HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-19 (Regular) Meeting Minutes258 RBGULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO DBCEllBER 19, 1960 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on llonday, December 19, 1960, in the Council Chaabers, City Hall, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. · Mayor Kreiling presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Reverend William Vollmer of the Saint Louis Catholic Church. The Mayor asked for roll call: Upon the call of the roll, the following persons were present: Councilmen: Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Also Present: City llana1er Rudd, City Attorney Esch, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: Councilman Braun. Tbe llayor declared a quorum present. PRB SCH&DUL.iD CITIZENS llr. M. M. Sua .. rs discussed the recent district court decision whereby Millers Super Markets were successful in their appeal from the decision of tbe &n1lewood City Council to deny their applications for 3.2 Beer License. Be requested that the City pursue this case to the Supreme Court. Discus- sion ensued. The llayor thanked Mr. Summers for appearing and stating his viewpoint on this aatter. He informed llr. Summers that the City Attorney would bring this saae item up for discussion later this evening. 602-3 PROCEEDINGS OF WATER AND SEWER BOARD SESSION OF DECEMBER 12, 1960 602-73 Relatin1 to Right-of-way for access to Bear Creek Filter Plant The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Water and Sewer Board in full: "That llr. Babcock, Utilities Director, be authorized to secure an appraisal, for the City of the land described hereinbelowr and that City Council pass a resolution declaring said land as necessary to the City for right-of-way for the water works system and authorize the City Attorney to acquire same by negotiations or condemnation: A tract of land in the Northeast 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 68 West of the 6th P.M., Arapahoe County, Colorado, more definitely described as follows: Beginning 50' north and 240' west of the S.E. corner of the NEl/4 of SE 1/4, Section 5, T5S, R68W; thence north 610' parallel to the east line of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; thence east 30' parallel to the South line of NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 5, thence south 610' parallel to the east line of the NE 1/4 G~ the SE 1/4 of said Section 5; thence west 30' parallel to the south line of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, T5S, R68W, to the true point of beginning." COUJ«::ILllAN BROWNEWELL MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE IUCOllllBMDATION BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor declared the motioa carried. (Councilman Braun entered and took his seat on the Council at 8:11 P.M.) 602-42 Advertisin1 for bids for Water Tower and Tank The City Clerk read the following recomaendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board in full: I I I I I I Minutes of December 19, 1960 "That the advertisin1 for bids for construction of the Scenic View water tower and awarding of a contract for the same be authorized." COUNC ILllAM BRAUM llOVBD, C ClJMC ILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THE RECOM- MKB>t TIOM BB APPROVED AND THAT BIDS BE OPENED PRIOR TO AND CONSIDERBD BY THE C ... COUll:IL OM JANUARY 3, 1961. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilaen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Maya: Mone. Absent : None • The llayor declared the motion carried. 602-4 PROCBBDINGS OF CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COllllISSION MEETING OF DECEllBER 8, 1960 602-74 Notice of denial of rezoning at 2828 South Grant The City Manager announced this was informational only and that no action was necessary by the City Council. The Mayor asked that the minutes be accepted and placedc.on file. 602-6 PROCEEDINGS OF ll'llE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1960 Tbe llayor aaked that the minutes be accepted and placed on file. 602-7 PROCBBDINGS OF BOARD OF CAREER SERVICE COMMISSIONERS SESSIONS OF DMC&llBBR 7, AND DECEMBER 14, 1960 The llayor asked that the minutes be accepted and placed on file. 602-62 Introduced as a bill bynCouncilman Martin BY AUTHORITY • ORDINANC& NO. 36, SERIES OF 1960 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT CERTAIN UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED AS THB WEST 7 FUT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 OF CHILDERS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF BlfGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE COURTY, STATE OF COLORADO, AS ORIGINALLY PLATl'BD AND FILED ON SEPTBllBBR 24, 1946. Was read for tbe second time. COUll:ILllAN WOODS llOVBD, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT ORDINAR::E NO. 36, SUIBS OF 1960 BB PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDDBD PUBLISHBD IN FULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: · Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: Mone. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. 602-74 Introduced as a bill by Councilman Brownewell A BILL FOR Alf OaDINA?l:E CREATING A CARED SERVICE SYSTEM FOR FULL TlllE REGULAR BllPLOYUS OP THB CITY ..Qt,..&MGLDOOD, COLORADO, BASED ON llUIT PRINC IPLBS GOVBUl1'G TH& APPOIN~OllOTION, TRANSFER, LAYOFF, RESIGNATION, RBllOVAL AND DISCIPLINE OF ITS &llPLOYUS AND OTHER PROCEDURES PERTINBXT TO SAID CARIB& S&RVICE; REPEALING CllDIMANCE NO. 32, SERIES OF 1959, AND AMENDING ORDINAll:E NO. 13, SERIES OF 1959, BOTH OF SAID ORDINANCES PROVIDING FOR TRB CRBATIOM AND lllPLEllBNTATION OF THE CAREER SERVICE SYSTEM OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, Section 1. SYSTBll CR&\TBD. There is hereby created the Englewood Career Service S,Cem for all full time regular employees of the City of Englewood, Colorado, as provided by A1 ·ticle XV of the Charter of the City of Englewood, Colorado. 259 Minutes of December 19, 1960 Section 2. EXCLUDED POSITIONS. Excluded from the Career Service System shall 68 all elective officers, appointees of Council and beads of depart- aents. There may also be excluded one (1) confidential secretary in the Office of the City llanacer and one (1) in the office of each department, Board or co .. ieaion at the discretion of the City Manager, bead of the departaent, Board or Coaaiasion, respectively. Section 3. ll&SPONSIBILITY. The Board of Career Service Commissioners also herein referred to as the Board, shall be responsible for the opera- tion of the Career Service System as provided for in the City Charter or by ordinance. Such employees as are reasonably necessary to administer the functions of the Career Service System shall be provided upon the reco ... ndation of the Board. Section 4. RUL&S AND RBGULATIONS. The Board shall submit by the affirma- tive vote of two (2) Coaaissioners rules and regulations to implement the Career Service System as established by this ordinance. Such rules and regulations aball not be effective until enacted by the City Council. Section 5. BllPLOYllBNT STANDARDS. The eligibility of applicants for ori- clnal eaployaent ab&ll bi determined by open, free and competitive examina- tions aa to fitness for eaployment commensurate with the classification of the position. &ligibility lists for each class as hereinafter defined aball be aet up in the order of fianl scores, including Veteran's preference credits as provided by Article 12 of the Constitution of the State of Colorado made by the applicants, but in no event shall a Veteran's prefer- ence be credited to the score of an applicant who fails in an examination without such credit. Section 6. PROBATIONARY APPOINTM&NT. Whenever a vacant position is to be filled, the top three naaes on the proper eligibility list shall be sub- aitted to the appointing authority for the selection of one applicant to serve a probationary period of at least six months. At any time during the p robationary period, the employee may be di••'ssed or returned to bis for .. r status by the appointing authority with the approval of the Board. After aatiafactory completion of the probationary period, the employee ahall be elven permanent status. Pending the establishment of an applicable elicibility liat, temporary appointments may be made by the appointing authority with the approval ef the Board. Section 7. PROMOTIONS. Competitive examinations for positions above the entrance level ab&11 68 open to other City employees, if available, and the final score of each applicant shall include appropriate considerations of the applicant's qualifications, record of performance and seniority with thia City and shall include the Colorado Constitutional Veteran's preference credit. The reclassification of a position ·occupied by a peraanent employee shall not be considered as a promotion. Section 8. STATUS OF Pll&SBNT &llPLOYB.85. Each full time regular employee of the City who bad on Diceabir 19, 1959, at least one year's satisfactory eaployaent, except tboae excluded by this ordinance, shall be considered aa having permanent status without further examination. Ba.ob full time recular eaployee with less than one year's service on December 19, 1959, •ball be considered as having passed an examination for bis position and baa having bad probationary status until the completion of one year of service at which ti .. , upon certification by the. appointing autlu"ity that bis performance is satisfactory, he shall be granted permanent status. Section 9. TBNURB. Tbe tenure of every employee after gaining permanent status shill 68 conditioned on good behavior and the satisfactory perfor- mance of bis duties. A signed notice of resignation or retirement may be withdrawn by the signer at any time within three days following the effec- tive date indicated in the notice. An employee may be temporarily separated fro• eaployaent by layoff or leave of absence or suspension, or be may be deaoted to a lower classification, or he may be permanently separated by disaiasal, any or all upon directive of the appointing authority and with conditions as bere1nafter provided for in this ordinance. Section 10. LAYOFF. Whenever there is lack of work or lack of funds re- quiring reductions in the nuaber of employees, the appointing authority aball designate the organization unit and classes in which the layoff is to be aade. Upon such determination and required number of employees in the affected unit and class shall be placed on a re-employment list or traaaferred by the appointing authority, each in order of bis relative length and quality of service as shown by the personnel records, with the approval of the Board. Section 11. U-&MPLOYIUNT. (a) Any peraanent e•ployee in a classified position and while in good standinc and upon recommendation of the appointing authority and approval by the Board may for specific pur- poses be granted a leave of absence without pay for a period I I I / I I ' I Minutes of December 19, 1960 not to exceed two (2) years. Immediately after such grant, be shall be placed on a re-employment list for bis classifi- cation. (b) For a period of not to exceed two years after accepting an appointment from a classified position to an unclassified position in the City service, an employee shall be placed and continued on the re-employment list for his classifica- tion. (c) Whenever a vacancy within any classification shall occur, the position shall be offered first to any person who is on the re-employment list for such classification by virtue of paragraph (b) in this section and if not accepted by him, the position shall be offered to any other persons on the re-employment list for such classification in order of their placement on the list. Section 12. DISCIPLINARY ACTION AND APPEAL PROCEDURE. (a) Any employee having permanent status may be dismissed, de- moted or suspended by the appointing authority upon filing with the Board and serving personally or by certified mail addressed to his last know record address upon the employee a written statement of the cause for such action, wbicb cause shall relate to the performance of duties, personal conduct or any factors deterimental to the City. (b) Within three (3) working days after receipt of aforesaid statement, the Board shall notify the employee, by certified mail, of his right to file a written reply with the Board. (c) If the employee fails to file with the Board such a writ*en reply within five (5) working days after mailing of the Board's notice of bis right to do so, the action of the appointing authority shall be final and in the case of dis- miasal, the Board shall declare the position vacant. ' (d) If the employee filea such written reply with the Board within said time limit, the Board shall set a bearing to be held within thirty (30) days of the filing of such reply. At said bearing the eaployee shall be entitled to represen- tation of his own choosing at his own expense. (e) Tbe Board, in tbe conduct of a bearing, may require any employee of the City to testify and may require any City Officer to present pertinent records of bis office. (f) Within five (5) working days of the conclusion of said hear- ins, the Board aball make its findings a matter of record affirain1, 110difyin1 or reversing the action of the appoint- ing authority. The appointing authority shall imaediately execute the findings of the Board. Section 13. JOB CLASSIFICATION PLAN. Kaah position under the Career Service SJ•t•• shill bi aasl1ned by the BOard to a job class on the basis of the kind and level of its duties and r••ponsibilities to the end that all positions in tbe aa .. class shall be sufficiently alike to permit use of the same des- criptive title, tbe saae qualifications requirements, the same test of coape- tence and the same pay grade. A job class may contain one position, or more than one position. The initial classification plan shall be revised from time to time as chan1in1 conditions require upon recommendation of the appointing authority and witb tbe approval of the Board. Such revisions may consist of the addi- tion, abolisb .. nt, consolidation, division or amendment of existing classes. Section 14. PAY PLAN. Tbe Board shall annually before May lst recommend for approval by Council in whole, or in part, a pay plan of sufficient gr84ea and ran1 .. so aa to reflect fairly the differences in the duties; respon- sibilities and qualification requirements between classes. All classes in tbe classification plan shall be asaigned to proper grades in the pay plan with due regard to departmental organization. The plan recommended by the Board to Council shall include a formula for pay increases within ranges of the pay plan on the basis of length and quality of service. Section 15. RBTillBllBNT PLAN. The Board shall submit a retirement plan or plane for conaid .. atlon by Council. If, abd when, adopted by Council, the Board, as directed by Council, shall set up rules and regulations covering the adainistration of the plan or plans. Section 16. NON-DISCRIMINATION. Employees in the classified service shall bi selected without regard to race, creed, color or political affiliation. 261 llinute• of Deceaber 19, 1960 Section 17. COllPBlfSATION. The Career Service Commissioners shall receive •uch coapenaatlon and/or reiabur•ement for expenses as may be determined from ti .. to ti .. by the Council. Section 18. LBGALITY. If any ••ction, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or pb&ie of thi• ordinance ia for any reason held or decided to be unconati tutional or in any way illegal, such decision shall not af·fect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase there of, irrespective of the fact that any one or 110re sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases aight be declared unconstitutional or in any way illegal. Section 19. Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1959, is hereby amended by strik- lnc fro• tbe title the words "Creating the Englewood Career Service System" and subatitutinc therefore the words "Providing for the Creation of the Englewood Career Service Sy•tem by Ordinance" and amending Sections 2 and 3 of said ordinance to read as follows: "Section 2. The original Board of Career Service Commissioners of the City of Englewood, Colorado, shall submit to the City Council a draft of a Career Service System embodying the principles set forth in Section 138 of Article XV of the Charter of the City of Englewood, Colorado. "Section 3. The Englewood Career Service System shall be created by passage of an ordinance creating said system and the Board of Career Service Commissioners shall implement the system with appropriate rules and regulations as authorized by said ordinance and from time to time by ~ubsequent ordinances; provided, that no rules and regulations shall be effective until enacted by ordinance." Section 20. Ordinance No. 3~, Series of 1959, of the ordinances of the City of Inglewood, Colorado, is hereby repealed. Passed on first Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 19t~ day of December, A.D. 1960, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. ATTEST: was read for the first The City Manager stated that the Board of Career Service Commissioners needs to submit officially to the Council the Rules and Regulations as dis- cussed by the Council and the Commission. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN BROWNDELL MOVED, COUNCILMAN ~LELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL BE PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDDED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THB BllGLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 602-76 JOINT DUllP OPERATION AGREEMENT The City Manager discussed the renewal of a joint dump operatio~ agree- aent for 1961 between the City of Englewood, City of Littleton, and Arapahoe County. He stated that this agreement was similar to those in the past except that the proportion of payment bas been established as $5,000.00 for the County and one third of the balance of the cost be paid by the City of Littleton and two thirds by the City of Englewood. Discussion ensued. Cotnr::ILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SD;ONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED AGBBQBNT BB APPROVED AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BBllALF OF TUB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I I I I I Minutes of December 19, 1960 Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 602-76 LEASB AGRBBMBNT FOR USE OF LAND FOR DUMP PURPOSES The City Manager discussed a lease agreement with Peter Kiewit Sons~ Company for use of land for dump purposes immediately east of the present site across the South Platte River. The City Attorney reported that this had been prepared as in the past and the only difference was that the final grade for the land after the dump operation was completed was established by Sea Level Datum. COU!l:ILllAN BROWNEWBLL MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE LEASE AGRUllBlfT WITH PETER KIDIT SONS' COMPANY BE APPROVED AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BB AUTHORIZBD TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Upon tbe call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 602-57 AGRBBllBNT WITH $0UTHBAST ENGLEWOOD WATER DISTRICT AS TO ALARM BOARD INSTALLATION Tbe City Attorney reported that the agreement had been prepared by his office and copies sent to all interested parties. He informed the Council that this was informational at this time as the authority for the Mayor and City Clerk l>o •ign had been granted previously. RBLATING TO a.lBMT DISTRICT COURT DJOC:ISIONS ON 3.2 BUR LICENSES The City Attorney reported that the case of National Tea Company a corporation dba Millers Super Markets, Inc. vs the Council of the City of Bnclewood, Colorado, relating to the issuance of 3.2 Beer Licenses bad been decided in favor of the super market company. He discussed the inconaiatenciea of tbe case with similar cases of the past and recommended tbat be be authorized to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. COUJfCILllAlf BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BB AUTllORIZBD TO APPBAL ARAPAHOE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CASB #14727 BBTWBBN TD CITY OF DGLDOOD AND NATIONAL TEA COMPANY TO THE SUPRBllB COURT. Upon tbe call of tbe roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ay .. : Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling . . Nays: None. Absent: Mone. Tbe llayor declared the motion carried. 602-40 CUTIFICATB RBLATING TO FUNDS IN SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND Tbe City Clerk read the following certificate in full: CERTIFICATE I, B. o. Beausang, City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood, do hereby certify that there is a sufficient reserve and funds because of tran•fers fro• other funds to the Sewer Revenue Bond and Reserve Fund wbicb baa not been impaired or depleted in any manner and which is avail- able according to ordinances to provide for an additional appropriation of $9,000.00 to pay sewer bond interest. ' /s/ B. o. Beausang City Clerk-Treasurer S B A L Dece•ber 15, 1960 263 Minutes of December 19, 1960 COUNCILllAM BRAUN INTRODUCED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION AND MOVED ITS ADOPTION, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SIX:ONDED. RESOLUTION WBBRBAS, it became necessary that an addition to the Sewage Disposal Plant be built during the present fiscal year; and WllKIBAS, a bond ia•ue was prepared and bonds sold during this fiscal year, upon which inte·rest coupons became due in an amount over and above the total a110unt budgeted for such purposes in the 1960 budget; and WllKRBAS, the City Clerk-Treasurer bas certified that there are eligible unappropriated funds in the Sewer Revenue Bond and Reserve Fund at this time sufficient to cover such over-expenditure; Nair, THBRBFORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD that Account 2607 be revised and increased in the amount of $9,000.00, and that such amount be appropriated from Unappropriated Cash in the Sewer Revenue Bond and Reserve Fund; and BB IT FURTHBR RKSOLVBD that the City Clerk-Treasurer be authorized and directed to make such revision in the 1960 budget structure and to make revisions in totals and sub-totals accordingly. Adopted and approved by the City Council, City of Englewood, Colorado, tbis 19th day of Dece•ber, A.D. 1960. ATTEST: The City Manager discus..-d the circumstances leading to the over looking of this particular transfer at the time that all .other funds were considered. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, llcLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. 602-8 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER The City Treasurer read portions of the Treasurer's Repcrt and made coa .. nts thereon. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN BROWNDELL MO/ ED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE TRBASUllBR'S REPORT FOR NOVEMBER BE ACCEPTED AND PLACED ON FILE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: None. Absent : None. The llayor declared the motion carried. 602 .. 76 RELATING TO TRANSFER OF DUMP SITE The City Manager read a release relating to the relocation of the dump. He discussed the cooperation secured from the State Highway Department with regard to traffic turning at West Union ~nd South Santa Fe Drive. I I I I I I I I Minutes of December 19, 1960 NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF ADVANCE FOR STORM DRAINAGE S'I11DY The City Manager reported that he had received notice of the approval ~ the HRFA an agency of the Federal Government of an advance of $20,000.00 for Storm Drainage Study within the City of Englewood. Discussion ensued with regard to duplication with previous storm drainage studies or incur- rence of any liability through the acceptance of this grant. The City Attorney and City Manager explained that the original study was based upon underground type drainage while this study will be based on the use of open drainage as aucb as possible and that the suit pending will not be effected by this grant. RELATING TO URBAN MAV088' ASSOCIATION Mayor Kreiling reported that he and Mayor Pro Tem Braun bad attended tbe laat Urban Mayors' meeting. He discussed the meeting and invited any Councilaen to attend when possible as in his opinion the meetings were very worthwhile. REVIEW OF COUNCIL POLICY The llayor discussed with the City Council the policies of tbe Council. Be stated that when be assumed the office of Mayor the question of the continuance or change of policy bad arisen. Discussion ensued. Tbe Mayor su .... rized by stating that the policy of the Council bad not change, tbat bis own personal emphasis was on finding a source of revenue for the Public Iaprovement Fund, greater public information dispersion so that the citizenery .. , be better informed. The City Manager stated that the annual report for 1960 could stress future needs of the City rather than progress in the past or status of various projects. Discussion ensued. The consensus of the opinion was that the annual report should be similar to those in the past. RECESS The llayor called a recess of the Council until 10:15 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The llayor called the meeting to order at 10:15 P.M. and asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following Councilmen were present: Councilmen: Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Absent: Councilman Martin. The Mayor declared a quorum present. COllllUNICATION FROM ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS RELATING TO LICENSING OF SCHOOL ELS::TRICIAN The llayor read a letter from Mr. John E. Kramer of the Englewood Public Schools relating to the licensing of the school electrician. The City Manager reported that this request would fall within the provi- sions of the licensing ordinance and should be considered accordingly. Councilaan Braun, a member of the Electrical Examiners Board discussed the proposal and suggested that the fee for the examination be paid by the indi- vidual but that the actual construction permits be issued without charge to the schools. There was general agreement on this proposal. The llayor asked the City Manager to make a reply to the communication on behalf of the Council. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CLERICAL HELP BY CAREER SERVICE COllMISSION The llayor read a letter from Mr. John E. Kramer, Chairman of the Career Service Coallission requesting one full time clerical worker for 1961. The budget as approved provides for a half time clerical worker for this function. Discussion ensued. The llayor suggested this matter be deferred until the Career Service Board meets with the Council in connection with adoption of the new pay schedule. The llayor set the meeting for consideration of the pay schedule with the Career Service Board for Wednesday, January 11, 1961 at 8:00 P.M. at the Council Chambers. OTHER MATTERS The llayor reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission requested a aeeting with the Council informally on the 4th Monday of January. 265 266 Minutes of December 19, 1960 Councilman llcLellan discussed the recent developments in proposed Englewood growth. ADJOURN COUI«:ILllAlf BRAUN llOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNDELL SBCONDBD, THAT THI llBIT- ING BB ADJ<XJRlfED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote rasulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, McLellan, Miles, Woods, Kreiling. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Councilman Martin. Tbe llayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. /s/ B. O. Beausang City Clerk, Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 19th day of December, A.D. 1960 stand approved as written this 3rd day of January, 1961, A.D. I