HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRSGULAll llBBTING: COUNCIL CHAllBBRS CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO llAY 16, 1960 I Tbe City Council of tbe City of Bnglllrood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado .. t in reaular ••••ion on llonday, llay 16, 1960 in tbe Council Chamber•, City Ball, Bn1lewood, at tbe hour of 8:00 P.M. llayor Scott preaiding called tbe meeting to order and tbe invocation waa 1iven by tbe Reverend R. L. Peacock of tbe Calvary Baptiat Church. The llayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraona were present: Council .. n: Beaun, Kreiling, llartin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Also Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Esch, City Clerk Beausang. Ab9ent: Council11an Brownewell. Tbe llayor declared a quoru• present. 801-58 PUBLIC llBARING <If PROPOSED REZONING OF TRACT BBTWBBN WBST BBLLBVIBW AVBKUB AND DIT GRAND AVENUE AND IllllEDIATELY WBST OF SOUTH CllBROKBB . STREET cou.:ILllAlf BRAUN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SBCOlfDBD, THAT THAT THI PUBLIC DARlltG BB OPBlf&D. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council .. n Woods, McLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Braun, Scott. Maya: None. Abment: Councilman Brownewell. Tbe llayor declared the aotion carried. Tbe City llanager outlined tbe area under discussion as a tract between w .. t Belleview Avenue and Weat Grand Avenue from South Cherokee Street to tbe aid-point between South Delaware and Elati Streets. He stated that tbia area ia preaently zoned Reaidential R-1-B and it is requested that tbe area be zoned le••••••tal a~i-c. Tbe basic ditterence between ~be two zones being tbat R-1-B require• 75 t~ont footage as compared with 60 front toot require- .. nt for R-1-C. Tbe llayor aaked that those favoring rezoning now speak on tbe matter avoiding aa aucb repetition aa possible. llr. Bob Starkloff, 3087 West Grand Avenue, Littleton, pl9sented plans tor tbe Council to conaider showing the type of homes wbicb be proposed to conatruct. He stated that these homes would be of brick construction and bave a lliniau• square footage of 1,100 square feet. (Councilaan Brownewell entered and took bis seat on the Council at 8!-10 P.M.) He stated that one of the reasons for proposing the rezoning to R-1-C Diatrict was to act as a buffer zone between the R-3-A Multi-faaily District and tbe R-1-B District to the weat. He discussed the effect of the 60 foot lot• where they abutted a1inat the existing 75 foot lots. He stated tbat tbe additional two buildin1 aitea in a 600 foot long block would allow tbe bo .. s built on tboae lot• to be of a greater quality for the same a110unt of aoney tban if those bouaea were on a 75 foot frontage. Tbe coat of the homes was eatiaated to be Sl6,900.00 to Sl7,900.00. llr. Bob Franz, 1100 Bast Yale Avenue, presented a tentative plat of the area wbicb showed the sites proposed to be rezoned. There being no one else wishing to speak in favor of the rezoning the 11&1or called for tboae in opposition. llr. Joseph A•idei, 5020 South Elati Street, stated tbat be bad purchased bi• property zoned aa R-1-B and objected to the change to R-1-C because be felt tbla would depreciate bis property. llr. Lawrence Sea .. , 5030 South Elati Street, reported tbat be bad au11eated at tbe public bearing before the Planning Commission that tbe buffer zone, end in Delaware Street rather than midway between Delaware and Blati. lie dla- cuaaed tbe effect of having lots of different widths joinin1 in a coamon line aa there waa no alley between Dela~are and Blati Streets. lie eapbaaized that ao .. of tbe lot• preaently built on would have three yarda abutting upon their one. 83 84 Minute• of llay 16, 1960 llr. Ray110nd Fairbanks, 5058 South Elati Street, asked if the Council bad received tbe petition filed with tbe Planning co .. iaaion in opposition to tbia rezonin1. Tbe City llana1er reported that tbe petition was undoubtedly included with and made a part of tbe Plannin1 co .. isaion recorda of tbe public bearln1 conaiderin1 tbl• rezonin1. Tbose records were not transferred to tbe Council otber tb&D by •u-ry. llr. Falrmnka stated tbat tbe petit6on1.bad been cir- culated tbrou1bout tbe area and that approxi11a.":tely 100 persona bad •i1aed in opposition. lie stated tbat nearly all of those persons bad appeared before tbe Plannin1 co .. iaaion. He asked that that petition be considered at 'tbl• bearia1. . Tbe llayor diacuaaed tbe policy of tbe City to make zoning cb&D .. • at tbe alley rather tbaa at tbe atreet so tbat two different zones do not face eacb otber aero•• tbe street. llr. Bd1ar Zi ... raan, 5011 South Elati Street, stated tbat tbe area gener- ally concerned wa• one of tbe moat desirable in Englewood and bore a very bigb tax rate. lie stated that be was not objecting to tbe type of construction pro- posed but to tbe size of lots only. Aa there were no further presentations in opposition tbe llayor called for tbe proponents to present points in rebuttal. llr. Starkloff reported that tbe petition filed before tbe Planning Colllli.s- aioa bad been circulated before tbe effect of tbe rezoaiDI and tbe type of bo .. a wbicb were to be built waa known. He stated that after tbe iafor11atioa was 1ivea witb resard to tbe types of homes to be constructed tbat aaay of tbe petitioner• were satisfied and for that reason did not appear at this public bearia1. llr. Franz co ... nted that be was surprised at tbe people opposing tbe rezoaia1 wbicb would clean up tbe area and do away with tbe barn and for .. r dance ball. Tbere beiDI no further presentation by the proponent• the llayor once a1ain called upon the opponents. llr. Allidei stated that lleaars. Starkloff and Franz were acquainted witb tbe zoaiDI in effect when the property waa purchased and, therefore, bad no :mason to be a11&Zed at tbe residents deairin1 to keep the zoning as it is. Be ur1ed that tbe Council not cbange the zonin1. llr. Fairbaaka spoke atatin1 tbat the petitioner• were iafor .. d 11bea tbey •i1aed tbe petition in opposition and tbat many of the petitioner• after the public hearin1 before the Plannin1 co .. iaaion were dissuated and felt it did no IOOd to appear and, therefore, were not present this eveaia1. COUIEILllAN BllAUN llOVBD, COUlfCILllAN MARTIN SBCOMDBD, THAT Tiii PUBLIC B&Aa- lllG 88 CLOlmD. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: AJe•: Couacil .. n Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, SaDtt. Na1•: None. Ament: None. Tbe lla1or declared the 110tion carried. Councilaan Braun expreaaed tbe opinion that tbe 1eneral effect upon the propert1 would be favorable as it represented tbe conatructioa of siailar qualitJ bo .. • in an area wbicb was now undeveloped and not too desirable. Couacil11&12 Wooda inquired a• to the progress upon tbe propoaed construction of the apart .. nt bouaea i ... diately east of the area under consideration tbia eveaia1. lie recalled tbat tboae apartments were to be constructed upon a certain condition• and as conforaing to certain aini11U• deai1aa. Tbe City Attorae1 stated tbat to bi• knowledge no restriction• could be written into the zoaia1 ordinance but tbat prior to final paaaa1e a builder could be required to •i1a an a1ree .. nt to comply with certain ainlaua ataadarda aa presented by bi .. elf a• a condition for rezoning. Diacuaaioa ensued. Tbe CitJ Attorne1 stated that abould not a particular project for wbicb zoniDI was approved be coapleted tbe residents of tbe land or tbe City Council could initiate a Bill for an Ordinance to rezone tbe land as ori1inally zoned. Tb• llayor reported tbat tbia aattu .. of rezonia1 of tbe area between Weat Belleview Avenue and West Grand Avenue immediately Weat of South Cherokee Street would be considered later upon tbe agenda with tbe possible passage of a bill for ordinance rezoning sites. He then a•ked that the Council move to the next public· bearin1. IOl-59 PUBLIC DilllfG ON PROPOSBD REZONING BBTUD WEST LAYTON AVBlfUB AllD 1'UT CDKAllGO AVDUB BBTWBBN SOUTH ACOllA AXD SOUTH BADOCK STRBBT COOll:ILllAX B&OllfDBLL llOVBD, COUlfCILllAN KRBILING SBCOXDBD, THAT THI PUBLIC lllA&llG BB OPBJl&D. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: I I I I Minutes of llay 16, 1960 Ayes: Council11en Woods, llcLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Na1s: None. Ament: None. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. Tbe City llanager located the area under consideration for rezoning .. beina between West Layton and West Chenango Avenues fro• South Aco11& Street to South Ban11>ck Street from R-1-B Residential District to R-3-A llulti- fallily Beaidential District. Tbe llayor asked tbat those favoring the rezoning now apeak avoiding as 11&1cb repetition as possible. Mr. Bill Jozwicb, 3480 South Quay Street, stated that there bad been no oppoaition to tbi• rezoning at the bearing before the Planning co .. iaaion and that tbeJ bad coaplied with the dedication of South Bannock Street adjoining tbe property proposed for rezoning. He presented a plan showing tbe type of conatruction which would be used whereby four two-story apart11ent buildings would be erected containing sixty apartments totally. He stated there would be adequate parking provided for all the occupants of the apart .. nts. Discus- •ion enaued. Mr. Richard Huae, 235 West Chenango Avenue, urged that sufficient parking be providea MS be was vresently concerned with the parking problem as it exiata in connection with the nearby church and Sinclair Junion High School. Mr. Clay Bowen, 201 West Chenango Avenue, inquired about tbe opening of South Bannock between West Layton and Chenango. He stated that bis iroperty was i ... diately west of that considered for rezoning and opening of tbe South Bannock Street would require dedication of land from him as well as consider- able cost for street improvement. Tbe llayor stated tbat when the City determined it to be of public interest to open South Bannock Street that Mr. Bowen would be contacted and a purchase price negotiated for bis land. Tbis opening was not ant~dipated i ... diately but that one of the conditions for the granting of the building perllit to tbe church east of Mr. Bowen was tbat they dedicate a strip of land which would eventually be used for Bannock Street. cou.:ILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COONCILllAN BROWNEWELL SBCOMDBD, THAT THI PUBLIC RK••IKG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote 1"88Ulted as follows: Ayes: Councilaen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abaen t : None . The llayor declared the motion carried. Council11&D llcLellan inquired 61 Mr. Jozwicb as to bis plans for construc- tion. Mr. Jozwicb atated that financing laad been completed and that be wmld be able to start conatruction i1111ediately upon completion of the rezoning. Tbe llayor reviewed that this matter also would be considered later in tbe evening. 601-60 PUBLIC &BARING ON THB PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE ZONING ORDIMAICE RBLAT- IJfG TO TllB USB OP FRONT YARDS FOR OFF-STRKBT PARKING COOIEILllAK DBILIMG llOVED, COUNCILllAN llARTIM SBCOMDBD, THAT Tiii PUBLIC llBARING BB OPBJfBD. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: AJ••: Council11en Woods, McLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Ka1•: Mone. Abaen t : None. Tb• 11&1or declared tbe motion carried. Tb• City llanager read the legal advertise .. nt of tbe bearing coaparing tbe propoaed wording with the zoning ordinance. lie explained that this all8nd- .. nt atteapted to prohibit off-street parking in front yards and also coaply with tbe recent Supre11e Court decision on this matter. Tb• llayor asked if there were anyone present in the cbaabers to discuss tbi• 11&tter. There were none. '-- 86 llinute• of llaJ 16, 1960 COUNCILllAK BROWNBWBLL llOVBD, COUNCILllAH BRAUN SBCONDBD, THAT THI PUBLIC llKARlllG BB CLOSKD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Counc11 .. n Wood8, llcLellao, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nay• : None. Abllen t : lion•. Tbe llayor declared the 110tion carried. 601-69 PROPOSALS PROll BOND HOUSES AS TO PAVING DISTRICT PILOTING AND PINANCllll The City Clerk-Treasurer presented a tabulation of the proposals for p1lot1DI Pavin1 Di•trict No. 10. CoapaDJ . Interest Guarantee Rate for Fiscal Services Garrett Brollfield •Company 4.535 2.475 Boettcher • Coapaoy 4.49 2.35 The CitJ Clerk-Treasurer recommended that the low bid by Boettcher and Coapany, et al, be accepted and tbat tbe Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to •11D tbe propo•al on behalf of the City. COU.:ILllAK B&OWllBWBLL llOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCONDBD, THAT TBB a&COM- DJmATIOll U ACCSPTBD AMD TllB llAYOR AND CITY CLBBK BB AUTBORIZBD TO SIGlf COPISS OP THI PROPOSALS BY BOB~llBR AND COllPAHY, BT AL, ON BBHALF OF THI CITY. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: AJ••: Council .. n Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Ka1•: None. Ament: None. The lla1or declared the motion carried. The City llana1er asked that tbe Council determine the extent of the propo•ed pavin1 di•trict. lie referred to bis letter concernin1 the recently e•ti ... ted coat• of the district as coatemplated. Discu••ion en•ued. The llayor su111U.rized tbe consensus of the Council in tbi• ... tter a• allow- in1 the General Fund to support itself without seriou• curtail .. nt of •ervices nor diver•ion of ia&jor projects. In the Public lmprove .. nt• Pund •treet• are of first priority in residential areas witb ot~er r publij: iaprove .. nt• second, and third, tbe downtown or co ... rcial paving. lie stat~ 1enerally, that the Council a1reed with the financial estimate and outline as set forth by the City llanaser but disa1reed with bis terminology. Discussion en•ued. Council- ... n Brownewell ur1ed that tbe Council consider the need for adequate carry- over of General Pund surplus into 1961 to meet minimum costs of operation of tbe first few 110nths of 1961. Tbe llayor •u11e•ted that the wording of the Manager's letter be altered in tbe •econd para1raph, page 2, to read as follows: "The adaini•trative ba8 been aaked that tbe llOBt reasonable surplus cash in tbe General Fund be available for tran•fer to tbe Public Improvement Fund when such 110ve .. nt is eli1ible le1ally." He in•tructed tbe City Manager to proceed to secure bid8 upon the paving as ouLlinea before. 6Ql-22 PROCBKDINGS OP BOARD OP CAREER SERVICE COIOllSSIOMBRS llBBTING OP llAY 4 AND llAY 11, 1960 The llayor asked that the ainutes be accepted and placed on file. 601-1 PROCBKDINGS OF WATBR AND SEWBR BOARD llBBTING OP llAY 9, 1960 601-72 Annexation of additional land to tbe Valley Sanitation District The City Clerk read the following recommendation from the Englewood Water and Sewer Board: "That the followin1 described land be allowed. to aones to the Valley Sanitation District, by Supplemental Agreell8nt, with no additional sewer taps beyond those presently authorized being allowed; reco ... ndation being contingent upon the land not now bein1 a part of an existin1 sanitation district by virtue of bein1 located within tbe city limits of the City of Sheridan: A part of tbe NBi of tbe HWi, Section 8, Township 5 South, aan1e 68 We•t of the 6tb P.M., described as follows: I I I 2 I I Minutes of May 16, 1980 Be1innin1 at tbe point of intersection of the North line . of eaid Section 8 and the center line of So. Federal Blvd.; thence aoutberly alon1 eaid center line to a point of in- teraection with the lfortb line of Block 49, Centennial Acre•, Bi1btb Pilin1 extended easterly; thence westerly along tbe lfortb line extended and the North line of said Block 49 to the lortbweat corner of lot l, said Block 49 and lot l, Block 48, aaid Centennial Acres Eighth Filing, to the lfortb- eaat corner of lot 19, •aid Block 48; thence westerly along the Mortb line of lot• 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of aaid Block 48 extended westerly to the center line of S. Irvin1 Street; thence northerly along said center line to a point on tbe Mortb line of said Section 8; thence eaater- ly alon1 •aid Mortb line to tbe point of beginnin1." cou.:ILllAM BRAUM llOVBD, COUllCILllAN BROWMBWBLL SBCOMDBD, THAT THI UCOM- DlfDATIOlf BB ACCBPTBD AlfD ADOPTED. Upon the call of tbe roll, tbe vote re- aulted aa followa: AJ .. : Counc11 .. n Woode, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilin1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Maya: lfone. Ament: lfone. Tb• 11&1or declared the 110tion carried. 601-73 Annexation of additional land to the South Arapahoe Sanitation District Tbe City Clerk read tbe following recommendation fro• tbe Bn1lewood Water and Sewer Board: "Tbat tbe followin1 deacribed land be allowed to annex to tbe South Arapahoe Sanitation Diatrict, by Supplemental Asree .. nt: Tbat portion of tbe nt of the NBi of Section 23, Town ~ abip 5 Soutb Ranae 68 Weat of tbe 6tb Principal Meridian, deacribed .. follow•: Be1inning at a rt~t 402.2 feet weat of tbe Mortbeaat corner of the NW of the NEi of aaid Section 23, thence South 88°30' West 916.3 feet to the Weat line of tbe MWi of tbe NEi of said section; thence South 619.6 feet; thence North 88°30' Bast 928.35 f .. t; thence Mortb 622 feet to the point of beginning, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, more coamonly known aa 6000 South Gile'n Street." Tbe CitJ llanaptr reported tbat thi• aatter bad been eubaitted eo .. ti .. aso and an asr .... nt bad been authorized. COUEIUIAJI BaODSWBLL llOVBD, COUlfCILllAM BRAUN SBCOMDBD, THAT TD UCOll- mDATIOlf Bl ACCDTSD Alm THAT TBB MAYOR Alm CITY CLBRK BB AUTHORIZBD TO 81Glf A IUPPL&llSITAL _AGRBDIBMT WITH THB SOUTH ARAPAHOE SAMITATIOlf DISTRICT. Upon the call of tbe roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ay .. : Council .. n Wooda, llcLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. la1•: lone. Ament: Mone. Tbe llayor declared tbe 110tion carried. 601-67 .. latin1 to requeat for r~ht-of-wa5 by Denver Water Board and re- queatln1 tbit coat etudy prepare Tb• City Clerk read tbe following recoamendation of tbe Englewood Water and Sewer Board: "Tbat a tborou1b and coaplete study of all costs, relative to CitJ of Bn1lewood •treeta and services, involved in Denver's propoaed inatallation of a 72" water conduit pipe in Radcliff Avenue, be coapleted and eubaitted to this Board for etudy and reco-nclation." COUJl:ILllAlf BBAUM llOVBD, COOMCILllAN llARTIM SBCOJO>BD, THAT THI UCOMDM- DlTIOlf POR TRI COST STUDY ULATIVB TO RBPLACBllBMT OP B1'GLDCd> ITRDT Alm SDYICSI ARmCTBD BB RD'BRBD TO THB CITY llAMAGD POR S'IVDY A1'D RBPORT. Tb• City 11aDa1er stated that be could get tbe intor ... tion to1etber after a little delay due to the further demanda placelon tbe Public Works Depart .. nt. Council .. n Woods asked tbe purpose of tbe report. Councilman Braun and Council.an Brownewell answered that tbis will enable tbe Water and Sewer Board to conaider tbe matter in drafting a ri1bt-of-way a1reement. 87 88 Minute• of llay 16, 1960 Tb• llayor atated tbat thi• infor11ation would be also of value to tbe Denver Water Board in 11v1n1 the• an •dea of the costs of restoration and wbat da11&pt11 the City of Bn1lewood would incur to Denver. Tbe City lllDager eapbaaized that the atora draina1e program required that provision be 11&de to brine drainase over or under the proposed water line. Councilman Kre111n1 re11arkecl that this whole matter of costs is presently being aet bJ the B11hway· Departaent by requiring bond OD behalf of those that would cut tbe hiclnray surface or make excavations under highways. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Wooda, llcLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. lfay• : lfone • Ament: lfone. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 601-74 Proposed Metropolitan Sewer District Tbe City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Bnglewood Water and Sewer Board: "That Mr. II. o. Shivers be authorized to assist in the drafting of a propoaed form of ordinance to be used in the formation of the proposed Metropolitan Sewer District and that the City of Bnglewood indicate no interest in becoming a member of such a District at this ti ... " COUJl::llJIAlf llARTllf llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWMBWBLL SBCOlfDBD, THAT THI UC- <JOllW~TIOW BB ACCBPTBD SUBJECT TO SURVBILANCB OF COSTS BY WATBR AllD sma DOUD. Tbe llayor asked that the Council direct llr. Shivers in three areas and au .... rized the opinion of the Council as follows: 1. Bn1lewood is not in- tereated in joining the district at present; 2. That Bnglewood favors the for.ation of such a district; and 3. Tbat Bnglewood may be intereated in 3oio10K auch a district in the future but not able to state definitely at thi• ti ... Tbe City Manager discussed the expenses incurred by Mr. Shivers in aervin1 on the drafting co .. ittee. He suggested that those be aet from the Water and Sewer Contingency Fund. Discussion ensued. Councilman Kreiling a1reed and stated that the Water and Sewer Board should watch the co8ts involved. Upon the call of the JtJ,l, the vote resulted as follows: Ay .. : Council .. n Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilin1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Ways: lfone. Absent: lfone. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 601-8 PROCBBDlllGS OF CITY PLANMilfG AND ZONING COIOllSSIOlf llBBTING OF llAY 5, 1960 Tbe llayor asked the minutes be accepted and placed on file. 601-75 RBZOWING OF AR&\ BOUNDED ON BACH BY PEARL-WASHINGTON ALLBY ON DST BY LOGAW-PBNlfSYLVANIA ALLBY ON NORTH BY SOUTHBRN BOUllDARY OP COMDIK:IAL zon OW BAST HAJIPDBN AND ON SOOTH BY BAST JBFFBRSOW AVBNUB TO a-3-A Tbe City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zonin1 Coaaiasion: "That tbe subject area be rezoned from R-2-A to R-3-A for the following reasons: l. Tbat it would be more compatible with the existing residential use and would result in a more orderly redevelop- ment of the entire area. 2. Would help correct the deficiency of this category in the City and would alao exert a nominal damage on exiating sin1les and double• and would not adversely influence values in other multiple-faaily zoned areas in the City of Englewood. I I I I Minutes of llaJ 16, 1960 3. Would provide for the redevelopment of the entire area rather than just the strip along East Jefferson Avenue (Colorado Highway 70). 4. The proxiaity of the downtown area and of Swedish Hospital and the eaployaent these areas generate would create a de- aand for aultiple family dwellings." COUll:ILllA!f BBAUlf llOVBD, COUlfCILllAN MARTIN SBCOlfDBD, THAT A PUBLIC llBAll- llfG U S•T OR TllB llATTBR OP RBZONING AS RBCOIOIBlfDBD BY TRI CITY PLADlllG AlfD ZOlflllG COllllISSIOlf TO BB HBLD Olf llOllDAY JUNB 20, AT 8:00 P.11. AID THAT THI ADYKRTISIRG AIU> POSTING BB PROVIDED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aulted aa follows: AJ .. : Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Raya: None. Am••*: lfon•. Tbe Ma1or declared the motion carried. IOl-79 Cc:mlUXICATION RBLATING TO DRAINAGE IN 4300 SOUTH PBllllSYLVANIA Tbe City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Richard L. Banta, Jr. Attorney-at- law, relatin1 to the deaand of the City that Mr. and Mrs. Buaaell F. Ford, ot '349 South Pennsylvania Street, Englewood, provide a water passage way acroe• their property. The letter rejected this deaand and set forth that ault would be brou1bt against the City ~f the condition• that exist were aot corrected within 30 daya. C<XJll:ILU.R BRAUN MOVED, COUlfCILllAN BROWMBWBLL SBCOlfDBD, THAT IUl:BIPT OF TD L8TTD FROM llB. BAllTA BB NOTBD AllD RBPBRRBD TO TBB CITY ATTORllBY. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: AJ••: Council .. n Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. lfaJ•: Mone. Abaent: None. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. 601-11 PINAJICIAL REPORT FOR MONTH OF APRIL, 1960 Tbe City Treasurer presented and commented on bis report of the finances of the City for the aontb ending April 30, 1960. He reported on tbe pro1reas of the annual audit for the year ending 1959 and estimated that the report would be available during Ju ... COUll:ILllAR BROWDWBLL llOVID, COUlfCILllAN WOODS SBCOIDKD, THAT TBB Ta&Alua&a'S a&PORT POR THI llOlfTB OF APRIL BB ACCBPTBD Alfi> PLACB Olf PILB. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ay .. : Council .. n Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. If aJ• : None . Abaent: None. Tb• Ma1or declared tbe motion carried. RBCBSS Tb• Mayor declared a recess of the Council until 10:15 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Tbe Ma1or called tbe Council to order at 10:15 P.M. with the following peraoa• preaent: Council .. n Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Tb• Mayor declared a quorua present. 601-61 OBDllfAllCB NO. 11, SERIBS OP 1960 Introduced aa a bill by Councilaan McLellan il 08DllfAEB AllDDllfG 08DllfAlfCB NO. 39, IBlllBS OP 1957, Al ADlll>D, OF TD 08DillA.::D OP THB CITY OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, DOl1f Al TD "TRAl'l'IC om>IM.::•" OF TllB CITY OP DGLDOOD, COLORADO, BY DBIIGlfATlllG WDT D•YOm AYDU• ftCll SOUTH llUROlf STRUT TO TllB WBSTBRLY LllllTI OP TD CITY C1' m.nocl> Al il A&n&IAL STRUT UJIDD SUBIBCTION (a) OF SBCTIOR 110.3.l OF SAID oaDl•AllCB. 89 lliaute• of llay 16, 1960 wu read for tbe second tiM. COU.:ILllAlf BROll•IKLL llOVm>, COUMCILllAlf WOODS SSCOlfDm>, THAT OBDllfAlfCB lfO. 11, SDUS OP 1960, 8.1 PASSm> Olf SSCOlfD RBADllfG AID OBDBRBD PUBLISBBD llf PULL IR TBI m.il&WOOD DllALD ARD DTBRPRISB. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote r .. ulted u follow•: Aye•: Couacil•a Wood8, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilia1, Browaewell, Braun, Scott. Ray•: Rone. Abeent: Kone. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. 601-70 OBDIRA.:& lfO. 12, SBRIBS OP 1960 Introduced u a bill by Couacllaan Brownewell Alf ORDilfA.:& A11&1'Dl1'G OllDllfAJl'.:B MO. 24, SDIBS OP 1959, OP THB OBDllfAMCBS OP TD CITY OP DGLSWOOD, COLOllADO, BY DBLBT11'G TBBUFRml TD I.AST 'DID& SDlllEU OP S.CTIOlf l OP SAID ORDllfAJl'.:B ARD SUBSTITUTIKG TDRS•oa TD l'OLLOW- llli LAmuAGS: "SOUTH ACOllA STUKT PROll WBST BAllPDD AVDD TO DST DARTllOUTB AYmnm KORTllBOUlO>. '' wu read for tbe ••cond ti•. COUllCILllAlf IELIJJAR llOVBD, COUJl:ILllAR KRBILllfG SSCOKDD, '111AT OBDIRAlfC& RO. 12, IBID OP 1960, 8.1 PASSBD Olf SSCOlfD RBADllfG ARD PUBLISllBD IR PULL llf TD ..ULSWOOD DllALD A1'D mrrKRPRISB. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote re- •ulted u followa: Aye•: Couac11 .. n Wood8, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilln1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Ray•: Kone. A bleat: Rone. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. 601-31 A BILL Introduced u a Bill by Council ... n Kreiling. P08 All OUIKAIE& UZORIKG TRI l'OLLOlllfG D&SCRIBBD PROPBRTY PROM R-1-D, R-2-A Alfi> R-2-B (llSllDSRCS DISTRICTS) CLASSIFICATIOlf TO R-3-A (llULTl-FAlllLY RBSl- DDTIAL DISTalCT) CLASSll'ICATIOlf, TO-WIT: A TRACT OP LAlfD IM TBB CITY OF &ELDOOD, AllAPAll08 COUJITY, COLOllADO, COMPRISllfG APPROXlllADLY 17 ACRBS, LYlllG IOUTB "' Alfi) ADJAC•RT TO TRI CDTD LIMB OF BAST nnDSOlf AVBlfD (ALSO DOD AS COLORADO BIGBWAY RO. 70) BOUlfDBD Olf TRI BAST BY TRI CDT& LID OJ' IOUTB CLA&DOlf snsrr, AlfD Olf TBI DST BY TBB CBlfTBB LID OF SOUTH LOGAlf STRUT, Alfi> BOUJO>m> OR TRI SOUTH BY A LIMB RUlflfllfG AS FOLLOWS: DST ALORG TRI cmrna LID 01' &AST IDYOR AVSllUB PROll TBB CBlfTBR LID 01' SOUTH CLAUBOlf STRUT A DISTAllCB 01' 400 PDT, llOU OR LBSS, TO THB CBlfTBR LID 01' Ll'rft& DRY CRDK CllAlOCKL; TDlfCB RORTBUSTBRLY ALONG THB CBMTBll LIMB OF LITTLB DRY t :cassK CBAIOmL, A DISTAMCB 01' 980 FBBT, llORE OR LBSS, TO TBB CBlfTBR LID OF SOUTH LOGAR STU.IT. Wll'SRRAS, application ba• been made for the rezoning of certain property hereinafter de•cribed fro• R-1-D, R-2-A and R-2-B (Residence Diatricta) clu•ificatioa• to R-3-A (llulti-Faaily Residential District) Clasaification aa bereiaafter •et fortb, and tbe City Planning co .. ission bas reco1111ended approval ef •ucb cban1e in zoning; and, WllSRS&S, public notice baa been given for sucb proposed rezoning by one publication in tbe Bn1lewood Herald and Enterprise, a newspaper of 1eneral circulation w•tbin tbe City,and tbe official newspaper of tbe City at least fifteen (15) day• before tbe public bearing on such rezoning, and notice of •ucb propo••d rezonin1 baa been posted on tbe property for fifteen (15) con•ecutive day• prior to aucb bearing, as required by ordlnanee; and, WllS•BAS, public bearin1 was beld pursuant to the aforeaaid notice by tbe City Council of tbe City of &a1lewood in tbe Council Cbaaber• of tbe City Ball, 3345 Soutb Ballaock Street, Bnslewood, Colorado, on tbe 2nd da7 of llay, A.D. 1960, at tbe bour of 8:00 P.M., at wbicb beariDI no person• appeared to prote•t or oppo•• tbe proposed change in zonln1; and, WllSRS&S, tbe public nece••ity, convenience, general welfare and good zoain1 practice• ju•tify tbe change in zoning of tbe hereinafter described property fro• a-1-D, R-2-A and R-2-B (Residence District•) classifications to R-3-A (llultl-l'aaily Reaidential District) classification as hereinafter •et forth. I I I I Minutes of llay 18, 1980 ROI TllSUPOllB, BB IT ORDAINBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP BRGLDOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The zonln1 of the hereinafter described property, located within tbi City of Bn1lewood, Colorado, is hereby chanced fro• R-1-D, R-2-A and R-2-B (a..idence Di•trlct•) classifications to R-3-A (llulti-Paaily Be•idential Di•trict) cl&8•ification, to-wit: A Cract of land in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, coapri•ln1 approai ... tely 17 acres, lying South of and adjacent to the center line of ... t Jefferson Avenue (also Jmowa &8 Colorado R11bway 1'o. 70) bounded on the Bast by the center line of Soutb Clarlmon atreet, and on the West by the center line of South Locan Street, and bounded on the South by a line runnin1 as followa: We•t alon1 the center line of Bast Kenyon Avenue fro• the center line of South Clarlmon Street a distance of 400 feet, more or l•••, to the center line of Lit~le Dry Creek channel; thence lfortbwe•terly alon1 tm center line of Little Dry Creek channel, a di•tance of 980 feet, more or leas, to the center line of South Losan Street. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determine• and declares that tbe berelna60ve chance in zonin1 is justified by the public nece•aity, con- venience, 1eneral welfare and 1ood zoning practices. Paa•ed on First Readin1 by the City Council of the City of Bnclewood, Colorado, tbi• lltb day of llay, A.D. 1980, and ordered published in full in the ~1lewood Herald and ~terpri•e. Mayor ATT&ST: W&8 read for the f irat Cotm:ILllAlf KRBILl1'G llOVBD, COUltCILllAN MARTIN SBCOlfDKD, THAT TRI PROPOSBD BILL D PASS&D ON PIUT UADl1'G AlfD PUBLISlllD llf J'ULL 11' Tiii BltGLDOOD RIBALD A1fD B1'TBRPRISB. Upon the call of tbe roll, tbe vote re•ulted as follows: Ayes: Council•D Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilin1, Brownewell, Braaa;. Baott. Kaya : : None. Absent: None. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. 801-58 A BILL Introduced by Counc11 ... n Braun FOR Al oaDllAll:B IDOlllG TRI FOLLOllNG DISCRIBBD PROPIRTY PROll R-1-8 (RIS- IOS.:B DISTRICT) CLASSIPICATIOlf TO R-1-C (RISIDllfCI DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATIOK, TO-WIT: UGIDIKG AT TBB CBllTBR LIMB OF WBST GRAIO> AVBNUB BXTBDBD Alfi> TBB BAST LID OP BLOCK 2 OP GOODWIN &BIGHTS BXTBDBD; 'TllBltCB BASDRLY ALOlfG THB CD'IU LID OP DST GRAlfD AVBlftJB DTBlfDBD TO lllTBRSBCTI OK OP SAID CBllTBJl LID AD TRI &AST LID OP SOUTH CBIRODB STRUT BXTBlfDBD; 1'111.:B SOUTllDLY ALOKG THI &AST LID OP SOOTH ClllRODI STRUT BXTBKDBD TO TRI Ilft'USETIOB OF SAID -T LID ARD TllB CBlfTBll LIMB OP UST BBLLBVIBW AVBNUB; TllDCB WBSTBRLY ALOlfG THI CDTD LID OP UST BILLBVllW AVBKUB TO Tiii llft'USETIO•S OF SAID CDTD LID WITH TllB BAST LllfB OF BLOCK 2 OF GOODWIN BIIGBTS BXTDDBD; TBDCB 1'0RTllDLY ALOllG THI BAST LID OF BLOCK 2 OP GOODIIK BIIGRTS BXTBKDBD TO THI POl1'T OP B&GllflfllfG, llf TBB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, ABAPABm COUlfTY, COLORADO. WBBl•AS, application baa been made for tbe rezonin1 of certain property hereinafter de•cribed fro• R-1-B (Residence District) classification to R-1-C (a.•idence Di•trict) classification as hereinafter set forth, and the City Plannin1 co .. iaaion baa recoa11ended approval of •ucb chance in zonin1; and, WBll&AS, public notice baa been given of aucb proposed rezonin1 by one publication in the Bn1lewood Herald and Enterprise, a new•paper of 1eneral circulation within the City and the official newspaper of the City, at le&8t fifteen (15) day• before rezoning baa been posted on the property ---....., llinut• of llay 16, 1960 for fift .. n (15) conaecutive days prior to such hearin1, aa required by ordinance; and, WllSRKAS, public bearin1 was held pursuant to the aforeaaid notice by tbe City Council of the City of Bnglewood in the Council Cbaaber• of tbe CitJ Ball, 3345 South Bannock Street, Bn1lewood, Colorado, on the 16tb daJ of llay, A.D. 1960 at the bour of 8:00 P.M., at wbicb barin1 5 peraona appeared to protest or oppose the proposed cban1e in zoning; and, WBlllAS, tbe public necessity, convenience, 1eneral welfare and good zonin1 practice• justify the change in zoning of the hereinafter described property fro• 1-1-B (Residence District) classification to R-1-C (Residence Diatrict) claaaification as hereinafter set forth: KOlr TBSUPOU, BJ: IT ORDAINED BY THB CITY COUNCIL OP TBB CITY OP SEL&WOOD, COLORADO: Section l. The zonin1 of tbe hereinafter described property, located witbin tbe City of Bn1lewood, Colorado, is hereby cbanged froa R-1-B ( ... idence Diatrict) claasification to R-1-C (Residence District) claasi- fication, to-wit: Be1innin1 at tbe center line of West Grand Avenue Extended and the Baat line of Block 2 of Goodwin Heights extendeo; thence ... terly alon1 the center line of West Grand Avenue extended to interaection of said center line and theEast line of South Cherokee Str .. t extended; thence Southerly alon1 the Bast line of South Cherokee Street extended to tbe intersection of said ... t line and the center line of West Belleview Avenue; thence WeaterlJ alon1 the center line of West Belleview Avenue to the interaec:t6on of aaid center line with Bast line of Block 2 of Goodwin Bei1bta extended; tbence Nortberly alon1 tbe Bast line of Block 2 of Goodwin Hei1hts extended to the point of be1innin1, in the City of Englewodd, Arapahoe County, Colorado. Section 2. Tbe City Council hereby finds, deteraine• and declares that tbi birelnabove cbaD1e in zoning is justified by tbe public necessity, convenience, 1eneral welfare and good zoning practices. Paaaed on Pirat Readin1 by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 16th day of llay, A.D. 1960, and ordered publisbed in full in the &n1l .. ood Herald and Bnterprise. Mayor waa read for the Tb• City Attorney diacuased tbe le1al procedure wbere there is a valid petition filed in opposition to rezoning. lie stated that if the petition in queation were valid tbe Bill would need to be approved by three- quarter of the aeaberabip of tbe Council or in tbis case six meabers. Tbe City llanager au1geated that the Plannin1 Co .. i&sion transait re- lated paper• with tbe reco ... ndations Go the Council. Diacuaaion ensued witb re1ard to the petition and its intention the need for a bufferin1 zone between the R-3-A zone and the existing R-1-B zone. Councilaan llcLellan expreaaed the opinion this was the best possible aolution in the area. COUBCILllAK BRAUN llOVKD, COUMCILllAN llARTIN SBCOlfDBD, THAT TllB PROPOSED BILL BB PA88&D ON FIRST RBADIIG AND PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THI BNGLD()(J) DMALD A.Mu DTBRPRISB. Upon the call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as followa: Ayes: Councilaen llcLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Braun, Scott. Nays: Woods, Brownewell. Ablent: None. Tb• Clerk announced there were five votes for and two against tbe motion. I I I I Minutes of llay 16, 1960 Tbe llayor delayed decision on passage of the motion pending an opinion of the City Attorney relating to the validity of the petition filed with the Planning Co .. iaaion in this motion. The Mayor coamented that the one-half block West of South Blati Street aee .. d to be the block which was causing the objections of the neighborhood and represented two additional building sites in having it rezoned R-1-C fro• a-1-B. lie suggested that this half block be withdrawn from tbe zoning request. Discussion ensued. The Mayor suggested that another alternative would be to have tbe fencing conform with that which is existing by setting forth that the contrastor would put in fences. Tbe City Attorney said that tbia could be arranged if tbe builder stipulated and covenanted with tbe land that tbe fences would conform. Discussion ensued. Tbe llayor spoke generally in favor of the proposal and expressed an opinion that fut•~• proposals may not be as desirable as tbe one considered this evening. 601-59 A BILL Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Kreiling ~ Alf OBDllfAll:B RBZOlfllfG THB FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPBRTY FROM a-1-B (RSSIDB1'CB DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATION TO R-3-A (llULTI-FAlllLY RBSIDDTIAL DISftlCT) CLASSIFICATION, TO-WIT: BBGIDllfG AT TllB IJfTBRIBC'NOlf OF Tiii cmrrsa LID OP DST LAYTON AVBlWB AND THI CBlfTBR LID OF SOUTH ACOllA Sn.ft; TllBICB SOUTlllRLY ALONG TllB CBlfTBR LllfB OF SOUTH ACOllA STBBBT BITBIDD TO THI IJn'BRSBCTIOlf OF IAID CEHTBR LllfB WITH THI CBllTBR LIMB OF HST CBDAllGO AVBlfUK; TllBllCK USTBRLY ALONG THB CBHTBB LID OF DST CBUAlfGO AVBlftJB TO TllB IHTBBSBCTION OF SAID CBlfTBB LID WITH TllB CDTBR LID OP SOUTH BAlflfOCX STRUT BXTBlfDBD; THBlfCB NORTBBRLY ALONG Tiii CDTBR LID OP SOUTH BADOCX STRKBT BXTBlfDBD TO TllB INTBBSBCTIOlf OF SAID CDTBB LID WITH TD cmrrsa LID OF WBST LAYTON AVBlfUB; TllBllCB BASTBBLY ALOJIG Tiii Cmn'Bll LID OP HST LAYTOlf AVBNUB TO Tiii POIMT OP BBGINlfllfG, llf TllB CITY OP BlfGLDOOD, AllAPAllOB COUNTY, COLORADO. Wlll:•BAS, application baa been made for tbe rezoning of certain pro- perty hereinafter deaaribed fro• R-1-B (Residence District) classificatl on·· to a-3-A (llulti-Faaily Residential District) classification as hereinafter aet forth, and tbe City Planning Commission baa reco ... nded approval of aucb cban1e in zoning; and, WllBRBAS, public notice baa been given of such propoaed rezoning by one publication in tbe Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a newapaper of 1eneral circulation within tbe City and the official newapaper of tbe City, at least fifteen (15) days before tbe public bearin1 on such rezon- ing, and notice of aucb propoaed rezoning bas been poated on the property for fifteen (15) donsecutive days prior to such beart•1, as required by ordinance; and, WlllRBAS, public bearing was held pursua•t to tbe aforeaaid notice by tbe City Council of tbe City of Bnglewood in tbe Council Cbaabers of tbe City Ball, 3345 South Bannock Street, Englewood, Colorado, on tbe 16th day of llay, A.D. 1960, at tbe hour of 8:00 P.M., at wbicb bearing 2 persons appeared to protest or oppose the proposed change in zoning; and, WllSR&AS, tbe public necessity, convenience, 1eneral welfare and 1ood zoning practice• justify tbe change in zoning of the hereinafter cleacribed property froa 8-1-B (Residence District) classification to 8-3-A (Multi- Paaily Reaidential District) classification as hereinafter set forth: NOW TlllRBFOU, BB IT ORDAllfBD BY TllB CITY COUNCIL OF THI CITY OP DGLDOOD, COLORADO: Sectionl. Tbe zonin1 of tbe hereinafter described property, located within tbe City of Bn1lewood, Colorado, is hereby changed froa 8-1-B (Reaidence District) classification to R-3-A (llulti-Pamily Residential Diatrict) classification, to-wit: Beginning at the interaect•on of the center line of West Layton Avenue and the center line of South Acoma Street; thence Southerly along tbe center line of South Acoma Street extended to the interaection of said center line with the center line of Weat Chenango Avenue; thence Weaterly along tbe center line of West Chenango Avenue to the intersection of said center line with the center line of South Bannock Street extended; thence Northerly along tbe center line of South Bannock Street extended to the intersection of said center line with the center line of West Layton Avenuei thence B&aterly along tbe center line of West Layton Avenue to the point of beginning, in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. 93 Mi8Ut9a of May 16, 1960 Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declal9s that the berelnabove change in zoning is justified by the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 16th day of llay, A.D. 1960, and ordered published in full in the Bn1lewood Herald and Bnterprise. llayor ATl'BST: was read for the ti-. COUJICILllAN DBILING MOVED, COUICILllAH W::LELLAH SECOHDBD, THAT Tiii PRO- POSBD BILL BB PASSBD 81' FIRST RBADIHG AND PUBLISllBD IM FULL IM THE UGLBWOOD lllaALD AllD BlfTBRPllSB. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follow•: Ayes: Council-n Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Maya: None. Abaen t : None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 601-60 A BILL Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Martin. FOB Alf ORDINAICB AllBNDIMG ORDINANCE HO. 45, SERIES OF 1955, AS AllENDBD, llfOlfN AS TBB "ZONING ORDINAMCE OF THE CITY OF BNGLBWOOD," TO PROHIBIT THE USB OP ABBAS RSQUIRBD AS MIHlllUM FRONT YARD AS OFF-STRBBT PARKING SPACES IN RBSIDBJfTlAL DISTRICTS. BB IT ORDAINED BY THI CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 4(b) of Article VI of Ordinance Ho. 45, Series of 1955, a• A-nded, lloown as tbe "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Englewood," i• hereby a-nded by deleting the existing wording thereof and substituting therefor the following: ,... "(b) Ul''l''-~1'1'~JH' PARKING SAPCES IM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT --Off-street parking spaces in residential districts shall not be peraitted in areas required as minimum front yard. (See definition• of 'Lot Lines' and 'Yards' in Section 5 of Article I of this ordinance)." Passed on First Reading by the City Council of tbe City of Englewood, Colorado, tbis 16th day of llay, A.D. 1960, and ordered published in full in tbe Englewood Herald and Enterprise. Mayor A'M'BST: ~~07 was read forotbe first time. Councilman Braun spoke against the Bill as prohibiting front drives to bo-s. The City Manager explained that the bill was introduced to meet objec- tions of the Supra .. Court to tbe off-street parking provisions. Councilman Braun stated that tbe way be interpreted the ordinance no one could park a car in front of their house on their property or in their driveway. Discus- sion ensued. The Mayor asked for tabling of tbe ordinance until more infor- mation was available as to its scope and intent. COONCILllAN MARTIN llOVBD, COUHCILllAH BROWMBWELL SECONDED, THAT TRI MaflON BB TABLBD UNTIL FURTHER IHFORMATIOH WAS AVAILABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I Minutes of llay 16, 1960 Aye•: Councilmen Woocla, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Scott. Na1•: Councilman Braun. A been t : None . Tbe Ma1or declared tbe 110tion carried and asked tbat tbe City llana1er review tbe proposed Ordinance witb the Planning Director and Planning Coaaisaion. RELATING TO COURT CASE ON llOBILB HODS Tbe City Attorney reported that recently be bad appeared in court on tbe matter before Judie Jacoby in Brighton. lie stated tbat no progress was .. de in tbe .. tter except to receive an order for the dispoaition of funcla. lie atated that payment of tbe mobile home insp~tion feea fell into three cata1orie•: 1. Tbose paid to court. 2. Tbo• paid to City under protest. 3. Tho•• not paid. He stated that tbe Court ordered that tbe City was entitled to funcla on tbe basis of the number of occupied spaces since llay 1959. lie recoamended that tbe City wait tbe sixty days during wbicb an appeal .. Y be 11&de tben amend the or•inance to conform with tbe Court Deciaion. FINAL APPROVAL OF COLBllAN'S RBSUBDIVISION The City Attorney reported that tbe Coleman's aeaubdiviaion bad been pendin1 for ao .. time. lie atated that all signatures of the owner• aa well aa bolder• of Trust Deeds bad been secured on the plat, and that recoa .. nded en11neerin1 cban1es bad been complied with. lie asked that the Council accept and approve the plat. coo.:ILllAN KRBILING llOV&D, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SBCONDD, THAT 'IHB COLlllAlf'S USUBDIVISIOR BB ACCBPTBD AlfD APPROVED AS A FINAL PLAT BY THB CITY COUEIL AD THI MAY<a AlfD CITY CLBRK BB AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BBllALI' OP TRI CITY. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Ab9ent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. WATBll LIMB BASBllBNT OF THI CITY OF SllBRIDAN The City Attorney reported that a Water Line Baae .. nt A1r .. .ant bad been proposed to tbe City of Sheridan for tbe purpose of connectin1 the ... r Creek Filtration Plant with Englewood. lie asked that the agreement be approved in principle and the llayor and City Clerk be autborized .. te •i1n after accepted by tbe City of Sheridan. coo.:ILllAN B&OWllDBLL llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SBCONDBD, THAT THB llAYO& AD CITY CLBRX OP TllB CITY OP BNGLBWOOD BB AUTBOBIZBD TO SIGN OR MDI.P OP THI CITY Alf BASBllBNT AGRBBllBNT WITH TRI CITY OP SllBRIDAlf RBLAT- IRG TO TllB PLACING OF A WATBR LIMB PROll THB BBAR CRBBK PILTBR PLAlfT TO SRGLIWOOD. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Counc11 .. n Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. A ta.en t : None. The 11&1or declared the motion carried. 601-80 RBDBSIGNATION OF STRBBT LIGHT INSTALLATIONS Tb• City llana1er discuased tbe proposed revision of street li1bt in- atallation pro1ra• settin1 forth tbe street li1bt installation• by size, location and acbedule of such installations and the cancelation of the for .. 1 acbedule. Diacuaaion ensued. cou.:ILllAR WOODS llOVBD, COU1'CILllAN ll&AUN SBCONDBD, THAT THI CITY MARAGD'S SUGGUTSD RBVISIORS OP STRBBT LIGHTING IR B1'GLBWOOD BB APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted a• follow•: Aye•: Council .. n Woods, llcLellan, llartin, Kreilin1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Raya: Kone. 95 Minute• of llaJ 16, 1960 Ament: Rone. Tbe lla1or declared tbe motion carried. 601-15 Ol'J'ICIAL UJBCTION OP AWALT BROTlllRS BID ON sma BXTBNSION NO. 73 Tbe City llanaser atated that it appeared the property owner• in con- nection witb Sewer Extension No. 73 in tbe vicinity of Soutb Buron and Osford Court bad failed in securing necesaary eaaeaent for tbat sewer. lie reco ... nded to the Council that the low bid the Awalt Brothers Coapany be rejected and Bid Bond be returned to them. Discussion enaued. COUllCILllAK ll:LBLLAN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SBCONDD, THAT Tiii BID OF Tiii AWALT BaOTlllRS COllPANY POR SEWER BXTBNSION NO. 73 U a&JBCTKD AMI> Tiii CITY CLBRK U DIRBCTBD TO RBTURN THE BIDDERS BOND TO THAT COllPANY. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Council .. n Woode, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilins, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. N&J•: Kone. Ament : None. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. UQUBST POR INCUllBIWICI TO PROVIDI SUFFICllNT BUDGBT FOR CITY DUllP OPERATION Tbe City llanaser reported upon tbe current City Duap operation and the proble .. in aecurins cover dirt. lie stated that a plan waa presently being followed which provided for tbe use of a drag line to secure dirt and a bull- dozer to apread it. lie eati ... ted that the space for traab disposal at tbe preaent duap aite will be exbauated by fall of 1960. Councilaen Braun inquired if Denver and Jefferson County cars were beins refu•ed ace••• to tbe dump. Tbe City llanaser reported that 1,200 cars bad duaped recently on one SundaJ and 200 or more cars from Denver and Jefferson County were turned away. coo.:ILllAN BRAUN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWDWBLL SBCOMDBD, THAT TBB CITY llAMGBR UQUUT FOR BNCUllBERING OF TllB UNAPPROPRIATBD SURPLUS OP TllB GBllBRAL f'UIQ) IR Tiii AllOUlfT OP $6,000 TO PROVIDE SUFFICIEXT BUDGBT POK CITY DUllP OPDATIONS UKDBR PUSDT COMDITIONS UP TO TllB TlllB OP Tiii BXBAUSTION OP TllB PRKSEllT SITI Im APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follow•: Ayea: Councilmen wuua.a, McLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abment: None. Tbe 11&1or declared the motion carried. RBLATING TO IllPROVBllBNT OF BAST YALE AVBNUB Tbe City llanaser reported that be bad contacted fro• tbe Porter Sani- tariua witb resard to tbe iaproveaent of Bast Yale Avenue. Be stated tbat tentatively Porter Sanitariua bad offered to pay for tbe work and paving to effect tbe cbanse• in tbe drainage wbicb would allow tbe sanitariua to reclaia a larse portion of their land. Tbe City llanaser •usseated tb&i prior to any asree .. nt witb tbe Porter Sanitarium tbat the property owners adjoin- ing tbe property owners would need to voice their approval on tbe grade cbanse• and iaprovements. He asked that be be authorized to give notice of tbe propoaal to tbe property owners and that a public bearing be held. cou.::ILllAM BROWMEWBLL llOVBD, COUNCILMAN lk:LBLLAN SBCmBBD, THAT TBB CITY llAKAGD BB AUTHORIZED TO PROCBBD WITH TllB MAILING OF NOTICES TO OWDIUI OP PROPBRTY ALONG TBB SOUTH SIDE OF BAST YALE AVBKUB BBTWBBN SOUTH DOWJf 11'0 AIQ) SOUTH CLARKSON STRBBTS POR A PUBLIC BBAKIKG ON TBB PROP08BD IllPROVBllDT ON JUD &TH IF POSSIBLE TO HAVB INFORllATION AVAILABLB BY THAT TlllB. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ay .. : Council .. n Woode, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilins, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Maya: None. Abaent: None. Tbe 11&1or declared tbe motion carried. I I I I Minute• of May 16, 1960 SUTDBNT-CITY GOVBRNllBlfT DAY The City Manager stated that the annual Student-City Govern .. nt would be held on llay 18th, 1960. Be stated that the students planned on spending o .. daJ with the various officers of the City. Tbe llayor coaaended the principle of the Student-CitJ Governaent D&J and expreaaed the hope that greaterJlnderstanding of thl proble .. of SC>Yern .. nt ... , be achieved through such days and programs. 601-81 ASSBSSllBlfT FOR PAVING TO COLORADO NATIONAL GUARD Tbe City Manager reported that the assessment for city-owned landa on long tera lease to tbe Colorado Rational Guard for Pavin1 Diatrict 1'o. 9 bad been refuaed. Be stated that this assessment was for tbe iaprove .. nt of Weat Floyd and that previously Colonel Freygang bad asreed tbat it would be fair if Colorado National Guard assu .. d tbi• aaaeaa .. nt in li1bt of their lon1 tera leaae at a dollar a year. This asaeaa .. nt waa refuaed bJ a bigber officer with tbe State Govern .. nt and the City baa now been told tbe Colorado National Guard cannot pay. Tbe asaesa .. nt amount• to approximately $1,600.00. Diacuaaion ensued. Tbe City llanager suggeated that tbe political pbaae ... , be tbe answer. The City Attorney agreed to investigate tbe legality of aucb a payaent and infora Willia• Young, State Representative, of tbe problea. llA YOR' S CHOICB Tbe llayor asked that tbe Council discuss tbe replace .. nt for tbe City Plannin1 and Zoning Coaaiaa6on and tbe Hampden Hill• pavin1 problea. The llayor read a letter from former llayor George Ste .. ler of Cherry Bill• Village, thanking tbe Inglewood City officials for their cooperation while be waa llayor. ADJOURN COUEILllAN BRAUlf llOVBD, COUlfCILllAN llARTIN SBCOMDBD, THAT Tiii llBBTING Ba ADJOURlfm>. Upon the call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as follow•: AJe•: Council .. n Woods, llcLellan, llartin, Kreilin1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Ra1•: Mone. Ament: Rone. Tbe 11&1or declared tbe meeting adjourned at 12:48 A.M. Tueaday, llay l?t• /s/ B. o. Beauaang City Clerk, Clerk of tbe Council The ainut .. of tbe aeeting of tbe City Council of 1.tbe City of Inglewood, Colorado, held on tbe 18th day of llay, 1960 A.D. stand approved as corrected tb1• 8tb daJ of June, 1960 A.D.