HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-03-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutes·. ·w.. . A4Jourue4 iiegular ~~etlng 0 1 the City Council of the City of Bnglewood. Colorado this Wedceaday ahe 20th day of ~arch. A.D. 1936. 1!&7or J.K.Abbott called the Ueeting to orter and asked for ·roll oall. ROLL CALL: C~lliaon ?raeent. B1elaen Preaent. Hall PreMent. M•Cord Pr•••nS, Collins Preeent. smith Preaent, 6 Preaent. Absent none. . • .. L • • '• RESOLUTION lllBBSAS th• ~onroe llectrio Company submitted to the Cit1 Cowioil on the 11th dllJ o: •arch, 1~36 a proposal for the oonetruotion of an Inglewood ~wi- ioipal Water s1~te~ in re~ponse to a notice calling f~.bida. and ~ WtU@SAS the City Council ha~ carefully examined the proposal submitted and are or t h e upinion that the same is an acceptable propoaal subJeot to the tullowine conditions; That paragraph four un pag3 70-a or said proposal be changed to read aa follows: "If at the expiration of ninety (~O) day~ from date hereof, an1 lit- igation is peuoing or is in efteot. restraining or attempting to restrain the CitJ of Englewood from the issuance of said bonds or the construction of the propos6a plant, then the contractor ~hall have the option on giving the Cit7 thirt1 ( 30) dQe lJOtictl to the effect thti t if sait 11 tigaLion ie not termin- ated •itbin the ~aid thirt1 (JU) days, the contractor shall be relieved from all obligation& and liabllit7 hereto. and the contract ahall be cancelled at the end of &:1aiG tnirt1 ( 30) da7e and hecorne 01· no further effect." That paragraph ~ev•n on said page of ~&id proposal shall be aa folluwa: "Consistent wita ~ood banking practice, time shall be regarded as the ess- ence of this propu~al and if this transaction has not been coneWlWlated and the bonds or at least a portion of tne ~eme delivered to the Oolorado Nation- al Bank bJ June 11th, :s~o. ~e reserve the privelege of withdrawing from an7 and all of our oblieation~ here~necr at any time after that date on ten (10) da1s notice to you.~ That paragraph entitled ''Guarantee'' on Pbec 7c. o:f ~aid proposal shall have ~trioken from it that part reading to an amount to oe charged for tecting the well -1ld toe contractor ~hall test the well witho~~ aoditional charge. and at hi& own expenoe prove to the CitJ uf F.nglewJod that the same w'!!ets the guar- antee. ·11th the chan~es noted,·.the City Council tel.iove that th6 bid is acceptable with the altern~te or larg~r engines, with ta~ Guarantee apon the firat well ud to be optional v.·i th the City of acc~pting the non-guarantee on the second r.ell. NOW THEREtOaE 9~ IT ~~~OLVEn. that the Citl Council !ind said bid acceptable subj e ct to the a'ove con~itiona and subject to a proper contraot and bcua4 or4~ · · lnance teing dra~~ and proceedinea agreeable to the tittorne1• tor tbe contrac- tor and the City Attorne7. Al d erman ~ielaen.~oved,) Ball 880\IUded,) ROLL CALL: tne adoption of said resolution C11ll i son a1e, lHelaen aye. 6 ;.,ea ~lderman ~1th . )Ved,) Hall a1e, Cullins aye, l~aya ~ayor ~o or~ered. one McCord na1. ~mith a7e. Collin e. seconded,).thet ~am Hu:ffruan be allowed to tap on Englewood •at.er ~ain ~pon the pay&11ent of fi f t7-three (f63.00) dollara to the Cit7. :~OLL CALL Cullison a7e. 1Helaen aye. 6 ~es Alderman Cullison moved,) gall aye, Col41ne a1e. ~a1s ~a~or ~o u:dered. none il oCord aye, ~1th a7e, Hall seconded,) the followiug polling place& be cesignated for the :.1 unioipal !leotion of .l pril 2, 1~~6. (ward .r:.:o. l Precinct 1 {~87flower Church (lard ~o. 2 Precinct ~ (L11cheran Church (Wero ~o. 2 ?recinc' z (Inglewood r,tt1 !iall (Waro ~o. ~ Precinct 4 (Inglewood Community Church ROLL CALL: cu111~on Jcy.,. ~ielaen £ye, Alderman UcCord &11uved,) C~rner ~. £oouia i w. Cornell 3 4~a so. Sherman ~t. ;,~ab Jo. Broadwa7 ·. 3 &~~ So. Bruadw~1 Hall J.ye, Cvllinkj l.t.ye, Nays None .JcCord AJe, ci!.lli th Aye, ~1th tseconded,) that ~r. & &rs. A.J. Brinkerhoff be ullowed to o~nnect onto the Englewoud Sewage Sy2te1n f or the pay~eut in the sum of e1ght7 f IS0.00) dollaru; perwit to be is~ued on the pay~ent of ten d ~llare ('10.JO} initial P&1ment and the balance to be paio in monthly payments of ten dollars ( 10. 00) each. ROLL CAll: Cullison J.¥e, Jieleen 1'Je, 6 ~·8 Alder~an ~ielaen moved,) Mia1or Hall AJe, Cullino Jt.ye, Be¥& so ordered. ~.one !.le Cord AJ•. ~mith AJe. Cullia~n oeconded,} that tae Purcbasine Committee Luy fence poMta for ~eorge ~ullen ad per agr e ~ment. .) .I I I . ....... I I ., • 30LL CALL: Culli&lln ~ye. ieleen A.3e, 6 Ayeil Alder~an CQlli~on wove4.) Hall A3e, Collint1 Lye, ~ayor so ordered. ~&)'& I•one Jlic Cord ~·, Smltb Jt.7•, Rall seconded,) tn&t there the Council, the Council adJouru • beln~ no further bualneae to ~o~• before .:\OLL C~LL: Cullison Aye, . aeleen qe. liall Aye, Collinti Aye, 6 .lyes ~a1s None !!&lor dO ordere(L. iAin11tea 01 AdJourned 3egular ·"eeting of-the Ci t7 Ce.>un<=il of the Colortjl.o, this Wed~ 20th da,v of "aroh, ~.D. 1~36 et8Jld this~ d&J of A.D. 1~~5 • ,· MOCord J.J•, Smith., •• Ci tJ of ~glt!'~O~, L approved aa~ S9 1