HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-08-09 (Regular) Meeting Minutes730 -A RBOUlAR UEETI JG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD AUGUST 9, A.D. 1937. Mayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROll CALL: Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye Coombs Aye Walker Aye Doleaal Aye Weigand Aye 6 Present Absent none Clerk read the minutes of the previous meetings. Alderman Dun . ing moved,) Coombs seconded,) that the minutes stand approved as read. ROll CAll: Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal ·Aye Weigand Aye Clerk read the Otticer•s Reports tor the Month ot July, 1937. Alderman Walker moved,) Dunning seconded,) that the Officer's Report• be accepted and tiled. ROll CAll: Jenkin• Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Vlalker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye ALL BILLS READ BY THE CLERK AND APPROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: (Warrant Register) SALARY FUND LIBRARY FUND LIGHT FUND WATER MAINTE NANCE FIRE FUND POLICE FUND STREET FUND GENERAL FUND Alderman eigand moved,) TOT Al ' 471.00 100.00 401.94 192.28 235.19 1,003.23 994.33 980.22 4,378.19 Coombs seconded,) that all bills by the Finance Committee, be allowed. read by the Clerk and approved IOLl CAll: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye RESOLUTIONS Nays none WHEREAS the following described properties, to-wit: Lots 43 &44; Block 2; Bank Ad d ition; Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Lot• 22 & 23; Block 6; Skerritt•s Add. 3rd. Filing; lots 43 & 44; Block 5; so. Bdwy. Heights; lot 2 & N! of lot 3; Block 3; West View are delinquent in the payment of special taxes over a period or several years, and WHEREAS the owners thereof, R.E. Forry, Louie Wilson, O.E. Anderson and C.M. Hall, respectively, have offered to pay the amount ot the said delinquent installments, together with interest on the aame at the rate ot aix percent (~) per annum; and the Council believe• it to be to the best interests or the City to accept such ofter; fO W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Trea•urer ot Arapahoe County be and he is hereby authorized to accept as payment• in tull the amount of the said delinquent installments, plus interest at aix percent (~) and to issue receipts in full therefor. Alderman Walker moved,) Jenkins secon ded,) the ROll CAll:. Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes adoption of the above reaolutiona. Co ombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye r. E.T. raca appeared before the Council relative to hia keeping goats at 4306 So. Washington st. The desire was expresaed that he conform to the ordinance a nd only keep two female goats; but the matter waa referred to the ordinance committee for investigation. Mr. Paca, Mr. Theodore Haas. Mrs. Mildred Brooks Haas, 4395 So. Clarkson, alao protested against the maintenance. of the City Dog Pound at Quincy & Clarkaon Sta., asserting that it constituted a public nuisance and aaked that the location be changed. The matter was taken under consideration by the Council. Alderman Jenkins moved,) Walker seconded,) that Ordinance #2, Serie• ot 1937, entitled, •AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PLAN FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A MUNICIPALLY OWNED ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANT AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTI~ SYSTEM, AND f ROVIDING FOR AN ElECTICN AT WHICH THE QUESTION OF APPROVING THIS ORDIN~ ANCE SHAll BE SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ELECTORS OF SAID CITY•, be now placed on its second reading and final paaaage and that I I I I I all rules or the Council which might prevent, unless auspended, the final pasaage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting, be and the aame are hereby suspended, for the purpose of permitting the final pa•atng and adopt- ing of aald ordinance at this meeting. ROll CAl l: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Alderman J enkins moved,) Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Walker seconded,) that said ordinance be placed upon its final passage. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Ape Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Clerk read Ordinance #2, Series of 1937, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PLAN roR THE ACQUISITION OF A llUNICIPAll.Y OWNED ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANT AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, ANO PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION AT WHICH THE QUESTION OF APFROVING THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO A VOTE or THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ELECTORS OF SAID CITY•, in full. Alderman Dunning moved,) Walker seconded,) that Ordinance #2, Series of 19!7, entitled, •AN ORDitANCE ADOPTING A PLAN FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A llUNICIPAllY OWNED ELECTRIC lIGHT AND POWER PLANT AND ElECTRICAl DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, ANO PROVIDI G FOR AN ElECTION AT WHICH THE QUESTION OF APPROVING THIS ORDIN- ANCE SHAll BE SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ElF.CTORS or SAID CITY•, doe• now pass its final reading and be published ln the Eng- lewood Herald and Enterprise aa Ordinance #2, Series of 1937, aa required by the Statutes of the State of Colorado. ROll CAll: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes Alderman Coombe moved,) Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Dunning seconded,) that Sam Pullum, Building & Sewer Inspector, be allowed all the fees from the Building Fermita, rather than one-halt, as baa been the case. ROLL CAll.: Jenkina Aye Dunning Aye Alderman Jenkins Dolezal ROll CALl: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 6 Ayes moved,) seconded,) 6 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Aye that the Council Coombs Aye Walker Aye Nays none adjourn Nays none until Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye August 23, Dolezal Aye Wei sand Aye inutea of this meeting stand a pp roved as read this l~th day of September 1937. 1937. 731