HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-02-11 (Regular) Meeting MinutesUGUUR llBE!IllG OF THE CITY COUMCIL of THE CITY OP DGLBIOOD, COLCBA1>0, THIS llOBDAY THE 11th DAY 01 IBBBU.ARY, A.D. 1936. Ka70r J,B.Abbott called the •~'ting aoLL CALL: CUllieon Preaent, Bielaen Preaent, 4 Present, to order and asked for roll call. Ball Present, MoCor4 Abaent, Collins Abaent, Saith Preaea,, Abaent two. Ma7or aaked Cler~ to read Kinutea of Previous meeting. Clerk read minute& of Regular meeting of January 14th, and Kinutea of a4JourneC meeiing of lebruar7 4th, 1936. Alderman iielaeu KoYe4,) Smith Seoonded,) That all minute• read b7 the Clerk, be approYed a• rea4. 30LL CALL: Cullison qe, lielsen qe, Hall Aye, KcCord Abeent, Collins Absent, Smith J.7e, 4 J7ee, ~a1• n Jt.r, Abaeat two, 1la7or eo .ordered ~a70r aaked Clerk to read reports of Officers. Clerk read reports of Officer• for the Uonth of January, 1936. Alderman Cullison ~ove4,) Hall 5econde4',) That all reports of Officer& rea4 b7 the Clerk be received and filed. ROLL CALL: Cullison qe, Ii el sen qe, 4 A7•8, Hall J.7e, McCord Absent, Colline Abeent, Smiih ~e. ~ayb none-Absent two, ~a7or so ordered. All Billa read b7 the Clerk and O.K'd. by the Finance Committee. 11663 J.E.£bbott 1Z66• Jamee Robinson 13166 c.c.conant 13666 Jaot iuaeell 13661 ~rl aaatinga 1366b D.a. west 13609 L.N.Terrell 13670 J.C.liedenmann l36n J .E.CRllison 1~7~ C.M.Hall 11673 J.C.McCord 1~61• ~.~.Jielaen lab76 t.J.co111na 13b7o w.J.~ith ~r. 13677 Boglewood Public Library 13b78 Colorado Central ?ower Co. 136 ·7~ V1otor Ballow 11680 E4•ln Bladbolm 18681 Douglae SoYern 136ij& Uicoll 3roe. Oil co. 18683 ~tephene Uf. Co. 13684 0.W.WilsOD la686 Continental Oil co. 13686 1'1'•4 1. Pinltne7 13687 Englewoocl Harclware co. 11688 £1. GuthDer SALABY .FUID lila7or Clerk Atto1·ne1 Cilief Police Aast. Chief 'l'reasurer Police Magistrate ~eal th Com .i1i~ aiuner Alderaan Alclerman Alderiaan Alderman Alderman Aldenaan LIBRARY PUND LIGHT tU.ND Light and .?o~;er IIRB 10.tlD Da7 Driver ~ight and ~unc1., Kan Jight and ~und~ ;,tan Gae Cleaner Lawidr7 Oa111 .,upplielll Supplies .:)uppliea PUBLIC l~P~OVEiiilEaT FUlil> 1368~ Cbaa. ~. ~itt 136~0 Theodore ~ith 13691 L.u.Jordan 13692 iV.E.11••4 13£~3 Cl~o Jackson la6g' Henry ~ernardt 136g6 1'1'•4 Pink.Dey 13696 Coloraclo Au to ~erv i ce 13697 l.B.Jliver 136~8 Phillipe Oil Co. 13£W~ V ,A ·iGQ 13600 t,l.~par.lt&Dan 18601 Hllgo Rider 136~2 Poin4exter Eleotric Co. 13603 Bell Broe. Pl~~bing Co. 136CM Englewo~d ~ewlng >roject lao06 Englewood Hardware Co. 13oU6 Wise and 7er~uson Lbr. Co. 11607 Englewood Lwaber Co. 13606 t.~.Phillips 1160~ Hans ~1bbert 18610 D.A.Sutton 13611 Jamee B. Cole Street Commieaioner Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor ~u.pplies Supplies ~'1pplie~ Gae . , Grewel ;\ · 1 • ·, \'· '·. -\ work on Dump · Sanding P'loors 5upplies ~~p~lies ~applies Supplies Supplies .:>u ;•pl iea GENEiUL PUND Care taker Desk i'1ao Wire Inape•tor Special ~•rvices • 10.00 lOo.26 33.33 1&7.60 11~.oo 67.60 86.00 86.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 o.oo o.oo 6.00 JA;.as t100.oo t396.26 tl06.26 33.00 33.00 2.•o a.oo •.o~ 3.23 &.40 2.~. 7.!9 11§8.b t121. 60 86.60 •• oo •• oo 11.20 12.40 2.76 36.82 l•.06 •6.76 aa;•o 46.00 a.oo 1.~1 11.34 ~.50 ,7.76 ~.31 881.&6 tnOe.08 • '70.00 ao.oo 6.1 6 7.00 • f. I I .I l;.;Gl2 Phillip f ang1e la613 Jack Spratt 1361• Uark :LU"ieba 1 Zbl6 B.G.Weigand 13616 Hamilton Towel ~up 9 l1 13617 Mountain ~tates Tel. and Tel. 13618 C.l.Hoeo~el Co. l~ol~ E.E • .ln4eraon , Count1 Clerk 13620 G~ 's Garage 13621 3pecifioation ~otoroil dJa. 13622 Dr. J.C. W1e4en .:iann 13623 Wlae and rergaaon Lbr. co. 1H24 Bert ne,oner 116~ Public ~erYioe Co. 13626 3oar4 of water Co11missioners 1362' Inglewood Service Station 1H28 Al a1Yel7 1362 ~ Englewoo4 Har4ware Co. 13630 ~glewoo4 Tire and Batte~1 la631 Colorado £ato ~ervice 1~32 Jamee 3ob1naon 1363~ 11rat Uational qR uk 1368' Erne at Harlan 18036 ~glewo v 4 J hoe ~hop 13636 !nglewood Herald 13637 1. fi . Black 13638 Sachd-Lawlor Co. 1~63~ ~tonehouae ~ign Co. 1~64 0 H.P.Petersen 136•1 C.G.Bladholm • Alderman Hall jl.oved, ) ~peoial ~ervioea tipecial SerYioea ;)peoial wervioee Examinationil Towels 2bone 3ervice Pederal Bond License lee Gas ~-· Bxa1J1inatione Coal Gaa Gae f'lster rent Gat: Tire a ~Qp;>li•• ~upplied .Sappliea T1P••r1ter Se rvice Interest Gaa Chamois Printing Eneineer ~Llpplies ~igns Uae of Property Macbiuer1 2.00 6.00 l.O~ z.oo 2.00 2~.30 a.oo 37.00 17.00 20.ld 87.60 of>.66 26.00 •• 52 11.7~ 4. 36" 63.43 10.26 6.66 •3.90 o.oo •b.83 2.2ti 4.00 2~.87 12.50 1.10 12.00 30.00 86.~0 t77S.S tz.tl7.27 ~ieloen Jeoonded,) That all Billa by ihe ?inance Committee. be all owed • read b1 the Clerk and o.K'd. . n ROLL CALL: Cullison J..Je, Uiel.t> en qe, P.all ;.ye, ~ollinc .i bsent, Ha1s none, Absent i:ccord Absent, Smith qe, two, M~or ao ordered. •14erman ~ielaen ~oved,) Cullison ~ecvnded,) That il .P.Petersen be allowed ll0.00 per uonth for th permisaion to store tools and machinery on his propert7. daring the oonatruotion of bridge over Dry C~eek. ROLL CALL: Culli&\ln U,ye. lUelsen Jqe, iiall Aye, Collins Absent, 4 £yes, Nays none, Absent ~ayor so ~rdered. Alderman u lel•en ~ove~.) two, Ii&cCor4 Absent, Smith qe. aa11 · ~econded,) hat a J,atne and e14.u.lpment belonging to C.J .Bladhulm be bought and ins t alled i~ Fire tept. work sho~. Bb.00 ~~ be paid for ~8.llle. ROLL C.r.L: Cullison Aye, Nielsen AJ~. Hall Aye, Cullins Absent, lilcCord Absent, Smith A7e, 4 Ayes. ~&le none, Absent two, Uayor so ordered. Alderman Hall Koved,) li ielsen ~eco~ded,) That Uayor J.E.Abbott O.K. 7.B.a.A. ProJeot on ~ire traok garage, Coat/not to excede t230.oo aoLL CALL: Cullisoi; ,,ly e, liielsen A)'e. to the City. Hall Aye, Collins Absent. 4 AJea, ~ays none, Absent Mayor so ordered. Alderman ii ielaen Jil oved.) KoCord Abaent, *1th AJe. two. Cullison ~eoonded,) That no further Counoil, Council adjourn until Tuesday the 19th b~sinese to oome be !ore the day of lebraar7, 1936. at 8 o'clock P.M. HOLL CALL: CullitJon Aye. ~iel sen A ·~_:, Hall Aye, Collin.a Absent 4 Ayes, Uaya non~ Absent ~ayor so ordered. ..tcCor4 .Absent, llmith qe, two, ilinutea of aeg~lar Meeting of the City Council oi the Cit7 of !Dglewoo4. Colorado-jhis .I.OJ•~ tbe 11~.!X.:l. ?ebr11ary A. D. h3li, 11taud ap,rond aa A~ ~ this day of .b .D. 1~3~