HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-11-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutesil.TOtJBJIB 3BGULAA llDtIBG 01 TH~ CITY COUNCIL OJ' TBB CITY OJI DQLBllOOD, CIJLORj])(), 'l'BIS 'J.'HUB8DAY TBB 16th DAY OF NOV!!Jl3Ba, 193'. M~or J.B.Abbott oalled the meeting to order and asked tor roll oall. ROLL CALL: Culliaon Present, llielsen Present, Hall Present, KoCord Preaent, Collins Abaent, 8111th Preaent, 6 .Preaent, Abaent one, Alderman lielaen KoYed,) Smith Seconded,) That the budget•• presented b7 tne Jinanoe oommit tee, for the 7ear ot 1~•6, be publiahe4 in the Englewood Herald tor publio hearing on •o•ember 22, 193'. ~OLL CALL: Cullison qe, Uielaen A7e, Hall qe, C0llina Absent, 6 J.7ea, ~beent K8'}'or ao ordered. da>LOTIOB UoCord qe, Smith qe, one, WHBRJU.S no bide were received for the construction of the Englewood Kuniolpal Water Pl.ant and it aeema that certain ohangea and amen4aenta ahould be made in the plane and apeoificationa in order to haY• the same oorr•o' in order bide ma7 be secured within the estimate, and , WHBBBA8 the engineers have submitted to the ~it7 Council amen4e4 plaaa and apeoitioatione for that purpose, IOI Bl IT RESOLVBD that the Cit7 ~ounoll does herebJ aocept an4 approYe the amended plans and specifications as submitted bJ the engineer• on thi• date. Alder11a11 Bielben introduced aaid ae~olution: Alderaan Uielaen ~oYet,) Cullison ~eoonded,) .dOLL CALL: The adoption of aaid Reaolution, Cullison qe, lielsen qe, Hall ;.ye, aocort £7•, Collins Abaent, Smith £7•, 6 A)'ee, Absent one, Kayor ao ordered, Alderman Blelaen ~oTed,) CUllison 5eoon4ed,) That bide for the conetrGot~ ot a Kuniolpal Water Plant, be readvertiae4~1n the Englewoot Ber tor three ooneeoutiTe publications, firat publication to be loY•b•r 1.6, l••' publication to be ~OYember 30, 19~. ROLL CA1,,L: Culliaon j;/e, liielaen J.7e, Hall qe, Colline .Absent, 6 A.7ea, Absent one, ~~or ao ordered. Alderman Bielaen Koved,) ~oCor4 qe, Smith J.7•, Smith Seoonded,) That no further bueineaa to oome before the Council., Council adjpurn until lioTember 22, 1934 at 8: O') .) 'clock P.K. Minutes of Adjourned ~eeting of the City Co~ncil of the City of !DgleW.)Od, C9lor~thia Thurs411t7 the 16 d&)' of ~ovember. A.D. 1934, atan4 approwe4 ••A Q-'2 .this /al!!. day of Jl&m.~ A.D. 193_L.