HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-06-24 (Regular) Meeting Minutes]Ei,,UU;t ADJOU~~ED J.BEJ.l.liG u~ 11H1•: Cl 1J.1Y Cu LJ...~CIL v~, THE CI'l'Y vF i~l~G:L EWuuD, COLJ.aADJ, rar::> :.lOi~D.aY, 'l'HF. 24th DAY Ub, J UlJE , A .'D. 1~3o • .Jayor Hugh Graham called the illeeting t o order ana as .ed !or aoll Call. JOLL CALL: Bell Present 1Junnin~ Pret:1ent Cooinb~ Present Dolezal Present Walker Present Weigand Present u i resent A'hoent none Alder~an :elgHnd moved,) Sell seconded,) that the City of ~nglewood buy the three fr~ae buildlngti on the .• eat i..J ide of the new Bruadway Bridge over Little Dry Creek and forty-five (4~} feet frontage of the lot~ thereunder, further described at> i1Jllov.~: f rom the ~kerritt Inve~t .Jc nt Company, a corp0ration, at a prioe of twelve nundred dollars ( 1200.JO ) ~nd ab -ume hac~ ta y es; that a ~arrant be drawn for nine hundred dol lar~ ''~U0.0 0 ) and a c ontribution of three hundred dol- lar& ( ·~oo.OO) be accepted fro~ the Chamber 01 c o m~~rce to apply on the bal- ance; t ha t the purchase price be put in escro~ ln the Hirst ~atlonul ~ank in ~gleYlood until otatit)r'actory title 1~ .furn h ;i hed • .:<uJ,L CALL: Sell b.ye 1Ju nnin6 il.:Je (> Ayeg Cuo m b~ ~ye 11 ali<er Aye ~a y" one L!oleztil Na1 •l elgand A3e ilayo r ~o ordered. u3~.EA~ Lo ts l~ to 24, incluaive, Bloc 5, Hi _gin's Englewood ~ardens; are delin,uent i n pay~e1lt Jf Lp ecllil t o x es fo r a period of s everal years, and, • HEJF.A~ the uwner ~he.reof nab oJ.fered t J p uy the amount of 1814 delin- ~u e u t installme n td to 6 ether with interc ~t u pon the $Bue at the rate of six pe rcent ( o ~) per anr-.l!!l, and tt,o oun c il h llevei::i t.h at the ti14 rae ii for the best interest of the City tJ accept buch oifer, ~·~-, 1rnE.~~·\.>3 E BF: I T i\E~JLVED , t a at the C.:>unty i'reusurer of Ar&ptih.Je :o uDty be, and he hereby l~. authorized to occept pay~ent of said install- ~enta, to ~ether with s ix percent intereut (6 °~) per ~nnum upon the ~ame ac paymeut in f Llll i...,r sa id lnet a ll.nents, brl d to l g ue a l"eceipt therefur. Alde~a a n ~oomb~ ~v ve d ,) ~alker se c ond ed,) the aaoptiJn vf the above resolution. ~~OLL c., LL: Se ll A;e ~u1n l n 0 Aye Coombs Aye ~1•1 alker Aye Dolezal ~ye 'i/e if!Emd AJe o Ayec;, ~•ays none ~~yot ~o Jrdered. a ~~;JULU 'l' IO~~ ~H,,..3EA~ Lots 1 0 and 11, b l ock 4, o:)trayer'ts Broad way Heights, are de- lin q uent in payment of ~pec1 ~1 taxes for a period o f several year&, and ·r!~F. .. 1EA.:) the owner thereJf ha.~ offered to pay the amount of oaid del- l njuen t in~tall m ent s t o~etner ~1th lnter eo t at the rate Jf six percent (6 ~) per annu~ , au d tne Cuuncll be ieve ~ Lhat the ou ~e ls for the beot intere~t of the City to accept ~uch 011er, J0W , iHEdE ~~rlE BE I i dE~0LVED that t~e County Trea~urer of ~rapahoe C~LWt1 be, and he hereby la, authorized to accept payment of said delin- ~aent installments together with ~ix percent (6~) interest upon the same as payment in fLlll for sa id instull m ent~. and to issue a receipt therefor. Alderman Bell moved,) Coombs aeconded,) the adoption of the above reeolution. ;tOLL CAL!,: Bell Aye 'D unning Aye 6 Ayes Alder~an Dunning mo ved,) Coo rabs Aye 'N c.J Vter Aye r; jy.., none ayor ~o :.:>r <J ered. Dole za l Aye Weigand Aye • 1eigand .seconded,) that the upplicati..:in for a 3. 2~ Beer J,ic nse for the balance of the year of Wm. c. ~~intham 1936, be approved. iiOLL CALL: Bell Aye 'D unning Aye Alderinan · eigand mo ved, ) Aayor Coomb b Aye t/nl ke r Aye ~aye oo ordered. none · Dolezal Aye Weiga nd i.ye •alker seconded,) that the purcha~e uf renewal insurance pollcie» be a l lowed acc o rdi ng to the valuation of the City Hall and furniture by the .{u c ~y iJ.ountain J1lre Underwrl terc. bssociation; and that toe 8JllOL1nt would be d ivi de d e~ually am en~ t h e local in~urance nen; and in the event of an uneven &illount of in~ur ti nce :nen wh o woOld divide this a.nount, that one deal er .ould receive the lnsurHnce on the fire truck& • • OLL CAL!,: Bell J.ye Dl..nnln~ Jaye alderuuin Coom b~ .nvved, ) Bell &718COnd ed . ) before t he Council, Council ~uLL C~LL: Bell &1e unning Aye Coombt) i~y e Wa lker Aye .-ays i;o urde c e d. none Dolezal J.ye Wei6and Aye tnaL th ~re beln ~ l' ~urther businea~ to cone &djourn until !rilay, June 28, l~~b. CJou1bs Aye Walker Aye Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye b Ayes l 'ays none lnute& of ~eetln~ July, 1 ~3b . ~ayor so ordered. /} of June 24, l :1~5 0:-tund app.roved at1Ag11'!thl e I' d 1 ~.~~.,_