HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-04-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes" ' liBGULAa ~EE~I~G Ui THE CI~Y cpu~CIL ui ~HE CITY Jr ENGLEWuvD, COLORADO, 1HI~ ~ONDAY Tl:lB 8th DAY uF APrlIL, A.D. 1936. ~.,or J.B. Abbott callea the meeting to order and a~Aed !or roll call. 30LL Cl.LL: C'11li~on Present Nielsen Present 6 ?resent. Hall Present ~oCord Present Collins Preeent .aith Preaent Abaent none. ~93or aake4 Cler~ to read the min~tes of previous weeting. Clerk read minutes of ~egular ~eeting or~arch 11th, and Minutea of adJu~rned meeting of aaroh 20, 19~5. Alderman Nielsen £oved,) Colline Seconded,) taat all minutes read bJ the Clerk be approved as read. ROLL Cil.L: Callison J.7•,. Hall 11.ye, .tiloCord qe, lUelsen J:i•, Collins Aye, ~1th J:i•, 6 ~es Na7a none ~ayor ao ordered. U1t7or asked Clerk to read reports of Officers. Clerk read reports of Officers for tae ~onth of aaroh, 1~36. Alderman Cullison moved,) Ball ~econde4, ) that al 1 reports ot' Of fi ce.ra read bJ th• Clerk be received and file•. 30LL CALL: Cullison 1.3e, Uiela1en Aye, Hall Aye, Collins Aye, Wayor eo ordered. Nays None uocord AJ•, Smith Aye. ALL BILJ,s HUD Bt THE CLE& i.riD v.K 'D. Bl ·l'HE FUiAl~CE COWjIT·tll. ~AU4Y FU.UD 137~1 J.8. Abbott 1~7~~ J&."Dea ~obinaon 137~ c.c. Conant 13724 Jack 3uaaell 13726 Earl Hastings 13726 lJ.M. Weat 13727 L.W. Terrell 1372b J.O. Wiedenmann 137~~ James E. Callison l37~v c.ll. Hall 13731 J.C. ~oCurd 13732 1.s • .Nielsen 1373~ 1 4 J. COllina 1~734 ~.J. dmith Jr. Mayor Clerk ~t,torney Chief Police Asttt. Chief Treasurer Police Magistrate !:iealth ~omm. Alderman Alderman Alderman Al d er.1J1an Al der1Ban Alder:nan LIBRiiliY IU.ND 13736 Englewoo4 Pilblic,.-Library T1IGHT FU.ND 1Z736 Colorado Central Power Co. Light and Power FiaE FU.ND 137~7 Vlotor ~allow 13738 DoGglae Sovern 1373~ John Powell 13740 o.w. Wllaon 1~741 AUaerican-LaFrauce ~v. 1~742 Hewitt 3ubber CQrp. 13~4~ imglew~od Hardware Co. 1~744 ~crivner's Fl.lrnit~re CJ. 13746 Douglas Jovern l~74o f.tt4 &. Pinkney 1~747 3e11 Brus. Plwnbing Co. 1D748 ~cme Fire Service, Inc. 1Z74i Earrlaon ~otore Inc. 13750 Cr7ele.r Drug Co. Day Driver Jight a~d ~unday Man Night and ~anday ~an Laundr1 ~applies Fire Hose ~LlpplieB ~Llppliea Suee ~Llpplies Sappliea ~uppliew ~upplies Supplies PUBLIC UlP~OV.F..wl~'f .FU~D 137~1 Chea. M. Witt lJ7b2 Theodore ~1th 137t3 Leelie Jurdan 13764 Howard Llndaay l31ti5 Cl~o Jack~on 137~6 G127 Borman 13167 Bnglewood Hardware Co. 13768 Poindexter Electric Co. 137Sd EPglewood Lumber Co. 13760 I.A. Deal 137ol £1bert w. ~orton 13162 Pitea Pea~ Gravel Co. la7&a Bell Broe. Plumbing co. 13164 w.B. ~parkman 13706 Armitage Hardware Co. 1~766 Englew~od Ti•e & B.-•er7 13767 Al Caaaio7 1~768 Pre4 1. Pinkney 1376~ Al Hively 1~770 G~'a Garage 13771 Wise & lerguaon Lbr. 13772 Colorado Auto ~ervlce ~treet Commissioner Labor Labor Labvr Labor Labor ~upplie~ .;uppli6a SLlpplie~ Labor Labor Gravel Sapplies work on Dump ~upplies ::>uppliee S~pplies ~applies Gae Gas SLlpplieB Supplies • 10.00 106. 26 33.3Z 127. 50 119.00 67.60 i5.00 ~5.00 6.00 o.oo 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 1!4§.5S t100. uo $106.26 37.00 33.00 7.66 2.4b ·~~.e:.o i.a~ 6.6~ 1.02 l.Oo .tiO 63.00 116. 6f> 6.1~ eeM.s ,127.bO ~3.20 11.60 a.so 4.00 ~1.20 60.if> 7. i>4 6.()~ 16.00 16.00 18.6~ 1~.28 46.00 20.~• l.~2 18.64 i.aa "''" '1.50 ?ti. ;ii ~1.74 4 '"-r. .J.J- I I I I I , 13773 L.K. Phillips 1377• Hane ~lbbert 13775 Dan ~utton 13776 Mowitaln States T.&T. Co. 13777 Englewood Electric Co. 13778 Al Hivel~ 13779 ;amea 3ob1nson 137d0 M.B. Washburn 13781 L.w. Terrell 13782 ~glewood SerYice ~ta. 1~16~ J.C. ~cDonnell 1378' Pred Crooker 13785 Ruo&er's Texaco ~up.~erv. 13780 Public ~ervice Co. of ~olo 13787 Englewood Herald 1378d H.P.Pe,eraen 1378~ H.H. Poat 131~0 XL Directory ~ervice 137il Barke Engraving Co. 137~2 1Dflewoo4 ~onltor 187i~ Bo lag'• Cafe & ~axi 137~' L.~. Phillips 137i6 General Insurance ~o. 137~0 Jobn Powell l37i7 Jerr1 Bo7er 137i~ Jack ~pratt 137~i Dr. Weidenmann 1~&00 Cr7aler ~rug Co. 13801 Wiae & 8ergu~~n Lbr. Co. 1380~ Ya7flower Church 13&03 r.ollWlunit7 Church 1380. Lutheran rhlll"ch 1Ju05 Board ~ater Commissioners l~~Oo r.barles Kiensle 13607 H&Ulilton Towell ~upply 13808 Inglewood Hardware Co. 1380~ Fre4 E. Pinkne7 13&10 Gerirude ~cKeehan 13811 Leao1 ~hompson 13812-Caroline leiat 13813 DaiaJ kiggall 13&1• Hazel Tremaine 13816 J.B. Bueobel 13811 Gertrude Triplett 1&817 DaY14 Camerun 13818 ~au4e Jreen 138li Emma Edom 138~0 Kllaabeth E. Lerch 13d21 .11.orence Eberhardt 1~622 J.~~ Lewia 138~3 Kinnie Grace Eger 13ot~ lQella 1. Wagoner 138~0 Void 12820 ~or~an w. Rowlbnd 1D827 J.nna .Arend 136G8 Geor~e c. Bullen 1382:j J,ilian Bullen !~6~0 ~ar7 Baef fncr 13831 c.r. Hoeo~el Co. Alderman Cullin6 moved,) Caretaker Desk illan Wire Inspector Phone Service Sappliea Gas and Tires Vital Statistics ~ Supplies CanvasE>ing Votes Canvassing Votes Gae Ga cs Gas v88 '}as Prlntin15 Use of ground Compound ~1rector1 ~ervice ~tohing Printing Taxi ;Jervice ~aipplles Ins. l'remium ~peoial Service ~pecial ~ervice Special .;Jervioe Examinations ~upplies Coal Hent for Electi~n PlacE ~ent for r.1.ection Place ~eat for Election Place ~4/ater ;lent ~eye Towel ls 3upplie'9 011 lf"lect1on Juage ~ection Judge !leot.1on Judge !lectiou Clerk !'.lection Clerk Klectiou .TL.ldge Eleotl\>n Judge llection Judge ~eotion Cler~ Blecti1Jn ClerJ( g].ection ,Judge Blectlon J12dge l';leotion Judge Election Clerk ~l e o t 1 on Cl er Jt Election Judge Election &rudge P.1.eotion Judge Klecti'on Clerlt Election Clerk dU.(JplieB • 70.00 30.00 16.tiO 26.M l•.oo 33.96 2ti,'15 5.00 5.00 4.42 12.40 ~.34 ~.68 6.78 208.62 10.00 7.00 1.50 z.12 78.18 6.15 .30 aa.oo 2.00 l.f>O 6.00 6.60 4.40 4'1.16 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.44 .26 i.00 6.36 1.60 10.00 10.00 12.60 10~00 12.~0 10.00 12.60 12. 60 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.f>O 12. f>O 10.00 10.00 Vo14 12.60 12.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 .30 t974.24 f366'7.69 Cullison seconded,) fhet all b7 the Sinance Committee , be allo•ed. ills read b7 the Clerk and O.K'd ~OLL CALL: Cullison Aye, 1'1elaen Aye, 6 Ayes nal l '-7e, Collins Aye, Ueyor so ordered -~ESOLUT !Ul~ liays Uone !llcCord •1•, ~mith AJe HEitEAS Lota 26 to 30, Block 29, ~o. ~roadwa7 ileighta, the Kate George estate. are delinquent in payment of special tax•• for a period of several 7eara, and WHE.~BAS the owner thereof has offered to pay the amount of se14 delin~uent installment& tusetner with interest upon the same at the rate of six percent (o~) per aDDWD and ~he Council believes that the same ie for the beat interest of the C~tJ to accept ~aid offer. NOW, TliEREPORE ~E IT aESOLVED, that the County Treasurer of Arapahoe Co11DtJ be ~~~.t.11~&eby 1& authorized to accept payment of said installment• together wit~ arx-pe!lent (6~) per annum •• ~ayment in full for said installment•, and to 1 aue a receipt therefor. Alderman Bieleen moved,) Cullison seconded,) the adoption of said reaolntion. ~O! .. L CALL: Cullison qe, Nielsen J.Je, 6 Ayes Hall Aye, Collins Aye, Ueyor so ordered. 3ESOLUTION Na7e None ilcCor4 .Aye, Smith Aye. WHEBIAS Lot 2~. Block 1, Birch's Addition, are delinquent in P•Jlll•Dt ot special taxea for a period of ~everal years. and WHl"...JlEA~ the owner thereof baa offered to pay the amoaint of aa14 4el1DqGent inetallmenta t~gether with intere~t upon the same at the rate of alx percent (6~) per annum and the Council believes that the same is for the best intereat of tae Ci~J to accept •~id offer. JOI, THRREIJaB BE IT RESOLVED, that the County treasurer of Arapahoe Count1 be and he bereb7 1• authorized to accept payment of eaid inatallmente together with aix per- cent (6~) per annum aa payment in full for said installments, and to i•Mue a reoeipt therefor. . Alderman Bielaen moved,) ~ Cullison seconded,) the adoption of said resolution • .::~OLL CJ.LL: Cullison qe, Hall Aye, AtoCorcl '7•, ~ielaen Aye, Colline Aye, Smith Aye • o .A7e• .Nays .None •ayor so ordered. Alderman Hall moved,) lielaen seconded,) that Dewe7 Taft be granted permission to conduct a meeting in the Cit7 Ball Auditorium April 11, 19~b for the purpose of organizing a JUJlior Chamber of Commerce. aoLL CALL: Cnlliaon A:z•, ielsen qe, 6 Ayes Hall Aye, Colline Aye, lAayor so ordered. biaya None llcCord qe, Smith A7e. Alderman ~leleen move4,) Smith seconded,) that the City of Englewoo6 allow $126.00 to the Couni7 for the City'• share of the cost of installing a culvert on Clarkeon Bt. pre~arator7 to tbe oiling of said street .by the County. 30LL CALL: Cullison J.ye, lUelsen qe, Hall Aye, Collins Aye, McCord qe, Smith Aye. 6 Ayes l~ays None ~ayor so ordered. moved,) Alderman ~ieleen Collins the K1111ioipal Water Konroe Electric Co. 30LL CALL: seconded,) that the Council e1opt the resolution pertaining •o Plant, and that the Mayor and Clerk algn the contract with the Cullison Aye, llielaen qe 6 Ayes Alderman "cCord moved,) Hall seconded,) Council, Council ed~ourn to ;10LL CALL: Cullison qe, ~ielaen qe 6 J.lea Hall Aye, Collins Aye, Mayor ao ordered. Uaya .None U0Cord .A7•. Smith qe. that there being no further busin••• to oome before the ~onda7, April 16th, 1936 at eeven-thirt7 P.~. Hall Aye, Colline Aye ~ayor eo ordered. .Nays ~one McCord Aye Smith Aye. ~inutee of 3egular ~eeting of the CitJ Council of the City of Englew.904, Colora~ thi• '-lo~ 8th 4a7 of April A.D. 1~35, stand approved aa~thia /.C-, da7 of~ A.D. 1~36. ~.J-/£~ city Clerk. I I I I