HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-11-07 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRBGULAR llEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO NOVEMBER 7, 1960 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on llonday, November 7, 1960, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.11. llayor Scott eresiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by the Reverend S. E. Oakes of the Cberrelyn First Baptist Church. Tbe llayor asked for roll call: Upon the call of the roll, the follow- ing persona were present: Councilmen: Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Also Present: City llana1er Rudd City Attorney Each, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: None. The llayor declared a quorua present. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS COUNCILMAN KREILING MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3RD AND OCTOBER 17TH, 1960 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent : None. The llayor declared the motion carried. POSSIBLE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL ENGLEWOOD llr. H. w. Parsons stated that be bad some planning and development experience and began to develop a rejuvenation plan for downtown central Englewood. As it developed be contacted Mr. Temple Buell and bis staff to help him. He presented overlays and maps showing the entire plan for the redevelopment of approximately 95 acres of C-1 zoned area in downtown Englewood. Discussion ensued. The llayor thanked llr. Parsons for bis very complete presentation and stated that the City Council is very much interested in tbe program and very appreciative of the effort Kr. Parsons bas gone to to develop both the plan and possible means of financing the area. He stated that be was not at this time able to commit the City on behalf of tbe program. RELATING TO RBCRBATION AND PARKS COllMISSION Tbe llayor read a letter in full from Mr. Colbert E. Cushing, dated November 4, 1960, relating to the functions of the Recreation and Parks Collllission as compared to those of the Recreation Council. The letter urged clarification of powers or procedure for the handling of financial aattera on behalf of the new Commission. A similar arrangement to that in existence for the Library and Library Board was suggested. Councilmen Woods and McLellan spoke in some detail on the problem of providing for financial accountability and handling of funds. They suggested that the City Treasurer handle these monies but that there may be legal questions involved. COUNCILMAN WOODS llOVED, COU?«:ILMAN W::LELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO MEET WITH THE RECREATION COIOIISSION TO REVIEW THI llBTHOD OF FINANCIAL OPERATION AND MAKE RECOMMEN- DATIONS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I Minutes of November 7, 1960 602-52 COIOIUNICATION FROM INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS The Mayor read a letter addressed to the City Manager and members of the City Council from the International Association of Fire Fighters dated October 24, 1960. This letter suggested a meeting of the members of Local 1380 of the International Association of Fire Fighters along with the state representative of tbe Fire Fighters Union with the City Council and the Fire Chief after the council meeting of November 7th. Discussion ensued upon the proposal. The Mayor remarked that the Council is not in a position to meet with representatives after their regular meetings due to the lateness of the adjournment hour. Councilman Brownewell remarked that it was not in the area of the City Council's responsibility until after completion of discussions with the City Manager and Fire Chief. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN MARTIN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE LETTER FROll THB INTBIUfATIONAL ASSCX:IATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS BE RECEIVED AND THE CITY llANAGBR NOTIFY THIS ORGANIZATION THAT THE CITY MANAGER AND FIRE CHIEF WILL PROVIDE FOR THE INITIAL DISCUSSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 602-5 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS MEETING OF OCTOBER 12th The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 602-4 PROCEEDINGS OF CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF CX:TOBER 20, 1960 602-13 Requests of the State Highway Commission The fo l lowing recommendation from the Englewood City Planning and Zoning Co...tasion •as read in full: "l. A study in funds be provided for the proper interchange at Route #70 and the Englewood business district. 2. That South Clarkson Street between Route #70 and Belleview Avenue be designated as a State Highway. 3. That additional land be purchased along West Belleview in order to widen that highway. 4. That study be given to the possibility of a north south arterial west of and paralleling the South Platte River." COUNCILMAN KRBILING MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE RECOM- ll&NDATION BB ACCEPTED AS THE OFFICIAL REEQUEST OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD OF THB STATE HIGHWAY COllllISSION FOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ENGLEWOOD ABBA IN THB ORDER LISTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 602-39 Relating to annexation of 23.l acres Centennial Acres 4th Filing :J'be City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zonins Co••ission in full: "That the subject area be annexed for the following reasons: 1. This area will round off the Englewood boundary. 2. Departments of the City will not encounter excessive cost in providing service to the proposed annexation." 227 228 Minutes of Noveaber 7, 1960 COUNCILMAN BROWNBW.ELL llOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE &BCOIOIBNDATION OF THB CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BE ACCEPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as ·follows: Ayes: Councilman Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. 602-54 Recoaaendation relating to Oxford Heights 4th Filing The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Englewood City Planning and Zoning Commission in full: "That the final plat of Oxford Heights Subdivision, 4th Filing, be approved with the following stipulations: l. The variance be allowed for the 58.18 ft. lots. 2. The pine be concreted. 3. The Perforunce Bond be posted. 4. The seven foot existing easement running north and south along the west line of the Childers Subdivision through both OXford Heights-3rd Filing and Oxford Heights-4th Filing be vacated by Council." COUJ«:ILllAN BRAUN llOVBD, cou-=ILllAN KREILING SECONDED, THAT THE RIX:Oll- llBNDATION U APPROVED WITH THB STIPULATIONS SET FORTH IN THAT RIX:OIOIENDA- TION ALSO THAT TllB TITLE TO THB LAND TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF BlfGLBWOOD BB BXAllINBD BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods , Seo t t • Nays: None. Absent: None. Tbe llayor declared the motion c arrted. llr. John Levitt was present and reminded the City Council of the fact that the cul-de-sac provided in Oxford Heights 3rd Filing was not necessary and that Tracts A and B could now be vacted at the Council's convenience. 602-7 PROCBBDINGS OF BOARD OF CAREER SERVICE COMMISSION llEETIXGS OF CX:TOBER lOTH AND NOVEMBER 2ND, 1960 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 602-3 PROCBBDINGS OF WATER AND SEWER BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 31, 1960 The llayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 602-55 Proxy for City for Nevada Ditch Holding Company Meeting The City Clerk read the following communication of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board in full: "Tha t the City Council ratify the designation by the Englewood Water and Sewer Board of Mr. Harold H. Babcock as proxy to represent the City of Englewood at the annual meeting of the Nevada Ditch Holding Coapany held at 2:00 P.M. November 7, 1960 in the City Hall, Littleton, Colorado." COUNCILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE RICOIOIBNDATION BB ACCEPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I Minutes of November 7, 1960 602-56 Proxy for City for llcBroom Ditch Company The City Clerk read the following recommendation from the Englewood Water and Sewer Board in full: "That the City Council ratify the designation by the Englewood Water and Sewer Board of Mr. Harold H. Babcock as prosy to repre- sent the City of Englewood at the annual meeting of the McBroom Ditch Coapany, Inc. held at 7:30 P.M., November 7th in the City Ball, Englewood, Colorado." COUNCILMAN BRAUN llOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNDELL SECONDED, TH&T THE RBCOllllBNDATION BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resul- ted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woode, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 802e 57 Authorizing Inatallation of Warning System by Southeast Englewood Water Di strict The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board in full: "That the warning system covering the elevated storage reservoirs and puaping stations ef the South-East Englewood Water District, with the light and alarm panel located in the City of Englewood, filter plant for observation by the plant operator, be approved, provided, the warning system is adequate to the specifications of the Ci ty Manager; and, that a proper document be executed wlloh is approved by both the City of Englewood and the South- Bast Englewood Water District, absolving the City of any responsibility or liability from any activities connected there- with." COUNCILMAN BRAUN llOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE llBCOIOIBNDATION BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the 110tion carried. Discussion waa conducted with regard to the drafting of an agreement. Conaenaua ot the opinion was that the City Attorney should draft the agree- nt. The Ci ty Manager suggested that the Utility Director be contacted in regard to technical points which should be included in the agreement. eonatruction of Bridie in connection with Raw Water Reservoir The City Manager reported that he had awarded the contract for con- struction of a bridge connecting the County Line Road with the Englewood law Reaervoir aite. This contract amounted to $9,640.00, it was authorized by the Water and Sewer Board to be expended from their contingency fund. The Mayor stated this was informational only as the Water and Sewer Board bad tbi• authority for action. Introduced a• a bill by Councilman Woods BY AUTHORITY 602-50 ORDINANCE NO. 29, SERIES OF 1960 All ORDlllAllCB PIXIlfG THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS ON EACH DOLLAR OP THB ASSBSSBD VALUATION OP ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THI CITY OP INGLIWOOD, COLORADO FOR TRI YEAR 1960. waa read for tbe second tiae. COUlfCILllAll WOODS llOVED, COUJK:ILMAN MARTIN SIX:ONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 29, SDIES OP 1960 BB PASSBD 011 SIX:OND AND FINAL RBADING AND PUBLISHED IN FULL IN TRI BNGLDO<I> H&llALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: 229 230 Minutes of Noveaber 7, 1960 Ayee: Councilaen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woode, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared tbe motion carried. Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Brownewell 602-39 BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 30, SBKIES OF 1960 AN ORDINAMC& APPROVING THB ANNEXATION OF THB PROPERTY HBllBINAFTBR DDCBIBBD TO THB CITY OF &NGLDOOD, COLORADO, AND ANNEXING SAID DBSCBIBED PBOPDTY TO TD CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TO-WIT: ALL OF THAT PORTION OF S8CTION 8, TOIJfSHIP 5 SOOTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN THAT IS CONTAilf&D IN THB .FOLLOWING DESCRIBED BOUNDARIES: BEGINNING AT A POIIT OK THI CDT&R LINE OP SOUTH FEDBRAL BOULEVARD, WRICH POINT IS THB llORTBWDT COIUl&R OP THB SOUTHEAST QUARTER OP SAID SECTION 8, AND ALSO THB CBJrl'D or SAID SICTIOK 8; THBNCE NORTH 89° 46' 40" BAST ALONG THB NORTH LID OF SAID SOUTllBAST QUARTBR OP SAID SBCTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 857.2 PUT TO A POillT, WHICH POINT IS ON THB PRESENT CITY LIMITS or .DGLBWOOD; TllBll:I SOUTH 010 31' 10" WIST 22.5 FUT TO A POINT ON THB SOUTH LIMB OF COUNTY ROAD NUllBBB l (WEST UNION AVENUE), WHICH POINT IS ALSO TBB NORTHBAST CODD OF LOT l, BLOCK 27, OF CENTENNIAL ACRES, FOURTH FILING; TllSNC& CONTlllUING SOUTH 070 31' 10" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SOUTH DICAnJB STBBBT 1191. 7 FUT TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT l, BLOCK 31 OP CBNTBNJflAL -ACRES, FOURTH FILING; THENCE SOUTH 890 43' 50" WEST 98.85 PUT TO THB NORTHWEST CORNER OF LAST SAID LOT l; THENCE SOUTH 00° 16' 10" &AST 120.0 PUT TO THB SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LAST SAID LOT 1, WHICH POINT IS ON THB SOUTH LINE OF THB NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST •UABTBR OP SAID SECTION 8; THENCE SOUTH 89° 43' 50" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LIMB TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THB SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID Sil:TION 8, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON THE CENTER LINE OF SOUTH FEDERAL BOULBVABD; TBBNCE NORTH 00° 00' 00" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTH- .BAST QUAllTBR OF SAID SECTJON 8, WHICH LINE IS ALSO THE CENTER LINE OF SOUTH .FBDDAL BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 1323.72 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THB POINT OF BBGINNING, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO. was read for tbe second time. COUNCILMAN BROWND.BLL MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 30, SERIES OF 1960 BE PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AMD PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of tbe roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. DISCUSSION OF APPEAL OF WRIGHT CASE Tbe City Attorney asked directive for bis appeal of the Wright Case to the Supreae Court. He reviewed that this case involved the de- claration that the Rental Licensing phase of the Business and Occupational Tax Ordinance was unconstitutional. He discussed in some detail the court opinion in this matter. Tbe City Attorney reported that be bad been contacted by tbe Colorado Municipal League and other city officials in the area so that the effec~ of this court decision could be determined. The Mayor asked if the appeal were held until the results of the vote on the Constitutional Amendment peraitting Local Option Sales Tax bad been received, was possible. Dis- cussion ensued. COONCILMAN ll:LELLAN MOVED, COUNCILMAN KRBILING SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATroRNBY BB AUTHORIZED TO APPEAL THE W&IGHT CASE TO THE COLORADO SUPRDIB COURT. Mr. Wright was present and stated that be would appreciate it if tbe matter were not carried further in the courts but be would oppose it as necessary. He discussed the merits of the case in some detail. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I I .. I I I · Minutes of November 7, 1960 Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. RECESS The llayor declared a recess of the Council until 10:20 P.M • CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the Council to order at 10:20 P.M. with the following pereons present : Council111en: Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. The Mayor declared a quorum present. RELATING TO 1961 PAVING PETITIONS The City Manager reported on the receipt of petitions calling for street i mprovement in the 1961 proposed paving district. He stated that the total petitions represented 26 ~ blocks, equivalent with 13 more block& potentia lly i ncluding 9i blocks s ponsored by the Chamber of co ... rce. Discussion ensued. The City Manager stated this was informational only at this time. PAINTING STRIPES IN POST OFFICE PARKING LOT ON GOVERNMENTAL LEASED PROPERTY The request for striping in the Post Office Annex parking lot was referred to the City Manager as an administrative activity amd coopera- tion with the governmental agency was indicated. RELATING TO THE LOITERING IN AND AROUND SCHOOLS The City Manager discussed in some detail the loitering and nuisance proble• of various persons around schools and other similar properties. Tbe City Attorney discussed this matter further. cou.:ILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE CITY A'ITOIUfEY BB INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN AMENDMENT TO THE MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES OllDINA.:B OP THB CITY OF BMGLBWOOD TO PROHIBIT SUCH LOITERING. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council111en Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woode, Scott. Nays: None. Abaent : None. The llayor declared the motion carried. 60 2-S CONSIDBRATION OF BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICES AS OF TBB llONTH OF OCTOBER, 1960 cou.:ILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT TBB BILLS, CLAlllS AMD INVOICBS AS LISTBD BY THE CITY CLERK AND APPROVED BY THE CITY llAKAGBR BB ALLOWED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braua, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Abeent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. RELATING TO CITIZENS FINANCE COIOllTl'EB The Mayor read the following resolution in full: 231 32 Minutes of November 7, 1960 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEllBAS: the calibre and scope of services to be rendered to its citizens by a unit of government depends upon the amount of funds avail- able and bow they are used, and WBBRBAS: the Charter of the City of Englewood directs the City Manager to prepare and present to City Council for its approval a compre- hensive proposed budget for each year, and WHERBAS: said Charter directs the City Council to adopt annually a budget under which the City shall operate, and WllEJlBAS: it is the desire of the City Council to reflect accurately the will of the majority of the citizens of Englewood with this document, and WBBRBAS: the City Council therefore caused to be formed a Citizens Finance Comaittee, a group of seven respected and interested residents of Englewood, to examine and make recommendations concerning each phase of the 1961 budget, and WHEREAS: said Committee, consisting of Stanley Miles, Ray Ludwig, Lawrence Gann, Vincent Herr, John Maxwell, Dudley Pitchford and Charles Smukler, very capably fulfilled that mission in every sense, devoting some 500 man-hours to the task, and WHEBKAS: the recoaaendations of said Committee were presented in a series of reports to City Council together with a letter of final re- action to the budget as completed by City Council. NOi TBBRBFORB BB IT R.ISOLVBD THAT the Englewood City Council assembled in regular session in the City Council Chambers this 7th day of Noveaber, 1960, hereby extends its appreciation and commendation to the Citizens Finance Committee and, individually, to each meaber thereof. Approved and adopted: Kay or ATl'BST: COUll:ILllAN BRAUJ MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWBLL SECONDED, THAT THE RBSOLUTION BB APPROVil> AND THAT AN ORIGINAL COPY BE PREPARED FOR EACH llBllB.BR OF THB CITIZENS FINANCE COIOIITTEE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Coucilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, Martin, McLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Abeen t : Non•. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. ADJOURN COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE llBBTING BB ADJOURNBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Kreiling, llartin, llcLellan, Woods, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: None. Tbe llayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. /s/ B. o. Beausang City Clerk, Clerk of the Council The Minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 7th day of November, A.D. 1960, stand approved as written t~th 9 ~y of December, A.D. 1960. I I I I