HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-04-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOUBJIBD aBGULAR KDTIIG OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP UGLBWOOD, COLOB.00, DIS llOJl])j.Y !BB 1'1tb DAY 0., APRIL, A.D. 1933, AT '1 O'CLOCK P.M. ~or J.B.Abbott calle4 the meeting to order and asked for roll call. ROLL CAI.Li Cullison Pre•ent, •1elsen Preeent, Ball Present, llcCor.d Present, Pearce Present, Smith Present, 6 Present, Absent Bone. .All Bill• read b7 the Clerk and o.X'4 b7 the Pinanoe Committee. 12068 J.B.Abbott 1206i c.c.conant 12060 Jaolt Bua•ell 12061 larl Baetinge 12062 Lenora Jogle 12063 D.ll.Weat 12064 L.W.ferrell 12066 A.G.Prather 12066 J .... B.CUlliBOD 12067 C.ll.Ball 12068 J.C.KoCort 12069 •• S.•ielaen 120'0 L.•.Pearoe 12071 w.J.lmlth,Jr. 12072 12072 Jim Roblnaon 120'13 c .11.w1 tt 12074 Alex Lisaman 12076 L.ll.Phiillpa 12076 •~• Slack 1207' Jaok O'ICeefe ann• total Al.4el'll&D Bielaen Moved,) Sal&rJ Pund. Mqor At•orne7 Chief Police Aaet.Chief Clerk Treasurer Police Magistrate Beal th COlllD. Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman fire Pund Dq Driwer Public Improvement ~d St.Colllll. Labor General rand Caretaker Watchman Gaa 1186.ii • 66.26 • 67.60 H·•o ' .lb McCord Seconded,) That all bills b7 the l'inanoe Committee be allowed. read b7 the Cl.erk and O.K'I BOLL CALL: C11111aon qe, lielaen j:/e, Hall AJe, Pearce AJe, 6 A7e•, Na7e 11&7or eo ordered. Bone, lloCord qe, Smith qe, Al.4el'llAD Ball Moved,) •teleen Seconded,) !hat beer licenses be granted Buaaell Gaavea and T.J..BQea. . BOLL C.ll.L: Clllliaon lq, •telaen qe, Ball qe, Pearce A;/e, 6 A7e&, Bays 1, Ma7or so ordered. Alderman Bieleen Moved,) llcCord qe, Smith qe, . . Ball Seconded,) That of April 4th, 1933, be approved. the canvass of votes for Municipal J).eotion BOLL CALL: C1111180D qe, Blelaen qe, Hall J.7e, KoCor4 J.7e, Pearce J..7e, 3mitb qe, 6 J.Jea, Bqe Bone. ll87or so ordered. Al.4eraan •lelaen Moved,) I' C1ll.11eon Seconded,) That there being no further b1l81beaa to coae before the Com1eil, Coanoil adJourn. Sien Die. BOLL CALL: Culliaon J.7e, -llal.l J.7e, llcCord qe, Bleleen qe, .. ••ce J.7e, Smith qe, 6 A7ea, Jaye Bone, A1&7or ao ordered. lilDRt•• of A4Journed Reg111.ar Meeting of the retiring Council of April lTth,1988. !he Jew Com1011 ••• organized with K117or J.E.Abbott in the chair. the newl7 elected Al.4ermaD, 1.s.11elaen, L.Jorval Pearce and w.J.Sllith,Jr, together with the holdovers , Jamee I.Cullison, C.M.Hall and J.C.llcCort. Cit7 Clerk, Lenora Pogle and Treasurer D.M.Weet. All havin.s taken their oath of office. Ka7or Abbott aalced for roll call. BOU. C"ALL: Cullleon Present, Ball Present, KoCort Present, Smith Present. lielaen Preaent, Pearce Present, 6 Present, Absent Bone. Al.de~ Blelaen JloYed,) Pearce Seconded,) ROLL CALL: C1l111aon qe, Jlialaen qe, That J.C.llcCord be elected M1l7or Pro Tem. Ball AJe, KoCord qe, Pearce AJe, Smith AJe, 6 A7e 8 •K&¥or so orderel&78 Bone. I \ I .· I I ,. • • Alderman Bielaen KoYed,) KoCor4 Seoondec1,) to t'1600.00. That the Treasurers Bond be raised from t2600.00 IOLL CJ.LL: Cul.liaon qe, Jri•l••n qe, Ball Aye, Pearce Aye, o ATea, Ha1s Hone, Mayor eo ordered. KoCor4 qe, Smith J.7e, Alderman Bielaen Moved,) MoCord Seconded,) BOLL C.ALL: That c.c.con&11t be re-appointed Cit7 Attorne7. Cullieon A,Je, Bieleen qe, Ball Aye, Pearce A1e, 6 qes, liqa Kayor eo .ordered. lloCorc1 qe, Smith qe, lllone, Alderman MoCorc1 Koved,) Bielaen ~eoonded,) Co111Disetoner. That Charles M.Wi'' be re-appointed Street BOLL CALL: Cullison Aye, lieleen qe, Hall Aye, Pearce Aye, 6 A.Jee, Ba,a llone, Ha,or eo ordered. Clerk read applioationa tor Chief ot Police ae follows: Jaok llUtaell, George Lile, Jim Wilaon and Cbaa T.To1. B••lllt. ot Ballot: Jaok llUaaell 6 Charl~s T.Toy o. Jim Wilaon 0 George Lile 1. ~er 4eolared Jaok Ruaaell Chief of Police Alderman Bieleen Moved,) KoCor4 J:ie, Smith A7e, Smith Seconded,) That Luke w.Terrell be re-appointed Police llagiatrate. BOLT. CALL: Culliaon J:/•, lfieleen qe, Hall J.7e, McCord £7e, Pearce Aye, Smith qe, 6 J:ie8, Haye None, Mayor so ordered Alderman Bieleen woved,) Cullison seconded,) Trq.olt Driver. That Jim RQbinson be re-appointed D&7 •ire BOLL CJ.LL: Cullison qe, llielaen qe, Hall A.ye, lloCord A.ye, Pearce qe, Smith qe, 6 qea, 187& Bone, Mayor 80 ordered. Clerk read applications tor Caretaker as follows: L.W.Phillipa and P.W.llcCaully. Be•ult of Ballot: L.K.Phillipa 6 P.W.M0Caulie1 1. J1a7or declared L.K.Phillips appointed Caretaker. Clerk read applications for Asst.Chief of Police.as followei Serl Baatinga and Chae T.To7 • Aa•ll•·~Of i 19ll Ott: Barl Baatinga 6 Chaa.T.To7. 1. 11.,or deolared larl Hastings A&at.Chiet of Police. Mr Pearoe explained a proposed plan to secure a tract of land north of Hampden Avenue and Baat of the Santa •• tracts for gardens for the unimplo7ed. !he aee4 to be furniehecl h7 the Colorado Relief Committee and the wort to be auperviaed b7 the Count1 Agent. The only expense attaohecl would be t36.00 . tor irrigation. Alderman lieleen lloYed,) Smith Seconded,) That the City pay the t36.00 required tor irrigation. BOLL CALL: Cul.liaon Aye, lielaen qe, Ball Aye, KoCorcl 1.7e, Pearce qe, Smith 1.7e, 6 A.yes, Ba1s Bone, J.la7or so ordered. Al.4el'JD4D Ball KoYed,) Pearoe ~eoonded,) That Jack tie.oo to appl7 on hie gae bill. O'Keefe the garbage man be allowed BOLL CilL. Clllliaon qe, Bieleen 1.7e, Ball qe, Pearce qe, 6 qee, 1&7• Hone, J1a7or ao ordered. MoCorcl qe, 2:Smith qe, lf.fD A14erman Bieleen KoYe4,) Smith Seoon4e4,) that the Cit7 Attorne7 b• authori1e4 to proteat to the PRblic ltt1:1t7 Sommieaion against the inadequate eerYioe glYen b7 the :Inglewood !&st~ ·• ROLL CALL: Culllaon qe, Blel1en qe, Ball qe, lloCor4 qe, Pearoe J.7•, Smlth qe, 6 Q••·. lq• lone, Alderman Bielaen KoYecl,) Ball Seconded, ) before the Coanoll, Counoll BOLL CALL: Clllllaon qe, Jlielaen qe, 11&7or ao ordered. that there being no further ~ueineaa to come a4jo1ll'D. Ball qe, Pearce A.7e, 6 .l7e•, •~• Bone, lloCorcl qe, Smith J.7e, ll97or ao or4erecl. llinutea ot AclJournecl Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Council ot the Cit7 ot Bnglewoocl, Colorado, thia Kon4q the 17th 4a7 ot April, A.D. 1988, atancl approYecl aa ,ag,e,.d,J thl• [" clq ot 1«7 .l.D. 1933. I I ' I I