HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-03-11 (Regular) Meeting Minutes.. UQUL&R MDTilfQ or THE CITY COUlllCIL 01 'l'HE CITY VI DQllWOOD, COLOliDO, THIS M"ll>AY fBI 11th DAY 07 JURCH, A.D. 1~36. 1la7or J.E.Abbott oalled the meeting to order an4 aakeo for roll call. ROLL CALL: Cullison Preeent, lfieleen Preaent, Sall Present, McCord Preaen,, Collins ?reaent, ::.1th Absent, 6 Present, •baent one. Ua,yor aalte4 Clerk to read minute• of previo~a ~••ting. Clerk read minutes of Regular meeting of Pebruar7 11. and Minute• of a4JoLU'ned meeting of Pebruar, 1~, 1~3~. Alderman Hall UoTed,) Cullison ~•oonded,) approved a~ read. dOLL CALL: Cullison qe, llielaen A78. That ail miuutee read b~ the Cler~ ~e HMll J.7e. McCord "'· Collins Aye. Smith ~baent, liQ& none. abaent one. Ka.yor ao or4ere4. Mayor aaked Clerk to read reporte of Ofticera. Clerk read reports of Officers for the ~onth of •ebruar7, 1~36. Alderman C~llison ~oved,) Hall Seconded,) That all reports of Offioera read bJ the. Clerk be received and filed. ROLL CALL: Cullison Aye·. Nielsen AJe. b Ayes, Absent one. Hall Aye. Collins Aye. li&JI none, Mavor so ordered. AloCorcJ J.7•. Smith .ilbleDt, £LL BILLS :ttliD BY THE CLERK AND O.K'D. BY THI lINilCI CO.w.ll'l'TD. 110.2 J.E.abbott 1~48 Jamea Rotinson 1364'4' c.c.conant 13646 Jaok Ruaeell 1364'6 Barl Haatinga 1M67 D.K. Weat 13648 L.W.Terrell 13o4w J .c.w11cl1n.aann 13660 Jamee B. Cullison 13661 C .M.Ball 13662 J.C.UcCord 13663 l.S.Nielaen 18664 w.J.Collina 1366£ W.J.:imith Jr. 13066 Englewood Public Library 13667 Colorado Central Power Co. 1366A Victor Ballow 13669 14win Bia4holm 13660 Douglas Sovern 13661 Amerioan•LaPrance ~J. 1D6o2 O.W.Wilaon 18603 Inglewood Hardware Co. 18664 Al Hi Yely 13666 Graham )9urnitu.re co. 13666 Bnglewoud Service Station 1366' JTed E. Pin~ey 13668 Wise and lergu.aon Lbr. Co/ 13609 J.C.Penne7 co. 13670 Englewood lire Dept. SALARY J'UND W97or Clerk Attorne7 Chief ~lioe A~st. Chief Treasurer Police ~agietrat• Heal th Comm. Alderman Alderman Alclerma Alderman Alderman .n.ldermm LIBIURY FUMD LI GH 11' l'UND Light and Power lIR! FUND Da7 Driver ~1ght and dunda7 Man Night anu Sunda7 Man suppliea Leundr7 Suppliee Tires l:)uppliee Gae SLlppliea ~uppliee ~upplies Servioee PUBLIC ILIPROVllilUT PUlilD 13671 Chae. ~. Witt 11672 Theodore Smith 13673 Lelli• Jordan 18674 Cleo Jackson 13676 Henr7 Eberhardt 13676 G~ Borman 13677 Wise and ler,~aon Lbr. Co. l367b Standard Oil Co. 1367V wm. 'hi tehead 13660 jl Caaai47 la&til J.D.A4ame Co. 13682 Englewood Hardware Cv. 13683 w.B.~parlt!nan 1368' V .A.G~ 13686 Bllglewood Tire and iatter7 13686 auokera Super ~ervlce Sta. 13687 Englewood ~ewing Project 18688 L.K.Phi111pe 18689 Hans 5ibbert Street Commissioner Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Supplies Qaa ~upplies wupplie& Supplies Supplies 'Nork on Du.mp Gr .:.. vel 'lire Servioe Tires ~uppliea GEli!RAL J'UliD Care taker Desk man • 10.00 106.86 za.33. 127.60 11~.oo 67.60 26.00 26,00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 tA!~ji t100 .. oo t10&.l6 83.00 38.00 23.90 1.60 18•99 118.62 60.00 6.12 2.16 ~.,. 1.co .~2!i~ t1a1.oo 77.20 3.60 10.40 9.20 2. O\l 4'2.86 66.46 2.76 12.60 6.62 16.81 4'6.00 17.10 1.\10 22,90 1·00 tll.80 587 1Z6i0 D ••• ~uttoD 116~1 JohD Powell 136j2 Pete jnderaon la693 Jack Spratt 136~• Phillip Tans78 13696 BDglewood Herald 1Z6~6 J. N.Blaok 13697 Public Service Cop 136~S Dr. J.C.W1e4enmann 1369~ Mo&Ultain statee Tel. & Tel. 13100 Englewood Konitor 13701 B.P.Peteraen 13702 Bert J'letoher 13708 Bnglewooa Bar4ware Co. la7()6 Colo•a4o Auto Suppl1 13706 Ruokera Texaco Super Service 13706 L.M.Phillipa 13'707 Canole4 13708 C.1.Hoeokel Co. 13709 Standar4 011 Co. 13710 Hamilton Towel Suppl1 13711 Board of Water Commiaaioners 13712 Wiee and lergueon Lbr. ~o. 13713 Ired Crooker 1371• Pred E. P1Dkne1 13716 J.C.KcDonnell 13716 E.W.Dormer ~room Factory 13717 Englewood Ser•ioe Station 13718 IL Direotory Servioe 13719 Stonehouse Signe, Inc. 13720 Colorado Central Power Cv. GRJBD TOTil Al4eraan Collins ~o•ed,) Wire Inapeotor Special Duty .Special Du t;y ~pecial Duty Special Dut7 Printing Engineering Gas Examinations CJ.Phone Service Printing Uee of Ground Gas Supplies Supplies Gas Tiaeue ~uppliee Gat.. ~owe le Water rent Caal Gae Supplies Gae ~uppliee Supplies Di.rectory Signe Supplies 6.30 •• oo 2.00 6.00 a.oo 49.14 3.50 5.42 13.50 26.97 2.60 10.00 .. 2e ·.oo •• 10 3.70 8.24 12.70 Cano led 81.70 3.20 .. -e.oa · 12. 2" 69.&3 8.70 •• 76 14.71 ·6.61 l.ao 16.00 &.OJ l~.,1 1487. j"4M.•7 Cullison ~eoonde•,) That all Billa b7 the 'inance Committee, be allowed. read by the Clerk and o.K'd. ROLL CALL: Cullison J.7e, ~1elaen A7e. 6 1i3ee, Abaent one, 6811 Aye, Colline Lye_. Uays none, M~or so ordered. RESOLUTION KoCord qe, Smith .lbaent, WHBRBAS Lota 1 to 6, Block l, Strayera Broadway Height•. are 4elinquent ·in pa7ment of special taxes for a period of several 7eare, and WBB!\US the owner thereo1· hae> offered to pay the amo&Wt of •aid clelinqllent 1natallmenta together withJ,.ntereet up~n the same ai the rate of eix percent (6~) per annwn an4 the Cou1loil believes that the ~ame ib tor the beat intereat of the Cit7 to accept said offer. NOW, THBRBPORB BE IT RESOLVED, that the County treaaurer o! Arapahoe County be and he hereby i~ authorized to acoept payment of said inatallmenta together with six percent (6%f per annwn ab payment in full !or ea14 lnatallmenta, and to iseae a reoei~t therefore. Aldarman Nielaen Uoved,) Colline> seconde•,i the ado9tion of said resolution. ROLL C~L: Cullison aye, ll•ll Aye, UcCoro .aye, Nielsen Aye, Collins Aye, Smith Absent, 6 Aye&, Absent one, Nays none, Uayor so ordered. aE~OLUTiu~ WHBRB•~ Lota l to ~. Block 34, Jack~ons Br~adway Height&, are delinquent in pay~ent 01 special taxea for a period of several year&, and WHL~tiS the owner thereof hac: offered to pa¥ the amount of aaid delinquent inatallmenta together with interest upon the aame at the rate of aix percent (6~) per annum anf the Council believes ihat the aame la for the beat intereat ot tbe ~1t1 to accept &aid offer. ~ow, TBBRIOHI !E IT aE~OLVED, thet the County treasurer of Arapahve Count1 be and he hereb7 is authorized to accept payment of &aid inetallmente together with six percnet(6~) per annwn aa payment in full for eai4 installments, an4 to iaaue a receipt therefore. Al4erman Nieloen ~oved,) Collins eecondea,) the adJption of said resolution. ROLL CALL: CulliSQD aye, Rall Aye, JlcCor4 A7e. Bielsea 1.7e, Collins Aye, SIJ•th Absent, 6 A7e8, Abaent one, .Alclerman Ball:ian ..Loved, ) Bays noneip Mayor ~o ordered. Me0~•4 . ciecondeo,) that the Council 6ive Garbage contract to Joe Lee for One 7ear. 30LL CALL: Cullidon A.¥e, Hall Aye. •ocor4 J.7e, liielaen ~e. Colline Aye, 5mith Abaent, 1 b Ayes, Absent one Na1e none llayor so ordered. Alderman 51elaen Uoved,) Ball aeoonded,) be opened in public. that the bid for the proposed Wunioipal wa,er plan,, ifJLL C~: CGllison qe, ~ielsen qe, 6 !7es, Abtsent one Hall Aye, Collint:> Aye, Ja1a noae, Mayor so ordered. t.lcCor4 J.7•. Smith Abee nt, I I i . I I I Clerk opened .and rea4 b14 of the Uonroe Eleotrie Co. or C .. i&I. for the proposed Municipal water plaa~. Al4erman Bielaen Uoved.) accord Seconded.) that eaid bid be refere4 to the Engineers aµi4 the CitJ Attorne7. 30LL C.ilL: CR111aon AJe, a.11 J.¥e, ~oCor4 J7•, Bielaen ~e. Collins Ate, Smith Abaeni, 6 Ayes. .Absent one lla1e none, Wayor so ordere4 • Ald•r~an KoCord ~oved,) Bielaen ~•oonded,) bUI 600 feet ot fire hose. !l\lLL C~: that the Purchaaing 00U11Dittee be giYtD power to CRlliaon 11.Je. 51elaen A¥e, one • Hall £7e. Collin 1.7e, XaJ¥ DODe, "1a1or ao order••~ lloCor4 qe, Smith .Abaent. o Aye. Ab.-ent .Alderman Nielsen moved,) Collins seconded,& Cou.noil. Cowicil adjourn until aJLL CALL: that no r~rthor buaiaeaa to oome before the ledneada1 the 20th d&J ot ilarob, 193~. at f o'clock P.K. C&ll.lison qe. ~lelsen A.Je, 5 Aye. Abaent one, llall ~·· Hall J.71, .U97s none, ~a;or so ordere4. ;.iccord AJe, iSmith Absent, Minutes of Regular ~eetirig of the Cit1 CoQnoil of the Cit7 of Bnglewood, Color~, this Yond"7 t~ of ~arch A.D. 1~3ti, atand approTad aa 4'• th1v., da1 o:t A •• 1~~t>. ' -