HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-04-09 (Regular) Meeting Minutes:tBGULAa 1'BETIIG 01 THE CIIY CvUUCIL 0/ ~HE CITY OF BUGLEIUOD? COLORADO. THIS HullDAY THI 9t-h DAY OP APRIL A. D. lVM. Na70r J.E.~bbott oalled the ROLL CA'LL meeting to order and aake4 for roll oall. cu111on Preaent, NleleeJJ Present, 6 Hall Preaent, UoCord Preaent, Pearce Present, Smith P.reaeJJt, Preeent, Abeent none, ~~or aeke4 Clerk to read Ulnutea, Clerk rea4 all Yinutes of aegular Meeting of ~arch 12, 1~34. Alderman Smith MoYed,) Cullieon ~eoonde4,) That all Uinutes read b7 the Clerk be approYed ae read. ROLL C.ALL Cullison J.Je, lUeleen AJ•, Hall AJe, UoCor4 A7e, Pearoe J.7e, &11th 1.7e, 6 Ayes, Daye none, -l111or eo ordered. K&7or aeke4 Clerk to read reports of Officers. Clerk read all report¥ of uffioera for the ilonth of ~aroh. Alderma11 Nielsen Uoved,) YoCord Seoooded,) That all reports of Offioera rea4 b7 the Clerk be reoelYed and filed. 30LL CALL: Cullison Al•, B~elBen A.Je, Hall A7e, Peurce J·,1e, 6 -lye&, i~ays ~ayor so or•ered, none, KaCor4 ~·· ~!11th J.7e, •11 bill• read by the Clerk and u.K'D. by the 11nanoe Conulittee, SA:t,.\l~Y IUND 12849 J.~.Abbott 12860 Lenora Pogle 12861 c.c.conant 12862 Jack Ruesell 12863 larl Hasting& 12864 D.l.1.We11t 12866 L.W.Terrell 12866 J.C.fledenmann 12867 J.E.Cullison 128ti8 C.!l.Ball 1286~ J.C.~ccord 12860 ~.~.lilelaen 12861 L.U.Pearoe l 2862 H.J • .:01 th !.lay or Clerk •ttorne1 Chief Police .,\se't. Chief Treasurer Polico ~agl~trate lleal th Comia. Alderman Alder11an Al de ruaan Alderman .Alderman Alderraan LIBaA3Y B'UlJD 12864 1Jnglewoo4 Public Librar1 12863 Colorado Central Power Co. 12866 Ji~ Robins0~ 12866 C.Bla4holm 12867 Douglas ~overn 12868 Viotor Ballow l286V Jerr7 Bo1er 12870 Jaok Banwell 12871 auo~er'e Texco ~ervlce 12872 Public Service Co. of Colo. 12873 !.L.Rarlan 12874 rred !. ~in~ney 12876 O.W.Wilaon 111E Ftmn 1.:>ay Driver ilight .!an Hight ·ran .;;er vices .,,. .;e1·•ices Services v ~ervioes Gas Gas labor -.aun411 ~upplys 12876 !nglewool iuto '3upply 12871 ~glewood Volunteer Pire 12878 Continental 011 Co. 1287~ Johnaon Heating Co. Dept.wervioee ;;;er'ficea Labor "' PCBLIC Ll?ROVEL.1ENT FUl~D 12aau Chas. u. Witt 12881 Theodo•e Smith 12b82 V.A.G117 12883 E.L.Harlan 128&4 Inglewood ~uto ~upp l y 12886 Ruoker'a Texoo ~erYioe 12886 Pikes pea .~ Gravel Co. 12887 ~.B.Sparkllan 12888 Bart Sand and Gravel Co. 12889 Inglewood Hardware c~. 128~0 Englewood Lwaber Co, 12891 Vincent L. Bell 12892 Johnson Heating Co. 128~3 Denver Steel and Iron ~Ylte. 128~4 Wise an4 Pergueon Lbr. Co. 128~6 fiae and Per~uson Lbr. Co. 12896 Jack Koger 128:17 Bell Broe. Pl u12bing and Heat. 18928 Lota Campbell Street Comra. Labor Gravel Gas SupplytS ..;upplya Grovel Work on Du ·np Sand ~upplys .;upplye labor labor .:)upp1ye ~upplpa ..;upplyt:! !.ab or ::iupplpB Watohman e lo.oo 106. 26 33.33 12'7. 60 119.00 67.60 26. •)0 26.00 6.00 6.00 6.QO 6.00 6.00 6.00 f.A§. ISS e126.oo $401.26 c100. 26 33.00 33.00 18.00 12.00 3.00 4.10 6.69 1.20 1.16 2.04 1.66 100.00 a.oo 14.16 f343~23 ·tl27.60 "". 20 7.44 8.80 10.~6 60.61 68.00 46.00 3.QO .t.10 216.14 6.60 9.60 60.66 607.48 62.'10 3'.00 206.30 . ii· 0 - t1110.1s ( ,- /{ff - 12898 L.M.Phillips 12899 Hana ~ibbert 12900 Jack Ruaeell 124iul 1'ar1 Haotings 12902 Joe Lee l!903 Dan 3utton 1290I Jer~ Bo1er 12906 R.Geo. WJode 12906 141'1.n Bladholm 1290' frank Rease 12908 Jaraea Biggins 12909 Wnglewoo4 Herald 12~10 A.D.HJrthcutt 12if11 Publio ;jervice Co. of Colo. 11912 Bnglewoo4 Hardware Co. 12913 Bnglewood Monitor 12914 Charles Kinsel 12916 Johnson Heating Co. 12916 H.~.~cGuire 12~17 Kountain ~tate a Tel. & Tel. 12~18 Wiae and ?erguaon Lbr. Co. 12~1~ Edwin Bla4ho1m 12920 T • .!'.Pole1 12921 Peter Traut 12922 General Ineuranoe Co. 1a••., ll1&111il1i11r .,...,,..,,, !lu"''Y· G!Wro TOTAL Ce.re taker Desk Han Gas Ga1:::1 ~98 \'Jire Inspector Speoial 3ervioea $peoial ~ervioea ~peoial Services Care of ~ohool sign 1Uleage Printi!lg Painting '· Gaa wUpplyB . Printing \II.,.. -- La'hor Labor .auto Liet , Phone ~~rvioe Coal !.ubor I Bond v .;et tlernent '\ Insurance,..... T'o""'e' .. • 63.011 30.00 20.00 20.00 26.0f) 3.40 'I. 6() 4.00 2.00 10.00 l."4 24.86 3.60 4.62 6.33 1.00 2.60 3.00 12.00 26.66 34.47 2.00 3'1.50 350.00 ~-~;~ '76~·· .. ,,,, ICJ~7'1'· OD .A14eraan Nielaen I.loved,) Ball ~econded,) b7 the Pinanoe Committee be ROLL CALL: That all bills read by the Clerk and o.Y.'d. allowed. Cul 11 eon ;.ye , Nielsen A7e, Hall 4ye, Pearce Aye, 6 Jayeu, Uaye ~ayor so ordered. ~lltrun Cullieon Hoved,) none, U<!Jor4 A.7e, 3m1th AJe, Smith Seconded,) That a beer license Charle& Graves of 3198 so. Broadway. be granted to Rueaell ROI,L CM,L; Culison Nay, Hielaen Hay. 6 l~ays, .14erraan KoCord ~oTed,) Hall Nay, _0 earce Hay, L!otion 1ost. Ayes Hone. l4oCor4 l'ay, Smith Na7, liielaen ~eoonded,) That proposed Ordinance Do. Serie& of 1934, "4'11 O~Dlli.ANCE P.ilOVI1>I.NG FUR A D!P~JIT OF ALT, FUNDS .J? '.rliE CITY Ul ENGL!~fCOD I ll BAilK~ BY THE CITY TR.!AciUREH AlfD B'OR .-:i~CU3!1lG THE DEPIJSIT~," be 1ntro4uoe4 and ree4 as~ proposed ordinance for the City of Englewood. aoLL ~: Cullison Aye, IUelsen Aye, Hal 1 Aye, Pearce Aye, 6 Ayes, Nays None, ~ayor so or••red, :.~oCord .A'le, ~itb AJe, Clerk read proposed Ordinance .No. Series of i ·g34, "il ORl>IJIABCE l?ROVIl>IlfG · Y<>a A DEPOSif OF ALL PlJ?-.TD~ OP THE CI'l'Y Olt., "EMGL!WOOD IN UUKS JJY 'l'H"! CITY 'l'REA~URBR &N1) FOR SECURING TH~ DE?OS!TS," in full. Alderman aoCord UoTed,) llielaen ~econded,) '~hat proposed crdinanoe No. 13eriea of 1934, "il 03'DIN.AHCB .P40VIDIHG !1 u ~ A DE.?O.;IT Ut., ALL .&.,UliDS Ult1 'J.'HE Cl'lT J1 UGLBiYOOD Ili BA!f£S BY THE CITY TREA~URER A.D PUR SECUiiIUG THE DEPJ~IT~." 40 now P••• first reading as read. ROLI, C•LL: Cullit~on Aye, IU el aen AJe, Hall ~ye, Pearce Aye, 6 Ayes, Nays none, I!ayor so ordered. ~lderraan McCord toved,) KoCor4 .AJ•, Smith A7e, Jielsen Seconded,) That propoHed ordinance ~o. ~ertea of 1~34, "~ ORl>IBAUC! PnOVI'DI UG i'OR A DE?O:jlT u F' .A.T.L J'UUD~ OF THE ct'l'f 01 BUGLIWOOD ID BAJlK.:) BY TH! CI TY 'l1!lEA~U3ER AND FOR a:)ECURIUG THE DEPO~ITS," haa been 1ntro4uoe4 and read and passed at ita first reading. . BJW, T~RE BB IT dESOLVED, by the City Counoil of the CitJ of Englewood, Colorado, that the proposed ordinance No. ~•ries of 1~34 eforeaaid, be publisbe4 in the Englewood Herald and Euterpriae, a weeklJ newepaper published in the Ci t7 of E11g·l13•ood, Colorado, ae required bJ the Statute of the ~tate of Co,o redo, and go over for further conaiderat1on at another meeting. ROLL CALL; Cul 11 eon J.7e. Hal 1 it.ye. blcCord Aye, Uiel sen Aye, Pearce Aye. Smith Aye, i Ayea, Na.vs none, aayor so ordered, I I I I I ~uLUTiuL~ Whereas ?eter Traut suatained certain inJ~i•• occasioned from falling tro11 the brlclge on Broa4waz, across little Dry Creek, inJ~iea oonaisting of the breaking of hie shoulder whioh neces111itated the wearin0 of a oatit for a period of more than aix week& and a.ocording to the Doctor's -.tatecaent reaul te4 in permanent inJur7, and W!IL"iBAS aa14 ?eter Traut has ~ade hia clai~ against the CitJ und while not adtAitting liability iu any ,vent, t li e City CoWlcil belie•• that in order to avoid litigati~n. a reasonable settle~ent should be :jade of this claim, and .JBXR:&AS aaid ~eter ~raut ha~ agreed tu accept the ~u~ of three hundred fift7 and no/luO (~360.uu) dol~ars 'in full aettlement of all olaim~ he might or 11&1 have against the City. iiOW, ·idEllEFO~l~ B3 IT R~.;Jr~VED pay the aald Peter ·.rrau t the su11 in full 111ettle11ent of all claims CitJ b~ reaaon Of said inJ~7. That the City Treasurer in hereb7 ordered to of three hundred and no/lOU f t360.00) dollars the said Peter Traut ~87 have against said A.lderJUD ~ielaen ,Jloved) ~~1th tieconded) the adoption of said resolution. ROLL CALL: Cullison ~e. lHelsen 4Ye, 6 ~es, Hall Aye, Pearce A7e, 14ays ~ayor so ordered. aE.:>OLU ' 'I Jil ~one, UcCord Aye, Smith qe, WHE..~EA~ D.~.weat, said Trea~urer of the City of Englewood baa heretofore forwarded to the bank or Kounts Brothers, ~ey York City, ~•• •ork, the sum ot one h~ndred eight~ five and 21/lOu <e1a6.21) do ~lars for the purpose of p~in~ ooupons of apecial i~prove~ent districts of the Cit7 of Bnglewood, as r•~~ired by ordinanoe, at the ti~e of itiauing said bondti, and WHE!iBA~ the bank ~i Kountz Bruthera was closed with that amount on depo¥1t to the oredit of the City Trea~~er of the City of Englewood, Colorado, which waa without an1 fault of the said D.U.~vest and the said D.1'.\Veat aho•ld be released from any liability in regard said deposit. llOW. THBJBFOaE BE IT RESOLVED That the said D.~.·.'iest, Treasurer of the City of E ot Inglewood by and he hereby 1~ released froa any liabilit7 for aaid 11one1 on 4epoa1t in the bank of Kount• Brothers. Alderman Nielsen ~oved.) ~1th ~eoonded.) the adoption of said resol~tion. ROLL C~: Cullison Aye. Hall ~e. ~oCord Aye. Nielsen Aye. Pearce Aye. ~1th Aye, 6 Aye~. ~aya llone. ~ayor so ordered. WHEJJU~ !ots six (6), seven (7), and eight (8) in Block four (4), ~.G.Hamlins !roadway ~ddition ha& delinuuent taxed for special i~provements of a period of aeYeD (7) 7eara, and IRK31AI i.largaret ~artin, as the owner of tiaid propert7 has offered to p97 said delinquent inatall~enta together with ~ix per cent (o~) interest to date, and the City Council believe thi~ to be for the beet intereats ~f the City of Englewood. UO , 'l'HS.."iBPv.dE BE I~ ~E~uLVBD That the County Treasurer of Arapahoe Cowit1 be and he hereby is ordered to accept the ~Jount of said inatallmenta together with aix per cent (u;., interest one the same, as payment tor said inetall~enta to date. and to issue receipt therefore. Alderman UcCord Uaved,) aielsen ~eoonded.) the adoption of said reaolu~ion. aoLL CALL: Cullison Aye, llall .,.ye. ~ocord AYe, .Jielsen qe. J.>earoe 4e. Sm1 th ~e. 6 ii.ye~. liays lione. ~ayor ao ordered • . iESOLUTillJN WRBaBA~ Lota thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (34) in Block three (3). Ter17•a Ad dition to Englev.ood, are delin'{uent in the payment of 11peoial taxes tor a period of aeTeral years, and WH~~~A , The owner thereof has offered to pay the amount of said delinquent · . - in•tallaeaia together With interest upon the awae at the rate of six per cent (6~) per annwa and the Council believes that the same ia for the best intereat of the Cit7 to accept said offer. UO .TBERElORE BE IT :tR~OLVED That the County Treasurer of Arapahoe Count7 be and he hereb7 is authoriaed to accept pay:Aent of said installaenta together with inter- eat at six per cent CG~) per annUJi as payment in full for said installments, and to ia~ue a reoeipt therefor. ~ld•r~ ~oCord ~ove4,) Hiela1eu ~econded.) the adoption of aiaid resolution. ROLL CJ.LL: Cullison Aye, Hall ,~ye. 1'cCvrd qe. Bielsen Aye. Pearce Aye. ~mith A,7e, o Ayeo. ~yor so ordered. I/SI , Alter11a11 Ball KoTe4,) Blelaen Seconded,) That L. JorTal Pearoe'• realgnatlon aa Al4eftlaD fro• •ard Bo. two (2), be aooepted with regreta. BOLi. caLL: Cullison J.7e, Hall A7e, KoCort J.7•, llelsen J.7•, Slllth A7•· Pearoe ~·· 6 qee, Uayor eo ordere•. Jqe Jone, MIQ'Or aake4 tor noainatione for new Alderman for Ward Jo. two (2). w.J.Collina noa1nate4 for Alder11a11, Ward Jo. 'wo (2). £14eraan Bielaen MoYed,) McCord Seconded,) white ballot for W.J.Collina. ROLL ~: Culliaon J.7•, jjoCord qe, 6 A.Jes, Alterman uocor4 Jove4,) That nominations be oloaed and Clerk oaat a Ball qe, liielaen qe, ~.,.or ao ordered. &11th qe, Nay• Bone, Culliaon seconded,) That there bein1 no furthur •ua1n••• to ooae befure the Counoil, Counoil Adjourn until Wednee4a7 the 18th •~ of April. 1934. llinutea of Regular ~eeting of the Cit7 Counoil of the Clt7 of Bnglewoot, Colo~ this Kon4~ the 9th~r11, 1934 atan4 approYe4 •• A thi• a~ 4Q of • A.D. 1~3_. re& I I I I I