HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-07-12 (Regular) Meeting Minutes127 -A REGULAR MEETING or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COlORADO, Rll.D MONDAY, JULY 12, A.O. 1937. Mayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Present Coombs Present Dolezal Present Dunning Present Walker Prese nt Weigand Preeent 6 Present Absent none Clerk read the minutes or the previous meetings. moved,) Alderman Weigand Jenkins ROll CAll: seconded,) that the minutes be approved as read. Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Clerk read Officer's Reports tor the Month ot June, 1937. Alderman Walker moved,) Dole~al Aye Weigand Aye Dunning seconded,) that the Ofticer•e Report• be accepted and filed. ROll CALL: Jenkin• Aye- Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombe Aye Walker Aye Naye none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye ALL BILLS READ BY TH! CLERK AND APPROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: (Warrant Register) SALARY FUND LIBRARY FUND LIGHT FUND WATER FUND FIRE FUND POLICE nDID STREIT FUND GENIRAl FUND Alderman Coombs moved,) TOTAL • •11.00 100.00 406.59 1,220.00 404.61 l, 121. 96 1,008.04 1,931.70 ' 6,663.90 Weigand seconded,) that all bills read approved by the Finance Committee, be allowed. by the clerk an~ ROIL CALL: Jenkins Aye Coombs Aye Dunning Aye Walker Aye 6 Ayes Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Clerk read two communications from the Colorado Uunicipal League and the other from the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corporation, which were accepted and tiled. Alderman Walker moved,) Weigand seconded,) that the insurance Truck and t.lle second Police Car be re-newed. policiee on \he large Fire ROLL CALL: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Co mba Aye Walker Aye RESOLUTION Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye WHEREAS lot 29; Block 4; Bank Addition; ia delinquent in the payment or special taxes over a period ot several years, and WHEREAS the owner thereof, Aaron c. Watson~ ~185 So. Clarkson, baa ottered to pay the amount ot the special delinquent installments, together with alx percent interest; and the Council believes it to .be to the beat interest ot the City to accept such offer; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ~ESOlVED: That the County Treasurer of Arapahoe Count~ be and he la hereby authorized to accept as paym.ent in full the amoun~ of the aaid delinquent installments, plus six percent intarest; .and to iasue a receipt in tull therefor. Alder111an Dunning moved,) Coom bs seconded,) 1011 CAll: the adoption ot the above resolution. Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye Coombs Aye Walker Aye 6 Ayes Nays none Honorable H.H. Davies Englewood Colorado COMUUNICATION The State ot Colorado Department ot Law Office ot the attorney General Denver Dolezal Aye elgand Aye July 12, 1937 I I I I I Dear Senator Davies: In response to your recent letter, please be advlaed that while it ia not the duty ot thia ottice to render opinion• 1n the aatter such as referred to by you, we are willing to cooperate 1n all part- iculars and give you our lnterpretatlon ot the same. We believe that the publication ot a propoaed ordinance and the publication or an ordinance after adoption by the City Council 1• one continuoua transaction, and that where/ilnor change 1• •ad• aa ln tbla case, the rate charged tor the publication ot the ordinance after adopt- ion should be paid at the rate ot a aecond publication. Very truly youre, (Signed): BYRON G. ROGERS Attorney General BGR:L Alderman Jenkins moved,) Walker seconded,) that the above communication General be incorporated into the minutes ot this meeting. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayea Alderman Coombs moved,) Coombe Aye Walker Aye Naya none Weigand seconded,) that there being no further before the Council, Council adJourn until July 26th, 19~7. ROl l CAll: Jenkins Aye D..inning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Naya none from the Attorne1 Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye bueine•• to co•• Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye #- this meeting stand approved as read thia ~ -day ot 1937. -----~ ... 728