HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-05-10 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• REGUlAR MEETING or TH! CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD IAY 10, 1987. layor Graham called the meetiJg to order and asked tor Roll qall. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Present Dunning Present Coombs Present Dolezal Present Walker Present Weigand Preaent 6 Present Absent none Clerk read minutes of the previous meetings. Alderman Walker moved,) Dolezal seconded,) that the minutes be approved as read. ROll CAll: Jenkins Aye D..inning Aye 6 Ayes Coombe Aye Walker Aye Nays none Clerk read otricer•a Reports for the Month or April, 1937. Alderman Dunning moved,) Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Coombe seconded,) that the Otticer•a Report• be accepted and filed. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Dunning Aye Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Doleaal Aye Weigand Aye All BillS READ BY THE CLERK AND APfROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: (Warrant Register) Salary Fund Library Fund light Fund Fire Fund Police Fund Street Fund General Fund Alderman Coombs moved,) GRAND TOTAl ' 471.00 100.00 415.32 531.53 1,015.33 864.65 1,883.4~ ' 5,281.2 Weigand aec~nded.) that all by the finance committee be al.J.owed. bills read by the Clerk and approved ROll CAll: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Clerk read two communications from the. Lions Club and the .Women'• Club, favoring the adoption of. a zoning and Bu.11ding Ordinance tor the City of Englewood •. The communications .were ordered filed • RESO LUTION WHEREAS lots 39 & 40; Block 11;. Idlewild; are delinquent in the payment ot special taxea over a period at sever.al years, and wiiEREAS the owner thereof, Elmer•~ & Margaret Scott, have ottered to pay the amount or tha said delinquent instal.lment•, together wl th interest on the aame at the rate or six p.er~ent (&J!) per annua; •nd the Council be- lieve• it to be to the bsst int.eresta of the City to accept such offer; NOi THEREFO~E BE IT RESOl VED: That the County Treasurer ot Arapahoe County be and he is hereby aut.hori~ed . to acc.ep.t as payment . in full the amount ot the aaid deli~uent .inatal.lm.ent• .•. togeth.ar with intere•t at the . rate of six percent (8') per annum, and to 1sau~ a re.c..eip~in full therefor. Alderman Jenkins .moved,) Coombs seconded~) ROl l CAI l: the adoption ot the foregoing resolution. Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye Coombs Aye Walker Aye 6 Ayes RESOlUTION Nay.a none WHEREAS Lota 9 cl 10; Block l; S.trayer•a. Bdwy. Heights; Lota 11 & 12; Block 4; Bank Addition; Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Lota 21 & 22; Block. 12;. Id1ewild; are delin'lll•nt in the payment ot special taxes over a period or sever.al .years. and WHEREAS the owner thereof~ Carl R. Smith~ has offered to pay the aaount ot the said delinquent. ina.t..allm.ents ,_ together with interest . on the aaae at the rate ot six per.cent ( ~).; and the Cougcil balievea it to be to tbe beat intereats of the City to acc.ept .. such otter; HOW THEREFORI BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Treaaurer of Ar~pahoe County be and he la ~ereby autbori%ed to. ace.apt as p&Jment .ln tull the amount ot the said delinquent inatallmants., plus six percent . interest and to iaaue a receipt in tul.l therefor. Alde .. an Jenkins moved,) Cooaba seconded,) the adoption or. the foregoing resolution. ROll CAll: 6 Ayes Nays none 721 722 Alderman Jenkins moved,) Weigand seconded,) that proposed ordinance No. , Series ot 1937, entitled, ·AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE or AND TRAFFIC UPON T'iE R1BlIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS or THE CITY OF ENGlEWOOD, PROVIDING PDl- Al TIES FOR VIOLATI ON S AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 3 or THI S!RIIS OF1920, AND All OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS or ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH,• be introduce~ and read as a propoeed ordinance tor the c1i1 ot Ingle- wood. ROLL CAlL: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Wei1and Aye Clerk read proposed ordinance No. , Serles ot 1937, entitled, •AN ORDINANCE REGUlATING THE USE .F AND TRA~FIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS or TH! CITY OF ZNGlEWOOD , PROVIDING PZNAlTIES FOR VIOLATIONS AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 3, or THE SERIES or 1920, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AHO PARTS or ORDINANCES IN CONrlICT HEREWITH,• in tull. Alderman Weigand moved,) Coombs seconded,) that proposed ordinance No , Serles ot 1937, entitled, ·AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE or AND TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS or THE CITY or ENGl.EWOOD, PROVIDING P!NAlTIIS FOR VIOlATIOHS AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 3, or T~-lE SERIES or 1920, AND All OTR!R ORDINANCES AND PARTS or ORDINANCES IN CONFlICT ~ER!WITH,• does now pa•• its tiret reading as read; be published; and go over tor further conelderation. ROLl CALL: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye 'Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye William Howard, representing the Junior Chamber ot Commerce ot Engle- wood, presented a sample ot reaolution adopted by the City ot Fort Collins, appointing a Zoning Commission, which was read. The matter was discussed bf. the Council and 1 t wa• stated that an ettort would be made at a later meeting to appoint such a co .. tealon tor this City. Alderman Dunning moved,) Dolezal seconded.) that there being no further buaine•• to come before the Council, Council adjourn .until May 24th, 1937. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Aye Coombs . Aye Dolesal Aye Dunning Aye Walker Aye Weigand Aye 6 Ayes Nays none Minutes or thle meet..ing s~and a1proved aa June 19:57. ~.J/~ city Clerk I I I I I