HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-06-28 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGUlAR ADJOURNED M!ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or ENGllWOOD,
COl ORAOO, HELD JUNE 28, A.D. 1937.
ayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call.
ROll CAl.l:
Coombs 'resent
"•nkins Present
6 Preaent
Dolezal Present
Walker Present
Absent none
Dunning Preaent
Weigand Preaent
A repreaentat1ve group of water right holder• on the irrigation ditch that
nana tro• the City Ditch on Dartmouth to Elat1 & Bate• met with the Council and
dlacusaed the matter ot putting the ditch in tiling, due to the apec1al l•prove-
••nt work now going on in that end ot the city.
It waa agreed that the city would maintain the ditch and clean the eand trapa
and ln oonalderation of that, the ditch owner• would aign an agree•ent allowing
the tiling to be put in.
F.W. Barday preeented the matter ot decorations tor thia city for the National
Ilka Convention in Denver. No definite action was taken by the Council except to
aar•• to pay approximately $10.00 tor tbe clty•s ahare in that event that there
waa a ahort-ge in the amount due tor the decorations.
Frank A. lar,uia appeared before tha Council proteat1ng the condition of the
atreet in the 2700 Block on So. Cherokee, due to the apeolal 18provement work DOW
under way in that locality. The atreet department were of the opinion that the
street could be maintained as well as .. could be expected under the circumat.ancea.
Mra. Ethel Ahlquiat prot..eated the possible sale ot real eatate to a Negro
party in the 2700 so. Bannock. No action was .taken.
WHEREAS Lota 25 to 30. 1nc~; Block 53~ South Br.oadwa7 Helahta; are delln,uent
in the papent of apec1al.. .taxea _ over a period_ .ot several . yeara, and
WHIRXAS. the owner thereof. E.W. Beeson.~ has ot~ered to pay tbe .aaount ot the
aaid delincpaant 1nata11JUnt..a ~ •i th six .. percent interea..t; and the Council bell eve•
it to be to the beat interee..t ot the. City to. accept auch otter;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOl VED: That the County Treaaur.er ot Arapabo.e County
be and be ia hereby authorised. t.o accept aa payment .in full the aaount .ot the •aid
deliDJluent in•tallaenu., plua ai.x percent interest.., and .. to 1aaue a receipt in tull
Alderman Coomba aoved,)
Jenkin• aeconded,.)
ROll CAll:
Coomba Aye
Jenkins Aye
6 Ayes
that the foregoing reaolution be adopted.
Dolezal Aye
Walker Aye
Nays none
Dunnin1 A7•
Weigand A7e
Clerk read cor•eaponden.ce. trom Mr. E.T. Paca regarding the operation ot the
City Dog Pound on Quincy & Clarkson.
The Council dlacuased the poss1bi11ty of cutting weeda; and, in th1• connect-
ion, conaldered the purchase ot a mowing .attachaent to connect to the tractor,
rather than hiring a team. to do . the work.
Clerk read a co1111W11cat1on . from ¥r. J.M. Railey, mana1er ot the Englewood
Furn i ture Co., proteatlng the payment ot a Uae.d Good• llc.enae~ The letter waa
accepted and tiled.
Alderman Dunning
Cooaba Aye
Jenkin• Aye
seconded.,) that the Council adJourn 11Dtil July 12th.
6 Ayes
Dolezal Aye
Walker Aye
Naya none
Dunning A7e
Weigand Aye
Uinutea ot this meeting atand approved aa 4, -<.../ thia 12thday ot July 19!7.
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