HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-20 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I ,I RBGULAR llEBT ING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOCI>, COLORADO APRIL 20, 1959 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on Monday, April 20, 1959, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Englewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Scott presiding, called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Reverend Bert Edwards of the Church of the Nazarene. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the follow- ing persons were present. Councilmen: Braun, Browoewell, Hill, Kreiliog, McLellao, Scott. Also Present: Acting City Manager Lacy City Attorney Each City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: Councilmen Martin, Graham, Woods. The Mayor declared a quorum present. OPENING OF BIDS FOR CIMTENNIAL WELLS PUMPING STATION The City Clerk opened ~bree sealed bids for the construction of Booster Puaping Station and Appurtenances on South Decatur Street: Kri•ger Construction Company, 835 Fenton, Denver, Colorado Total Bid: $26,985.00 Westwood Construction Company, 3940 Morrison Road, Denver, Colorado Total Bid: $31.925.00 Choun Construction Company, 980 Yates Street, Denver, Colorado Total Bid: $40,450.00 (Councilman Graham entered and took his seat on the Council at 8:06 P.M.) COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUK:ILMAN BROWNDELL SECONDED, THAT THE BIDS BB Rl'CBIVBD AND REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND THAT A RB- COIOIBNDATION Bl MADE FOR AN AWARD OF A CONTRACT BY THE COUNCIL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Graham, Hill, Kreiliog, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilmen Martin, Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TOILET FACILITIES AT DENNY MILLER FIELD The City Clerk opened one bid received for the construction of rest rooms at Denny Miller Memorial Field as follows: George H. Allen Construction Company, 2799 South Downing Street, Englewood, Colorado, Total bid $6,497.00 The Mayor asked the City Attorney if there are any legal questions re- garding receipt of only one bid. The City Attorney replied that the one bid aay be apcepted or rejected by the Council as it saw fit. COU!l::ILllAN GRAHAM MOVED, COUK:ILllAN ICLELLAN SECONDED, THAT THE BID FOR RIST ROOllS Bl Rl'CIIVID AND REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR THB RECOIDIBNDA- TION AS TO THE AWARD OF THB COlfl'R.ACT TO THE BIDDER. Upon the call of the r.oll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: COuocilmeo Braun, Brownewell, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellao, Scott. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Councilmen Martin, Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PAVING DISTRICT NO. 9 Councilman Braun asked if written protests only would De considered. The Mayor replied that written protests would be the only legal protests to be considered but that those present would be heard. 301 (Couocil11&11 Martin entered and took bis seat on the Council at 8:12 P.K.) COUMCILllAN GRAHAll llOVBD, COUICILllAM HILL s-=oNDED, THAT THB PUBLIC RBARillG OM TBB FCBIATIOM OP PAVIRG DISTRICT NO. 9 BE OPENED AMO THAT WRITl'Blf PROl'lmTS BB HEARD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows; Ayes: Couocil11en Braun, Browoewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiliog, llcLellan, Scott. Mays: Mone. Absent: Couocilaan Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Clerk read three written protests as follows: Kr. and Mrs. Jamee II. Mel•on, 3060 South Elati, regarding the assessment of their property for the iaprovement of West Dartmouth Avenue; William P. Larrick, Inc., by Willia• P. Larrick, 7805 South Valley Highway, regarding tbe fact that bis property at 3100 and 3110 South Fox Street was already assessed for special improvell8nte in addition to property tax and its being included . in a paving district would increase the tax load too greatly; llr. and Mrs. Werner Loreck, 3685 South Sherman Street, regarding the increased traffic hazard and noise that would be caused by the improvement of South Sherman Street and tbe potential loss of the trees if the street is widened. The Mayor called for further written protests. There were no further written protests. The Mayor reviewed the general problem of the City in tbe formation of Paviol Dietricts and reaarked that the construction and maintenance of streets i• one of tbe City'• ouaber one problems. Be explained tbe general method of aaseasin1 tbe properties either fronting on the street to be improved or those within 300 foot distance of a side street. He explained the policy of the City'• paying for street and alley intersections and for increased street width where traffic required such width. The Mayor explained that once a street is iaproved under a Paving District that the street will be maintained by the City fro• that time. Krs. Julia c. ostroueky, 724 West Dartmouth Avenue, emphasized that the aain problem in 11&11y areas of the town is that of drainage. She stated that uole .. tbe drainage is solved it does no good to pave the street which may in turn cause additional drainase proble... The Mayor discussed the general storm proble• of tbe City of Englewood. The Acting City Manager reported to Mrs. Oatrousky that a natural drain course was present in her area and a secondary course wbicb would be diverted by paving in that area. llr. Dudley P. Pitchford, 1200 Bast Dartmouth Avenue, suggested that the iaproviog of an area by paving be checked so that a single property was not asseseed for tbe improvement of two streets in one year. Several other interested property owners asked questions about the proposed Paving District Mo. 9 and were answered by the Mayor or Councilman Braun on behalf of the City. COUMCILllAN GRAHAM MOVBD, COUNCILMAN JK::LELLAN s-=o:rmED, THAT TBB PUBLIC BBARI1'G OM TRB PORllATIOM OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 9 BE CLOSED. Upon the call of tbe roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. PRBSCHEDULED CITIZENS AND VISITORS Mrs. Polly Bach, member of the Legislative and Public Affairs Committee of the Bnglewood Business and Professional Women's Club, stated that her committee bad tried to schedule a time when it could attend and observe a Council meeting. Sbe commended tbe Councilmen on their action thus far at this meeting and stated that they were,in her opinion, doing an excellent job. The Mayor thanked Krs. Esch for her kind words and extended an invitation for her or any members of her committee or club to attend any of the Council meetings at any time they should wish. • I I I I I I I I RECOllllENDATIONS FROM THE PLANNING AND ZONING COIOIISSION Tbe City Clerk read tbe following recommendation from tbe Planning and Zoning Collllission as of April 9,. 1959: ''That tbe Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to tbe City Council tbat tbe final plan for the Hewitt Subdivision be approved." COUMCILllAN BRAUN llOVBD, COUJlfCILllAN HILL SECONDED, THAT THE RECOIOIBMDATION OP THB PLAlflflNG AND ZONING COllllISSION BE ACCEPTED. Councilman Kreiling asked why paving had been excepted in tbis particular subdivision. Discussion ensued. The Acting City Manager explained tbat in cases of a subdivision including only 3 or 4 building sites tbat paving re- quirements bad not been enforced and further that in the particular subdivi- sion under consideration that the paving had been completed. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Br ownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. COUJlfCILllAN KREILING llOVED, COUNCILMAN t.CL.ELLAN SECONDED, THAT THB POLICY REGARDING THE PAVING OF A STRUT IN FRONT OF A SUBDIVISION BE REVIEWED BY THE PLAlflfING COIOIISSION IN CASES WHERE SUCH SUBDIVISION IS A SMAJ,J, OME WITH THB VID POINT OF SETrIMG UP AN ESCROW FUND FOR THE PAVING OF ANY STRUT AS KAY BB REQUIRED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Tbe City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission as of April 9, 1959: ''That the City Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that the City participate in the 1960 u. s. Census Block Statistics Program and that anadditional planning expenditure of $2,100.00 for such purpose be authorized." COUll:ILllAM HILL llOVBD, COUMCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THB RBCOIOIENDATIOlf OF THB CITY PLAlflfING AND ZONING COIOIISSION BE ACCEPTED. Councilman Hill urged the adoption of the recommendation as it would provide a very economical meana of securing this information. Councilman Grabaa inquired if tbia money would also come from the Unappropriated Surplus of the General Fund. Discussion ensued. The Acting City llanager informed the sroup that originally a housins survey was anticipated in connection with the Master Plan at a cost of $10,000.00. This survey was very worthwhile but was discarded because of its cost. The Block Statistics study would give this and more information for only $2,100.00. COU?«:ILllAlf GRAHAM llOVBD, COUMCILMAN BROWNDELL SECOMDBD, THAT THB llATl'BR BB TABLBD UMTIL THB REPORT OF THB STATUS OF THE UNAPPROPRIATBD SURPLUS OF THI GBlfBRAL FUND. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Clerk read the following recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Co..Ussion as of April 9, 1959: ' That the City Planning and Zoning Colllllission recommend to the City Counci·l that the first phase of the "One-way Street" plan be considered for implementa- tion before July, 1959 and that the Planning Director proceed with public presen- tation of the downtown traffic program as follows: ., 303 I.. 1. IapleMnt the f irat phue of the "oneway" street systea (3400 South Bannock South bound, 3400 South Aco11& North bound, and W•t Baapden betwHn Acou and Bannock Bast bound; including inatallation of ei111al• on West Girard Avenue at both Acoma ad Bannock). 2. Devise a signal installation at South Broadway and Hampden Avenue which will allow left turns for South Broadway traf- fic both lfortb bound and South bound onto Hampden. No chan1e in the present left turn restriction of South Broadway and Girard Avenue." COUICILIWf DBILilfG llOVBD, COUHCILllAH ll:LBLLAH SB:OMDBD, THAT TBB RB- COllllDDATIOlf OF TRB CITY PLADilfG A1fD ZONING COIOIISSION BB ACCBPl'BD. - Councilman Graham explained that this was an experimental effort and could be chan1ed as necessary or as shown by experience. The Acting City ll&Jl&8•r agreed that this matter would be watched carefully. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellaa, Scott. Mays: Councilman Martin. Absent: Councilman Woods. Councillll8.l) Martin stated that be voted against the motion as be wished to have parallel parking provided before "One-Way" streets went into effect. Discussion ensued. Councilmen Braun and McLellan stated that they opposed the angle parking also but as this parking was initiat~d by a vote of the people it cannot be changed until a similar vote of the people to change it. The Mayor declared the motion carried. REQUEST FROll BURT CHBVR<LRT, INC. RELATING TO USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY The Acting City Manager informed the Council that Burt Chevrolet, Inc. was building a new building between Lincoln and the Broadway-Lincoln alley which required footing extending into the alley and street right-of-ways at a depth of 10 to 30 feet below ground level. He suggested that a simple agreeaent for permitting this encroachment be drafted by the City Attorney. Discussion ensued. COUHCILllAN BROINBWBLL MOVED, COONCILMAN GRAHAM SB:ONDBD, THAT TBB CITY A'M'ORKBY DRAFT AN AGRBEMDT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLBWoa> AND BURT CBBVROI&l', IMC. ALLOlllfG THE LATTER TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING REQUIRING THE USB OF CAISSOBS THE FOOl'ING OF WHICH WOULD BXTBtm INTO THB PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ON LIBCOLH AID TBB ALLEY BETWEEN LINCOLN AND BROADWAY APPROXIMATELY 2 FBRT AT DBPTB VARYING FR<* 10 TO 30 FEET. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. APPLICATION FOR CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE BY BLKS LCl>GB The City Clerk read an Application for a Liquor License for a Club sub- mitted by the Englewood, Colorado Elks Lodge to be located at 55 West Floyd Avenue, Englewood. He stated that the application bad been rlceived on April 14th and that a check for $100.00 was submitted with the applicat~on. COUNC ILllAH BRAUN MOVED, COUBC ILMAN ll:LELLAN SF.CONDBD, THAT THE APPLICA- TION BB RB:BIVBD AND THB PROPERTY BE POSTED AS REQUIRED FOR A PUBLIC llBARIBG TO BB HELD AT 8: 00 0 'CLOCK OM MONDAY llAY 18, 1959. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I 1· APPLICATION FOR RBTAIL LIQUOR STORE LICENSE BY DRY CREEK LIQUORS, INC. Tbe City Clerk read an Application for Retail Liquor store License for aale by tbe package only subaaitted by Dry Creek Liquors, Inc. to be located at 325 Bast Jefferson Avenue in Englewood. He stated that tbis application bad been received on Ap~il 20, 1959 and that a check in tbe amount of $150.00 bad been aubllitted with said application. COOI«:ILllAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THB APPLICATION BB IUfCBIVBD AND POSTED AS RBQUIRBD FOR A HBARING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, JUD 2, 1959, AT 8:00 P.M. C~ILllAN GRAHAM llOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT THB llDl'IOR BB AllBlG>BD TO HAVE THB DARING ON MAY 18, 1959. Upon the call of the roll, the vote on tbe amendment resulted as follows: Ayes: Council11en Brownewell, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Nays: Councilmen Braun, Martin. Absent: Councilman Woods. Tbe llayor declared tbe amendment carried and asked for a vote on tbe motion aa a .. nded. Upon the call of the roll, the vote on the motion as amended reaulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilaen Brownewell, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Raya: Councilmen Braun, llartin. Abeent: Councilaan Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. ICCBPl'All:B OF MINUTBS AND REPORTS The llayor aaked tbat the ainutea of the Joint Committee on School• City Cooperative Planning, the ainutea of tbe Regular Council meetint of April 6, the City Financial Report for the month ending Karch 31, the Street Depart- aent Report for the firat quarter 1959, and the Traffic Operation Report for the first quarter of 1959, be accepted as one item. COOICILllAlf BRAUN llOVJI>, COOICILllAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THB ABOVE LISTa> RBPORTS AND MINUTU BB RICKIVKD AND PLACED ON FILI. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, lcott. Raya: None. Abaent: Councilman Woods. Tb• llayor declared tbe motion carried. COMMUlflCATIOR l'ROll HALL SAND AND GRAVEL RBLATI:NG TO DUJIP OPBRATIORS The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Glenn L. Daly, Attorney at Law, representing the Hall Sand and Gravel Company, Inc. of 2100 West oxford Avenue, BDglewood, relating to the operation of tbe Dump aearby which dump waa reported aa a possible source of potential damage to the sand and gravel operation. Councilman Graham reported further on the Herbertson Sand and Gravel Coapany caae referred to in Mr. Daly's letter and urged that the City act i ... diately on this matter. COOICILllD BRAUN llOVBD, COU!l:ILllAN KREILING SECOMDBD, THAT THB CITY BB- CKIVK TD UTTD BY llR. DALY AND RBFBR THI SAllB TO THB CITY ATTOUBY FOR I•- TBRPlmTATIOlf AJO> REOMllBMDBD COURSB OF ACTIOR. Discussion ensued. The City Attorney atated that this was not a question of legal procedure but one re- quiring the protection of the interests of the Hall Company. Discussion enaued. COUICILllAlf BRAUN WITBDRD HIS MOfIOR. COUEILllAll BRAUN MOVED, COO!l:ILllAN KRBILIRG SICO?G>BD, THAT THB COIOIUB- ICATIOlf ... RICBIVBD AND RBPDRBD TO THB CITY llANAGBR FOR NarlPICATIOR TO arm OPDATCllS AID THAT ACTIOB KAY BB TAKEN TO PROHIBIT AMY ParUTIAL D••AGB TO TBI llTDDTS OP THB BALL SOD AND GRAVEL COllPANY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows. AJ .. : Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. 305 Nays: None. Abeent: Counci 111&11 Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. RELATING TO PBRlllSSION FOR FENCE ON RIGHT-OF-WAY The Acting City Manager stated that the Board of Adjustaent bad beard a request for perllission to erect a fence 2t feet into the right-of-way at 4196 South Pearl Street and bad recommended that such permission be granted to llra. Freda M. Brintlinger, owner of that property. The City Attorney atated that the fence as requested would protect a taee and would extend 47 feet parallel to the property line immediately behind the sidewalk thereby it did not represent a hazard to the public although it was located on public right-of-way. Be stated that this would be permissive use and does not represent an encroachment on public property. CWll::ILllAN GRAB.All MOVBD, cou-=ILMAN KREILING SIX:O:NDBD, THAT THB CITY Bllillfm BB AUTHORIZBD TO PRBPARE AN AGREBllBNT SETTING FORTH SUCH PBRllISSIVB USB AS RBQUBSTBD AND THAT TBB MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC BE AUTHORIZBD TO BUCUTB StX:B AGR•BMBMT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: &yes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR PUMPING STATION llr. Dale Rea, Consulting Engineer stated that be bad examined the bids subllitted for the Construction of a Booster Pumping Station and Appurtenances on South Decatur Street. He stated that be bad examined the bids and recom- aended that the bid of Krieger Construction Company in the amount of $26,985.00 be accepted. Be stated that llr. Krieger would give a letter reducing the period to complete from 100 days to 60 to 80 days. Discussion ensued. llr. Rea stated that this exceeded the engineering estimate of $22,000.00 but that the excess could be justified. cw.: ILllAN ._11::1,nJ.Alf llOVBD, cou-= ILllAN BRAUN SBCOMDBD' THAT THE LOW BID FOR TRB COl'BTRUCTION OF THE BOOSTER PUllPING STATION ON SOOTH DIX:ATUR STREET SUBllITl'BD BY DIBGBR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN TBB AllOUMT OF $26,985.00 BB ACCBPl'BD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council .. n Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Abeent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS ON REST ROOllS The Acting City Manager reported that the bid '• 331 higher than the architect's estimate and be recoamended that the bid be rejected and that the request for bida be readvertised. Discussion ensued relating to the fairnesa of calling for additional bids when one bidder had indicated bis costs. The Mayor asked that the matter be tabled until the aeat regular meet- ing. RIX:ESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council until 10:10 P.M. RBP<llT OF STATUS OF UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS FUNDS OF TBB GENERAL FtJim The Acting City Manager reviewed appropriations by the Council of the Unappropriated Surplus of the General Fund during the past few months and esti11ated other deaanda upon the surplus which may be made at this meeting. Be atated tbat <·tbere r)was sufficient surplus to meet these demands and fore- seeable deaanda but nothing beyond those projects as considered to date. The ll&yor discussed the increased assessed valuation in Arapahoe County as a posaible means of additional surplus for the City of Englewood. I I I .1 I RBQUBST FOR CITY PARTICIPATION IN RBORBATIONAL NEED 8URVBY llr. Walt Jorgenson and Colbert Cushing discussed with tbe Council tbe requeet for City participation in a study of the recreational needs of tbe City of Bnglewood. They stated that this question bad been discussed in conaiderable detail at the April 6th meeting and tabled until this evening. Diacuaaion ensued. There was no action on the matter at this time. DISCUSSION OF NEED FOR BLOCK STATISTICS STUDY Tbe Acting City llanacer asked that this matter be considered for its value in develop .. nt of the llaater Plan and in Urban Renewal Studies. Di•- cuaaion enaued. COUIEILllAlf GRAHAM llOVBD, COUlfCILllAN BRAUN SBCONDBD, THAT THE 11ar1ox TO ACCBPI' TBB RBC()IOOD1l)ATION OF TRB PLANNING AMI> ZONllfG COIOllSSIOlf RELATilfG TO TRB BL<X::lt STATISTICS SURVBY BB RBllOVBD FROll TRB TABLE. Upon the call of tbe roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Kaya: None. Abeent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Upon the call of the roll upon the motion to accept the recommendation, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Kaya: None. Abaent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 1 ~-('t<l!,,c>-ri.-,,,.?J. r4CIL I/''( .ht:"~ O~ COMSIDBRATION OF 8LQ6K S'l'A~IS'l'l~~VBY CW.:ILMAK llllAUN llOVBD, COUR::ILllAN MARTIN SBCONDBD, THAT TBB llOflOlf APPROYIE A PRCBI08AL OF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RBSBARCH OP TBB UlflVBRSITY OP DDVBR FOR A RS:RBATIOJfAL FACILITY NEEDS STUDY AT Alf BSTillAT.ID KBT COST TO TBB CITY OP $1,100 TO $1,250 BB REMOVED FROll THE TABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, llCLellan, Scott. Raya: Jfone. Ament: Councilman Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. Councilaan Braun stated that the previous discussion he bad questioned the nee~ for ahe study as it is co111DOn knowledge that Englewood requires a creat deal of additional recreational facilities and that the money required for the atudy could be used to ease some of these needs. Diacussion ensued. The llayor read the purposes of the survey and stated that it would include population and trends, the location of facilities, the use of land in zoning, and atandarda which would set needs and guides for the future. Councilman Bill apoke acainat the proposed study. Councilman Graham stated that in years to co .. the Council may be required to spend money for Parks and Recreation and the atudy would be beneficial to future Councils. Diacussion ensued. Upon the call fdr tbe ,que,tion, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Maya: Councilmen Braun, Hill. Abaent: Councilman Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. COllllUKICAT IOJfS RBLAT IlfG TO CITY 'S OFFER FOR PURCHASE OP LAND FOR PARK HAR WBST BBLLBVID AND SOtrrB It«=A The City Attorney read a letter to the owners of the private land located Korth of Belleview Avenue, West of South Inca Drive and South of Whittaker Drive for which the City offered $10,750.00. lie read a letter ?0 3 in reply which made a counter offer of $19,000.00 for a period of five days after this Council .. etin1 and requesting that if the Council did not accept thi• offer that either colldeanation proceedings be initiated or the owners be peraitted to subdivide the land. ~iscussion ensued. The llayor sug1ested that a meeting be made between the owners and City Officials with the thought of providing a compromise. Discussion ensued. The llayor appointed Councilman Graham, Chairman of a committee to meet with the owners of this parcel of land, the remaining members of the committee to be Acting City Manager and City Attorney and Councilmen McLellan and 1treilin1. CODIDBRATION OF STATUS OF CITY'S WATER ATTORNEY The llayor suggested that this matter be discussed at the Informal Meet- ing to be held on Monday, April 27, 1959. A BILL FOR Alf ORDINAlfCB CREATING Alf IllPROVEllENT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF ENGLDOCI>, C<X.<aADO, TO BB ltNOWJf AS PAVING DISTRICT NO. 9; ORDBRIXG THE CONSTRUCTIOX TRDBllf OP STREfi IllPROVBllDTS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUARCB OF BONDS OF TBB DISTRICT Ill PAYllDT FOR SAID IllPROVEllENTS; AllENDING SBCTIOX 4 OF ORDIXAEB NO. 8, SBRIBS 1959, OF SAID CITY RELATING TO NOfICES TO C01"1'R.ACTORS AID TO BIDDDS FOR SPICIAL IllPROVDENT DISTRICT BONDS OF SAID CITY; AID DICLARIXG A1' BllBRGBJeCY. WRBRBAS, the City Council of Englewood, Colorado, pursuant to the Charter and Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959 of said City and the laws of the State of Colorado. hereby finds and determines that there exists a necessity for the creation of Paving District No. 9, in said City, and the construction therein of certain street improvements, as described herein; and WHBR&AS, the City Council has heretofore directed the City Bngineer to prepare plans, specifications, maps and schedules in accordance with said l•w•; and WllBRBAS, the City Engineer has made bis report in the premises, and bas filed with the Clerk of said City all the IDflPS and certificates of bis survey, as well as schedules, plans, specifications, approximations of coat, and all other matters and things in complete form and substance as by law required; and WllBRBAS, the said report so made and filed, together with de- tail•, specification•, estimates, maps and schedules, are hereby approved and adopted by said City Council; and WHBRBAS, the City Council directed the City Clerk to publish in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterprise, a newspaper of general circulation in said City, notice of a proposition to create said District, and that on April 20, 1959, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., all complaints and objections that ai1ht be aade in writing concerning the proposed improveaents by the owner or owners of any real estate to be assessed, or any person or persons in- tereated generally, would be beard and determined by the City Council of •aid City of Bn1lewood, before final action of said Council thereon, and that after the deterllination of all complaints and objections was made, •aid eity Council would take up and consider an ordinance creating said diatrict and ordering the proposed improvements; and WRmlKAS, the City Clerk, by advertisement for a period of 110re than fifteen (15) days prior to the said 20th day of April, 1959, gave no*ice in form and aubstance of the matters and things above mentioned as ordered to be given, in all respects in accordance with law and said or- d~; and WBBRBAS, the City Clerk has mailed to each known owner of real property to be asseased with the cost of said iaprovements, a notice of intention to create said District, as provided by the Resoltuion adopted by the City Council on March 16, 1959; and WllBRBAS, at the time and place specified in said notice, the City Council .. t in open aession for the purpose of bearing any objections or proteets that aigbt be made against said improvements; and three written obj .. *iona or prot .. ts were received and read by the City Clerk, and such objections were deemed invalid and were denied; and WHBRBAS, the City Council hereby finds and deteraines that a 1eneral public benefit will accrue to the City from the propoaed iaprove- aents; TllBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAINED BY THB CITY COU1'CIL OF TBB CITY OF BllGLBIOCI>, COLORADO, THAT : I I I I I I I I Section 1. Said Paving District No. 9 is hereby created and said iaprove .. nta hereinafter described, consisting of street iaproveaent, were duly ordered after notice duly given and hearing duly held; all as required by law. Section 2. Said improvements shall consist of necessary gradinc and excavation, paving with six-inch compacted gravel base course, with two- inch aaphaltic concrete surface, and concrete walks, curbs and cutters, wbere not already inatalled, together w~th appurtenances and incidentals on the followin1 streets and avenues in the City of Englewood, Colorado: On From 8. Acoaa St. s. Side of w. Chanango Ave. W. Allberat Ave. w. side of s. Delaware St. S. Bannock St. s. aide of w. Union Ave. s. Corona St. s. side of E. Bates Pkwy. w. Chenango Ave. w. side of s. Broadway B. Dart110uth Ave. w. side of S. Marion St. w. Dartmouth Ave. w. side of s. Cherokee St. To N. Side of w. Belleview Ave. E. side of s. Blati St. N. side of w. Layton Ave. N. side of B. Bates Ave. E. side of s. Acoma St. E. side of s. Downing St. E. right-of-way line of A.T.&S.F. Railroad s. Delaware St. s. side of w. Yale Ave. N. side of w. Amherst Ave. s. Delaware St. s. side of w. Nassau Ave. N. side of w. oxford Ave. s. Downing St. S. side of B. Dartmouth Ave. N. side of B. Girard Ave. B. Floyd Ave. w. side of s. Lafayette St. E. side of s. Downing St. w. Floyd Ave. w. side of s. Bannock St. B. side of S. Huron St. (sidewalk to be omitted along south side of this project) w. Grand Ave. w. side of s. Acoma St. E. side of S. Cherokee St. S. Huron Ct. S. side of W. OXford Ave. South Terminus S. Huron Ct. s. Galapaao St. s. side of w. Cornell Ave. N. side of w. Dartmouth Ave. B. Jefferson Dr. w. side of s. Logan St. E. side of S. Sber11&11 St. (Sidewalk to be olllitted along northerly side of this project) s. Lincoln St. s. side of E. Girard Ave. a point 300 ft. south thereof s. Lipan St. s. side of w. Stanford Ave. N. side of w. Tufts Ave. B. Mansfield Ave. w. side of s. Logan St. E. side of s. Broadway s. Pearl St. s. side of E. Mansfield Ave. N. side of B. Nassau Ave. s. Pearl St. S. side of B.Radcliff Ave. N. side of B. Stanford Ave. s. Pennsylvania St. s. side of E. Quincy Ave. N. side of B. Stanford Ave. W. Princeton Ave. w. side of s. Broadway E. side of s. Acoma St. w. Quincy Ave. w. side of s. Broadway E. side of s. Bannock St. B. Radcliff Ave. w. Side of S.Washington St. E. side of S. Pennsylvania St. w. Radcliff Ave. w. side of s. Lipan St. a point 330.4' west thereof s. Sher11&11 St. s. side of B. Jefferson Dr. N. side of B. Kenyon Ave. w. Union Ave. w. side of South Huron St. E. side of South Inca St. All in the City of Englewood, Colorado. Section 3. Said District shall be known as and the same is hereby designated Paving Diatrict Ko. 9, Englewood, Colorado. Section 4. The construction of the street improvements in and for said District, as shown by the plans, specifications and maps thereof, prepared DJ tne City Engineer and approved by the City Council of said City, and now on file in the office of the Clerk of said City, be and the same is hereby authorized and ordered, the material to be used in the construction of said street improvements to be in accordance with such maps, plans, and specifications. Section 5. By virtue of and in pursuance of the aforesaid laws and the Charter and Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959, of said City, local improve- aent bonds of the City shall be issued for the purpose of paying for the local iaprovements in said Ordinance described and provided to be constructed in said Paving District, in an amount not to exceed the coat of said improvements, in- cluding engineering and all incidental expenses, as in said laws, Charter and Ordinance provided. Section 6. Said bonds shall be authorized by an Ordinance later to be passed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,. the Charter and said Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959, of said City. Section 7. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to advertise for bids to construct such improvements ~d for bids for bonds to be iaaued, in three (3) consecutive weekly issues of the Bn1lewood Herald and Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation published in such City, which advertisements may run concurrently with the publication of this Ordinance. Section 8. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959, is hereby a .. nded to read as follows: "Section 4. After such public hearing, or an adjournment thereof, the City Council shall by ordinance order the creation of the proposed special or local improvement district for the con- atruction or installation of improvements therein, for notice to contractors to aubait bids for the construction or installa- tion of the iaproveaents, for notice of sale of bonds to pay the coats and expenses of constructing or installing the improve- .. nts and for the issuance and payment of such bonds. Such aotices shall 118 published in three consecutive weekly iasuea of a newspaper of general circulation in the City and tbe date of awarding contracts shall be not less than fifteen (15) days after the first publication of such notice." Section 9. By reason of the fact that the completion at the earliest possible date of the improvements described in this Ordinance is neceaaary to the i .. ediate preservation of the public property, health, peace and safety, it is hereby declared that an emergency exists and that tbis Ordinance shall take effect upon its final passage. Section 10. All Ordinances, or parts thereof in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. This Ordinance, after its final pa&sage, shall be recorded in a book ••pt for that purpose, shall be authenticated by the signa- ture• of the Mayor and City Clerk, shall be published in said City, and after becoains effective, shall be irrepealable until the bonds of said District ahall be paid in full. INTR<l>UCBD ARD READ This 20th day of April, 1959. Mayor was read COUNCILllAJf GRAHAM MOVBD, COUNCILMAN HILL SBCONDBD, THAT TBB BILL BB PASSED Oii FIRST RBADING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN FULL IN TU BRGLDO<I> llKRALD AID IJTIRPRISI. Upon tbe call of the roll, tbe vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, llcLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Abaent: Councilaan Woods. Tbe Mayor declared tbe motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 13, SBRIBS OF 1959 Alf OBDIR~B CRBATING A BOARD OF CAREER SERVICE COllllISSIOlfBRS; PROVIDING FOR TU APPOlllTllD'l' OF SAID BOARD; CRBATING THB INGLDO<I> CARllR SDVICI SYSTD; di> AUl'BmlIZllfG TBI SAID BOARD TO lllPLDBNT TBB SYSTBll WITH APPROPRIATI BULBS di> UGULATIONS, PURSUANT TO THB PROVISIONS OF ARTICLB XV OF TBB CllARTD OF TU CITY OF DGLDO<I>, COLORADO waa read for the aecond time. COUNCILllAJf JK:LII.l.AN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MARTIN SBCOMDBD, THAT ORDINANCE •o. 13, SDIU C:. 1959, BB PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDDD PUBLISBBD IN l'ULL IR TBB BJIGLDO<I> lllllALD AND INTERPRISB. Upon tbe .. call of tbe :toll, tbe vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Maya: None. Absent: councilman Woods. Tbe llayor declared tbe motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 14, SBRIBS OF 1959 AN ORDllfANCB APPROVING THB WHOLE COST OF THB lllPROVIJIDTS llADB IN AID FOR PAVING DISTRICT NO. 8, IN THB CITY OF BNGLDO<J>; COLORADO, APPROVING AND COlfFIRllllfG TBI APPORTIONllBNT OF SAID COST TO BACH Lar OR TRACT OF LAND IN SAID DISTRICT; ASSESSING A SHARE OF SAID COST AGAINST BACH Lar OR TRACT OF LAND IN TBB DISTRICT; AND PRISCRIBING THB MANNER FOR COLLECTION AND PAYllDT OF SAID ASSISSDNTS. was read for the second time. I I I I I I I I COUJ«:ILllA!f BROWNDELL MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECOKDBD, THAT ORDINABCB NO. 14, SERIES OF 1959, BE PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE ElfGLBWoa> HERALD Alm ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 15, SERIES OF 1959 AN ORDINANCE AllEMDING ORDINANCE NO. 14, SERIES OF 1957, ENTITLED ''THE SUB- DIVISION REGULATIONS FOR ENGLEWoa>, COLORADO," BY DELETING THEREFROM SECTION 5 OF ARTICLE I AKI> SUBSTITUTllfG THEREFOR A NEW SECTION 5, ENTITLED "CONFORllITY WITH REGULATIONS." was read for the second time. COUNCILllAN HILL MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 15, SERIES OF 1959, BE PASSED ON S:O:OND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN PULL IN THB ElfGLBWO<X> HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 16, SERIES OF 1959 AN ORDINAM::E APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DBSCRIBBD TO THE CITY OF ENGLEWOCI>, COLORADO, AND ANNEXING SAID DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO TRB CITY OF ElfGLBWoa>, COLORADO, TO-WIT: ALL OF THAT PORTION OF SECTIONS 8 AID 9, TOINSHIP 5 SOVTH, RAKiE 68 WEST OF THB 6TH PRlll::IPAL llBRIDIAN, THAT IS CONTAINED IN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED BOUNDARIES: BBGINlflMG AT A POINT OM THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 5 SOtrrH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH .PRINCIPAL llBRIDIAN, WHICH POINT IS 2211.a FBBT EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER or SAID SOUTH ONE-HALF OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, AND ON THE WESTERLY RIGlfl'-OF-WAY LID OF U.S. HIGHWAY 85; TRB?«::B SOtrrH 11 DEGREES 43 MINUTES WEST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMB 481.8 FEET TO A POINT, WHICH POINT IS THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THEJ«:B KORTH 84 DBGREBS 59 MINUTES WEST 508.19 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 10 DEGREES 47 lllNUTES WEST 507.65 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTH LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. l (BROWN ROAD); THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 53 MINUTES WEST ALONG TRB NORTH LINE OF SAm ROAD, 204.3 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82 DEGREES 55 MINUTES WEST ALONG THB NORTH LINE OF SAID ROAD 434.88 FEET; THENCE sourH 83 DBGRBES 3 llINUTBS WEST ALONG TRB NORTH LINE OF SAID ROAD 80.85 FEET; THENCE NORTH 24 DBGRBBS 49 lllNUTES WEST 503.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 3 MINUTES WEST 262.31 F&BT; TllSll:E Sotrl'B 4 DEGREES 50 MINUTES EAST 309.5 FEET; THEJ«:E S01JTH 21 DBGRBU 46 llINUTBS EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF PETERSBURG DITCH 190.l FEBT, llORB OR LBSS TO THE NORTH LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. l (BROWN ROAD); TllElCE SOOTH 57 DBGRBBS 42 MINUTBS WEST 11.57 FEET TO THE MIDDLE OF THE SOtrl'H PLATl'E RIVE; TRB?«::B SOtTl'HWBSTBRLY TO THE SOVTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SBCTION 8, TOIRSBIP 5 SOUTH, R.Al(GE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH PRIJ«:IPAL llKRIDIAN; THEJ«:B WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAJD NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SETION 8 TO A POINT OJf SAID SOUTH LINE WHIC~,69 FEET BAST OF TBB SOUTHWEST COIUUR OF THE SOtrrHBAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8; TBBa:B sotrre 00 DEGRBBS 8 MINUTES EAST 35 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DBGRBBS 52 MIBUTBS BAST 206 FBBT; TBBJ«:E SOUTH 00 DEGREES 8 MINUTES EAST 12S7.2 PBBT TO TBB sours LIMB OF TBB NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF IAID SBCTION 8; THBMCB EAST ALONG SAID SOtn'H LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOtTl'BBAST QUARTER 341.7 FEET TO THE SOtrrHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST LIMB OF SAID Sa::TION 8 TO A POINT 594 FEET HORTH OF THE SOtn'HEAST CORNER OF SAID SBCTION 8; THB?«::B NORTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES EAST{565.9 FBBT TO THB PROPERTY CORNBR IN TBB SOUTHWEST QUAJrl'BR OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SBCTION 9, TOWNSHIP 5 Sotn'H, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL llERmlAN; THEJ«:B NORTH 00 DBGRBBS 8 MINUTES EAST 1206.6 FEET; THENCE NORTH 27 DBGRBBS 10 llINUTBS BAST 144.60 FBBT TO PROPERTY CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 85 DBGRBBS 00 llINUTBS BAST ALOIG TRB NORTH LINE OF TRACTS OF LAND 988.0 FEET TO THB WESTERLY RIGBT-OP- WAY LIMB OF U.S. HIGHWAY 85; THENCE ON A SOtrrHEASTERLY COURSE 468 FBBT,lloRE OR LBSS, TO NORTHWEST TRACT CORNER ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF TBB ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY, SAID NORTHWEST TRACT 311 CORlfBR BBilfG LOCATBD 830 FEEi' SotrrH AND 551.25 FEET WBST OP TBB NORTHEAST CORlfBR OF TBB SOUTHWBST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9; TllBNCB BAST 551.25 FBBT TO THB BAST LINB OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9; THBMCB NORTH ALOJIG TRB BAST LINE OP SAID SOUTHWEST CIUARTER OF SAID SICTION 9, TO A POI1'T AT WHICH SAID BAST LINE OP SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER INTERSBCTS WITH THB CBMTER LIMB OP WBST LAYTON AVENUE, DT•lU>BD; THENCE EAST ALONG TBB CEMTER LIMB OP WBST LAYTOlf AVBMUE TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF WEST LAYTON AVENUE BX- TBJmBD WHICH INTERSECTS WITH THB EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMB OP CITY DITCH; THBICE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OP SAID CITY DITCH, WRICH LIMB IS ALSO THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OP ENGLBWOCI>, TO A POINT AT WHICH SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CITY DITCH INTERSECTS WITH TBB WEST LIMB OF Lor 44, BELL ISLE GARDENS; THENCE NORTH ALONG THB WBST LIMB OP SAID Lor 44 TO A POINT, AT WHICH SAID WBST LINB OP Lor 44 BXTENDBD INTERSECTS WITH THE SOUTH LINE OP THE NORTH OMB-HALP OP THE NORTH- EAST QUARTO OP SAID SECTION 9; TBBlfCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LI1fE OF THB SAID NORTH 01fE-BALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SICTION 9, TO THB NalTHWBST CORlfBR OP THB BAST 01fE-BALF OF THE BAST OD-HALF OP THE NORTHWBST QUARTER OP THE SOtrrBWBST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OP SAID SECTIOlf; TllBICE SOUTH ALONG THE WBST LINE OF SAID EAST ONE-HALP OF THB BAST on-HALF OP THB NORTHWEST QUARTER OP TBB SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, AND ALOlfG SAID WEST LINE BXTBNDBD TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOtrl'R LIMB OP WBST TUl'l'S AVENUE; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OP WEST TUFTS AVDUB TO THE POINT ON THE SOtrl'H LINE OF WEST TUFTS AVBlfUB WHICH IMTBRSECTS WITH THB BXTENDBD EASTERLY LINE OF Lor 13, BELL ISLE GARDENS AND WHICH POI1'T IS THB NORTRBAST CORNER OP Lor 13 , BELL ISLE GARDENS; THBNCE SOUTH 12 DBGRBBS 55 MINUTES EAST 351.74 FEEi'; THENCE SOUTH 8 DBGREBS 15 MINUTES BAST 100.0 FEIT; THENCE SOUTH 08 DBGREEES 05 MINUTES WEST 400.4 PEBT TO A POINT, DICB IS THE SOUTHERN MOST POINT OF Lar 13, BELL ISLE GARDBNS; TBBICB NORTH 12 DEGREES 55 MINUTES WEST 597.64 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF Lor 12, BELL ISLE GARDENS; THBNCE SOtrrH 89 DEGREES 47 MIMUTBS WBST 662.2 FEET TO THE SOtrrBWEST CORNER OP Lor 6, BELL ISLE GARDENS; THENCE SOUTH 100.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45 DEGREBS 00 MIMUTBS BAST 52.1 PEIT; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 45.0 FEET RADIUS CURVB TO THB RIGHT 17 6. 71 PEET ( 225 DEGREES OP ARC) ; THENCE NORTH 20. 0 FEET, llORB OR LESS, TO TBB SOUTHBAST CORNER OF Lor 4, BELL ISLE GARDENS; THENCE SOUTH 89 DBGRBES 47 IUNUTES WBST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOI' 4, 333. 6 FEBT TO THE POl1'T OP INTERSBCTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOO' 4 WITH THE EASTBRLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY; THBNCE NORTH 11 DBGRBBS 19 MINUTES EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINB OF SAID RAILWAY 404.25 FEIT TO THE NORTHWEST COR1fER OF Lar 1, BBLL ISLB G.ARDBNS; T~B ON A NORTHWBSTBRLY COURSE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BBGilfNING: ALSO THB POLLOlllfG DBSCRIBBD PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOIJNSBIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN: Lars 5 TBROOGH 8, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 1, BELL ISLE GARDENS, SECOND FILING, ALL IN ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO. was read for the second time. COUNCILMAN GRAHAM MOVED, COUNCILMAN HILL SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 16, SBBIBS OF 1959, BE PASSED ON SH:OND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN TBB ElfGLBWoa> BBRALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, tbe vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Concilman Woods. The llayor declared the motion carried. REPORT OF ACQUIRING RIGIIT-OF-WAY ON WEST DARTMOUTH AVBlfUE The Acting City Manager reported that deeds were forthcoming on two properties and that the third property bad been appraised in the value of $100.00 but that word had also been received to the effect that this pro- perty bad been sold. The City Attorney recommended that negotiation with the new owner be initiated so that condemnation proceedings may be avoided. The Mayor directed the City Manager to continue to seek the right-of- way necessary for the improvement of Dartmouth Avenue and make a report at tbe next meeting. REPORT ON PROCEDURE TO SP'1m UP COLLECTIONS OF BUSI1fESS LICENSE AND PROVIDE MANAGEllBNT RESEARCH The Acting City llangger informed the Council that subsequent to a polling of that body by the Mayor Pro-tem relating to the hiring of a graduate student in Public Administration for research work on administrative level regarding a sales tax and to follow up on Business License and Amusement Machine applicatiomhad been hired. This gentleman is Howard Nies hired at the rate of $1.50 per hour. I I I I I I I The Mayor expressed the opinion that this would be a good movement by the City. CONSIDERATION OF DBLINQUBMT TRAILER CCXJRT P..S The Acting City llangger informed the Council that 11 of the T1·ailer Courts located within the City limits are delinquent in the payment of in- spection fees as provided for by ordinance. Discussion ensued. CCXJ.:ILllAN GRAHAM MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT TBB CITY ATTORHBY BB DIRl'CTBD TO INSTITUTE ACTION BEFORE THE POLICE llAGISTRATB FOR THB COLLECTION OF SUCH FBBS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Bill, Kreiling, McLellan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the motion carried. REPORT OF ELECTION CODISSION The Acting City Manager read a report of the Election Commission meet- ing held on April 15th. The Mayor accepted the report of the activities of the Election Com- aission and asked that it be placed on file. MAYOR'S CHOICE The Mayor listed several matters to be discussed at the next infor11al aeeting including those of the Career Service Commissioners, the Audit Re- port, attendance at the Municipal League Convention, discussion of Paving District policy and the request of Mr. Shivers with regard to bis capacity. Tbe Mayor asked that the City Attorney draft a resolution thanking the Legislators for action on Highway User Tax leading to its adoption by the State Legislature and other activities favoring municipal legislation. Ill reported that Mr. Rudd, the City Manager, is recuperating from ex- tensive surgery and although be is improving daily that full recuperation is urged before any attempt is made for bis resumption of duties. ADJOURN cou.:ILllAlf BRAUN MOVED, CCXJNCILllAN MARTIN SECONDED, THAT THE llBBTllfG BB ADJOUIUfm>. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Martin, Graham, Hill, Kreiling, McL c llan, Scott. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Woods. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12:20 A.II. Signed B. o. Beausang ~ City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 20th day of April, 1959 A.D., stand ap- proved as written this 4th day of May 1959, A.D. ATTBST: 313