HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-04-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes3!GULil ~t:lOORUED ~EETING 01 THE CI'£Y COlfoCIL OF THE CITY OF EhGLEWOOD ·, COLORADO, THIS UO~DAY THE 16th DAY Oi AP4IL, A.D. 1~36. Ka1or J.E. •bbott called .iOLL C.ALL: the meeting to order and asked for roll call. Cullison Present lUelaen Present 6 Present Hall Present Collins Present Absent One ~a1or asked Clerk to read th~ minutes of the previous meeting. Clerk read minute• of 'b• Jegular :· 1'eet1ng of April 8th, 19~6. Al4erJlaD LlcCord 1uoved, ) McCord Present Smith .Absent Colline seconded,) that all minutes as read bJ the Clerk be approve• aa read. 3uLI, CALL: Culli~on .Aye, ~lelaen Aye, f> Ayes Hall Aye, Collins Aye, ~ayor so ordered • Absent one lilcCord qe. Smith .Absent. .ALL BILLS 3".AD 9Y THE CLE~.i{ A1rn O.K'D. gy 1rHE i'I~ilCE COllLU'l"L'P:!. 13~~2 J.E • .Abbott 13833 Jauaea .oblnson 1303' c.c. Conant 13836 J.E. Cullison 13ij36 C .J&. Hall 13~37 ~.a. ~ielaen 13838 Cancelled 1313~ J.C. ~ocord 13840 W.J. Collins 13841 J.I. Smith Jr. 13642 Jaok .iussell 13843 Earl Sastings 13S.4 D .1'. west l3b46 L.w. Terrell 13846 nr. J.C.Wiedenmann 13861 Englewood Public Library 13862 Victor Ballow 1J853 DoQglas Sovern 13864 John Po•ell l38b~ rred E. Pinkney 13866 ~rt'a Service Sta. 13867 Englewood Hardware Co. 13868 Olson ~ Palmer 1384~ Chas w. Witt 13860 fheodore Smith 1386~ Cleo Jackson 138u0 Olly ~or .nan l38ol H. Lln4sa1 13862 l. iioach 1J8u3 Wise & Ferguson 13ti64 Elmer ~elaon 1~866 Enc. serv. ~ta. 13866 Standard Uil Co. 13867 Al Cassidy 13tio8 ~ell 9ros. Plb~. 13869 Englewood Lbr. Co. 13b72 Board Collnt1 ~co:D. 13~7 L •• Phillipe 13848 Hans Sibbert 13870 Wiae & Ferguson 13871 Dr. J.C.Wiedenmann 13873 E.B.Andereon 13874 Jack ~pratt 13875 James Cole 13676 Jerry ~07er 13877 aenr1 ~chilling lJij78 F.nglewood Hardware Co. 1387~ ~oJonaell Garage 1~8d0 Colorado Auto ~ervice 13881 Guy's Garage GlinD TOTAL .Alderman Collins moved,) SALARY FU~~D Mayor Clerk Attorney Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderrnan Chief Police Aast. Chief Treasurer Police ~agistrete IleRlth CA'PIO. LIBHAJY FU!JD Dey 'Driver ~ight and Sunday U&n Jlght and Sunday ~an ~epalr fire true( Gasoline supplies .l:3uppl1es ~treet Corruniesioner Labor Lahor Labor Labor .. abor La a teri al a J ental on cement mi~er Gasoline Gasoline :lepair Vlork ~upplies irlaterials Cit1'e share of culvert G ~ Ea!L .l!"U~ D Cllstodian Desk lian Coal Elcemlnations ~eee for rl egistrations ;:)pecial .Services ~pecial .::lervlces Special Servi oes ;:)peel al .::iervi ces ~upplies ~aaoline ;{epei ra ..,a boline - • 6.00 63.12 16.66 3.00 3.00 3.uo Canoellecl 3.00 3.00 z.oo 63.76 69.60 33.76 12.f>O 12.60 $21,.7§ • 60.00 f>3.13 16.60 lo.60 34.70 6.89 .64 1. 08 tt28.r4 f63.76 •2.40 ~.60 1.20 1.20 1.20 t>o.87 6.00 19.70 17.63 b.00 41.42 231.\:l2 126.00 161!. 1§ t 35.00 16.00 28.92 6.00 33.10 2.60 2.00 2.60 1.00 3.06 3.42 18.91 2.20 .163.60 •1222. 62 ~ccord eeoonded,) that all bills read by the Clerk and O.K'D. by the t inance Committee, be allowed • .:iOLL CALI,: Cu111~on Aye, Hall Aye. McCord Aye, ~1elsen Aye, ~olllns Aye, ~1th Absent. 6 Ayes Absent one ~ayor so ordered. Alderman Cullison moved,) Hall seconded,) that there bein~ no further business to oome before the Co11noil, Co11nci.l adjourn and turn over the busine&a of the Council to the new Counct 1. Hereupon, the new ~eyor, the Clerk and the Co11ncil were sworn in by Judge Terrell. Y&Jor Hugh Graham called JOLL C.ilL: the meeting to order and aske~ Clerk to read loll Call. Bell .Present D1111ning Present Coornbs Present Walker .Preaent Dolesal Preaent Weigand Present 6 Present Absent none. moved, ) Alderman Weigand !>olezal . -lOLL CALL: seconded,) t~at T.Cerl Coombs be elected mayor pro tem • Bell A.ye, nannlng Aye, 6 Ayes Alder•nan \¥e1gand moved, ) Coom1's Aye, Walker Aye, Uayor so ordere d . Uaye !Jone Dolezal A7e, Weigand A7e. Dunning seconded,) that the minutes of this meeting show that all the appoint~enta ina de here tonight are ~ade wltn the provision thet appointees are to serve during the will and pleasure of the GouncJl. ano not for a definite term. 3\JLL CALL: Bel 1 Aye, nunning Aye, 6 Ayes Cuombs Aye, Walker Aye, Mayor so o rdere6. Nays !l one Dolezal Aye, Weigancl qe. Alderman Bell moved,) .c~ombe seconded,) ]JLL CALL: that the C~uncil appoint H.H. Davies City Attorney. Bell Aye, Dunning Aye, 6 Ayes Coomhs Aye, Wal 'ker l .ye, Nays Uone Uayor ao ordered. Alderman Dunning moved,) Dolezal seconded,) that Commiaaioner. 30LL CAJ~L: Bell Aye, nunnineJ Aye u Ayer:, Alderman Wal :<er rnoved,) :.1ayo r so the Council appoint Cha a. :.t. Cu0rnb.:1 A,ve Wall:er Aye ~hays none u.cdered. l>olezal Aye, \lfeig~nd Aye. Witt 88 Street Dolezal A.ye, Weigand Aye. Bell second ed ,) that the Council appoint L.W. Terrell 88 ?olice Mag- iatrate. ]QLL CALL: Bell Aye, Dunning Aye, 6 Ayes Coombs Aye, Walker Aye, ~ayor so ordered. .ilaya !»one Dolezal j;/e, Weigand A7e. Alnerman Coombs moved.) Dunning seconded,) nealth Commissioner. that the Council appoint Dr. R.d. Alldredge ae aoLL CALL: Bell 1.7e, Dunning Aye Coombs Aye, Warice1· Aye Dole1al Aye, Weigand J.7• o Ayea ~ ays none ~ayor so ordered. Alderman Coombs moved, ) Bell seconded,) that the Council appoint Victor Rallow as Fire Truck Driver. 30LL CALL: Bell Aye, D•nning Aye. o Ayes moved, ) Coombs Aye, th& l l:E'r Aye, ~ayor so ordered. .Nays none Dolezal £1e, Weigand A7e. Alderman Dunning 'Dolezal ~OLL CALL: seconded,) thst the Council app~_int Homer Harris as custodian. Bell Aye, Dunning Aye, 6 AJes alderman 6alker moved,) Coombs Aye, Wal~er Aye, ~ayor so ordered. .Nays none Dolezal Aye, Weigand Aye nole1al £econded,) that the Council appoint C.R. Zeigler as Night D••~ Kan. 30'LL CALL: Bell Aye. Dunning A.ye, 6 Ayes Alderman Walker moved,) Coombs Aye, Welker Aye Mayor so ordered. Noye none Dolezal J.¥•, Wflligand '7•. Dunning seconded,) that the Council appoint ¥rank Alley as Wire In- epector. 30LL CALL: 3ell Aye, Tlllnning Aye, o !yes Alderman Coombs moved. Bell seconded, ) JOLL CALJ~: Bell Aye, D11nning A.ye, Coombs Aye, Walker Aye, ~ayor so ordered. Nays none Dolezal Aye, Weigand Aye, that the Council appoint J.W. Blaok as Cit7 Rngineer. Coombe Aye, WalkEir Aye 'Dolezal AJ•, Weigand AJe I I I I I - t:lJ& none ~ayor so vraered, Alderman Coombs moved,) Dolezal eeconded,) ~f the City Dump. that the :ounoil appoint w.B. Sparkman aa oaretaker 30T,L CALL: Bell Aye, 'Dunning A.ye, 6 Ayes Coombe Aye, Walker !ye, ~ayor so ordered. Standing Conunittee~ were appointed e~ follows: AUDI 'l'I~~ Dolezal, Dunning, Sell FiilE Al~D .PUBLIC BUILnINGS Bell, Coomb~, Walker FI, A1iCE Coombs, Walker, le1g8nd LICE1JSE Dunning, Bell, DolezGl LIGHTilrn Walker, Dunning, Coomb~ O;{'Dil\ilCE Dolezal, Bell. Walker ~T~~ET A~D 3nIDGE Weigand, ~ell, Welker ~UPPLIES Coombs, Walker, Weigand WilT'flq Al JD I RRI GATIOli Dunning, Bell, Coombs Alderman ~ell :noved,) l~ays none Dolezal J.Je, Weigand Aye. C0ombs seconded,) that the minutes show that before votln~ on the app- ointment of Polioe Officers, we make it olear that the salary of theae offioere are tu be changed and the f~rce increased; and the appointees must agr~e to these con- ditions before their appoint ent becomes final and so agree in writing. JOLL CALL: Bell Aye, Dunning Aye, 6 Ayes ruoved, ) Coombe Aye, ·11al ker Aye. ~~yo~ fi~ ordered. Hays none Dolezal Aye, Weigand Aye. !lderman Dunning Weigand 30LL CALI.: ~e conded,) that the Council appoint Jerry qoyer as Chief Police. Bell Aye, Dunnln~ Aye, Alderman Wel~and moved,) iJayo.r tiO Coombs Aye, Walker Aye, ordered. ~eys none Dolezal A7e, We1gan<1 Aye. Bell seconded,) that the Council appoint I ,eslie Jorc!an as Deputy Chief of Police. ;iOLJ, CALL: Bell Aye, Coombs Aye, Dolezal qe, Dunning ;.ye, Walker Aye. Wei~snd Aye. 6 Ayes l~a.ys none Asyor oo oroered. Alderman Walker moved,) Dolezal se~onded,) ~ty Chief of Polioe. that the Council appoint Howard D. Elliott ea Dep- JOTL CALL: Bell Aye, Dunning Aye J 6 Ayes Alderman Coombe ~oved,) Coombts Aye. Walker Aye, ~a yor &o ordered. l4ays none Dolezal Aye, Weigand · A;/e. Weigand seconded,) that the Council hire Ur. Geary, petent auditor, to audit the books of the City of Englewood. or sume other oom- 30J,L CALL: Bell Aye. Dunning Aye, 6 Ayes £lder~an Dunning moved,) Bel 1 seconded, ) Council, Council adjourn to 3uLL CALL: Bel 1 Aye, 'Dunning A¥t::, o Ayes Coombs Aye, Vitll 'tGr Aye t ~ayor so ordered. Nays none Dolezal '1e, Weigen4 qe. that there being no f~rther b~sineas to come before the wonday the ~~nd day of April, A.n. 1~36 at 8 P.M. Coombe Aye, Vi alker Aye, ~ayor so ordered. l~aytl none ~olezal A7e, Weigand J.7•· ~inutes of legular Meeting of the City Council of the City of ~·01, Colored~ thia l.lon~. the 16th day of April A.'D. l~Zf>, stand approved es 1.--. this /-3-=:- day of~rA.'D.19~6. . ~~.~~ cl t7 cterit.