HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-06-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOU;u.KD ~~.iULAR :iE:.:i1 l.i. i,, U.:1 1l'Hl~ Cl 'l'Y CuU WLL \Jt., ·NiE CITY Oi :-mGLEWuvD ,
cuLu~DJ, 'J.'HI~ ..to. DAY. ·l 'HE 17th DAY uF Ju~.E. A.D. l'i1~b.
~ayor ri llgh Gi.·ur.tilll ca 11 ed thtt 1nee t 11:.g tv ord or and asked for dOLL CALL.
JvLL c .. ·~L L:
Hell P1°etient
Dunning Preaen t
o ?resent
Coombt:i Present Dole a 1 Preeent
~alKer Present Weigand Pre sent
Ab~ent none
Alderman Coomb~ ~oved,) .
Bell seconded,) that ~r. Land be granted permia~iun to hold a
tent revival meeting on the Louthan Lots---between the Louthan aealty Co.
ana the aoehD C:nevrolet Co. ---extencHne trom June 21, l 'i#~f> to July 14, l 'll36;
which eroup of peuple llold regular cnurcb at ~o. o:>herman and Yale A\·enLie •
Bell qe
Dunning Aye
Coombs ~ye
f'alker Aye o Ayes ~ay~ none
Mayor so ordered.
Dolezal J>.ye
Weigand "3e
I.Ir. H~nt appeared before the Council and displayed mape made o! the CitJ
of £urora ~nder an lE:u project and inforilled the Council that auoh maps
and survey could be rnade of the City 01' En~lewood at an approxlinate max-
1 uurn 001:1t of '260.0J to the City fo1· materlul~ anJ 1n~trl4Ulent rentul.
The 1n att~r wat) left to the Council for cont)ideration.
~ldernan 3ell moved,)
Dunning ~econdeo,) that i.lurgaret ~lood be grarJted permisaion to
connect with the City Jewer.
3JLL c~LL;
3ell Aye Coombs Aye Dolezal ~
Dunning A3e Walker Aye Weigand A;e
6 yes Jay~ n~ne
~~y~r ~~ or d ered.
~aE~EAJ Lots ~6 to 31 , Block l, Heee' Audition; Lots 17 to ~~. Block 4,
Hamlin's !3rottdway llei~ht~; are delin'iuent in payinent of t1peoial taxe~ for
a period of beveral yeur~. und .
1 rnElEA.3 the owaer there~f, u11chael .i:I eller. ha~ offered to fay the amo11nt
o! said delin'iuent inatallments tOf5 ther wl th interogt upon 1h e awne at tile
rate of six percent (u%) per annum, and the Council believe& that the same
is for the beat interest of the City to accept auch offer,
~o ·, TliE.~E?OHE BE IT ~E~uLVED, that the County Treasurer of Arapahoe
County be, and he her~by 1~ , authorized to accept payment of asid 1netal1-
went1:1, togeth~r with six percent ( u%) iutereat per armwn at1payment in full
for ti&id inotall.aents, &nd t0 le:..ue u receipt thtirefor.
£lder~an 1eigand moved ,)
C omba seconded, ) the adoptiJll Jf the above retiolution.
Bell Aye
Dunning Aye
o 1'.ye e
Coombs Aye
Wel ~er Aye
:.iayor tso ordered .
3E.:>uLU'f I J ..
.ilay1:1 none
NHE:tEAS Lots lo, 24, l ~ and 17 Liury E'lood ): lot~ l to 3; 4
21, ~~and ~3; 31 aud 3'; lots 13 and 18; F.a t ~1' of lot 2~
a pi&ce in Section 34-4-oo, 20rod1:1 x 40 rods; are delin~uent
special taxe~ !or a period of eever&l yeurs, aud
Dolezal Aye
'leigand Aye
to 7; 6 iO 12;20
and lot 30; &na
in payment of
n1!EiU!A;;, the owners the.reof, 1. ary nvod und ..lar~aret ~,lvod, have o!fered to
pay the amount of :=.aid dclin-iueut incit t:lluentc; togt"tner with interest upon
the SEl!lle at the rate vf six percent ( 6~) per u1mum, and the Counci 1 believee
that the ea.ae is for the bet>t interest 01 the City to accept tluoh o!!er,
1~ott , THE~iE~\.>.:tE 9~ I ·r .:i r~.:i0LVETI, tnu t the County J.'reusurer of i~rapahoe Coun-
ty be, and he nereby is, authori~cd to accept pliyuent of ~aid installments,
toeether ~i th tilx percent intcreiot ( o ~b ) per annum as payment in full for said
installment~. and to is~ue a receipt therefor.
AlderUlan Coo :nbti in..;ved, ) ·
Neigand se conded,) the aaoption of the above resolution.
Bell Aye
uunning Aye
Alder~an Bell ~uved,)
u Ayes
Cv 01abs .~ye
t\'alker Aye
l~ays none
aayor . 0 ordere d .
Dolezul ''-Ye
lle igand Aye
.al~er ~oconded,) that there hein g no further bueine~s to come be-
fure the Council, Council adjourn until ~~nday , June 24 , li3b.
uiinute~ of the
of the City of
~eeular Adjourned ~eetine o~ne-L, l~~~ of the City~l ~g L e~ oa stand approve d a~ -tllt-this I' d~3 of .
~· Y.>L :..:d;
cl ty ~lerk.