HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-07-26 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD JULY 26, A.D. 1937. Mayor Graham called the meeting to order and aaked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Jenkin• Preeent Coombs Present Dolezal Abeent Weigand Preaent Dunning Present Walker Absent 4 Present Absent 2 Detective Jack Wilson of the Denver Police Department appeared before the Council and explained the Police Pension Fund ae applicable to amaller cities and towns in Colorado. Mr. Wilaon was making a survey ot the atate to deter- mine how many police officers were eligible trom the atandpolnt ot putting in at least 80J: ot their time in ·actual police work. It waa alao pointed out that tor every police officer eligible, there would be an a••••••ent at thla time of t4.00 per to help defray the expense of the state-wide check, with the money being paid to the Police ~rotective Association of Colorado. Tbe Council deferred this matter until their regular meeting tor tbe approval ot all bille. RESOLUTION WHEREAS the following describ e d property, to-wit: •A tract of land in the SWt ot the Sit ot Section thirty-four(34); Townebip tour (•) South; Range aixty- elght (68) Weat of the Sixth Principal Meridian, deacribed a• tollowa, to-wit: Commencing at a point two hundred and fifty-five (255) feet Saat ot the lnter- aection or the Eaet line of Broadway with the North line or or aaid Soutbweat •uarter of the Soutbeaat quarter (SWt or SEt) of Section 3•, Townahip tour <•> aouth, Range aixty-eight .(68) Weet, thence Eaet one hundred and ninety-five (195) teet; thence South at right angles one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet; thence West one hundred and ninety-fi~e (195) feet; thenoe North at right angle• one hundred and fifty-five (155) teet to the place of ~ .. inning: Together with all water right• belonging to .or appertaining to above deacrlbed .tract;• la del1n•uent in the payment or special taxes over a period ot aeveral years, and WHEREAS the owner thereof, Mrs. Anna c. Anderaon, ha• ottered to pay the .. ount of the said delinquent inatall~enta, together with lntereat on the aaae at the rate or eix percent (~); and the Council believes it to be to the beat interests of the City to accept eucb offer; NO THEREF ORE BE IT RESOlVED: That the County Treaaurer be and he ia here- by authorized to accept as payment in full the amount ot the aaid delinquent in- stallments, togeth er with aix .perc•nt interest ., and to ieaue a receipt in tull therefor. Alderaan Jenkins Dunning ROLL CALL: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye Alderman Jenkins Weigand before the Council, ROlL CAl.L: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye moved,) aeconded.,) that the foregoing resolution be adopted. 4 Ayes moved,) Coomba Aye Walker Absent Nays none Absent 2 Dolezal .Abeent Weigand Aye seconded,) that there being no further buain••• to come Council adjourn until Wednesday, July 28th, 1937. 4 Ayee Coombs Aye Walker Absent Nays none Absent 2 Dolezal Abaent Weigand Aye ll inut.H of t.hia 11eet.ing st.and approved as read t.his 1 !SAY o'¥-9S7. ~t?iµ I I ' I I .. ... ; ..