HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-08-23 (Regular) Meeting Minutes732 REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HElD AUGUST 23, A.D. 1937. Mayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked ror Roll Call. ROll CALL: Jenkins Aye Coombs Aye Dolezal Aye Dunning Aye Walker Absent Weigand Aye 5 Present Absent one Uessrs. A. Engelberg and L. Mosko, Denver, appeared before the Council and requested a Junk Dealer's license. The matter was referred to the license Committee tor investigation. A com munication was read from Mr. E.T. Paca, 4306 So. Waahington St., requesting an amendment to the ordinance on goats. The matter waa re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. RESOLUTI ONS WHEREAS the following described properties, to-wit: lots 47 & 48; Block 3; Strayer's Broadway Heights; lots 5 & 6; Block 25; South Broadway Heights; and lots 39 & 40; Block 3; S.G. Hamlin's Addition;· are delinquent in the payaant of special taxes over a period of several years, and WHEREAS the owners thereof, Henry L. Bynes; P.J. & Ellen James; and .T. Decker; have offered to pay the amount of the said delinquent in- stallments, together with interest at the rate of six percent (&foO; and the Council believes it to be to the best interests of the City to accept such offer; NOW THEREF ORE BE ITli:S Ol VED: That the County Treasurer ot Arapahoe County be and he is hereby authorized to accept as payment in full the amounts of the said delinquent installments, together with six percent (&f!) interest, and to issue receipts in full therefor. Alderman Jenkins moved,) Coombs seconded,) ROL l CAll: Jenkins Aye Dunning Aye 5 Ayes the adoption of the above resolutions. Co ombs Aye Nalker A)eent Absent 1 Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye A communication was read from the Colorado Central Power Company, addressed to the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Colorado, e xtra copy addressed to Hugh Graham, Mayor of the City of Englewood, in which the company pledged that during the life of its present Englewood franchise (expiring in 1945) the cbmpany will not request an increase in r~tes. The communication was placed on file in the records of the City Clerk's Office. MESSRS. Hughes, Gross, Kline and Haines, representing the City and County of Denver, appear e d before the Council regarding the ri1ht-of-way for the 42 inch water main conduit east on Quincy Avenue from Ruron St. to So. Broadway, and asked that a presented resolution granting such right-of-way be passed by the Council. The Council made two amendments by way of inserting two conditions in the resolution dealing with the restoration of West Quincy Avenue to its original condition. The resolution follows: l I RESOLUTI ON BE I T RES l VED by the City Council of the City of Englewood in Arapahoe Co unty, S tate of Colorado, that permission is hereby given to the City and County of Denver, acting by and through its oard of Water Com missioners, to lay a subaurtace wat e r conduit along uincy Street within the City of En glewood eastward from South Huron Street to the east line of Broadway. However, this permission is given on the following terms and conditions: First: All water pi p es, sewer pipes, and gas pipes which may be dis- turbed by reason of the laying of said subsurface water condui t a~all be promptly replaced by the City and County of Denver without expense to the owners of such service lines in at least as good condition aa the same were in before they were disturbed. S8cond: The City and County of Denver shall, without expense to the City of Englewood, refill the trench in which said subsurface conduit is laid, tamp the dirt in the trench, and re-surface the entire street with the same kind of surfacing now there existing and in as good condition as it now is, subject to the ap p roval or this council. Ir any further sub- si d ence of the surface above said trench shall occur by reason of the ex- cavation ror said trench, the City and Coun t y of Denver shall, without expen se to the City ot Englewood, re,air the same to the satisfaction of the Council. Alderman Coombs moved,) Jenkins second e d,) the adoption or the above resolution. ROLL CALL: J enkins Aye Dunning Aye 5 Ayes Coombs Aye \",'alker Absent Nays none Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye I I I I I Alderman Dolezal moved,) Jenkins seconrled,) that adjourn until September 9, 1937. R 11 CAll: Jenkins Aye Du nning Aye 5 Ayes there being no further bueineea, Council Coombs Aye Walker Absent A sent 1 Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Minutes or this meeting stand approved as read tl1e 13th day or Septem•er 1937. 733