HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-07-09 (Regular) Meeting MinutesUCJULil IOB!I•G o~, THE CITY COUICIL o ~· THE CI'i'Y or JDIGLDOOD, CUL<B ADO, flUS LIOIDAY TD 9th DAY 01 JULY A.D. 1934. Kefor J.E.Abbott oalle4 the BOLL CALL: meeting to order and aake4 for Boll Call. Cullison Preaent, •telaen Preaent, Ball Preaen t, lloCor4 Pre em t, Colline Preaent, 8mlth Abaent, b Preaent, Abaent one. MaJor aaked Clerk to read ~lnutee, Clerk rea4 all Uinatea of Regular Keeting of JWle 11, 193' • .Alterman •lelaen WoYed,) Cu111eon ~eoonded,) That all ~unutea read b7 the Clerk be approYed a• rea4. ROLL CALL: C11111aon qe, lllelsen J.7•, Hall A7e, KoCor4 ~e. Collins J.7e, ~m1th Abaent, 6 AJe•, .Abaent vne. U&7or eo ordered. 1&a7or ••lee• Clerk io read report• of Offioera. .la7e lione, Clerk rea4 repoltl of Offioer1 tor the Uonth of June. A14erman KoCor4 ~oye4,) Collin• aeoon4e4,) !hat all Report• of Oftioer• rea4 b7 the Clerk be received and tiled. ROLL CALL: Culliaon AJe, lilelaen qe, Hall Aye, KoCord .A7e, Collins '7•. &11th Abaent, Ba7a None, .Abaent One, J.la.yor ao ordered. Ar.it BILLS RB.AD BY THE CLE~K .t.ID O.K'd. BY TH! 1IN.AJICB COw.tlfTSI. ~A ARY ~,UUD 13064 J.!,Abbott 18066 Lenora 1ogle 13060 C.C.CJnant 13067 Jaok idaell 18068 Berl Baatinga 1306i D.U.Weat 13070 L.W.Terrell 13071 J.C.11e4enmann 18072 Jamee E. Culliaon 18073 C.M.Ball 13074 J.c.~ocord 13076 l.S,Jlelaen 18076 i'. J .Sml th Jr. 18077 w.J.Co111n• 1'a7ur Clerk .Attorney Chief Polio• A11et. Chief Treaaurer Polio• Magiatr••• Health Comm. Alderuian .Alderman Alderroan Alde~n Alderman Alde!"man LlBRAaY 1lU4D 130'8 Inglewood Publio L1brar7 LIGHT FU.IU 13079 Colorado Central ~ower Co. LI GH 'l • POWER 1 I.RI P'UllD 13080 Jim loblnaon 13081. C.Bla4holm 18082 D. SOYern 11081 V.L.Ballow 180aM Jerr, Bo7er ll081 o.w.Dormer 11086 Bnglewoo4 Bar~ware 18087 "'•d c. Pinkne1 18088 Publio ~erYioe Co. 180~9 O,W,Hilaon DQ DrlYer light and Sun4a7 ~ llight an4 Sunde, uan Special ~erYioe~ v ~pecial ~•rYloea ..- Bruah S11ppl7e Suppl7a Gali v Lamndry PUBLIC I.JPROVmlBUT PJJD llOjO c.w. ' 18~ Theo4 e 5mlth 13 2 LsDD Stillwell 130~3 1'107d dparkman 180~4 S11per dtatlon atation 18096 Hamilton Gleaaon Co. 18096 lu,11 CJaJtage 13097 Wl•• and rerguaon Lbr. co. 18098 Clark Brlok Co. 18099 Enalewoo4 Hardware Co. 11100 w.B.Sparkman llLOl 8tan4ard Oil Co. 11102 lnll .. oo4 .Auto 811ppl7 18101 Hart aen4 and GraYel Co. street Comm. Labor Labor Labor 011 Gravel Gravel Suppl•• !riok 3upp17a Work on Dump Gaa S11ppl7a ~and GIUBRAL P'UUD 181.CM L.~.Pbillipa 11106 Ban• Sibbert 11106 Jaok Buaaell 11107 larl Ba1t1n1• 11108 Joe Lee 11109 Dan Sutton llllJ Jerr7 Bo7er Oare taker Deak Llan Gas Ga& Gae Wire In11peotor Speoial ~erv1ce1 • 10.00 106. 26 33.33 1&7.60 i1~.oo 67.60 26.00 16.00 6.JO 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 tAl.18 f 96.00 t870.00 e106. 26. 83.00 88.oo s.oo e.oo &.60 l. 1.0 12.91 4.76 2.41 1111. ~s t127.60 66.60 4.00 1.00 11.30 '74.26 19.06 266.46 40.00 41.89 ,6.00 40.03 16.02 a.~o ltli. 0 63.00 80.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 6.00 6.00 11111 Johll Marl•'' 11111 Jla Bo•lnaon 11111 1Dll••oo4 Hardware Co. 1n1• Al B1Yel7 11111 Boal'4 of Water Comm. 11116 Inglewood Herald 1111' flielit7 an4 DepOMit Co. 11118 Ko1111tain ~tat•• T. & T. Co. 1111~ Haailton ~owel duppl7 11110 Barr7• Taxi 111>11 B.B,Poat Co. 11122 A,D.Borth Cutt 11111 lrDeat Harlan 181.M 1.1.Pat;on 13126 Qeorge a. Ballard QJLU1) TO'l'AL Dog Catoher .; Vital s atiatioa ~uppl7e Gali & Oil ~ Water Rent Printing Bonda v Phone dervioe ....- Towela Taxi dervi oe t? ~weeping Conpo~nd Sign ~ 011 tP lnauranoe Inauranoe e 60.00 6.~o 11.8' 3.ao 86.24 18.90 ao.oo 29.60 2.00 .zo '. 01.) 1.00 l.•o 49.01 •• 11:8i tMZl.06 Alderman Hall WoYe4,) Cullie.on Seoondecl, ) o.K'd. b7 th• rinano• CoDUoitt•• .aOLL CALL: That all Billa read b7 the Clerk and be Allowed • Culliaon AJ•, llielaen 1.71, 6 A.7••· Alderuaan Hall UoYed,) Hall A7e. CollinB AJe, Absent one, Ua_Jor ao ordere4. iloCord AJe, Smith !baeDt, Collin• ~eoonded,) That th• Cit7 of Englewood, Colorado, obtain a l•••• on the Park owned by the Chamber of Comeroe, known a~ ilerehant• •ark, tor a period to be deterrnined at a later date. BOLL CALL: Culliaon A7•. Hall Aye, MoCord 1.7e, lielaen £Je, Collins Aye, &11th Abaent, 6 AJ•&, Abaent one, Uayor ao ordered. Na1e none, I Alder!A&ll C11l llaon aoYed, )' .. Collin~ ~eoonded,) That the Clerk notifJ the Van lohaaok Re~ltJ Co. That Wll•&• a auitable at,irwa1 was built at the rear of 3614 do. Broa4WAJ, the CoUDoil woul4;~(l1£th11r aotion to have auoh a ~tair •AJ b11il t. llOLL CALL: C1.1lliaun AJe, Hall A7e, ~oCord AJ•, ~l•l••n J.7•, Colline AJ•. Smith Absent, 6 A7ea, H81'& uone, Abaent one, Ua7or ~o ordered. RESOTJUT IOU lllBRIAS that part of Uli ot IW 4 ~~eotion 3-6-68, 4eaoribed aa tollowe; ColAIJlenoinf at a Point l~l tt. •••t &Ba 190 tt. South of l~Jt of aaid Seotion 3, tor po nt of beginning, thenoe aouth 613.70 ft. to a point: thenoe Borth 86 ••I• 16 min. Weat 60.24 ft •• theuoe ~01.1th 87 deg. 43 min. Weet ,2.86 tt., thenoe uorth 6' 4eg. 37 min. West 206.68 ft., thenoe Uo•th 629.62 ft •• thenoe i>Outh 6~ 4eg. 18J1n. Baat 168.36 ft., thenoe ~outh '4 4eg. 34 min, Eaat 180.66 ft. to plaoe of be11nning; ALIO all that part of NE ~ of uwt of Jeo. 3·6·6S, d••orib•~•; CO llCIIG at a point in the Xaat line of ~outh Bannook St. 16 tt. South of So~th line of feet Hampden Ave., whioh point i• 642 ft •••t and 100 ft. douth ot IB oorner of l!i of uwt ot deo, 3, tor a point of beginning, thenoe Ra•t panallel to doath Lin• ot ~al~ Hampden Ave., 141 ft. thenoe ~outh 60 tt., thenoe •••t l•ltt. to lallt line of ~outh Bannook ~t., thenoe North along ••14 la•t line 10 ft~ to plaoe ot beginning. AL80 Lot 28, Blook 1, Shad7alde Addition to EnBl•wood; hae delinquent tax•• for apeoial improYementa for a period o.f aeveral Jetara, an4 WlllRIAS Th• Inglewood Chamber of Commeroe, aa the owner ot aa14 prope•tr baa ottered to pa, the amount of eald delinquent inatallment• together with inter- eat upon the •am• at the rate of aix per oent (o~) per annum and the Counoll beli•••• tbat the aame is for the beet interest of the Cit7 to aooept oa14 otter. HOW? TH!.~lrJ.aE ~E IT R~SOLVED that the CJ~nt7 Treasurer ot Arapahoe Coantr be an4 h• hereb1 i• a11thorized to aocept payment of aaid inet5llmenta togethei-with intereat at aix per oent (61't per annum as pa7ment in full tor ••14 lnetallaenta, and ~v iaeue a receipt therefore. Al4•r~an Nielsen ~oYe4,) Culliaon Sefonded,) RCLL CALL: Culliaon Av e , lleleen J.7e, 6 £7••· Alderman Callison Moved,) the adoption of &aid reaolution. Hall ,.7e, LloCord J.7•, Colline AJ•, Smith Ab1ent, Na1• ~one, Absent one, Uayor eo ordered. Collin• ~eoon4ed,) That there being no further bueineaa to oome betore the CoUDoll, Counoil Adjourn. ROL.T... CA!,L: Culliaon &7• Hall Aye, UoCord £7•, lielaen jJe, Collins A7e, :iaalth A•••nt, I I I I • ·I