HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-05-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutes. ,, . ADJO CT~3 D rt E\IULAR "'EE ·i I .N G or THE CITY cou ;~ClL OF THE CITY OF EUGLKW COD, COLO.:t!DO, TH I.J ~Olr'AY, 'i 'HE 20th DAY 0!' .AA 'l, A.D. 193b. ~ayor Hugh Qrahsm called the meeting t~ order and &sked for Roll ~all • • 'iOLL CALL: Je11 Pr~t. r 1 t ~nning Present CJJ nhs Present Dolezal !-'resent Walker Present Weigand Preaen' 6 Prea•nt Absent none Alderman Dunntn3 m ov~d.) Coom~e seconded,) accepte4 an~ filed. that the lnventor7 of the _ire Department be rl OLL CALI ,: Bell A7e DLlnning J.Je Coombs Aye Walker Aye 6 A1es Naye none Wayor so ordered. Alderman Walker r n~ved,) 'Dolezal qe Weigand AJ• Bell secvnded,) that the Claims of and Jamee 3obinson &8 Administrator for the 4eo~ssed, be tabled • Jack 3useell, Jamee Robinson estate of ~rs. Lenora Fogle, • <OLL CALL: Bell Aye Dunning Aye o AyetJ Coombs Aye Walker Aye .Naya none Mayor 80 ordered. Dolezal Aye Weigand A7e Aldermen Bell moved,) D1.uming seconded, ) before the Council, Council ROLL CALL: that there being no further husineee to come adjourn to Monday, ~a7 27, 1~36. Bell Aye Dunnini Aye Coombs Aye Wal ·ker Aye 6 qea Nays none Mayor so or nered • Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye City Clerk. ADJuU~!D REGULA.~ UEETING JF THE CITY C u U~CIL uF THE CITY 01 ENGL~WOOD, COLOlUDO, ·£HI$ :.i OHDAY, THE 27th BAY OF iA A'f, A.D. l'J36. Uayor nugh Graham calle~ rhe meeting to order and asked for Roll Call o.iOLL CALL: Bell .Present C0ombs Present Dolezal Present Dunning Present Wal leer Preseut Weigand Present 6 Present Abtjent none Alderman Dunning moved,) Walker seconded,) that the application of the Roosevelt Tavern for a gestaurant 3eer an4 ~ine License he rejected. ROLL CALL: Bell Aye Dunning Aye o Ayes Alderman Dunnini moved,) Coumbs Aye Walker Aye ~ayor so ordered. Nays non• Dolezal Aye Weigand qe Bell ~econded.) that the application of Henry 3rown and C.R. Rea tu hold dances in ~lvena Hall be reJected. !<OLL C !.J',L: Bell Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Alderman Coombe moved,) Coombs Aye Walker Aye a ayor 80 ordered. l~aye none i)olezal Aye Weigand Aye Wa1~er seconded.) that the Council accept the ~odel T Ford belODi- ing to Chas, ~. Witt iu e~change for the motorcycle belon,ing to the Cit7; said Ford oar to be used in dog catcher work • .aOLL CALL: Bell Aye Dunning Aye Coombs Aye Walker Aye 6 Ayet'I 1:aya none Uayor s~ ordered. !lderman Walker moved,) Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Bell seconded,) that the Council accept the lowest bid receive4 on the Police Car, that of the Hoehn Cnevolet Company'• bid on a St&ndard Chevolet Tudor Sedan in the amount of (534.40. ROLL C~LL: Bell Aye Dunuing Aye 6 Ayes Coombe Aye- \'l a lker Aye wayor so ordered. Nays none Dolezal AJe Weigand A7e ,, Alderman Dwining moved,) Walker seconded,) that the Council would not allow an7 reduction in the amount of the taxi licenses, and that it would remain at t25.00 30LL CALL: Bell £1e Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Alderman Weigand moved,) Coombe Aye Walker Aye Mayor so ordered. Nay• none Dolezal Ay~ Weigand qe Dolezal seconded,) that wherever sewers are in the alle7, people should be forced to oonnect rd th them. Alao, where outside toilets are in use, where there is no~ aewer conneotion, that these ioileta not be moved, but olekned 1 tne CitJ ~ou­ itary Co., or some other reliable concern. & t '<-t . .r £,_ -r:;A_, • .;;orJL CALL: Bell Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Alderman Walker moved,) Coombs Aye Walker Aye ~ayor so ordered. Naya none Dolezal Aye Weigand A;e Dolezal ~econded,) th~t up~n presentation of affidavit& a~ to the validity and ori~in o f their claim, the bill of the ~ac~srr dtore covering the oigarettee left with ex-Chief Police Jaok ~ussell for evidence will be allowed. 30LL CALL: Bell j.Je 'DL&nning Aye A~eerman Bell moved,) 6 Ayes Coombs II.ye Walicer Aye ~ayor ao ordered liaye none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye C~omba seconded,) that there bein2 no further business to come befv~e the Council, Council adjourn to FDiday, ~ay 31, 1936. Uinutea of 3egular Adjourned aeeti of the City Council of the CitJ of Englewoo! Colorado thla ~ond~y t e 27th ney of ~ay 193b, stand approved as L!-~4&-~ thi e /" day of~~::f:::!~~ l ~36. --~:A/~- Cfty Clerk. --- I I I I I . -.....,