HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-07-28 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGUlAR ADJOURNED MEETING or THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or INOL!WOOD, COLORADO, HElD JULY 28, A.O. 19371 Mayor Graham called the meeting to order and aaked tor Roll Call. ROLl CALL: Jenkin• Preaent Coombs Present Dolesal Al•ent Wei1and Preaent Dunning Preaent Walker Absent 4 Present Absent 2 The City Council •ade a propoaal to Mr. Breuer ot the Breuer Motors Supply, Denver, who aanutacture ••all automobiles, to operate a ••all track in the City tor a ticen•e tee ot 110.00 a month tor a two month period, and the tee tor the third month to be $5.00. Mr. Breuer accepted this offer and paid the tee for the period trom August 5th to September 5th, 1937. Alderman Coombe introduced proposed ordinance No. , Seri•• ot 1937, ent1 tl ed' ·AN ORDI NANCE ADOPTING A f'lAN FOR THE ACQUISITION or A llUNICIPAl.LY OW~ED El ECTR I C l IGHT AND POWER PLANT AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, AND PROV IDI G FOR AN ElECTION AT WHICH THE QUESTION or APPROVING THIS ORDINANCI SHAll BE SUB MITTED TO A VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ELECTORS or SAID CITY•, and moved that it be read as a proposed ordinance tor the City ot Inglewood. Clerk read proposed ordinance No. , Series of 1937, entitled, •AN ORD- I NANC E ADOPTING A PLAN FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A UUNICIPALlY OWNID ELECTRIC LI GH T AND FOWER PLA NT AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, AND PRO~IDING FOR At! El ECTION AT WHICH THE QUESTION OF AP PROVING THIS ORDINAHCI SHALL BE SUB- MI TTED TO A VOTE or THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ELECTORS OF SAID CITY,• in full. Alderman Weigand moved,) Dwlning aeconded,) that proposed Ordinance No. , Serie• ot 1937, entitled, •AN ORDillANCE ADOPTING A PLAN FOR THE AC QUISITION Of A UUNICIPALlY OWNED ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PlA NT AND ElECTRICAl DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, AND PROVIDI NG FOR AN ELECTI N AT WHICH THE QUESTION OF APPROVING TRIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE SUBMIT TED TO A VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ELECTORS or SAID VITY,• does now pass it• first reading as read; be published .in the Inglewood Enter- prlae and go o•er tor further cona-1de.rat1on. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye Alderman Dunning Weigand b e fore the Council, 1937. ~O l l CA1l: J enkins Aye Dun n ing Aye Coombs Aye Walker A~aent 4 Ayes Nays none Mayor so ordered moved,) Dolezal Abaent Weigand Aye Absent 2 seconded,) that there being no further bu•ineee to come the Council adJourn until the regular meetin1 Augu•t 9tb, 4 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Absent Nay• none Dolezal Absent Weigand Aye Absent 2 Minutes ot this meeting stand approved a --;;;Ji? ;,?this ~ day 1937. ~, -r-- 730