HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-04-12 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGUlAR llEETING or THE CITY courrc11 OF THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HBlD APRil 12, 1937. ayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROll CAll: Jenkins Present Coombe Preaent Dunning Present Walker Present 6 Preaent Dolesal Preaent Wet1and Preaent Abaent none Clerk read minutes ot the previous meetings. moved,) Alderman Dunning Dolezal ROll CAlL: seconded,) that the minute• be approYed aa read. Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye Coombs Aye Walker Aye 6 Ayes Nays none Dolesal A7e Wet1and Aye Clerk read the Otficer•a Report• tor the Month ot March, 1937. Alderman Weigand moved,) filed. Jenkin• seconded,) that the Otticer•a Report• be accepted and ROlL CALL: Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Doiesal Aye ·Wet1and Aye All BillS READ BY THE ClERK AND APPROVED BY THE FINANCI COllUITT!I: (Warrant Register) April Total SALARY FUND ----- 1 IBRARY FUND lIGHT FUND FIRE rtJND POl!CE FUND STREET FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL Alderman Coomba .moved,) $ 471.00 173.20 417.74 743.91 1,033.64 852.39 i.608.i5 .•. !,299. 3 Weigand ae,eonde.d..,) tha-t all. by the Finance .co-1 ttee .be .. allowed. hllla read b7 the Clerk and appDoved ROLL CALL: Jenkina Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal A7• Wei1and A7e 11r. Lampe and Ir. Petit appeared .betor.e the Council proteatin1 a nuiaanoe b7 do1• in the 3000 Block south Grant. The matter waa referred t.o the .Police Department and the Dog Catcher. RESOLUTION WHEREAS tote 39 & 40; Block 24; South Bdwy Height•; are .delinquent in the p&711ent ot sp~ci&-1 taxea _oTar .a petiod .of several yeara; and WHERE.AS the owner thereot,.Oli~er c. Ritchey+ baa ottered to pay the amount of the said delinquent ina.tallmenta.,. together with lnterut on the aame at the rate ot aix percent (&J!); and the Coun41l belleYea .it to be to the beat interests ot the City to aecept aucb . otter; vo w TqER!F R! BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Treaaurer be. and be 1• hereby authorized to accept a• payment ln _tul.l. .. tha uoun\ of \be aaid delin- quent inatallmenta, plu. aix per~•nt (~)interest; alld .\o laaa• a receipt in tull theretor. Alderman Jenkina.moved,) Coo•bs seconded,) .the adoptiDn ot ~h~aboYe ROLL CALL: Jenkin• Aye Coombs Aye Dunning Aye Walker Aye 6 Ayes Nay• none RESOlUTION reaolution. Dolesal Aye We11and A7e WHIRi.AS lot.a 42 & 43; Block 4; West View AdditiDn;.ar.e delinquent in \he P&79•nt of special-tax.ea over a period ot aeYeral yeara, and WR!RIAS the owner thereof, Ura. Uaggia Raite, ha• ottered to pay the uount or the aaid delinquent. inatal l uients ., t..ogether with lntereat on the aue at the rate of aix percent (6t); and the Council bell~••· it to be to the beat 1n\ereata ot the Cit7 to ace.pt such otter; NOW TfflRZP'ORI B! IT .R!S~VED: Tbat the County Treaaurer be and he la hereby au\horised. to accept a• .payment in full .the .aaoun.t ot tbe .. aaid de- linquent lnatallmenta, plua •ix p•rcent Cat) interea~. and .to t.aue a re- ceipt in tulL therefor. Alderman Dunning moYed,) Coomb• ••~onded,) ROll CAll: Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes the adoption o~ the aboYe reaolutlon. Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolual Aye We11and A7• Clerk read an opinion from the Attorney General.._of the .St.Ate of Colorado aa to what conatitutea a garage. It read as tollowa: I I I I I 717 OPINION r. Geiger of the Geiger & Company, Well Driller• ot Chicago, apoke br1etl7 to the Council pertaining to the well which was drilled in Englewood. Mr. Geiger atated that the well bad tailed to meet ita guarantee and the City wa• under no obligation to the Company to .accept the well. Alderman Jenkin• moved,) Dolezal eeconded,) tha there being no the Council, Council adjourn until April 26, 1937. ROll CALL: Jenkins Aye Coombe Aye Dunning Aye Walker Aye further bualn••• to coae before Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye 6 Ayes Nays none linutea of the Regular Meeting held April 12., 1937 atand a pprov.ed aa read thi• 10th day or ___ ._._,.._ ________ 1937.