HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-01-13 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
Mayor J.E.£bbott called the
C11llison Present,
ielsen Present,
meeting to order and asked for roll call.
Hall Present, UcCord Absent,
Pearce Present, ~mith Present,
5 Present, Absent 1.
.H!~uLU '.t' I 01~
Jan11ary 9, 1933.
IHEaE.A~ the Englewood Volunteer ~ire Department has in their Pension
?und in the First Ua tional B-ink of En glewood, Colorado, approximately two
thousand six hundred fifty eight and 10/100 ($2b58.10) dollars
¥HE.~EA~ the Englewood Volunteer Fire Department desires to invest a
part of said funds in municipal improve ment bonds for the purpose of
receiving a greater income to said funds:
NOW, THE.~EFORE ~E IT 3E~OLVED, That the City Treasurer under order of
the Cit1 Cowicil, purchase two (2) municipal bonds in the awn of
t397.51 each from the Pension Fund and pay for the same out of mone1s now
on deposit in said Pension fund, said municipal improvement bonds to be
selected by the Committee in charge of the Englewood Fire Department Pension
Alderman Pearce Uoved,)
Hall ~econded,) .That the City Treasurer be authorized to draw
from the lire Fund seven hundred ninety-five and 01/100 .($796.01) dollars
for the purpose of buying two public improvewent bonds in the denomination
of five hundred and 00/100 ($500.00) each •
. ~vLL CALL:
Cullison Aye,
liielsen .Aye,
Hall ~ye,
Pearce Aye,
5 ~yes, Absent
Uayor so ordered.
UcCord Absent,
Smith Aye,
A Committee of the Council as a whole was appointed to negotiate for water,
with power to act.
Coanollman Ball 1ntro4uce4 the following resolution.
lllP!BIAI woo4 a. Weber, Ino.,Bngineera of DeDYer, Colorato, b&Ye pr•••'••
'o the Clt7 Counoil of ihe Clt7 of Bnglewoo4, Colora4o, ·a Contrao' an4 a.r .. -
aent tor their aerYlcea in connection with the oonatruotion of an eleotrlo
light plant and a79t .. and a water a7atem for the Cit7 of Bnsl••ood, Colo~4o.
which contraot and aareement ia in wor4a and figure• •• follon, to-•i •:.
!BIS COlfBAC! ~ .lGBDUU'l', ila4e and entere4 into thie 14th 4q of
JanuaJ7, A.D. 1933, bJ and between the Cit7 of 1Dglewoo4·; Colora4o, aoting
b7 an4 throagh ita llqor an4 Clt7 Council, part7 of the firat part herein•
after referre4 to aa Cit7, an4 Woo4 6 Weber, Ino., IDglneera ot DeqYer, ·
Colora4o, part7 of the aecon4 part, hereinafter referre4 to ae Jlllglneera,
WIDD8ftB ftat
IRQBAS, Clt7 baa 4etermioe4 throagh appropriate aotlo~ of the qualit1et
eleotora to aoqlllre, own an4 operate an eleotrio light plant an4 17atem an•
a water qat• all tor the purpose of auppl7ing water for oomerclal an4
4oaeatic purposes, and
we•alAS, Bngineera haYe been aeeooiate4 with the proJeot for a nmaber
of aontha and are thoaoughl7 acquainted with the ne•4• of th• Cit7 an4 how
to prooeed With the neooeaaar7 detail•, an4
wasa••a, Bnaineere are at libert7 ·an4 willing to do th• work and Cit7
4eair•• to haY• them oarr, it out in accordance with mo4ern engineering
praotio• in the designing, building, and financing of almilar planta.
•ow t'BBilBl'OBB, It la agreed between the parties hereto in oooaideratlon
ot the ooYenanta and condition• herein contained and ot. the pqmeota to be
•4• b7 the part7 of the first part to the part7 of the aeoon4 part, •• folltn;
1. Bngineera have aeYered their oonneotlon with th• Kunio1pal rower
DeYelope Coap&117 and contract eslatlng heretofore baa been oanoell•4 and
engineer• are fr•• to exert their beet efforts to the intereata of Cit7
Wi'bout aD7 conneotlon With aal4 oomp&Jl7 an4 pre~u4loea in taYor of or
agalnat •aid ooap&07.
2. C1'7 4oea therefore hire and emp107 IDgineera aa it• eng1De81'8 to
perfora aD7 and all ••rYioea aa are ll8uall7 and ouatomarll7 performed b7
lal1neera an proJeota auoh •• that oonteaplated bJ Clt7 an4 asr••• to pa,
IDgineera ae their oompenaation in full tor aa14 aerY1oea the •1111 of foar
per oent (••> of the ooat to the Cit7 in reYeoue bon4• ieeGe4 to pa:, for
aoquia1tion anttor oonetruction of aa14 municipal water .-..1Jower plant
an4 •1•t••·
a • ..lllglneera hereb7 aocept said emplo7ment and agree to tv.rnlah their
beat engineering •kill in conneotlon with the construction ant/or purohaae
ot ea14 111Ullolpal water and power plant• and a7atema and asr••• to aooept
aa their coapeneation ln full tor aervloee rendered ln oonneotlon therewith
the aaa of tour per oent (••> ot the bond• ieaue4 bJ the Cit7 to pq for
auoh plant and a7etem, exclusive of legal feea, election ooata, adYert1a1ug
ooata, workllll oapltal, engineering t••• an4 puroha•• of water right• exo.,t
that two per oent (~) ot the ooata of aaid water right• •hall be pa14 to
ooYer ooate of work 4ooe in oonneotion with investigation, aurYe71, eto.,
preliainarr to said purchase. Bngineera agree to aooept this P&7meot in bond•
aa hereinafter etipulated,
'· DJaiD••r• hereb7 further agree that th• ••rYioe to b• rendered bJ th ..
in oonneotion with •ald proJeot •hall oon•l•t of the tollowlng:
(a) .Aid th• Cit7 in •Y•r1 •&7 poaaibl• to aeoure an adequate and th• b••'
aYailabl• •uppl7 of water tor uae in lta plant.
(') flal'Di•h de•igna and •peoitloatlooa tor the oonatruotion of aald plant
an4 •1•t .. , a14 Clt7 in .•T•r1 teaaible •&7 ln a4Tert1siog tor b14• an4 lettlDI
ooatraot• tor the ooaatruotloo thereof.
(•) 8ho1114 &Jl7 part Of the s7stem be purohaae4, lngineera agree to make
a 4etaile4 lnTeato17 an4 appraisal of whateTer 1• puroha••4 ant turnleh a feport
thereon that oan b• u••4 in condemnation or other prooee41oga.
(t) to tarni•h auperYiaioa of conetruotion for the plant an4 .a7atem tlaat
1• to be oonatr110te4. . .
(•) to aee that the plant ie •tarted up properl7 an4 to ai4 (a• tar aa the
Cit7 •••ire•) ln aeleoting personel an4 operators for the plant and inatruotiag
ihe• in the proper operation thereof to the end that the plant and a7atea ~
be tame• oYer in proper an4 •atlafactor7 operating oondltlon.
(t) to ••• that manutaotarera furnish equipment that i• ln atriot aooordanoe
with the apeoitioationa.
(g) to 4o &DJ and all thing• of an engineering nature tut 11a1 be neo•••U7
to •eoure tor Cit7 an effioient and a4e"1uate plant and a7atem. ·
6. the partiea hereto mutuall7 agree that P&Jlll•nt of aa14 oompenaation to
Bagtneera •hall be made aa tollowa:
twent7•flY• per oent (2~) of •aid four per oent ( .. ) total fee •hall
beooae 4ue ant p&J'able when bi4• are receiYed and oontraot let .for the con•traotion
of aa14 plant or a7atem, or when purohaee of &DJ part thereof baa been aoooapll•h•I
proTided aai4 aig1 .. 004 BeYenur Bonda shall haYe been iaaued an4 if not isauea at
that tiae aa14 p&711ent aball be made aa soon aa said Bon4a ~ be iaaue4.
the remaining aeYeot7-tiYe per oent (7~) ot aaid total"four per oent
( .. ) aball be pa14 b7 inclu4ing three per cent (~), to be paid direotl7 to the
ai.ineera, of all p&J1D9nta made to the oootractore for completed work and/or .
material on hand aa ahall be provided tor in the contract for th• oonatruotioa
of aaid plant or e7atem to be entered into between Ci t7 and th• euoceaetul b144er·.
lag1ne8ra agree to aooept p97ment for aervioea ren4ere4 b7 them in eon-
neotion with the proJeot in Baglewoo4 bonds issued to P&J for aai4 plant ao4
a7atem. The baaia of aaid pa7ment shall be bonds at par value.
· I. Bpgineera coYenent and agree that the7 will not do &Jl1thing or permit
&07thing to be done in the 1Aatter of the erection and oonatruotioo of eai4
mllDlclpal water an4 power plant which ma7 be or ma7 be oooatruote4 to the oontr&rJ
to the plane, ~peoltloatione, detailed drawings, and surve7e made or hereafter
io be made and prepared b7 Engineers.
. '· IDglneere agree that thla contract with reference to p&71Dent for their
eerYioe• •hall relate to and cover all services heretofore r~n4ere4 b7 .the
Bngineera in and about and in connection with the said Cit7 project, and that
the aai4 rate of compensation to Engineers shall b• full an4 cQmplete oo~ai4er-
ation an4 p&Jlle~t to Bngineers for aai~ services. ·
e. It 1• mutuall7 un4eratood and agreed b7 and between the partiea hereto th
\hat in aooeptjag thia oontraot·, Bngineers agree that all ooapanlea bidding on
the p~oJect •ball be accorded equal privileges.
11· WITliB8S WHIRBOJ Cit7 has caused thie contract and agreement to be
executed b7 i te Mqor and at .tea~ed b7 1 ts Clerk, and lngineere have exeoute4
the aame b7 ite corporate officers and seal, the da7 and 7ear firet aboTe written.
BY ________ ,.....,. ________ _
Ciff cti&
BY ____________________ __
WBIBl.lS it ie of the opinion of the Council that thie agreement ehou14 be
entered into with the firm of Wood • Weber, Inc.
IOW TBBaBlORI BB IT RB50LVBD, That the Ka7or and the Cit7 Clerk of the Cit7
of Bnglewood, Colorado, be and the7 are hereb7 authorized to execute aal4 agree-
ment in the name of the Cit7 of Inglewood, Colorado.
Alderaan Ball KOY•4,)
Smith ~eoonded,) The adoption of said resolution.
Cu.11.iaon ~e.
lielaen qe,
Hall A7e,
Pearce Aye,
5 qea Absent 1,
M87or so ordered.
MoCor4 Abaent,
Smith qe,
Al4erman Ball lloYe4,)
Smith Seoon4e4,) That
the Counoil, Counoil adjourn.
there being no further buein••• to oome before
Culliaon qe,
lfieleeD ·qe,
Ball qe,
Pearce qe,
5 ~ea, Abeent
lla7or so or4ere4.
llaCor4 Abaent,
Smith qe,
Minute• of A4 'journe4 1tegular Meeting of the Ci t7 Council of the Ci t;v of Bnglewoot,
Colorado, thia J'r14~~th 4&7 of Januar7, A. D., atan4 .approYe4 aa rea4
thh flj 4q Of ~~°"' , A,]), 1933, I