HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-09-23 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR ADJ0UR.~ED · .ET I G OF THE CITY COUNCIL OD THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD,
c o:.ORADO, HELD EPTE~BER 23, 1935.
ayor Hugh Graham called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Call.
Bell Absent
Dunning Pr e sent
5 Present
Coombs Present
VJalker Present
Absent 1
Dolezal Present
V eigand Present
Messrs. Conover, Jone s, Baker a.nd Robinson of the Colorado Central Power
Companp were present; together with Mr. Stretch of the Monroe Electric Com-
pany; and Messrs. P o rter and Dexhe~mer, engineers.
Kr. Ja·y Timmons asked special permissi on to hold dances at Biven' s Hall
on Saturday nights until 12:30 o'clock •
. r. Simonson, agent f or the company that owns the building, aug mented ~r.
Timmon's r emarks in obtaining this _ermission.
It. was left ~1th the d e cision o• the City Attorney and the members of the
License and Ordinance Comm ittees of the Council to investigate and either
g rant or r .ject the re q uest.
Kr. Conover, Colorado Centra l P wer Co., presented a proposal in written
form requesting an extension of the ''stand-still" agreement for a period of
ten (10) years from the da t e vf October 11, 1935.
Included in t h e pr opos al were sev e ral pr omises as to rates, etc. and a
guarantee of a percent ag e of the gross r ec eipts of the Company reverting to
the City Treasury each year in t e amow1 t of approximately $4000.00; which
would be given in exchan5 e for the contract to pump the water and the exten-
sion of their franchise.
Vr. Stretc h of t he M aroe Electric Compa ny, made a fe w remarks pertaining
to the cont ract of his company with the City of Englevood, and e xpressed him-
self as beil16 adverse to any change in this contract.
Alderman Wa lker moved,)
Coombs sec o nded,) tha t the City leave the Monroe
contract intact as to the method of mo t ive pow e r for pumping
'the Po~er Company pr opos al in this r e sp e ct.
Electric Company
water, nullifying
' , RO LL CA!J,.: .
Bell Absent
Dunning Aye
5 Ayes
Co ombs Aye
'iialker Aye
Absent l
Mayor s o ordered.
Dol e zal Aye
Weigand Aye
Alderman Dolezal moved,)
~alker seconded,) t hat the City proceed to take over the distrib-
ution system of the Colorado Central Power Company according to the City's
right as reserved in the "stand-still" agr e ement.
Bell Absent
Duaning Aye
5 Ayes
Alderman Coombs moved,)
Coombs Aye
Walk r Aye
Mayor so o rde red.
Absent 1
Dolezal Aye
Weigand Aye
Weigand seconded,) that
before the Council, Co uncil adjourn
there being no furt her business to come
until September 30, 1935.
Bell Absent
Dunning Aye
5 Ayes
Co ombs Aye
V alker Aye
Mayor so ord ered .
Absent 1
Dolezal Aye
Weigand Aye
inutes 1,the RegulayAdjourned-iMJae.t.1J1g J1)f September 23 1 1935, stand approved
as~£ this /~ day of ......:>'~ 19.35.
; . aL.Y.~
City Clerk.'