribution of the Police Department as a whole shall match the contribution of the City of Englewood, and the City Treasurer of the City or Englewood is hereby authorized and directed to deduct from the monthly salary of each policeman the contribution of 5-as herein speci- tied. Adopted and approved this 4th day of December, 1961. ATTEST: Mayor The City Attorney f<eported that the record clerk in the Police Department is a •llber of that department as long as he is paid from the funds of the depart- nt. He reterred to the minutes of the Career Service Commission meeting of Novellber 29th which set forth the following: "A com1111nication trom Mr. L. R. Rudd, City Manager, pertaining to the statue ot the Records Clerks in the Fire and Police Department was presented. After considering the information presented by Mr. Rudd and other tacts received by the Personnel Director from Chief Garrett ot Aurora, Colorado, a motion was made, seconded and carried that the Record Clerks 1n the Fire and Police Departments were civilian em- ployees serving as a part of the General Administration ot the City ot Englewood although they are assigned to the Fire and Police Depart- •nte and are paid from the department funds and therefore cannot be conaidered aa members of their respective departments in such matters ae t1re•n and policemen pensions and retirement provisions." COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE RESOLUTION BB PASSED AMI> ADOPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayee: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Naye: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Braun 612-88 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 38, SERIES OF 1961 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 33, SERIES OF 1957, OF THE ORDINANCES OF '1'llE CI'l'r OP m«JLBWOOD, COLORADO, KNOWN AS THE "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES ORDINANCE" Br ADDirl> THBRBTO A NEW SECTION 10.9 AS TO FALSE OR NUISANCE CALLS AND REPEALING SBCTION 14.2 OP ORDINANCE NO. 33, SERIES OF 1957, SECTION 3 OP ORDINANCE NO. 12, SIRIBS OP 1912, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH. waa read tor the second time. I : I I I I Minutes or December 4, 1961 COUNCIUCAN BRAUM MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE HO. 38, SERIES OP 1961, BE PASSED OH SECOND AND FINAL READING AHD ORDERED PUBLISHED IN PULL Ill THE IDIJLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote re- sulted aa tollowa: Ayea: Counc11 .. n Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woode, Kre111ng. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced as a Bill by Councilmen Woods and McLellan 612-89 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 39, SERIES OF 1961 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9, SERIES OF 1960, ESTABLISHING A JOIM'l' CCllMISSION BB'l'WEEN THE CITY OP EHGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, ARAPAHOE ccxnrn, COLORADO, TO BE KNOWN AS THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND PROVIDilll POR THB MEMBERSHIP AND DUTIES THEREOF BY REPEALING SECTION 6 OP SAID ORDillANCB AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 6 PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL FUHD FOR SAID C0191ISSION AMD ENACTING A NEW SECTION 7 THEREOF PROVIDING POR THE DUTIES OP SAID CCllMISSION. waa read tor the second time. COUNCIUIAN MARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN McLELLAN SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 39, SBRIBS OP 1961, BE PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IH PULL IH THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote re- aulted as tollows: Ayes: -Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Maya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY'S CHOICE Relating to sidewalk encroachment on City-owned land bordering Little Pry Creek The City Attorney reported that he had written to Mr. C. A. Pritzsinger a .s owner ot the building north or the City-owned land racing on the west side ot South Bannock Street bordering Little Dry Creek, but that Mr. Pritzsinger was not the present owner or this building. He is checking on this ownership. He did locate the owner ot the building on the south or Little Dry Creek and had reached a tentative agreement for leasing of the land rrom the City on a no charge baais, pro- viding adequate liability insurance is provided for the City's protection. Council- ll&n Brownewell discussed the establishment of a sufficient right-or-way to the parking lot to the west ot the City Hall through this land, then the balance could be •riced ott tor parking as may be safely done. 612-57 PINAL PAYMKNT OP MOFFAT TUNNEL WATER AND DEVELOPMENT CC»(PAMY NOTE The City Manager announced that the Motrat Tunnel Water and Development Company had been paid ott 1n tul~or the water rights purchased from that comp&l_lY 1n 1954. The pay-ott amount waa $1 ,888.44. This money was secured through the $275,000.00 water bond issue, dated ove~ 1, 1961 • 612-98 ·-REC<»IMENDINO DIS~"MiECTION OP CERTAIN TRACTS OP LAND PRC»( THE CITY The City Manager recommended disconnection from the City or Englewood, those odd tracts ot land now under West Hampden Avenue South santa Pe grade separation structure and the acqu1a1tion or a strip of land 17tng completely within the present West Hampden Avenue to straighten out the Englewood boundaries in that vicinity and clarity tratr1c and other jurisdictional problems which might occur due to the peculiar ownership in the area. The City Attorney COlllllented that no tract of land shall be disconnected from the City without an election or the people. The City Manager stated that he was acquainted with this Charter provision and would recommend that this matter be pre- pared in advance tor inclusion on the ballot at the next regular election. Minutes or December 4).1961 612-81 RELATING TO PURCHASE OF WATER VALVES, OTHER THAN LOW BIDDER The City Manager read the following memorandum from the Utilities Director\· 1n tull: "INTER-OFFICE Mm.ORANDUM TO: Mr. L. R. Rudd, City Manager DATE: November 3, 1961 P'R,.,..: Harold H. Babcock, Utilities Director SUBJECT: EXEMPTING CERTAIN WATER WORKS MATERIALS FRCJtt OPEN BIDDING Pursuant to our recent conversation relative to the above subject, I am again recommending that the following items be exempt from open bidding and am setting forth herewith the reasons why: WATER METERS. It ia recOlllDended that we standardize on the Rockwell water .. ter. The Rockwell meter has proven over the years to be a very aat1a1"actory and dependable meter. Of the 5,275 meters in service 4,881 are Rockwell meters, being the only make purchased since the City took over the system rrom Denver. The cost or Rockwell meters has alwa7s been comparable or lower than other makes, but in these times or h1ghl1 competitive bidding we might at any time be confronted with one or more bids slightly lower than the Rockwell. Prom a maintenance view- point standardizing on one make of meter has considerable advantage, both trom stocking parts and the familiarity of the meters in servicing the aa.. nu HYDRAMTS. It la recOlmllended that we standardize on the Mueller Pire Hydrant. Aa tar aa I can tind out, the City has purchased only the Mueller hydrant since taking over the system from Denver. We have in our a7atem approximately 233 hydrants or which 195 are Mueller, 3 Pacific States, 30 old Denver m.ke (Denver makes its own hydrants, parts tor which are impossible to obtain) and 5 ot unknown origin. The Mueller hydrant has nany desirable design features, is easy to operate and requires a minimum amount or maintenance. The Fire Department highly rec0111Dends this hydrant. Mueller hydrants are predominantly used in the ~ter Districts in which F.nglewood is serving water, also 1n the ad- jacent Pire Districts in which the Englewood Fire Department partici- pates. A tire hydrant is a very important item, the failure ot which can be disastrous. Por the last two years we have gone to the Council tor approval or Mueller hydrants although they were not the low bidder, and have obtained such approval, but such a procedure is not tair to the other bidders. OATB VALVES. It la reooanended that we standardize on Mueller gate valves. Again, there is definite advantage of having uniformity tor the taailiarity, the dependability or operation and simplification of the stocking and availability or parts. The majority or the gate valves on our distribution system are Mueller valves and have proven very aatia1"actory trom the standpoint of quality, ease ot operation and 111n1mum amount of maintenance. Last winter when we took bids for our 1961 gate valve requirements, we accepted the low bid tor another make ot valves. This turned out to be a mistake. As an example, three ot the 14-inch valves had defective parts which made it impossible tor the valves to operate properly and was not discovered until the valves were installed and the water turned into the lines. I do not have an exact record or the amount of expense involved to remedy the condition but I would estimate that 1t was more than the additional cost would have been tor Mueller valves in the first place. 'lbere are at least tour Jobbers in Denver that can bid and supply Mueller valves and hydrants, thus, there would be competition even in submitting informal quotations. ~AL !UIPMBMT REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT. rea been and will be more occasions when the coat ot repair and/or replacement parts tor mechanical equipment will amount to more than ~500.00. In moat cases the equipment is of a certain make tor which the repairs or replacements can only be obtained trom the manu- tac turer or sales representative or that particular piece ot equipment. Thia ia especially true at our Water Filter Plant and our Sewage Treat- ment Plant where there are larger and more expensive equipment involved. The time element is often involved due to emergency repair, particularly at the tilter plants where a forced delay in repairing a vital piece ot equipment ~1ght result in a disaster. I I I I Minutes of December 4, 1961 There are also occasions when our larger mobile equipment such as the back-hoe, front end loader, tractor, etc., will require na.jor repair or overhaul in amounts over $500.00 for which it would be difficult to obtain this service from other than the original manufacturer or its sales representative. Therefore, I would recommend that mechanical equipment repairs and replacements be exempted trom competitive bidding. Inasmuch aa there is urgent need for .ordering our 1962 requirements tor the above nater1als aa soon as possible, with or without competitive bidding, any action on this matter will be greatly appreciated. H.H.B. ej" /s/ Harold H. Babcock Harold H. Babcock Utilities Director. COONCIIllAN McLETJ.AH MOVED, COUHCIIMAH MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE REQUEST ll'OR BXDIPTIOH OP THESE PARTICULAR WATER WORKS MATERIALS, AS LISTED,, BE GRANTED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: A7ea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager discussed progress in the development or an ordinance exempting these certain itema and others from bidding in the future. 612-99 REFUSE AND DISPOSAL REPORT The City Manager reported that Denver Research Institute or the UniversitJ of Denver had completed "An Analysis or Refuse Collection and Disposal, Englewood, Littleton, and Arapahoe County, October, 1961." That copies had been distributed to the Council and other interested parties. The City Manager commented on the COllPleteneaa or the report and recommended that it be carefully studied with a goal ot initial 1.Jlple .. ntation atter the first or 1962. 612-100 RELATING TO BIDS FOR WATER METER Roa. CONSTRUCTION The City Manager reported that the Water Department budget provided for the enclosure or the water meter shop. He stated that he would have specifications prepared so that bids could be secured tor Council consideration at their next meeting on December 18th. 612-9 APPROVAL OP BIDLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICES FOR NOVE>!BER, 1961 COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MILES SECONDED,, THAT THE BILLS, CLAIMS AND DfVOICES AS APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER AND LISTED BY THE CITY CLERK BE ALLOWED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows:- Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-87 APPOIN'D'ENT TO BOARD OF ADJUS'llttENT AND APPEALS TO FILL VACANCY COUMCIIMAN MILKS NC»tINATED, COUNCIIMAN WOODS SECONDED, GEORGE W. McGEE FOR THE VACANCY ON '1'HB BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM ENDIJm l'EBRUARY 1, 1962. COUHCIUUN BROWNBWELL MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT N<JttINATIONS BE CLOSED AND THAT THE CLERIC BE INSTRUCTED TO CAST AN UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR MR. McGEE POR TllB UNEXPIRED TERM ON THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS. Upon the call of the roll,, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Ma7or declared the motion carried and instructed the City Clerk to notify Mr. llcOee or his appointment. Minutes of December 4, 1961 ADJOURN COUNCii.KAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJ<XJRllED. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Woods, Kralling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. /s/ B. o. Beausang B. o. Beausang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'ftie ainat•• of the •••ting of the City Council of th• City of Bn9lewood, color.SO, held on the 4th day of December, 1961 A.D., atand approved•• written thia 2nd day of January, 1962 A.D. I