HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-11-22 (Regular) Meeting Minutess1i DJOUBIBD JBGULAB lilll!IIG 011' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THI CI ·1'Y 01 IUGLl900D, COLOllADO? THIS THUR~DAY THE 22 DAY OF NOV&IBBR. A.D. 198'. 1.la7or J.B.Abbott oa1le4 the Meeting to order and aaked tor · real oall. ROLL CALL: Cullison Preeent. lUelaen Abeent, Hall Present, ~cCor4 Preaent, Collins Preaent. &11th Preaent, 6 .?reaent, Absent one, Al4erman accord MoYe4.) Smith ~eoonde4,) to adopt the Bu4get for 1936. aa publiahe4. aoLL C£LL: Cullieon 1t.7e, Bielaen Abaent, Hall J.7e, llOCllr4 lr.7•~ Collins A.7•. Smith ... , 6 A7e•, Na)'a none, Absent one. U91or ao order••· RIOOLtlJTIOB TAX LIVY FOR 1936 DUR IN 1936. WJl'IB'IAS, it 1• the dut7 of the City Council of the Cit7 of Englewood, Colorado, un4er the ~tatutea of the State of ColoradO, to make the annual •ax l•Y7 for the City Purpoae~ for 1~36. due and payable in li86. IOW, THWBll()RB. Bl IT aBSOLVBD, That there be and it 11 hereby leY1•• to• tbe ~ear 1936 due and payable aa required by atatute in the 7ear A.D. 1936, for Cit7 purpoaea, a tax of twelYe (12) mill• on the cSollar upon all taxable propert7, real. personal and mixed within the limit• of the Cit7 of Inglewood, Cou.nt7 of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, aubJeot to a tax in aooor4anoe with the laws of the dtate of Colorado. ApproYe4 loYe~ber 22. 1934 Jaaea ~Ob1n80JJ City Clerk. J.E.Abbott 1.l~or. Alderman ~ccord introduced the said Resolution. AlderOlall UcCord ~oYed,) Cullison Seconded,) the adoption of said Reaolutlon. BOLL CALL: Culllaon qe, Jlielaen .Absent, 6 Ayes, Alderman Hall aoYed,) Hall Aye, McCord .17e. Colline Aye, Smith J.7e, llqs none, Absent one, aayor so ordered. Collins Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance Bo. Seri•• of 193', "A BILL 10R All OBDIMilCB APPaOPRIATIUG Str£iS FOa ALL litmICI!lt PURP08B8 IJI THI CI~! OF BIGLBWOuD, COLORADO. FOa THE B'ISCAL YU.'i BBGUUllJIG JilUAllY 1, 1936, AJID llDIJIQ DBOJll3BR 31, 1~36, COBS'l'l'l'UTING WHAT IS TlillED TH.1 AllUAL UPROPBii ATIOI BILL JOB ~BB •ISCAL YJIAR 19~6", be introduoe4 ant rea• aa a propoaed or4inanoe tor the Cit7 of Englewood. ROLL CALL: Culliaon qe, Jfielaen Abeent, Hall A7•. Colline qe, lloCor4 qe, Smith AJe, 6 j,pea, llqe none, Absent one, ~ayor ao ordered. Clerk read propoae4 ordinance Bo. Series of 1934, ·"A BILL .aB All O&DIJIAUCB VPBOPBIATIIG .smas J'OR ALL 11U~ICI!it PURP08EA;) Ill 'l'HB CI'l'Y 01 DGIASO\lD, COLOllDO, P03 THE JIISCAL YBA4 BEQIUlilllG JilUARY 1, 1936, AID BIDI•G DICIOBB 11, 1~36, COJJSTITUfIBG llHAT IS ~BmlBD THE AliNUAL AP~ROPRIA!IOJJ 3ILL •OR !BB •ISCAL YBAll," in full. Aldernab Sall Uoved,) Colline Seoonde4,) that proposed ordinanc~ llo. Seri•• of 193', "A BILL J'OR Al OBDil.AICI APPROPaIATIBG Str~S POR ALL MUUICI1'J'r PURPOSBe Ill THI CITY 01 DGLllOOD, COLO~W>O, J'OR THE JISCAL YJWi BIGilllliIIQ .JAIUARr..l, 1986, £ID llDIIG DICJllBER 31, 1936, CO~STITUTIIG IBA! Ia TIB~BD TB! AUJU'1. APP40PRIATIOB BILL POR TBB PISCAL YEAR 1~36," do now paas firat reading aa read. 30LL CALL: OUlliaon A7e, Bielaen Absent. 6 hA7ea, Alderman Hall ~oYed,) Hall 1.7e. KoCor4 1.7•, Colline Aye, Smith A7•, llays none, Abeent one, Uayor ao ortered . Collins seoonded.) That proposed ordinanoe Iv. 8er1•• of 1~36, "A BILL 10R AB ORDI~AliCB APPROPRIATI~G SUMS 104 ALL au~IC1'1't PUllPOdl8 IM tHB CITY 01 BIGL3WOOD, COLORADO, ?OR THE FI~C.AL YliR BSUIIJIG JAllUilY 1 1~36. AID BIDIBG Dlc.lBBa 31, 1~36, COH~TITUTIBG IBAT 18 flRJOID !D ilJIUAL A»~BOPllIATIOB BILL '°.a THE PISCAL Y"'.AR 1~35," has been 1'ntroclaee4 and rea4 and paaaed at ite firat reading. MO•, THBRllORB BB IT R!SOLV!D, by the City Cowicil of the Clt7 ot BDglewoo4, Colorato, that tbe propoaed ordinance No. Series of 1934, afor•aa14, be publ1ahe4 in the Bngle~ood Herald, a weekry-newspaper publi•h•4 in the Cii7 of Bngl .. ood, Colorado. aa required by the etatutea of the 8'•'• of Colorato, an4 go OYer for further oonaideration at another ''~'ing. ROLL CALL: CV.lliaon qe, Jlelaen .Abaent. Hall A7e, Collins qe, Absent one, Na1s none, I I .. I I I I ·~ . • Alderman Ball ~oYe4,) KoCor4 Seoon4e4,) that a partition be put in the Vault at the Cit7 Hall, ao aa to haYe a aeparate oompartment tor the 'l'reaaurer and the Clerk, and the 'lreaalll'er keep all Cit7 books and reoorde therein. ROLL CALL: Cullison A7e, Biel sen Abaentcp Hall qe, Colline 1.7e, o 1.7ea, Alderman lielaen UoYed,) Abaent one, ~•JOr ao ordered. lqa .None, MoCor4 qe, Saith £7e, Culliaon Seotnde4,) That there being no further buaineaa to oome betore the Council, loGDcil a4Journ Dntil Deoember 6, 1934, 8 P.M. llinutee ot A4Journe4 Meeting ot the City Council ot the Cit7 ot Bnglewoo4, Colorado, t nia Thur•4&7 the?:'22Dd day of November, A.D. 1~34. atand approYe4 ••alt:td-1 this /~t.4 4q of ~ea:c0,,4~ A.D. 193~. . -.ti-