HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-12-10 (Regular) Meeting MinutesdGUL.lR UBTIBQ OF THK CI ·rY COU!•CIL ur 'i1HE Cl'l'Y 01 ~GLllOOD' CULORADO. THI~ ~O~DAY ~HE luth DAY o~ DBClllBBR, A.D. l~Z.. K~or J.E.Abbott called the .<OLL CALL: meeting to or4er and aaked tor roll oall. Hall Preaent, MoCor4 Preaent, Collins Present, ~1th lreaent, cu11iaon Present, llielten Present, 6 Pr•••Dt, Abaent none, W97or aaked Clerk to read ~inutea ot Previous Ueeting. Clerk rea4 Minute• ot Regular Ueeting of ~ovember 13, li3', A4Journe4 meeting of Jowember 16, 1934, Adjourned meeting of BoYember 22, 1~3•, and Adjourned meeting of Deoember 6th, 1~34 • . ,14erman McCord Uoved, ) Rall Seconded,) That all dinutee read b7 tbe Clerk be approved ae read. aoLL CALL: Cullison A7e, · Mielaen qe, 6 .&7e8, Hall Aye, Colline Aye, liays none, Mayor eo ordere4. . l.loCord A7e, 4m1 th qe, Ma,or ••~ed Clerk to read report• of 0fficere. Clerk read reporta of Officer• for the Month of November, l~&&. ALDB~ aall aoved,) Collin• Seoon4ed,) That all reporte of Offioera read b7 the Clerk, be reoeived and filed. ROLL CALL: Cullison J.7e, llielsen AJ e , 6 ..... Hall J.7e, Colline Aye, KcCora qe, Smith J.J•, Baya none, Ua7or ao ordered. All Billa read b7 the Clerk and O.K'd. by the ~inanoe CoUUDittee. 1~2• James aobinson 18426 Jaok Ruaeell 13427 Earl Haetinga 13428 D • .rJ.\Yeet 13'2i L.W.Ter•ell 13437 Vietor Ballow 13438 Ed Bladholm 13439 Douglas Sovern ~4L4RY FUND Clerk Chief Polioe Ass•t. Chief Treasurer Police Magiatrate ~'IRB l'UND Day Driver Night and Sundq Kan IUght and ~undq lilan tl06.26 127. 60 i1~.oo 67.60 't26.0u 1411.I&~ ¥106. 26 33.00 33.00 117!. IB PUBLIC IlAPROVEt!!NT J'OBD 13440 Chae. U. Witt 13'41 Theodore &nith 13'42 RQ lorr1 1&643 Lealie Jordan 1M44 11074 ~parkman 18446 Cleo laokaon 18446 w.E.Spar~man 13462 C.P.Rloe Jr. 13441 L.K.Phillipa 184•8 Balls Sibbert 13449 Jerr7 Bo7er 13460 Jaok Spratt 1&661 Johll "oeeley 1&663 Bert Pletcher GRAND TOTAL ~treet Commi&siuner r,abor. Labor Labor Laboi Labor Work on Dwnp Labor GENERAL ?UilD Care taker Deak Uan ~pecial Services ~peoial Service• Labor Gas t127.60 76.40 2.00 6.00 •• oo 9.60 •6.00 33.26 ism. 11- 10.00 30.00 9.00 6.00 '1.26 26,00 tt46.i& • 106'1. 60 Alderman Hall lwloved, ) Culliaon Seconded,) O,K'd. b7 the linanoe Committee ROLL Cl.LL: That all Bille read by the Clerk ancl be allowed. Culliaon A7e, lielwen A.7e, a ~. 6 Ayes. Hall J.7e, Collinu Aye, Nays none, Mayor ao ordered. KoCorcl AJ•, Smith A.7e, Clelk read application of Liquor Lioenee preaented by leliz and .Amelia Barda7. ~ AldermanNielaen UoYed,) . Colline Seconded,) That ·aaid application be refere4 to the lioenae oommittee. At••r aome discuaton~ Alderman Nielaen Withdrew hia iilotion. Alderman Nieleen ~oved,) ~cCord Seconded,) That said Li~uor Lioenae be granted. ROLL CALL: Cullison Ba7, Bieleen £7e, 3 1.7ee, Alderinan UoCord uoved, ) Nielsen ~eoonded,) ROLL CALL: .. cu111 .. on ~q. liel1en AJ•, 2 Ayes, Hall Aye, Colline Ua7, 3 Baya, liloCord qe, &11th la7, That last motion be reoona14ere4. Hall Ua7, CollineNq, Uotion Loat • 4 liaye. UoCor• AJe, 3mith Ne7, S?J ?( / Alderman UcCor4 UoYed,) lielaen secon4et,) ROLL CALL: That firet motion be reconaldere4. Cullitson j,Je, litelaen J.Je, Hall AJe, Collins Aye, 6 1.7ea, ~aya none, ~ayor so ordered. R~J,L CALL Oli IIRST LIOTIOl,:TO GlUNT LIQUOR I 1ICBNSE: ROL!, CALL: Cullison n1l7, Hall na7, ~lelsen nay, Colline na1, No Ayes, 6 lia1•. lilotion lost. ilcCorcl Aye, Smith AJe, llcCort nq, Sraith na7, Lla7or J.!.Abbott gaYe the lire and Public Building Commi ~tee power to ct in regards to renting the Cowioil room to outsider•. r, / Alderman ~oCord UoYed,) lUelsen Seconded,) '!'hat there being no turtber bua1nee1 to oome before tbe Council, Council adjourn until 1rld1a7 the 2lat da7 ot December, 1934 at 8:o'olook P.a . ROLL CQ.L: Culliaon AJe , liielaen qe, Ball A7e, Collin-s Aye, McCord qe, Smith qe, 6 Ayes, li971 none, Mayor so ordered. Minute• of Regular Ueeting of the City Council of the CitJ of Englewood, Co~. thia won~97 the ~· th d97 of Deoember A.D. 1~34. Mtand approYed aa~ this /'/(-':_4a1 of._ A.D. 1~3.£. 0 4erman Ball lloYe4, l ~ G?o SL.A...-...---- Col line Seconded,) Cit1 Cleri. That propo ordinanoe Bo. Seri•• of 193', l BILL FOR Ali ORDI~ANCE APPRO:t'HIATINI SU S POR ALL UUUicll'IL PUllP08B8 Ili THB CifY or llGLftOOD, COLORADO, 103 THE PISCAL YJl'..AR BIGIBllIJIG JilUAB• 1, 1~36, j,iD BUDI!JG DBCBUBJIR 31, 1'1136, CO!lSTITUTiliG WHAT I~ TB311BD THI ilBUAL APPROPBI• ATIOU BILL .ro• THE IISCAL Y~ L986," be 1ntroduoe4 and placed upon ita aeoond re6cl1ng. :ROLL CilL: Cullieon A;e, Hall A7e, KoCorl J.:t•, liielaen J.7e, Colline AJ•, Smith AJ•, 6 A)'es, Ua1e none, , Uayor ao ordered. Cle ~ rea4 proposed ordinance Bo. Serie• ot 1934, "A · BILL roa Ali ORDlllilCB AP.PROPRIATIBG SUUS ~OR .ALL MUUICil'It PURPOSES IN THB CITY O~ lllGLIWOOD, COLOlW>O, JOB TD J'ISCAL TIWI BIGIBNING JANUARY 1, 1131, AID UDIIG D!IC91BE 81 , 1936, COU8TITU'l'IUG WHAT IS TIRLIBD 'rHE AlUJU.Al1 APPltOPRIA!'IOlf BII,L 103 TD PIICAL Y!Aa," in full. A14ert48D Ball UoYed,) Collin• Seoonded,) That proposed ordinanoe lio. Seri•• of 1~34, "A BILL IOB Ali ORDIIAUC g APPROP~IATIBG 8Ulll8 FOR ALL MU~ICil'J!: PURP08B8 IB THI CI'l'Y 01 DG!.DOOD , CiJ LOaADO, lOR 'l'HB l"IaCAL YUH BIGilliiliG JAliUilY 1, 1\136, ilD llDIUG DBC•BBB 31, 1~31, CON~TITu~ING WHAT I~ TIB?.llD fBI AIBUAL AP.P19JIBI•• 'lIOI !ILL .POR THE IISC.AL X'BAR 1936," do now paae as Jr41nanoe Bo.~ Series of 1934. BOLL C.ALL: Cull111on }.Je, li ielaen Aye, 6 J.7ea, Alderman Hall UoYed,) Ball A7e, Colline k/e, Mayor ao ordered. lloCor• AJ•, :ftith J.7•, l11a7s none, Colline Seoon4ed,) That be it reao1Ye4 that Ordinanoe Jlo.2 Serl•• of 1~34. this da.y paaaed b7 the City Cpunoil of the City ol Englewoo4, Color•••· be ubliahed in the Englewood Herald , a weeklJ newapaper of 1•n•ral oireolatloD in the ty of Bnglewood, ColoradJ, aa required b7 the Statute• of the State of Colora4o. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye, Bielaen J.Je, ( 6 A7es, Hall Aye, Collins A7e, ~97or ao ordered. .Uaye none, KcCorcS qe, Smith AJe, I I I .· i ' • ·1 L ' ·.• .. · .. . '\