HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutes... RBGULAB llBBTlllG: COUNCIL CHAllBBRS c 'ITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JUNE rao, 1960 The City Council of the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado, .. t in regular aeaaion on Monday, June 20, 1960 in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. llayor Scott presiding called the meeting to order and the invocatioawwas given by Reverend Fredrick Hahn of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persona were present: Councilaen: Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Scott. Also Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Esch, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: Councilman Woods. The llayor declared a quorum present. 601-75 HBARI~G ~ ~~u~VbAD REZONING PROM R-2-A TO R-3-A IN THE VICINITY OP PENNSYLVANIA AND EAST HAMPDEN AVBNUB SOUTH The City Clerk reported that notice of public bearing bad been published relating to the proposed zoning change from R-2-A to R-3-A of the tract boun- ded on the eaat by Pearl-Washington Alley, south by Bast Jefferson Avenue and on the weat by the Logan-Pennsylvania alley and on the north by the present C-2-zone along East Haapden Avenue. COUMCILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWBLL SECONDBD, THAT TBB PUBLIC D'RlllG ON THB PROPOSBD REZONING BE OPENED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted a• follows: Ayes: Councilmen McLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor asked those present to be CDncise in their presentation so that all could be heard and the various important matters relating to the proposed rezoning may be carefully considered. The Mayor read the reco1D1Dendation from the City Planning and Zoning Collllission, dated llay 6, 1960 as ·follows: "That the subject area be re•oned from R-2-A to R-3-A for the following reasons: l. That it would be more compatible with the existing residential use and would result in a more orderly redevelopment of the entire area. 2. Wou l 4 help correct the deficiency of this category in the City and would also exert a nominal damage on existing singles and double• and would not adversely influence valued in other multiple-family zoned areas in the City of Bnglewood. 3. Wou&d provide for the redevelopment of entire area rather than just the strip along East Jefferson Avenue . (Colorado Highway 70). 4. The proximity of the downtown area and of Swedish Hospital and the eaployment these areas generate would create a demand for aultiple family dwellings." The llayor asked for those who were opposed to the rezoning if they would now present their arguments. Mr. Richard L. Adamson, 3531 South Pennsylvania Street, inquired of the parking requirements. Councilman Braun reported that although the city cannot enforce off-street pakking, lending organizations uaually require provisions for off-street parking before lending ,the money to the builder. Mr. Adamson then stated be was against the proposed rezon- ing as Pennsylvania Street was a narrow street without adequate parking. I I I I Minutes of June 20, 1960 llr. Brooke W. Van Pelt, 3539 South Pennsylvania stated that there was only one piece of ground in the block that was vacant and conformed to the zoning require .. nta. He discussed tbe impracticability of buying existing bo .. a for tbe purpose of razing them and building apartments. Discussion enaued. The llayor asked if there was anyone in tbe Council Chambers who wished to speak for the rezo~ing. Mrs. Ross A. Manley, 3551 South Pennsylvania, stated that she bad the vac~~t site and was interested in the rezoning. Sbe stated she bad bou•ht the property for a home but with the increased traffic and noise in the area felt that it was not desirable for single fallily residence use. Mrs. A. G. Turner, 3577 So•th Pennsylvania, also apoke in favor of the rezoning. There was one other person who did not speak although favorable to the proposal. In rebuttal Mr. Van Pelt spoke further of the laek of parking in the area and urged that the area not be rezoned. COUla::ILllAJf BRAUN MOVBD, COUJICILllAJI MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THI PUBLIC llBARIJIG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council .. n llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: Nom . Absent: Council11&n Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. Council11&n Martin spoke of the opinion expressed at the recent Colorado Municipal League Conference that the cities should continue to enforce off-street parking until ordered not to by court. Thia thought was baaed upon the fact that Colorado is one of very few states wbicb baa not upheld off-street parking aa a legal use of land. The llayor asked if there waa any further action on this matter at this ti... The City Attorney reported that be bad a bill ready and would present it now or later as the eouncil wished. COUNCILllAlf BRAUN llOV&D, COUNCILMAN llARTIN SBCONDBD, THAT TBB BILL FOR Alf 08DIB~B BB ll&AD AT THIS Tilll. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Council .. n llcLellan, llartin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Jfaya: None. Absent: Council11&n Wooda. The llayor declared the motion carried. Council.an llcLellan re-.rJc•d that if someone builds a large building, off-street parking will be provided and the street can be widened as required. Introduced aa a . bill by Council11&n Braun A BILL FOR Alf OBDINAMCB RBZONIMG TH& FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPBRTY FROll R-2-A (TWO-FAllILY RBSIDBJITIAL) CLASSIFICATION TO R-3-A (llULTI-FAllILY RBSIDBJITIAL) CLASSIFICATION, TO-WIT: BKGIDIJIG AT THB INTERSBCTION OF THB CBNTBB LINB OP TllB ALLBY BBTWBBlf SOUTH PEARL STRBBT AND IOl'IB WASHINGTON STRBBT AND THE CBllTBll LIMB OP &AIT J&FPBB80Jf AVBlfUB; THBJICB WBSTERLY AL01'G TllB CBllTBll LIJfB or BAST JBFFBllSON AVBJIUB TO TH& INTBRSBCTION or SAID CBlfTBll LID WITH TRI CKJn'BR LIMB OF THB ALLBY B&TWUJI SOUTH PBNlfSYLVANIA STRBBT AND 80UTB LOGAN STBDT; THBNC& JIORTHIRLY ALONG THB CBJITBR LIJIB OP TRI ALLBY BBTWBD SOUTH Nll•ltLVANIA STRBBT AND SOUTH LOGAN STRBBT TO A POINT 100 PBBT, llORE OR LBSS, SOUTH OP THB SOUTH LIMB OP BAST HAllPDBN AVBlfUB; THBJICB BASTBRLY ALONG A LIMB 100 FB&T, llORB OR LESS, SOUTH OP THB SOUTH LID OP BAST IWIPBBN AVBJIU&; THBNCB &\STBRLY ALONG A LINE 100 FBBT, llORB OR LBSS, SOUTH OF TllB SOUTH LINB or BAST HAllPDBN AVBJIUB, WHICH IS THB SOUTHBRN BOUJIDABY OP TllB COllllBRCIAL (C-2) ZOMB, TO THB CBNTBR LIMB OP THB ALLBY BBTWBBN SOUTH PEARL STRUT AND SOOTK WASHINGTON STRBBT; THBNCB SOUTHBRLY ALOXG THB CENTER LINE OF SAID ALLBY TO POINT or BBGINMING, IN THE CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE CoutfTY, COLORADO. WHBRIAS, application bas been made for the rezoning of certain property hereinafter described from R-2-A (Two-family Residential) classification to R-3-A (llulti-Faaily Residential) classification as hereinafter set forth, and the City Planning aomaission has recommended approval of such change in zoning; and, ~tt3 114 Minutes of June 20, 1960 WlllllBAS, public notice has been given of such proposed rezoning by one publication in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation within the City, and the official newspaper of the City, at least fifteen (15) days before the public hearing on such rezon- ing, and notice of such iJl'OlJOa~d J:e :t.ouing ball been posted on the property for fifteen (15) dopeequtive days prior to such hearing, as required by ordinance; and, WHIRBAS, public bearing was held pursuant to the aforesaid notice by the City Council of the City of Englewood in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 3345 South Bannock Street, Englewood, Colorado, on the 20th day of June, A.D. 1960, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., at which bearing 4 persons appeared to protest or oppose the proposed change in zoning; and, WHIRBAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices justify the change in zoning of the hereinafter described property from R-2-A (Two-Family Residential) classification to R-3-A (llulti-Family Residential) classification as hereinafter set forth: NOi THBllBFOU, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section l. The zoning of the hereinafter described property, located within the City of Englewood, Colorado, is hereby changed from R-2-A (Two- Fallily Residential) classification to R-3-A (MUlti-Family Residential) classification, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the alley between South Pearl Street and South Washington Stree~ and the center line of East Jefferson Avenue: thence Westerly along the center line of East Jefferson Avenue to the intersection of said center line with the center line of the alley between South Pennsylvania Street and South Logan Street; thence Northerly along the center line of the alley between South Pennsylvania Street and South Logan Street to a point 100 feet, more or leas, South of the South line of East Hampden Avenue: thence Easterly along a line 100 feet, more or less, South of tbe South line of East Hampden Avenue, wbicb is tbe Southern boundary of the Commercial (C ;2) Zone, to the center line of tbe alley between South Pearl Street and South Washington Street; then Southerly along the center line of said alley to point of beginning, in tbe City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that tbe berelnabove change in zoning is justified by the public necessity, con- venience, general welfare and good zoning practices. Paaaed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 20th day of June, A.D. 1960, and ordered published in full in the Inglewood Herald and Enterprise. Mayor AftBST: was read for the first time. Comte ILllAN BRAUN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, TBA T THI PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHID IN PULL IN THB BJfGLIWOOD llBRALD AND INTBRPBISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen llcLelaan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abeent: Councilman Woods. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 601-49 REGARDING MOBILE HOllE INSPECTION PBB . Mr. Fred Haverkate, 3150 South Platte River Drive, stated that be was a apokea11an for the Englewood Home Park owners Association. He stated that be waa appearing on behalf of that association to negotiate with re- gard to the $1.00 per month occupancy inspection charges per trailer, He aald that be could not aee the benefit of a monthly inspection of each trailer site. ~ I I I I Minutes of June 20, 1960 Tbe City Attorney reported on the status of the case and inspection fees as follows: Motions for rehearing are still pending on tbe court suits and that tbe fee presently is $1.00 per occupied site after the filing of tbe suit and $1.00 per site in tbe court before that time. He expressed tbe opinion tbat tbe «!ty could not act to change the fee until after the period for 110tiona to rehear bad expired. Discussion ensued. llr. Willia• Bart, 3055 South Santa Fe Drive, asked about the proposals put forth several weeks ago as to the amount of the fee. The City Attorney replied tbat until the time rehearing is closed the City is not in a posi- tion to consider another fee as it may in turn be brought before tbe court and require further amendment of the ordinance. Tbe llayor reviewed tbe background of the passage of the ordinance and emphasized tbe extent that tbe City had gone to to provide an ordinance favorable to the mobile bome park owners. Discussion ensue.d. . COUJ«:ILllAlf BRAUN llOVBD, COUlfCILllAlf MCLELLAN SBCOlfDBD, THAT TllB DISCUS- SIOK BB TABLED UlfTIL TllB PBRIOD FOR RBllEARING ON THE COURT CASE BAS PASSBD, KAllBLY 90 DAYS PASSAGB FROll llAY 20, 1960 AND THAT IT BB BROOGHT FOR DISCUS- SIOlf AT TllB FIRST RBGULAR llBBTllfG OF TllB COUNCIL TllBRBAl'TBR. £ouncilman Kreiling suggested that a written proposal be made by tbe bome owners and ~bat be would not vote for the tabling for a definte time. Discussion ensued. COU!t:ILllAlf BRAUlf WITHDRBW TllB TlllB LIMIT FROM HIS MOTION TO TABLE. COU!t:ILllAN W:LBLLAN AGUBD TO TllB CHAlfGB IN T11B MOTION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. 601-91 PBTITION RBQUBSTING RBDUCTION IN SPEED LIMIT The City Clerk read the following petition requeatiqg the reduction in tbe apeed liait in the 3900 and 4000 blocks on South Jason Street as follows: "To the Traffic Engineer of the City of Englewood, We the undersigned residents of the 3900 and 4000 blocks South Jason Street of the City of Englewood, Colorado wishes to request the speed limit reduced to 15 •ilea per hour between oxford and Mansfield. Our reasons beins tbe approximately 80 children living there. The fast driving through our street is a menance to the lives of our children." It waa noted that there were 55 signatures representing 32 families favoring tbe petition. Tbe City Manager read tbe following memorandum from llr. Howard W. Nies, Acting Planning and Traffic Director: INTBR-OFFICE llBllORANDUJI Te: llr. L. R. Rudd DATE: June 15, 1960 ~t llr. Howard W. Nie• Subject: PBTITION RBQUBSTIKG LOW&RING OF SPBBD LillIT IN 3900 Alfi> 4QOO BLOCD or SOUTH JASON STRBBT Bncloaure No. l is a petition requesting tbat I lower the speed liait to 15 ailes per hour in tbe 3900 and 4000 blocks on South Jason Street. Enclosure No. 2 is a map of the area in which the change ia requested. I have talked with llr. Boy Tyler, who circulated the petition, and informed bi• that the requested speed liait is unenforceable. 4 115 llinutes of June 20, 1960 Since a change in speed limit requires Council action, the petition is for- warded to you with the recommendation that the request be denied for the following reasons: (l) The requested lowering of the speed limit is unenforceable from the Traffic Engineering standpoint. Since the request would be unenforceable, this would give the children a false sense of security. (2) The street is for the flow of traffic and not for children to play in at anytime. Maddox School, which is one block fro• this location, is an ideal playground for the children. (3) Colorado State Law eetablisbes the speed limit at 30 miles per hour. If the request is granted, more peitions will follow for similar speed restrictions. If they are granted, tbe Englewood motorist will be faced with the ever increas- ing number of uncalled for speed traps. Respectfully, HOWARD W. NIBS Acting Planning and Traffic Director Enc." The City Manager reported that this type of request for special speed restrictions in residential areas is quite common in municipalities but tbat enforcement is very difficult. Discussion ensued. Councilman Martin affiraed that enforce .. nt of a 15 mile zone is extremely difficult. Be stated tbat be lived in such a zone and that unless a police patrol car were in that area continually it could not be eniorced. '.l'be City Manager discuseed the "Children Playing" type of sign to caution the drivers in a residential area but did not recommend this approach as it tended to give the children a false sense of security. COUMCILllAN llARTIN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWN~WELL SECONDED, THAT THE PETI- TION RBQUBSTING TUB REDUCTION OF TUB SPEED LIMIT TO 15 MILBS PBR HOUR BB- TWBBN OXFORD AND MANSFIELD ON SOUTH JASON STREET BE RECEIVED AND DENIED FOR THB RBASONS LISTBD BY TUB ACTING TRAFFIC ENGINEER. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. 601-92 COllllUNICATION REGARDING WEED MOWING The City Manager reported be bad received a request from the mowing of weeds on proptrty which would carry the address of 3324 and 3334 South Osden Street. Be stated that the Building Inspector bas furnished him with the following inter-office memorandum dealing with experience at that saae •lte last year: TO: "INTER-OFFICE llllloiWIDUll llr. L . R. Rudd, City Manager FRCll: Beryl A. Wallace, Building Inspector DATB: June 17, 1960 SUBJBCT: WBBD SITUATION IN 3300 BLOCK, EAST SIDE, SOUTH OGDEN STREET In checking our records, we find that the lots designated as approximately 3324 and 3334 South Osden are (or were) owned by Elroy J. Shaffer of 4981 South Kalaaath Drive . . OD July 19, 1959, Mr. Shaffer was notified by Certified 11&1. that the condi- tion of said lots was in violation of Ordinance No. 34, Series of 1957, and waa advised to clean the lots within 10 days of receipt of Notice. Tbe return receipt of Certified Notice indicates that Mr. Shaffer received the letter on June 22, 1959. There being no other response from the Correction Notice, the matter was referred to the City Street Department on July 29, 1959, with the usual disposition slip to be returned for our records. I I I I Minutes of June 20, 1960 Tbe diaposition slip waa returned to this office on August 5, 1959 with the following notation: "Too w.t •. Coalcln•t cut. Not in too bad shape." BAW/lk " Respectfully, /s/ Beryl A. Wallace Building Inspector Tbe City llanager stated that be would follow up in this matter. COUJEILllAM KUILIMG llOVBD, COUMCILllAM BRAUN SBCONDBD, THAT Tiii C<IDIUlfl- CATIOM B& UCBIVKD AJm UPDISD TO THI CITY llAMAGBR WITH PARTICULAR una- &JICS TO TllB llDIOllAlfDUll SllOllllG LAST YBARS ACTl'fITIBS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abeent: Council11&n Woods. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. 601-6 PROCBBDINGS OF WATER AND SBWBR BOARD SESSION OF DUNE 13, 1960 601-67 Perait to Denver Water Board for 72" water conduit Tbe following reco• .. ndation of tbe Englewood Water and Sewer Board waa read in full: "Tbat all point• enu• ·•rated in the report, from Mr. Rudd, City llana1er, concerned with the proposed 72" Denver water conduit be ••bodied in a per•it to be granted to the Denver Board of Water Colllli••ionera, adding thereto a specific time limit which would prohibit the atora1e of pipe and other obstructive materials for a period of 110re tban two weeks prior to actual installation and/or uae; nesotiation• to be carried on by the City llanager, City Attorney and the Water and Sewer Board Consultant. The Board further reco ... nda tbat the engineering fir• who will be doing the ator• draina1• atudy, in the City of Englewood, be contacted to deter•ine whether or not this installation would interfere with their probable reco ... ndations." COUEILllAK KUILlllG llOYSD, cou.:ILllAN BRAUN SBCOMDBD, THAT THB RBCOM- llllfDATIOlf OP TBB DGLBWOOD WATS& AJm SBWBR BMRD BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayes: Council .. n llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abeent: Council11&n Wooda. Tbe llayor declared the 110tion carried. 601-93 ae?ueat for land included in the City of Littleton to annex to the Va ley sanitation blatrlct Tbe City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board: "That the following deacribed land be allowed to annex to the Valley Sanitation Diatrict, provided written approval is received fro• the City of Littleton, Colorado. No additional taps beyond those preaently authorized are to be allowed. Tbe annexation is to be supported by a Supplemental Agreement, said document to be furnished by the attorney for the District: The South 165 feet of the West 200 feet of the East one-half of the Southwest one-quarter of the South- east one-quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 68 Weat, except the South 40 feet thereof, Arapahoe Cou•ty, Colorado." Tbe City Manager co ... nted that everything bad been checked out but the approval of the City of Littleton. ·He stated tbat this .,uld be forthco•ing soon. COUMCILllAM llARTIM llOVKD, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWBLL SBCONDBD, THAT THB UCOMllBMDATION OP TllB DGLBWOOD WATBR AND SEWER BOARD BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: 117 Minutes of June 20, 1960 Ayes: Councilmen lilcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 601-94 Standby pump request by Valley Water District The City Manager called the attention of the Council to a phrase in the letters of June 17, 1960 dealing with the request from the Standard Oil Coapany for a one inch water tap south of Belleview Avenue and east of Lowell Blvd., and a request from A. H. Weiss and the Rainbow Homes Coapany for 20 water taps to be used on property of the NWi, NWi of Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 68 West, of the 6th P.M. which letters were written by Mr. Bartholic on behalf of the Valley Water District. This paragraph read as follows: "It is understood that the City of Englewood will authorize the use of the wa~er vuwp& p1·~viuusly installed by the Valley Development Company and conveyed to the City of Englewood. It is necessary that these pumps be in use in order to maintain the pressure necessary to serve this area." The City Manager spoke of the normal periodic use of the additional puaps in that area but that use at all times would put an uadue burden on the City. Discussion ensued. Councilman Brownewell remarked that having pressure guages in the wiring of those pumps so that they would automati- cally turn on when the pres•ure dropped below a particular level should meet the intention of the letter. Discussion ensued. Councilaan llcLellan remarked that automatic equipment usage is in bis opinion "in use" for the purpose of the letter. COOJ«:ILllAN BROWNBWILL MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SBCONDBD, THAT TBB TB8llS OP THB LBTTIRS 01' JUNB 16, 1960 BE AMENDED TO RBAD AS FOLLOWS: "IT 18 UJO)BRSTOOD THAT TllB CITY OP BNGLBWOOD WILL AUTHORIZE TBB USB OP TllB WATBB PUllP8 PRBVIOUSLY INSTALLED BY THB VALLB'i DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND CONVBYBD TO Tiii CITY OP IRGLBWOOD.:: IT. II tm:BISARl.t THAT TBBSE ... PUllPS~·,BB .:..&VAILABLB AMI> UADY POil UBI BY INSTALLATION OP PRESSURE SWI'OCHBS TO ACTIVATB THB PUllPS TO llAINTAIR TllB PBBSSURB NBCBSSARY TO SBRVB THIS AREA." (Councilaan Woods entered and took bis eeat on the Council at 10:14 P.K.) Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abstaining: Councilaan Woods. Absent : None. Councilman Woods stated that be abstained on this matter as be lllld not beard the discussion. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. Heavy Summer Water Usage The City Manager reported that Mr. Babcock, Utility Director, stated that the water usage during the last few days exceeded 26,000,000 gallons per day. The capacity of the water treatment plant is 22,500,000 gallons per day. llany areas were out of water temporarily. He discussed the matter of placing every other day irrigation restrictions on use of water. Dis- cussion ensued. Councilman Braun stated that any such restriction would relate to the outside users first. The City Manager agreed and poinWll out that the various service contracts provides for this procedure. The llayor reported it is not ~ question of adequate water on band but that of treataent of water to taake it potable. The llayor directed the City Manager to prepare for notification of the outside water users of every other day irrigation restrictions when and if necessary. RECESS The Mayor called a recess until 10:45 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The llayor called the meeting to order at 10:45 P.K. with the following persons present: • I I I I Minutes of June 20, 1960 Council11en Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Tbe llayor declared a quoru• preaent. 601-8 PROCBBDINGS OF CITY PLANKING AND ZONING COMMISSION llEBTING OF JUJU 9, 1960 601-95 Bezonin1 of 135 acre• in aouthwest rhe City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning co .. ission in full: "That the followin1 property be rezoned from R-1-A (one-family residential) to the followin1: (1) That the land north of the center line of West Union Avenue be rezoned 11-2 (heavy industry). (2) Tbat the land to the South of West Union Avenue and east of South Decatur• be rezoned M-1 (light industry). (3) That the area wbicb include• South Decatur Street to the center line of Weat Union Avenue and Lot 1, Block 81, of Centennial Acre•, 4th Filin1, be rezoned R-1-B. (4) That tbe area aoutb of Block 31, which includes Belleview Bowl, be rezoned C-1 (commercial). COVNCILllAlf BRAUlf llOV&D, coo.:ILllAlf MARTIN SBCOND&D, THAT TD 118CCll- llBllDATIOR BB ACCBPTBD Alm A PUBLIC DARING BB llBLD ON THB llATmR OP uzo•- IRG OP TllB 135 ACRB TRACT IN SOOTHW&ST RBCBJm..Y Alf!fBX&D TO TBS CITY 01f llOllDAY, JULY 18, 1960 AT 8:00 P.11. llf THB CITY COUNCIL CBA.-8. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote reaulted as follawa~' Aye•: Councilaen Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreilin1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Na1•: None. Ament: None. Tbe 11&1or declared the 11e>tion carried. 601-96 Aaendin1 tbe Zonin1 Ordinance a• to minimum site and fronta1e for · -= - The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning co .. i••ion: "That the Zoning Ordinance No. 45, Series of 1955, as amended be a11ended as follow•: (1) By deletin1 the exiating wor•in1 of Sub-section 2(b) (1) of Section 9 of Article IV and substituting therefore the following: "(l) per buildin1 aite, 9,000 square feet. (2) By deleting the exiatin1 wording of Sub-section 5 (b) of Section 9 of Article IV and substituting therefore the followin1: "5. lliniau• l'ronta1e of Lot (b) l'or aulti-family ••••••••.• 75 ft." COUJfCILllAlf BRAUM llOVD, cou.:ILllAN ll::LBLLAN SBCONDBD, THAT TllB RBCOM- llSIO>ATIOlf OP THB CITY PLAIOflJIG AND ZONING COlllllSSION BB ACCBPTBD AND A PUBLIC DARING Olf Tiii CBANGB OP TRI ZORllfG ORDINANCE BE SBT FOR llOMDAY, JULY 18, 1960 AT 8:00 P.11. CITY COU1'CIL CHAllBBRS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilaen Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. lfaye: None. Ab9ent: None. Tbe 11&1or declared tbe 11e>tion carried. 119 20 Minutes of June 20, 1960 601-97 A .. nd .. nt to Zonin1 Ordinance relating to Trailer Courts The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Colllli••'on: ,.,r ,f "That the Zoning Ordinance No. 45, Series of 1955, as aMnded, be a .. nded as follows: (1) By deleting the exiating wording of Sub-paragraph (b) of Section 19, of Article VI, and substituting therefore the following: "(b) Such exiating courts or parks shall be allowed to expand their gross land area. But in no case shall such expansion be allowed to accommodate more than the number of trailer spaces or mobile home apace• registered with the City of Englewood, Depart .. nt of Building Inspection, on the effec- tive date of this ordinance, and then only when such expanaion is into land zoned for C-2 or 11-1 usage." COUNCILMAN BROWllBWBLL llOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS S.BCONDBD, THAT THE RBCOll- llSMDATION OP Tiii CITY PLAlfXING AND ZONING COIOllSSION BE ACCEPTED AND THAT A PUBLIC HEARING BE SBT FOR llONDAY, JULY 18, 1960 AT 8:00 P.11. AT THI CITY COU!l:IL CHAllBBRS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None . Absent: None. The 11&1or declared the motion carried. 601-22 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF CAREER SERVICE COllKISSION SESSION OF JUNE 8, 1960 The llayor acknowledged receipt of the minutes and asked that they be pl&CM OD file. 601-9 PROCEEDINGS OP PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SESSION OF JUNB 14, 1960 The llayor acknowledged receipt of the minutes and asked that they be p.Lactt d on .ii.le . oOl-26 PROCBBDINGS OP BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS SESSIONS OP JUNE llTB AND JUNE 15TH The Mayor acknowledged receipt of the minutes and asked that they be placed on file. 601-85 APPLICATION FOR B&&R, WINB, SPIRITOUS ~ LIQUOR LIC•1'BB The City Clerk read an application by Mr. Herbert F. Klockner, dba Silver Saddle Corral at 4595 South S&a~a Fe Drive for a Beer, Wine and Spiritous Liquor Licenae for •ale by the drink only. Be stated that this was a new application and appeared to be properly executed and in order. COUNCILMAN BRAUN llOV&D, COUI«:ILllAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE PETITION BB RBCEIVBD AID THAT A PUBLIC HBARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF THIS 8ROPOSBD LIQUOR LICBNS& BB BBLD ON llONDAY, JULY 18, 1960 AT 8:00 P.11. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council .. n Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent : None . The llayor declared the motion carried. 601-81 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The City Clerk reported that a petition for annexation of a 54.3 acre tract north and east of South Federal, West Union Streets intersec- tion, described as a portion Section 8 in Township 5 South, Range 68 West, of the 6th P.11. A map of the area and its relation to the existing City was set forth by the City Manager and described in some detail. I I I I Minutes of June 20, 1960 COUMCILllAN BRAUN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THB PETITION POil AIOIBXATION BB ACCBPTBD AID> THAT PUBLICATION OF NOTICB OF PETITION AND THAT TllB PBTITION BB RBnRUD TO THB CITY A'M'OIUfEY FOR SWDY OF LEGALITY AJO> THB PLANNING COllllISSION POR RBCOIOIBNDATION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council11en Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abeent: None. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. 601-87 AlfNUAL AUDIT POR THB YEAR ENDING DECBllBER 31, 1159 The City llaD&1er reported that the audit was not available at this time but would be very shortly. Introduced as a bill by Councilman Kreiling BY AUTHORITY 601-59 ORDINANCB NO. 14, SBRIBS OF 1960 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THI FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY PROll R-1-B (a&SIU...:B DISTltlCT) CLASSIFICATION TO R-3-A (llULTl-PAlllLY RBSIDBlfTIAL DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATION, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE INTBRS.BCTION OF THB CDTD LIMB OF WBST LAYTOlf AV&lfUB AND THI CBNTBR LIMB OF SOUTH ACOMA STUBT; TUE& SOUTBULY ALONG THI CDTU LIMB OF SOUTH ACOMA STRUT BXTBNDBD TO TD IllT&UETION r6 SAID C&llTD LIMB WITH TBJCmrrBRLINB OF UST CllBJfilGO AYDU&; TllDC& WBST&RLY ALOlfO THB CBNT&R LIMB OF DST CllBlfAlfGO AVBMUB TO Tiii IlfTDSETIOlf OF SAID CDT&R LIMB WITH TRB CBNTBR LIMB OF SOUTH BAIOfOCX STaaft DT&llDSD; TllBll:B lfORTllDLY ALONG TllB CBNTBR LIMB OP SOUTH BADOCX STRUT DTmfl>m> TO TD lllT&UETION OP SAID CBNTBR LIMB WITH TllB CBlfT.IB LIMB OF WUT LAYTOlf AVDU&; TDllC& &AST&RLY ALONG TllB CBlfTBR LIMB OP UST LAYTOlf AVIJIU& TO THI POINT OF B&GIDlllG, IN THI CITY OP BNGLDOOD, ARAPABOB comrrr, COLORADO. was read for the second ti ... The City llana1er reported that the necessary deeds with regard to street dedication bad been received and that be recom11ended passage of the Ordinance. COUNCILMAN KBBILING llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDBD,'DIAT OBDl- KAJES 110. 14, SBRIBS OP 1980 BS PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ADOPTED AJ0> PUBLISDD IN l'ULL IN TD DGLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Raya: None. Abeent: None. Tbe llayor declared the 11e>tion carried. BASBllBNT FOR WATBR LIMB CONSTRUCTION ALONG A STRBET IN SHIRIDAN The City Manager referred to the recently acquired easement for rigbt- of-way tbrou1b the City of Sheridan for the water line from the Bear Creek Filter Plant to the City of Bn1lewood. He stated these agreements were ready for signature and ur1ed that they be authorized. COUNCILMAN WOODS llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MCLELLAN SECONDED, THAT TBB llAYOR AXD CITY CLBRK BB AUTBORIZD TO SIGN THE BASEllBNT AGRBBllBtfT WITH THI CITY OF SBDIDAN TO PROVIDB RIGHT-OF-JIAY FOR A WATBR LINE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Jcott. Nays: None. A been t : None. The llayor declared the 11e>tion carried. APPEALS OF RBCBMT DISTRICT COURT DECISIONS TO SUPRBllB COURT The City Attorney reported that in the drainage damage suit with the Linkenbeil's and OBtrouaky's that the Linkenbeils bad been awarded an amount a1ainst the City. lie asked authority to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court. 121 lliautes of June 20, 1960 Also be reported that tbe Apoetolic Christian Cburcb ca11e bad been de- cided against tbe City of Baglewood and that be would seek a 30 day exten- sion on tbis case and appeal it also to the Supreme Court. lie remarked that if an extension was n ot granted that construction could be begun and perhaps completed before decieion by the Supreme Court. COUNCILMAN WOODS llOVBD, COUEILllAN ll:LELLAN SBCOlfDBD, THAT THI CITY A'M'ORDY BB AUTHORIZED TO APPEAL TO THI SUPRlllB COURT THI LINKBNllBIL CASI ARD THB APOSTOLIC CCBRISTIAN CHURCH CASE. Upon the call of the dl, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council11en Wood8, llcLellan, llartin, Kreilia1, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager also reported that the Zoning Ordinance was under attack for its restriction on the burning of car bodies by Midwest Auto Parts Company. He stated that Bill Myrick was handling this case. The City Attorney discuseed the need for advance Council approval be- fore the prosecution of an Ordinance and countering suits. He stated tbat the Charter was rather ambiguous in this area and perhaps a general reso- lution of approval should be drafted. &Ql-88 RBSOLUTION RBLATING TO DIVISION OF PROPERTY IN PAVING DISTRICT NO. 9 The City Clerk read the following resolution in full: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHBRBAS, by appropriate ordinances and resolutions, the Cit)' of · Bn1lewood, Colorado, baa established Paving District No. 9. WllBRBAS, the aforesaid Paving District includes assessments against varioua parceis of real property within said District; and, WllBRBAS, subsequent to the compilation of the assessment rolls, from ti11e to ti11e, a part of a particularly described property is sold and transferred, and it becomes nec~b&a1 ·y to aiv~oe the assessment of the parcel transferred; NOW TllBRBJ'ORB, BB IT RBSOLVED by the City Council of tbe City of En1lewood, Colorado, tbi• 2Qtb day of June, 1960 that tbe City Clerk, witb tbe aesistance of the City Engineer, be and hereby is authorized and directed, fro• time to time as occasion may arise, to divide the aseesaaenta of specific parcels within Paving District No. 9 proportionate to tbe division of the parcel• of real property against which the same 11ay be aaseeaed, and to certify the revised assessments to the Treasurer of Arapahoe County, Colorado S I A L : A'M'BST: The City Manager-reported that this was a general resolution and con- for .. with those previously passed by the Council relating to Paving Diatricts No. 6, 7 and 8. COUNCILMAN llARTIN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BROWNBWELL SBCONDBD, THAT THI RBSOLUTION BB ADOPTBD AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLBRK BB AUTBORIZBD TO SIGN THB RBSOLUTION. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun , Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. 'lbe llayor declared the motion carried. I I I I Minutes of June 20, 1960 601-89 ADVBRTISBllBNT FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SBWBR Tbe City llanager requeated authority to advertise for bids for tbe con- struction of a sanitary sewer from South Tejon Street westward along West Bates Avenue extended toward Fire Station #4. Such bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M., on Tuesday, July 5, 1960 and to be considered by tbe City Council at 8:00 P.M. the aa .. day. He stated the Engineers estimate on tbis project was approxi11&tely $5,000.00. COUNCILMAN ll:LBLLAN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCONDBD, THAT THI CITY llAlfAGBR BB AUTHORIZED TO ADVUTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SAlfITABY SBWBR FROll SOUTH TBJON STREET WESTWARD IN BATBS AVENUE BXTBNDBD. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council .. n Wooda, llcLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent : None. Tbe llayor declared the 11e>tion carried. STREET PAVING MAINTENANCE Tbe City 11&na1er reported that Hampden Avenue bad been overlaid from South Bannock Street to South Clarkson Street. He stated tbis bad been done by Peter Kiewit Sona' Coapany at a total cost of approximately '4,900.00. lie reported tbat other work was contemplated of tbis same nature later tbis su1111er. 601-ll TRBASURBB'S REPORT FOR MONTH OF llAY The City Clerk-Treasurer reviewed the Treaaueer's Report showing ca.8b balances and unencumbered balance available for all funds ending llay 31, 1960. Discussion ensued. Tbe llayor asked that the report be accepted and placed on file. PERSONlfBL OP PARKS AND RBCRBATION COllKISSION Tbe llayor reported tbat the newly organized Parks and Recreation Collllission consisted of tbe following members: llr. Colbert Cusbin1, Cbairaan llr. Russell G. Woode, Jr. llr. Willia• Biers, Vice Chairman Dr. Willia• Nies. llr. Robert Jorgenson llr . N. L . "Bud" llcLe l lan IU:as Ruth Allen·, Secretary COST OP POLICE SERVICE Tbe City llana1er reported that a recent report on the City of Englewood coat of operation showed tbat tbe average per capita cost for this police protection includin1 care and diaposal of dogs was $4.90 per capita. lie re11&rked tbat tbi• i• below national average and shows tbat Englewood bas an excellent depart .. nt. ADJOURlf COUlfCILllAlf BRAUlf MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE llBETING Im ADJOUIUfED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woode, llcLellan, Martin, Xreiling, Br.ownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abaent: None. Tbe llayor declared the meeting adjourned and reminded the members present of bis intention to call a special meeting on June 27th for a public bear- ing on the proposed Paving District No. 10. /s/ B. O. Beausang City Clerk, Clerk of tbe Council Tbe minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, beld on tbe 20th day of June, 1969 A.D. stand approved as eprrected tbia 5th day of July, 1960 A.D.