HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-04-19 (Special) Meeting Minutes71 8
HBlD AFRil 19, 19!7.
ayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call.
ROll CAll:
Jenkin• Present Coombs Present Dolezal Preaent
Dunning Preaent Walker Present Weigand Preaent
6 Present Absent none
Tb• abatract or Votes Caat at the Uunicipal ·Election held in the City ot
1n1lewood, Colorado, on Tuesday, the 6th day of April, 193?, ahowa that
the following candidates received the greatest number ot votea caat tor
their respective offices:
For layor Hugh Graham 1913
For Treaaurer D.11. West 2328
ror City Clerk Charles H. Sratth 1••3
For Aldermen Ward #1 T. Carl Coombe •36
Dr. H.Q. Weigand •25
ror Aldermen Ward #2 C.A. Dunning ?S8
Edgar Jenk~ns 69?
For Aldermen Ward f 3 Charles Dolezal so•
Boyd 1. Walker •90
The above-named elected officers were sworn into office by Honorable
Luke w. Terrell.
Alderman Jenkin• aoved,)
Walker seconded,) the adoption ot the tollowina reaalution:
That the ainutea of tb1a maeting show that all appointment• made here to-
night are made with the prov.iai,on that appointee• are to aerve durlng the
will and pleaaure of the Council. and not .tor any tetinlte tera.
Jenkins Aye
Dunnina Aye
Coombs Ay.e
Walker Aye
Nays none
Doleaal Aye
Weigand Aye
6 Ayea
Alderman Jenkina. moved,)
Weigand seconded,)
Mayor Pro-Tea.
that the CounciL elect T. Carl Cooaba aa
Jenkin• Aye
DUnning Aye
Coombs No Voting ,
Walker Aye
Bolesal Aye
Weigand Aye
Absent none 5 Ayea 1 Not Voting
Application• were. read by the Clerk tor tha various .appo1nt1Y• otticea and
and following appointments ware mada .by the Council:
Clty Attorney ·------
Street Coamiaaioner
Street Dept. ll&n
Street Dept. Yan
Follce .laglat.rate
Health Comaiaaioner
D&7 Fire Truck Driver
Two Night Fire Truck Driv.ers
Custodian City Hall
Dump Caretaker
Wiring InapecLor
Chl et of Poli c.e
Aaat. Chiet Police
Sergeant Police. Dept.
Da7 Deak Sergeant
Ni1ht " "
Merchant Police
Utlllt.y llan
Harold H. Davie•
rrank ... Harneaa
Mart.in Kn1 al •1
Henry Eberhardt
Luke w •. Terrell
Dr .. John Siaon
Victor Ballow
John Powell
Yark Krieba
Homer Harri•
David. J.ohnaton
Frank Harne••
J .G., Boyer
Lea A. Jordan R.w. Hoe7
L.L. Oberg
Dean livlngaton
C.R. Zeigler
George rr1t11nger
Henry Sch1ll 1n1
WHEREAS tot 10; Block 8; StrAyer•s Broadway Height&· ar.e delinquent in
the payment of special taxas over a period ot aeveral _yeara, and
Fi EREAS the ownar thereof., Emma Fritz. ha.a ottered .to pay the uount ot
the sald delinquent installaen.ta, together with intere•t on the •u• at the
rate or six percent (~); and th.e Council believe• it to be to tha ~eat in-
tere s ts of t h e City to accept such. otter;
NOW T H E~EF 0 R! BE I T RESOlVED: That the .Co unty Treaaurer ot Arapahoe Co.
be and he ia hereby authori..z.ed to .accept as payment. ,in tull t.be .uount ot the
aa1d delinquent inatallJaent._._ plua ,inter.est-at a1x percent (e().; and to iaaue
a receipt in full therefor.
Alderman Jenk1na moved,)
Coombs seconded,) the adoption ot the above reaolution.
Jenkin• Aye
Dunning Aye
6 Ayes
Coombs Aye
Walker Aye
Naya none
Dolual Aye
Weigand Aye
All appointive otticere were then sworn in batore Hon. Luke w. Terrell.
Alderman Dunning moved,)
Jenkins aeconded,) that there being no further buaineaa, Council
adjourn until April 26. 1937.
ROll CAll:
Jenkins Aye Coombs Aye Dolezal Aye
Dunning Aye Walker Aye Weigand Aye
6 Ayea Nays none
:Un u tes ·:)f this SreciaJ meeting stand approved aa read this 10th day of
-------~'-ay--~~~---1 9 ~7. C%_~.M ~
City Clerk