HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-27 (Special) Meeting Minutes24 COUMC IL C HAllBBRS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JUNE 27, 1960 SPBCIAL CALLBD SBSSIOM Tbe City Council of the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado, .. t in Special Session on Monday, June 27, 1960 in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Bnglewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. llayor Scott presiding called the meeting to order and asked that the City Clerk read the notice of call. · Tbe City Clerk read the following notice of call of special session in full: "MOTICB OF CALL BY THE MAYOR FOR SPBCIAL SBSSIOM OF THE CITY COUNCIL for a public bearing on tbe proposition to create a local improvement district to be known as Paving District Mo. 10. Notice and call is hereby given of a Special Session of the City Council to be held on llonday, June 27, 1960, at 8:00 P.M. for the express purpose of a public bearing on propoaed Paving District No. 10 as duly advertised. /s/ Edward S. Scott. ACKlfOWLBDGBllBMT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE Tbe following persons, all Councilmen of the City of Englewood, Colorado do hereby acknowledge the receipt of notice of · the above special session. /s/ R. G. Woods, Jr. Arthur L. llartin L. L. Brownewell H. R. Braun Edward S. Scott" Tbe City Clerk reported to the llayor that the Notice of Call was in order and properly acknowledged and that the Special Session may proceed. Tbe llayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persona were present: Council .. n: Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Woods, Scott. Also Present: City llanager Rudd, City Attorney Esch, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: Councilmen Kreiling, McLellan. Tbe llayor declared a quoru• present. COOMCILllAM BROWMBWBLL llOVBD, COUNCILllAM BRAUM SECOlfDBD, THAT THI PUBLIC llBAltllfG OM THI FOIUIATI<»f OF THB PROPOSED PAVING DISTRICT MO. 10 BE OPEMBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, llartin, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. kys: None. Abeent: Councilmen Kreiling, llcLellan. Tbe llayor ~eclared tbe motion carried. Tbe llayor announced the general procedures followed by the Council in the c .. • of public bearing and urged that those present be brief in their preaentation and try not to duplicate comments or points brought up by others. lie then called upon the City Manager to review the extent of the proposed district and purpose ·Of this meeting. Tbe City llanager referred to the notice of public bearing of the pro- poaed formation of the district. Written complaints and objections would be beard at this meeting., (Councilman llcLellan entered and took bis seat on the Council at 8:10 P.M.) The City Clerk read written protests by the following persons: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hoffman, 5065 S utb Huron and Mr. a.no JO·s. Glen Clayton, 5075 South Huron I I I I Minutes of June 27, 1960 wi tb re1ard to tbe asseasments of their properties for the improvement of South Inca Dr i ve ; llr. Edward T. Paca , 4306 South Washington witb re1ard to paving of 4300 block South Washington; llrs. Minnie E. Helton, 3401 South Grant and Mrs. Opal Willingham, 3376 South Grant relative to paving of East Girard Street. Tbe Mayor asked if the Council now wished to hear objections and com- plaints from those present in the Chambers? The Council agreed. llr. John M. Kersey, 1434 South Lincoln Street, stated that be owned property at the southwest corner of the intersection of South Lipan Street with Quincy Avenue. He stated that he was schedule• to be assessed for tbe iaprove .. nt of Lipan Street on which bis property bas 300 foot frontage but be is denied access by a foot wide strip of land between the street and bis property. He eapbasized that not having access to Lipan Street lar tbi• distance be did not feel it would be legal to assess him for the i a prove .. nt o f the street. llrtl. Jobn G. Koestner, 3220 South Galapago Street, llr. Guy Laugblridge, 3230 South Galapa10 Street and Mr. Harold E. McKee, 3240 South Galapago Street spoke on behalf of those property owners on the east eiae of South Galapa10 in tbe 3200 block. Mrs. Koestner presented a pbotostat of a letter written on April 6, 1953 by Mr. J. W. Flint, City Manager as f ollow•: llr . Robert G. White Denver, Colorado Dear llr. White: "CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO April 6, 1953 Pursuant to your verbal agreement to excavate to sub-grade the 3200 Block on South Pox Street, beg to advise that when thi• is done we will place a 6-incb base on the street in this Block and will apply an &9pllaltic surface as soon as the weather permits. This improvement will be done with- out expense to the adjacent property owners. Tbe 3200 Block on South Galapago will receive the same treatment when both sides of the street are built up and curb and gutter is in place. JWP:W " Very truly yours, /s/ J. w. Flint City Manager Mrs. Koestner stated that she and the others on this block bad paid $250.00 into an escrow fund for paving and did not wish to pay for the pavin1 a1ain in connection with Paving District No. 10. Tbe Mayor remarked that this policy bad been rescinded in the spring of 1954 but that the Council would take the matter under advisement. The City llana1er inquired as to the date upon which the curb and gutter was coapleted for the entire block. Mr. llcKee replied that just a few weeks a10 the last section of curb and gutter was installed. The City Manager reaarked that installation or curb and gutter was one of the conditions for the City paving the street at its expense. Discussion ensued. Councilaan Woods inquired as to the disposition of the money left in escrow with Jlr. White, contractor. The property owners reported that this aoney was returned to Mr. White in compensation for providing subgrade on tbe streets. llr. Noraaa L. Pearce, 3801 South Lincoln, Mr. Lee Corder, 718 South Gilpin Street, and Mr. w. A. llcClarM, 2630 South Sherman, all spoke with re1ard to tbe pavin1 of the 3200 block South Acoma. llr. McClard •t&ted that tbe block is adequate as is now but would favor widening and the construction of curb and gutter to a uniform width and type of construc- tion. He stated tbat be was not opposed to the improvement if the street is widened. The City Manager remarked that the width of South Acoma would be 44 feet after paving. llr. Myron Bott, 3101 East Dartmouth, Mr. Roy Schaefer, 3200 South Corona Street asked about the paving of East Dartmouth and Eastman Avenues. ,125 126 llinutes of June 27, 1960 (Councilman Kreiling entered and took bis seat on the Council at 9:10 P.11.) llr. llarvin Kern, 4096 South Lincoln Street, and Mr. Paul Glaesaer, 4025 Soutb Lincoln Street, discussed the cost of paving South Lincoln Street and Baat OXford Avenue. llr. Duane Grasser, 1050 West Stanford Avenue, llr. Lutber Heathers, 4236 South Pox, llr. Verlin Creed, 950 West Stanford Drive also spoke with re1ard to various phases of the Paving District. lira. Fred E. Bikle, 5080 South Inca Drive, asked the Council for special consideration with regard to the matter of the extra long lots on South Buron Street between Chenango and Belleview whereby those lots are being a••••••d for the improvement of South Inca Drive. She refer- red to tbe letter of llr. and Mrs. Hoffman and llr. and llrs. Clayton in tbis resard. The City llanager illustrated bow when a lot bas a greater depth tban one half of the distance from the street on which that lot faces to the next street that that lot will be assessed for the improvement of both streets due to the policy under which all property half way to the next street is assessed for the improvement of the street under improve- .. nt. Discussion ensued. The property owners present suggested that in lhia case, special consideration be given whereby only those facing on Inca Street pay for the improvement of South Inca Drive and those on Buron pay for the improvement of Huron Street. Discussion ensued. The llayor reported that although for estimation purposes costs are based on front foot, the actual assessments are based on square foot and those with larger lots to pay more than those with smaller lots. Discussion ensued. llrs. Clayton requested that the Council consider this matter and ur1ed that an adjustment be made in their case as it was not fair as proposed. The Mayor thanked those who had appeared at the public bearing and stated that this proposed district will be considered at the July 5th .. etin1 at which time a bill for an ordinance establishing the district will be read for the first time. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HKARllfG BB CLOSED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Abaent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. ADJOURN COUNC ILllAN ll:LELLAN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT '.l',Wi; i~!ING BE ADJOURNED. Uyon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, McLellan, Martin, Kreiling, Brownewell, Braun, Scott. Nays: None. Absent : None. The llayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. /s/ B. O. Beausang City Clerk, Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 27th day of June 1960 A.D. stand approved as typed this 5th day of July, 1960 A.D. I I I COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JULY 5, 1960 REGULAR UETING: The City Council of the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado, aet in regular ••••ion on Monday, July 5, 1960 in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.11. llayor Scott presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Councilman Kreiling. The llayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persons were present: Councilmen: Braun, .Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Also Pre•e~t: City Manager Rudd, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: Councilman Brownewell, City Attorney Esch. The llayor declared a quorum present. 602-1 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS COUNCILMAN WOODS llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT TllB llINUTBS OF JUJIB 6, AND JUNB 27, 1960 BB APPROVED AS WRI'M'BN AND Tiii MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 1960 BB APPROVSD AS COIUlBCTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council•n Braun, Kre111ng, llartin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. lfays: None. Abment : Councilman Brownewell. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 601-82 FURTHBR INPORllAL HIARING ON EAST YALE AVENUE PAVING PROPOSAL The llayor reviewed tbat a proposal bad been made by the Porter Sanitar- iua for the iaproveaent O·f the north side of East Yale Avenue between Clarkson and Downing Streets and that such an improvement would also affect the south aide of Bast Yale which was in the City of Englewood. He stated that the san- itariu• propoaed to bear the costs of this improvement and that an informal bearing bad been called to discuss the effects of the proposal. llr. Dick Simon, Attorney, spoke for the residents of the area, remark- in1 that it was an excellent gesture on the part of the City Council to notify tbe residents of tbe proposal ana make them aware of tbe effect on their properties. lie presented a petition signea by the residents opposing tbe iaprove•nt which would remove the trees on the south side of the street aa a reault of tbe proposed street improvement. The text of the petition, bearin1 61 si1natures follows: "TO TRB CITY COUNCIL OF TllB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: The undersigned hereby protest the proposed widening of East Yale Avenue between Clarkaon and Downing Streets in such manner as to cause the removal of trees alon1 its line. It is petitioners' understanding that Porter Sani- tariu• and Hospital bas requested re-grading ot the avenue in order that it aay divert draina1e water from a natural drainage course over its land and aay install walks along the North side ot the avenue for the use of its school. The interest of the City of Englewood apparently is directed to the widening of the South side of the avenue at the Sanitarium's expense. As grounds for protest petitioners show to the Council: l. Petitioners are residents of the City of Englewood in the neighbor- hood of East Yale Avenue from Clarkson to Downing Streets, and are owners of real property coamonly known by the respective street addresses. given opposite their signatures beeeto. 2. The large elm trees along the South side of Yale Avenue have be•n n established for many years as landmarks of an area generally known as llcClair's Forest Hill and are held in great esteem by residents of the neighborhood. Trees of this stature are irreplaceable and, having no counterparts along tbe Denver boundary to the North or East, lend distinction not only to this nei1bborbood but also to the City of Englewood. These trees, with other trees aa• shrubs planted along the avenue since development of the area, also have a practical function by serving as a butfer against traffic annoyance. 127 Minute• of July 5, 1~60 3. Re11e>val of trees along the South side of Yale Avenue can have no poeeible relation to the regrading of the roadway or installation of walks alon1 it• North aide, nor do the trees prevent construction of walks along tbe South side of the avenue. 4. Tbe South curb line of Yale Avenue from Clarkson Street to Downing Street is in line witb all remaining South curb line thereof from Elati Street to Univeraity Boulevard with the exception of a 9UO foot strip from the Pearl-Waabin1too alley to Clarkson Street which is offset to the South about 2 feet. Under tbis circumstance the widening of l2UO feet between Clarkaon and Downin1 Streets can produce no substantial benefit for an a•e .... e which retain• its present width at ail other points and terminates in a dead end at Blatt Street. 5. llo neceeaity can exist for widening this strip except in conjunction with a widenin1 of tbe avenue from ena to end, and, since all portiodlof the avenue Croa Downin1 Street to University Boulevard and the North portion thereof fro• Blati Street to Downing Street lie within the City of Denver, the project aa a whole is dependent entire1y upon Denver's cooperation and convenience. Petitions believe that Denver contemplates no such project. Tr••• in tbe area should not be sacrificed with irreparable loss to peti- tioners • nei1bborbood except in the course of an entire project wbicb is 1n actual process of construction. 6. The va1ue of the trees to the city and this neighborhood as a parkway far outweighs any expense which the city may ultimately sustain by re11e>val of the trees at so .. future time if the necessity for widening the avenue should ever arise. 7. AB ho .. owners in the area affected and as taxpayers of the City of Bnglewood, petitioners eape9t to receive from this council protection ana para11e>unt consideration re1ard1ng a matter which would result in irre- parable lo•• to the• under the proposed so1ution of a Denver problem affect- ing Denver property." Tbe llayor asked if there was anyone else to speak against the proposed i•prove .. nt. Bi1ht persona were present to protest but did not speak. A co1111Unication to Mr. Robert P. Frantz, llUO East Yale Avenue, was read. This co1111Unication indicated that although the improvement would require re110va1 of the trees along the south side of the exi•tig1 roaaway that it was bis teeling that when the improvement was completea it would be bene- ficial to the reaideots on the south side 01 the street. · Mr. Olof lloline, Administrator, Porter Sanitarium, reviewed that the san1tar1u• aou1ht to install on1y a sidewalk on tbe north side of East Yale Avenue but discovered that such an improvement must comply with the ultiaate plans for that street which is dec1ared to be an arterial in the Denver street ayate•. He expressea bis willingness to cooperate in any manner poseible and agreed to any compromise if such were availabe. A letter fro• Dr. S. C. Percefull, M. D., ur1ed that the trees be preserved a.a tbey add a great deal to the beauty of the area and that the plan abould be abandoned, if tbe tree~ c~ilnot be saved. The City llanager reviewed that the offer by the Porter Sanita~ium was aade in good faith and that talks with the City of Denver on the matter of the width of the roadway had been discussed with the engineers in Denver and they bad not reached a compromise at this time. Council .. D Kreiling and Braun reported upon a series of measurements made between the South Platte River and Colorado Boulevard. They stated that there appeared to be no unifor•ity. Tbe llayor suggested that the project be done in steps, installing the sidewalk first and the street later at its proper width when necessary. Discussion ensued. (City Attorney Esch entered and took his seat at the table at 8:21 P.M.) COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECONDED, THAT THE CITY llANAGBll AlfD CITY BHGINEBR BE DIRECTED TO ESTABLISH NEW GRADE LEVELS IN COOPBRATION WITH THE PORTER'S SANITARIUM ON EAST YALE AVENUE FROM SOUTH CLARKSON STUBT TO SOUTH DOWNING STREET SO THAT THE CURB LINE WOULD BE RAISBD OR LOWERED BUT THAT THE PRESENT WIDTH OF STREET AND LOCATION OF TllB CURB WOULD NOT BE CHANGED. Discussion ensued with regard to the effect of such a new grade and as to whether Denver would permit the street to be widened on one side and left at the present width on the other side. General agreement was reached that if Denver would permit this, it would be agreeable to the property owners. Mr. lloline reported that 1f permission can be secured from Denver, the sanitariua school and Church will pay for the full cost and there would bot I I I I Minutes of July 5, 1960 be any cost to the City of Englewood. The Mayor requested further clarifi- cation on the matter of replacement of curbs and gutters on the south side of tbe street. llr. lloline reported that was their intention to bear the full cost with possible exception where curb and gutter bad not been instal- led previously. Councilman Braun urged that those property owners on the south aide of Bast Yale Avenue not having curb and gutter take this occasion as a ti .. ly one during which to make such installation to protect the newly paved mat which would result from the improvement. The Mayor stated that tbe Council may order the durb and gutter to be installed at the time of tbe iaprovement so that uniformity may be achieved. The question was called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared tbe motion carried. MRS. LINKENHEIL RELATING TO DRAINAGE PROBLEMS llrs. George A. Linkenheil, 712 West Dartmouth Avenue, appeared before the Council to ask for aid with regard to the flooding of her land. She reviewed the court action recently completed and remarked that she bad been flooded fro• Dart110uth Avenue and in addition to the discharge from the drain pipe in South Galapago Street. She offered to give a right-of-way to the CitJ along the front of the property for a drain and requested the City con- dean the land for a storm drain to the west. She emphasized that she was not able to do the job by herself and needed City cooperation in this mat~er. The City Attorney reported that in his opinion the evidence in the law auit showed the flooding of the Linkenheil lands to be due to that construc- tion west of tbe Linkeobeil property where the natural drain course bad been blocked. He stated that be felt the City of Englewood was not legally liable and bad docketed the case as to the Linkenheil judgment with the Supra .. Court. D ~acussion ensued. Tbe llayor auaaarized by stating that the City is not involved in this particular drainage problem; that through improvement of West Dartmouth Avenue aucb of the surface water that previously flowed across their land was now diverted down the 1utter line; and that it was not and could not be the policy of the City to condemn private land for drainage purposes. 601-87 AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR 1959 ' COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MCLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE AUDIT REPORT POR 1959 BE RECEIVED. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN ll:LELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE LESLIE B. WHITl'BllORE COllPANY, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, PROCEED WITH AN AUDIT POR TBB FIRST HALF OF 1960 AND STUDY THE EXISTING PROCEDURES AND SYSTBllS MAKING RBCCIDIBNDATIONS WHERE DEEMED aDVISABLE. Upon the call of tbe roll , the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Woods inquired as to the date on which the auditors could start. The City Clerk reported that the plan was to begin the audit the last week of July or first week of August and have completed by the first of Septeaber. 601-49 LBTTEll FROll MOBILE HOKE COURT OWNERS RELATING TO INSPECTION FEES The City Clerk read the following letter in full: 129 Minutes of July 5, 1960 "June 21, 1960 The Honorable Bd Scott llayor of Bn1lewood Englewood, Colorado lly Dear llayor Scott : We, the underaigned, sespectfully submit the following: l. The inepection fee should not exceed 50~ per month per trailer space. 2. The inapections need not be made more often than once every two 110nth8. 3. The revenue produced at 50~ per month per space will be $2,500.00 per year. We believe that the above proposals are fair to the City of Englewood and fair to the mobile park owners for the following reasons: 1. The revenue alone will pay an inspector's wages for at least six llOntha. 2. To pay more would place the park owners at a disadvantage, as park owners in other cities do not have the inspection fee. 3. The City will, however, still retain the authority to inspect at the City's pleasure. 4. The coat• of improvements, as required by the ci·ty ordinance will be a ai1nificant coat to the park owners, and to pay all the expenses the fee should be kept at a mini11U•. 5. We wish to settle our differencea with the City in an orderly manner, tree of court liti1ation. We realize that you, a llayor, and the members of the Council have problems of running the city for the best interest of all . citizens, and we also have problems and a special tax of this kind is a unique expense for the aaobile home park owners of the City of Englewood, as Englewood is the only city having said inspection fee in this area. If this prpposal meets with your approval, we would like to have the 11e>ney released fro• Court and pay the fees to date. Respectfully submitted, Name Fred Haverkate Roy Garside William S. Ha.rt Leonard S. Zall Willia• J. Oataan Carol llcElvain Bubert J. London Louie P. Siebert Maaie E. Mull Address 3105 S. Platte ·3205 S. Santa Fe 3055 S. Santa Fe 2705 S. Santa Fe 1074 W. Dartmouth 3101 S. Santa Fe 3325 S. Santa Fe 32~7 S. Santa Fe 3057 S. Santa Fe Park Name Sunset View Round up Hart's Lodge Grand View Stop • Stay "Brookside llotel" London llotel Vagabond Court Sleepy Hollow llotel" The City Attorney remarked that the proposal set the fees on all spaces in the trailer court while the District Court specifically stated that a fee must be baaed on occupied spaces. COUNCILllAN BRAUN llOVED, COUNCILMAN llARTIN SECONDED, THAT TllB COIOIUNl- CATIOR FBOll TRI MOBILE HOllB OWMBRS BE RECEIVED BUT NO ACTION BB TAKEN UNTIL TBB PBRIOD FOR APPEAL HAS EXPIRED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Maya: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Kreiling stated that be was opposed to waiting until the tiae for legal recourae was over and urged the rejection of proposal at this time. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN KRBILING MOVED, ~HAT THE OWNERS OF THE MOBILE HOMES BB NOTIFIED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AFTER REVIEWING AND CONSIDERING THEIR OFFER, BAS llBJICTBD IT. The City Attorney ob,erved that such an objection may accelerate any action for an appeal. The Mayor declared the motion lost for want of a second. I I I I Minutes of July 5, 1960 602-4 P&OCBBDINGS OF CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF JUNE 23RD Tbe City Manager remarled on the election of llr. Robert Kelly as Chairman and Mr. TJ119r Rice as Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. He al•o called the attention of the Council to the proposed updating of the Zonins Ordinance so that reference to the Ordinance might be simpler. 602-16 Propo•ed Zoning Ordinance Amendment The following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission wa• read in full: "That the Zoning Ordinance No. 45, Series of 1955, as amended, be a .. nded as follows: (1) By adding the following wording to Sub-section 9 of Section5 of Article I.: "and not including junk yards. (See Sub-section 33 of Section 5 01 Article I.)" (2) By deleting the existing wording in Sub-Section 33 of Section 5 of Article I and substituting the following: "The use of any lot or site for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap material. (See Sub-section 9 of Section 5 of Article I.)" (3) By deleting the existing wording of Sub-section l (a) (2) of Section 13 of Article IV and substituting therefore the following: "(2) Automobile wrecking, dismantling and for storage, sub- ject to the following requirements: (2) The premises or yard where such operations are conducted shall be enclosed on its preimeter with a solid, non-transparent, vertical wall or fence of a minimum height of six feet measured from groudd level, excepting for the entrances and exits permitted by sub-section (b) below. (b) 1Such yard shall not have more than two entrances thereto and two exits therefrom, each of which shall not exceed sixteen feet in width at the perimeter of the premises. (c) The aforesaid solid, non-transparent wall or fence and the gates or doors, if any, shall not contain any sign, poster or advertising matter of any kind whatsoever. (d) The said operations shall not encroach upon or use any area outside of aforesaid fence. (e) The operators of existing wrecking and/or dismantling yards, shall have one year from the effective date of this amendment in which to comply with the above requirements." (4) By adding the following wording to Sub-sec'tt>n l (a) of Section 2 of Article V: "provided that "Junk Yards", a non-permitted use, shall be made to comply with the requirements for automobile wrecking and/or dismantling yards as set out in Sub-section l (e) (2) of Section 13, of Article IV of this Ordinance." COU!CILllAN KRBILING llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN S&COHDBD, THAT A PUBLIC llBARING ON TRB PROPOSED AllBNDllBNT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE BB BBLD ON AUGUST 2ND AT 8:00 P.11. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUKCIL Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Minute• of July 5 , 1960 602 -7 PBOCBBDINGS OF BOARD OF CAREER SERVICE SESSION OF JUNE 29TH The llayor asked that the minutes be accepted and placed on file. 602-10 APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF 3.~ BEER LICENSE BY BIG TOP, INC. The City Clerk read an Application for Retail Fermented llalt Beverage Licen•e (for •ale of 3.~ beer only) by the Big Top, Inc. doing business at 123 Ba•t Belleview Avenue. He stated that the application was in order and that the Chief of Police bad indicated that neither a call or a com- p laint about tbia establishment bad been received since it was licensed. cou.:ILllAN WOODS llOVE, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICA- TIOK FOil RBKBWAL OF 3.2 BBB8 LICENSE FOR BIG TOP, INC. BE GRANTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 602 -ll NOTICE OF STOCK TRANSFER IN JOHN W'S, INC. The City Clerk read the following letter in full: City Council City of Englewood 3345 South Bannock Englewood, Colorado Gentlemen: "Law Off ices RICHARD H. SIMON First National Bank Building Englewood, Colorado sunset 1-4467 Re: John W's,Inc. John W's Tap-Room June 28, 1960 Please be advised that John W. Plessinger, President of John W's, Inc., doing business as John W's Tap-Room, at 3467 South Broadway, Englewood, Colorado, bas transferred all stock held b7 him in John W's, Inc., to Leota II. Plessinger and resigned as President and Director of John W~s, Inc., as of llay 10, 1960. For your information, Mr. Plessinger is no longer an officer or director of Jobn W's,~loc. Very truJy yours, /s/ Richard H. Simon RllS;cb" Tbe City Attorney stated that this would not change the ownership but a change in tbe corporation officers only. He informed tbe Council that it should have a statement that none of the new directors have an interest in any other liquor outlet in Colorado. COUMCILMAN KREILING MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT INFOIUIATION BB Pa&SBNTBD TO THE COUNCIL NAMING THE DIRECTORS OF JOHN W'S, INC. WITH A STATBll&llT TllAT BACH HAS NO FINANCIAL INTEREST IN ANY OTHER LIQUOR OUTLET IN TBB STATE OF COLORADO. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as f ollows : Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. 'lbe llayor declared the motion carried. RECESS The llayor declared the. Council in recess until 10:35 P.11. I I I I Minutes of July 5, 1960 CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the Council to order. Upon the call of the roll, the following Councilmen were present: Councilmen: Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. The llayor declared a quorum present. 602-l2 CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR SEWER EXTENSION NO. 74 The c .ty llanager reported that bids bad been opened at 10:00 A.II. OD the day of tbe meeting for the construction of an ~" sanitary sewer extension on West Bates Avenue extended from South Tejon Street to South Zuni Street. He stated tbat tbe City Engineer recommended the acceptance of tbe bid of the low bidder, Lakewood Pipeline Construction Company, in the amount of $3,564.58. Tbe City Engineer reported that this contractor was reliable. The City Manager requested tbat tbe Council authorize the award to this company. COUNCILMAN DEILING llOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT AN AWARD BE llADE POR THB CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. 74 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THB RllCOMllB1'DATION OP THE CITY ENGINEER TO THE LAKEWOOD PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION COllPAl'fY. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared the motion carried. Introduced as a bill by Councilman Braun BY AUTHORITY 601 -75 ORDINANCE NO. 16, SERIES OF 1~60 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM R-2-A (TWO PAlllLY RKSIDENTIAL) CLASSIFICATION TO R-~-A (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) CLASSIFICATION, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTER LINE OP TBB ALLEY BETWEEN SOUTH PEARL STREET AND SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET AND THE CBllTBJl LINE OP BAST JEFFERSON AVENUE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE CENTER LINE OP BAST JEITER801' AVENUE TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID CENTER LINE WITH TllB C&rrml LlllB OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA STREET AND SOUTH LOGAN STRUT; TBINCB NORTHBRLY ALONG THI CENTER LINE OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN SOUTH PSIOCSYLVAlflA STRBBT AND SOUTH LOGAN STREET TO A POINT 100 FEET, KORE OR LESS, SOOTH OP TBB SOUTH LINE OF EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE; THENCE EASTERJ.,Y ALOifG A LINE 100 FEET, llORE OR LESS, SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF EAST HAllHJEN AVElfUE, WHICH IS THB SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE COIOIERCIAL cc ;2) ZONE, TO TBB CENTBll LIMB OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN SOUTH PEARL STREET AND SOUTH WASHINGTON STRBBT; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID ALLEY TO POINT OF BBGIDING, IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO. was read for tbe second time. COUICILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. lti, SB&IBS OF 19ti0, BE PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL RBADING AND ORDBRBD PUB- LISBBD IN FULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared tbe motion carriea. 601-1~ EASEllENT FOR 'nJNNEL UNDER INTERSECTION OF EAST HAllPDBN AVENUE AND SOUTH SHERMAN STREET The City Attorney reported tbat an easement deed bad been prepared be- tween tbe City of Englewood and tbe Englewood State Bank providing for the construction of a tunnel from the southwest corner of East Hampden Avenue and South Sher11an Street to the northeast corner of that intersection. Be stated tbat although tbe easement ran forever tbat another provision of tbe asree .. nt sets forth that if the tunnel is not used tor a siz month period, it is declared to have been abandoned. In all cases public neces- sity will rule if it is in conflict with tbe existence of the tunnel. COUNCILMAN MARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MCLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE EAST- DNT DBBD BE APPROVED AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BBBALF OF THE CITY. Councilmen Braun and Kreiling spoke against the state11ent of the period of the easement to be forever. Discussion ensued. Council11&n llartin called for the question. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: 133 ·, 134 Minutes of July 5, l~tiO Ayes: Councilmen Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays : Councilmen Braun, Kreiling. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 60~-13 EASBllBNT FOR SEWER CONNECTION TO FIRE STATION NO. 4 The City Manager reported tbat the easement for sewer extension to Fire Station No. 4 bad been drafted and that the return for granting this easement to the c ~ty may make connection to the proposea sewer line without cost. Be reco1U1ended that the easement be granted and the proper City officials be authorizea to sign. COUll:ILllAlf IK:LELLAN MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECONDED, THAT THE BASBllBNT B• GBAJfTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SEWER LINE ALONG THB BASTBllLY LIMB OP THB SITE OCCUPIED BY FIRE STATION NO. 4 AND THAT THB llAYOB AND CITY CLBRK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as to11ows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kre11ing, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewe11. The llayor declared the motion carriea. tiOl-86 LEGAL OPINION UN PETITION FOK ANNEXATION The City Attorney reported that he baa examined a petition for annexa- tion of 54.3 acres, more or less, in Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. He stated that there was an adequate nullber of signatures by owners in the area and tbat notice of a proposed annexation should be pub1isbed in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. The llayor requestea that the City Attorney not begin publication or tbe notice until arter receipt ot the recommendation trom tbe Planning co .. ission on this proposed annexation. The City Attorney agrees to con- tact the Planning Commission after the next meeting to determine whether they recommended the annexation. RELATING TO DATE OF AUGUST COUNCIL llEB~ING The City Attorney reported that August lst, Co.lorado Day, is a legal State holiday although the City of Englewood does not observe it. Accord- ingly be suggesteU that the City Council meet on ·the followinK day, or August 2nd. 6Ul-6t* RELATING TO PROPOSED PAVING DISTRICT NO. 10 Petition Objecting to the Improvement of 3200 Block South Acoma Street The City Clerk reaa the tollowing petition in full: ''E nglewood, Co.lo. June 2~tb, .19t>O. OBJECTION '1'0 PROPOSED STREET EXPENDITURES •. The proposed street improvement for the 3ioo block South Acoma Street, Englewood, Colo. serves no useful purpose for the reason that the proposed sur- facing wou.ld rep.lace one that is alreaay adequate. Therefor, we the under- signea property owners protest ana object to this useless expenditure. Council will receive letters from the owners ot the balance or the tootage on the east siae of 32u0 block South &coma protesting the present proposal, and only tavoring an improvement ot a tuily widenea street tb.J"UOU~ the ent1re block." The City C.lerk read a letter from Don Carney, Vice-President, Greenway Corporation, ~~11 South Broadway, requesting that the paving or the street be 11&Ximu• width through the entire block, that curb, gutter and sidewalk be constructea in full on tne east siae of the b.lock and that tbe grade at tbe intersection of South Acoma Street anu ~est Floyd Avenue be adjusted to alleviate t he serious dip at this corner. Unless this improvement is done in this manner, be questioned whether the money should be spent in improving the streei at the present width. I I I • I • I • I Minutes of July 5, 1960 The City Clerk read a letter from Robert F. Downing, Secretary-Manager, Bnglewood Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the 3200 block South Acoma Street be included within the proposed Paving District No. 10. Although there will be 44 feet width at the south end as compared with 36 feet width at the north end he felt that the improvement should be supported as it will correct a very serious street maintenance problem and provide an iaprove11ent to the downtown business area. The City Manager reported that the tentative plans bad been prepared and a copy of those plans was posted on the blackboard for discussion purposes. He estimated that the cost of widening to 44 feet for the entire distance would be approximately $6,000.00 more than presently es- timated. The cost to the property owners would be approximately $2,500. •b• to the City approximately $3,500.00. He stated that in bis opinion the City did not have or could not commit an additional $3,500.00 in this paving program. Discussion ensued. The llayor stated bis opinion was to make an improvement in a proper aanner or not do it at all. He personally favored the project at the full width but would recognize additional financing problems which this would cause. COUll:ILllAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN MCLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE 3200 BLOCK SOUTH ACOMA STREET, A COUNCIL DESIGNATED STREET, BE DELETED FBOll THE LIST OF STREETS TO BE IMPROVED IN PAVING DISTRICT NO. 10. llr. Asa McNabb, Manager, Englewood Branch, Mountain States Telephone Coapany , stated that be felt the property owners would be glad to assume the additional costs involved. Discussion ensued. llr. L. Norval Pearce, 3801 South Lincoln Street, owner of property in the 3200 block South Acoaa Street, remarked that heavy usage of the east side of South Acoma Street by Burt Chevrolet Company and Mountain States Telepbone Company construction in addition to a recent street cut by the Public Service Company bas broken up the paving on the east side of the street and that the companies specifically contributing to that need for repair be charged a portion of the cost. Discussion ensued. Councilman McLellan remarked that if the Telephone Company and Burt Chevrolet Company will contribute, be would withdraw bis second. llr. Joe Reed, 3211 South Acoma Street, suggested that the project be held off at this time until money is available to complete as it should be done eventually. COUll:ILllAN J«:LELLAN WITHDREW HIS SECOND TO THE MOTION. The llayor declared the motion lost for want of a second. COUlfCILllAN BRAUN llOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE 3200 BLOCK SOUTH ACOMA STREET BE WIDENED TO A FULL 44 FOOT WIDTH FOB ITS ENTIBB LElfGTH. Councilman Martin expressed the opinion that the City could probably find the $3,500.00 necessary to meet the City's share of the additional improvement. Councilman Woods stated that be would vote ggainst the motion because he wouldn't feel the City should colllbit _itself any further financially but that be was in favor of the wider construction. The llayor agreed with Councilman Woods. Discussion ensued. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, lla~tin. Nays: Councilmen Kreiling, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared the motion defeated. COUNCILMAN ll::LELLAN llOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, Tll&"r THE IllPBOVB- llBNT TO THB 3200 BLOCK SOUTH ACOMA STREET BE DELETED FROll TBB LIST OF STBBBTS TO BB IllPBOVBD IN PAVING DISTRICT NO. 10. Councilman Braun su11ested that the east side only be straightened. The City Manager repled that tbat may cauae aore problems than to have a uniformly constructed street even though it is narrower at one end than at the other. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared the motion lost due to the tied vote and that the street would be included in the project as presently planned with a width of 36 feet on tbe north end and 44 feet at the south end. 135 -,. llinutes of July 5, 1960 Relating to Improvement 3200 block South Galapago Street Tbe City Manager reviewed in detail the improvements in tbe form of in- stallation of curb and gutter in the 3200 block South Galapago Street. He stated tbat tbe east side was staked in January of 1953 and curb and gutter installed at that time on the west side, the last piece of curb and gutter waa installed in tbe spring of this year. He stated tbat tbe letter from llr. Flint (copied in full in the minutes of June 27th) provided that on the installation of curb and gutter on both sides of the block that the City would proceed with the paving at no further cost. The City Manager reported that be bad reviewed the Council minutes th1t>ugbout that entire period and found nothing to verify the policy as set forth by Mr. Flint's letter but that the policy was revoked in the spring of the following year and all pro- jects which bad complied with the general terms of the policy were under- taken and completed at no cost to the property owners. He recommended that this block be included in the paving district as originally outlined and that the City not acknowledge any obligation to complete the work without the usual charge for similar construction in the paving district areas. The City Attorney stated further that there would be no legal recourse as the Statute of Limitation bad entered into the matter. Introduced as a bill by Councilman McLellan A BILL 601 -69 POR Alf OaDINAlfCE CREATING AN lllPROVEllBNT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLO&ADO, TO BB KlfOWN AS PAVING DISTRICT NO. 10; ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION TDUllf OP STUBT AND ALLEY IllPROVEllBNTS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUAR:E OP BOMD8 OF TllB DISTRICT IN PAYMENT FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR 1'CU'ICE TO COHTRACTO&S AND TO BIDDERS FOR SPECIAL IllPROVEllENT DISTRICT BONDS OF SAID CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WllBREAS, the City Council of Englewood, Colorado, pursuant to the Charter and Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959 as amended of said City and the laws of the State of Colorado, hereby finds and determines that there exists a necessity for the creation of Paving District No. 10 , in said City, and the construc- tion therein of certain street and alley improvements, as described herein; and WBBllBAS, the City Council bas heretofore directed the City Engineer to prepare plans, specifications, maps and schedules in accordance with said laws; and WBBRBAS, the City Engineer has made bis report in the premises, and bas filed witb tbe Clerk of said City all the maps and certificates of bis survey, as well as schedules, plans, specifications, approximations of cost, and all other matters and things in complete form and substance •• by law required; and WllBR&\S, tbe said report so made and filed, together witb details, specifications, estimates, maps and schedules, are hereby approved and adopted by said City Council; and WBBIBAS, tbe City Council directed the City Clerk to publish in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation in said City, notice of a proposition to create said District, and that on June 27, 1960, at H:OO o'clock P.M., all complaints and objections that might be made in writing concerning the proposed improvements by tbe owner or owners of any real ••tate to be assessed, or any person or persons interested generally, would be beard and determined by the City Council of said City of Englewood, before final action of said Council thereon, and that after the determination of all coaplaints and objections was made, said City Council would take up and consider an ordinance creating siad District and ordering tbe proposed iaprovements; and WllBllBAS, the City Clerk, by advertisment for a period of more than fif- teen (15) days prior to tbe said 27th day of June, 1960, gave notice in form and substance of the matters and things above-mentioned as ordered to be given, in all respects in accordance with law and aaid order; and WllBBBAS, tbe City Clerk bas mailed to each known owners of real property to be aasessed with tbe cost of said improvements, a notice of intention to create said District, as provided by the Resolution adopted by tbe City Council of June 6, 1960; and WHBllBAS, at the time and place specified in said notice, the City Council met in open session for the purpose of bearing any objections or protests tbat aight be made against said improvements; and I I I I Minutes of Juip 5, 1960 WBBRBAS, certain written objections were filed and certain oral inquiries and objections were made at said meeting; and WBBRRAS, all objections were duly considered and were by the Council overruled and denied; and WlllRBAS , the City Council hereby finds and determines that a general public benefit will accrue to the City from the proposed improvements; TllBRBPORB, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TllB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TBA T: Section 1. Said Paving District No. 10 is hereby created and said i•provements hereinafter described, consisting of street and alley improvements, were duly ordered after notice duly given and hearing duly held, all as re- quired by law. Section 2. Said improvements shall consist of: ON Necessary grading and excavation, paving with six-inch compacted gravel base course, with two-inch asphaltic concrete surface, and concrete walks, curbs and gutters, where not already installed, together with appurtenances and incidentals on the following streets and avenues in the City of Englewood, Colorado: FROll TO South Aco-. St. S. Side of West Eastman Ave. N. side of West Floyd Ave. South Corona Street S. side of East Girard Ave. N. side of East Hampden Ave. South Delaware Street S. side of West oxford Ave. N. side of West Princeton Ave. Bast Bastaan Ave. W. side of South Downin~ ~t. E. side of South Emerson St. South Elati Street S. side of West Nassau Ave. N. side of West OXford Ave. East Floyd Ave. w. side of South Logan St. E. side of South Broadway South Fox St. s. side of West Princeton Ave. N. side of West Quincy Ave. South Galapago St. s. side of West Eastman Ave. N. side of West Floyd Ave. East Girard Ave. W. side of South Downing St. E. side of South Corona St. East Girard Ave. W. side of South Clarkson St. E. side of South Broadway Bast Baapden Ave. W. side of South Lafayette St. E. side of South Clarkson St. South Inca St. S. side of West Stanford Ave. N. side of West Tufts Ave. South Inca Drive S. side of Whitaker Drive N. side of We.st Belleview Ave. South Jaeon St. S. side of West Mansfield Ave. N. side of West Nassau Ave. extended South Kalama.th St. S. side of West Quincy Ave. N. side of West Radcliff Ave. South Kalama th St. S. side of West Stanford Place N. side of West Stanford Ave. West Kenyon Ave. W. side of South Fox St. E. side of South Inca St. South Lipan St. S. side of West Quincy Ave. N. side of West Radcliff Ave. South Lincoln St. S. side of East Eastman Ave. N . side of East Girard Ave. • 137 Minutes of July 5, 1960 South Lincoln St. S. side of East Nassau Ave. N. side of East OXford Ave. South Lincoln St. S. side of East Radcliff Ave. N. side of East Stanford Ave. South Logan St. S. aide of East Uaioa Ave. N. side of East Layton Ave. -t OXford Ave. W. side of South Lincoln St. E. side of South Broadway South Pennsylvania St. N. aide of East Cornell Ave. 150' North Bast Quincy Ave. W. side of South Lincoln St. E. side of South Broadway West Radcliff Ave. W. side of South Kalamath St. E. side of South Lipan St. West Stanford Ave. W. side of South Huron St. W. side of South Lipan St. West Stanford »lace W. side of West Stanford Drive E. side of South KalaJU1,th St. West Stanford Drive N. side of West Stanford Ave. :;j50' North South Washington St. S. side of East Bates Ave. N. side of East Cornell Ave. South Washington St. S. side of East Quincy Ave. N. side ot East Radcliff Ave. Necessary grading and excavation, compacted sub-grade, and with six-inch Portland Cement concrete surface, for a total over-all width of fourteen feet; together with appurtenances and other incidental work on the following alleys: On all•Y between South Acoma Street and South Bannock Street from S. side of West Dartmouth Avenue to N. side of West Eastman Avenue. On alley between South Broadway and South Acoma Street from S. side of West Yale Avenue to N. side of W. Amherst Avenue. Section 3. Said District shall be known as and the same is hereby des- ignated Paving District No. 10, Englewood, Colorado. Section 4. The construction of the street and alley improvements in and for said District, as shown by the plans, specifications and maps thereof, prepared by the C i ty Engineer and approved by the City Council of said City, aed now on file in the office of the Clerk of said City, be and the same is hereby authorized and ordered, the material to be used in construction of said street and alley improvements to be in accordance with such maps, plans and specifications. Section 5. By virtue of and in pursuance of the aforesaid laws and the Charter and Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959, as amended, of said City, local iaprove .. nt bonds of the City shall be issued for the purpose Qf paying for the local improvements in this Ordinance described and provided to be con- structed in said Paving District, in an amount not to exceed the cost of said iaprove11ents, including engineering and all incidental expenses, as in said laws, Charter and Ordinance provided. Section ti. Said bonds shall be authorized by an Ordinance later to be paased in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, the Charter and said Ordinance No. 8, Series 1Y5Y, as amended, of said City. Section 7. The lla.yor and City Clerk are be~eby authorized to advertise for bida to construct such improvements and for bids for bonds to be issued, in three (3) consecutive weekly issues of the Encl•wood Herald and Enterprise, a newapaper of general circulation published in such City, which advertise- .. nta aay run concurrently with the publication of this Ordinance. Section 8. By reason of tbe fact that the completion at tbe earliest possible date of tbe improvements described in this Ordinance is necessary to the ilUl8diate preservation of the public property, health, peace and safety, it ia hereby declared that an emergency exists and that this Ordinance shall take effect upon its final passage. I I I I Minutes of July 5, 1960 Section Y. Al! ordinances, or parts thereof in conflic~ herewith are hereby repealed. This Ordinance, after its final passage, shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, sba11 be authenticated by the signatures of tbe llayor and City Clerk, shall be published in said City, and after becolling effective, shall be irrepealable until the bonds of said District shall be paid in full. IHTRODUCBD AND READ THIS 5th day ot July, lYijO. ( S B A L ) A'M'BST: was read for the firs Mayor COUR::ILlllAM w=LBLLAM llOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDBD, THAT TllB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD ON FIRST RBADIMG AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IM TBB EMGLEWOOD llKllALD AID BlfTBRPRISE. Upon tbe call of the roll, the ·•ote resulted as fol.lows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kre1ling, Martin, llcLel1an, Wood&, Scott. Mays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewe11. The llayor declared the motion carried. Au~borization for Bid& for Paving Construction COUR::ILlllAN BRAUM llOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE CITY llANAGER BB AUTllORIZBD TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR PAVING CONSTRUCTION IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSED PAVING DISTRICT NO. lU -BIDS TO BE OPENBD AT 10:00 A.II., AUGUST 2ND, AND CORlllDKRKD BY THE COUNCIL ~T 8:00 P.M. THAT SAME DATE. Upon the call of the ro11, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Krei!ing, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Sco~t. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewe11. The lla.yor declared the mo~ion carried. Authority to Authorize Sale of Bonds COUNCILllAM llARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECONDBD, THAT THE CITi llAMAGBB BB AUTHORIZBD TO ADVERTISE FOR SALE OF PAVING DISTRICT BOMDS -BIDS TO BB OPDBD AT :l:OO P.11. AUGUST ~ND, AND CONSIDERED BY THI COUNCIL AT 8:00 P.M. THAT SAllE DATE. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewel!. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. 602-14 RESOLUTION RELATING TO WATER SERVICES The City Clerk read the following resolution in full: RESOLUTION WBBIBAS, Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1956, of the Ordinances of the City of Englewood, Colorado, was finally passed and approved on July 2, 1956, and is now in full force and effect; and WBBIBAS, said Ordinance prescribes rules and regulations for the opera- tion and 11&intenenace of the Water Sy•tam of the City of Inglewood; and 139 Minutes of JulV 5, 1~6U WBB&BAS, said Ordinance provides, in part, by subparagraph& (b), (c), Paragraph 25, Subsection A of Section 2 thereof, that the City may, with- out petition, construct a main ot sufficient size, to serve the area served by an inadequate line, when, in its opinion, the line is causing undue hardship upon the users or said line, or on the City; and WBBBBAS, undue hardSbip will accrue to the City and the owners con- nected to the present private lines in certain locations because or illllinent street paving construction in said locations if connection is not aade to the City water lines. NOW, TBBRBl'OllB, be it resolved by tbe City Council or the City of Bn1lewood, Colorado, this 5th day 01 July A.D., 1~ti0, that all service con- nection• to tbe present sma.11 private water lines in tbe following loca- tion• be cban1ed over to City mains at once, because of ima1nent street paving construction in said locations, and that charges be made according to the schedule in the current resolutions covering such charges, and that the same be collected by the Water Department of the City: OD South Acoaa Street between West Eastman Avenue and West Floyd Avenue. OD South Lincoln Street between East Floyd Avenue and East Girard Avenue. OD East Girard Ave·nue between South Broa~way and South Grant Street. OD South Washington Street between East Bates Avenue and East Cornell Avenue. On East Quincy Avenue between South Broaaway and South Lincoln Street. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eng1ewood, Colorado, this 5th day of Ju1y A.D., 1~6u. ATTBST: / COUMCILllAN WOODl/llOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SBCO.NDBD, THAT THE KBSOLU- TIOM BE AJX>PTJID. Upon tbe ca1l of tbe roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Wooas, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewe11. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR LIBRARY The City llanager read a memo from Mr. George Hertz, Librarian, request- ing an additional appropriation ot $1,500.0U for the purchase of books. Tbe City Manager discussed the request ana urged that the Council authorize an additional appropriation of these monies to be coniirmed by resolution at tbe end of tbe calendar year. COUll::ILllAN llARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECOMDBD, THAT Alf ADDITIOJ(AL $1,SUO.OO OF GllfBBAL FUND UNBNCUllHBRBD UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS BB SET ASIDE FOR TBB LIBBA&Y DBPARTllBNT. Upon the call of the ro11, tbe vote resulted as io11ows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Ab9ent: Counci1man Brownewe11. The llayor dee1area the motion carried. 602-17 COllllURICATION BBLATlllG TO APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF SNAPPY FOOD HEER LICENSE Tbe Mayor read tbe to11owing petition in full: I I I I Minutes of July 5, 1~6u "Englewood City Council, Local Liquor Licensing Authority Bng!ewooa, Coloraao Gent1e11en: We, the unaers1gnea c1t1zens ot Englewood, Colorado, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, 11v1ng 10 tbe vicinity of Jiu1 So. Santa Fe Drive, do bereby petition you ana each of you, the liquor licens1ng authority ot Englewood, Colorado, to reject ana refuse to grant a a.~ beer license to SillOD Sierota, to sell a.~ beer at a20l So. Santa Fe Drive, Bnglewooa, Colorado, unaer the trade name of Snappy-Bar. We feel there is no need !01· dUCh sales and that it would be injurious to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants of this community, and creates a common nuisance.~ The llayor asked that the communication be accepted and placed on file. The City Manager reported that he had a copy of a letter recently written by the Chief of Police to Mr. Simon Sierota, operator of the Snappy Foods Grocery Store, offering suggestions as to improved operation of that outlet. He discussed the various disturbances &bat have occurred at the 3.2 beer outlet. PRESENTATION OF BOOKMOBILE TO ENGLEWOOD LIBRARY BOARD The City Manager reported that the Greater Englewood Foundation would ... ke a presentation of a Bookmobile unit to the Englewood Library Board at 7:30 P.11. on Monday, July 11th, across the street from the City Hall. All Council11en and citizens are invited to attend. 602-9 CONSIDERATION OF BILLS, FOR MONTH OF JUNE, 1960 COUICILllAN BRAUN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICBS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1960 AS LISTBD BY THI CITY CLERK AND APPROVBD BY THE CITY MANAGER BE ALLOWED. Upon the call of the roll, the.Yote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared tbe motion carried. ADJOURN COUICILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECONDED, THAT THI llBETING BB ADJOURXBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Brownewell. The llayor declared the meeting adjourned at 1:10 A.II. /s/ B. o. Beausang City Clerk, Clerk of the Caincil The llinutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 5th day of July, 1960 A.D. stand approved as corrected this 15th day of August, 1960 A.D. 141