HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-06-28 (Regular) Meeting Minutes.:iEGULA 'i ADJOUffi-t;D u1EEJ.1 l.1.~G vl1 'l'HE CI'J.'Y CvU.1. CIL U~' ·!'HJ~ CI1'Y O? ill~GLEWUOD,
C\JLU3.ADJ, 'l'nl.;i .F:tIDAY, 'i'li3 ~8th DAY U~1 JU.JE, A.D. l93b.
Uayor Hugh ~rahwn called the meeting to order and as~ed for aoll Call •
Bell ?resent
Dunning Present
Alderman Coumba 1noved, )
Coomb~ Present Dolezal Present
~al.cer Present Weigeand Present
6 ?resent Absent none
Dolezal seconded, ) that by a lAnani rnous vote of all me1nberts of the
City Council, at a ~egular Adjourned Jeetlng of the Council, held Fri6ay,
June 26, 1~3b, to consider the extension of the period of rutification as
contained in Article 4, p&ragruph 2, extension of time be granted to the
~onroe 31.ectrio Company for another thirty dayt:i, that is to 2ay, until ~on
day, Jul1 2~th, li3t>.
Bell Aye
Dunning Aye
Cooiabe qe
Wa lker Aye
6 ~yes ~~yu none
U&yor bO ordered.
Dolezal Aye
Weigand Aye
Ueeting was then couLinued until Tuesday, July 2, 1~3~ to conMider and work
up a ~chedule of payments to retire bond indebtedne~~ in connection with the
ALlnioipal nater .Plant.
Cv~J:I.J"UED ]EGUL R A:i JJU;\ .. ED .. EE 'l'I~~G vi' i. ID~Y. JU~E ~u. Jr..D. i~;,f>.
aayor liLl~h Gcaham called the Jieeting t~ order and at>ked for ~oll Call.
Sell ?resent
Dunning resent
6 ?reoent
Coombs ~re~ent nolezal ?resent
' al k er Present Weigand ?resent
Absent none
Council met with ~edera. Lar~on and Baggs, auditor~ repre~enting the Ernst
& Ern~t Company, and discu~bed recornrnenda~lona nade by thi6 concern relative
to inauguratine a ~ystem of ~eepin~ books and a !iling ~yatem in the u!flce
of the City Cler~.
;\lder.aan Walker :noved, )
Bell secJndo d ,) that there be e~tablished a change fund of thirty-
!ive doll~ra (t3 b.JO) for the City Cler~'~ u~rlce, to be Ubed in ma~ing change
and fvr purchat:ilng stw:ips; and that £ Wt:irrant ii;)hall be dt u v.n etstablishing tsuch
Bell Aye
Dunuing Aye
Coombs ,~ye
~·aL-ccr Aye
o ~yes ~~aye none
~ayor so ~r a ered.
Doleztil ~ye
Weigand Aye
Other !natters ·iscut>o cd were left to tile co1 C)ioeration of the i.layor and the
Council for action at a l&ter date.
lder~an 9ell ~oveu,)
Cuombb bec~nde d ,) that there bein~ no further buslne~b to
fore the Council, Council a d journ until ..ionday, July o, 1~~5.
come be-
Bell Aye
Du min~ ~ye
Coombs ;.ye
Walker Aye
6 .ayet; J.•ays none
~ayor ~o ordered •
Dolezal Aye
Weigand ~e
.Jinutes tJf the ae~ular Adjourned .Jee ting of#une 2o • .-J.~36, a~d(}}ta ;:ontinua-
tlon July '· l~.:;;fi, t)tsn d appruved as fi..l..-.~thl~_L__day o~l";136.
~. 2/.~
cl ty ct erk.