HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-03-14 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGUIAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD llARCH 14, A.O. 1938. Mayor Graham called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Jenkins Absent Coombs Present Dolezal Present Dunning Present Walker Absent Weigand Present 4 Present 2 Absent Clerk read the minutes of the previous meetings. Alderman Dunning moved,) Coombs seconded,) ROLL CALL: Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes that the minutes stand approved as read. Coombs Aye Walker Absent Nays none 2 Absent Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Clerk read the Ofticer•s Reports tor the Month of February, 1938. Alderman Dunning moved,) Weigand aeconded,) ROll CAl l : Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes that the Officer's Reports be accepted and tiled. Coombs Aye Walker Absent Nays none 2 Absent Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye All BilLS READ BY THE ClERK AND APPROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: (See Warrant Register) SALARY FUND ------ LIBRARY FUND LIGHT FUND WATER FUND FIRE FUND POLICE FUND STREET FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL Alderman Coombs moved,) $ 543.00 129.10 403.57 1,220.00 528.45 1,359.89 1,023.44 357.81 ' 5,565.26 Weigand seconded,) that the Finance Committee be allowed. all bills read by1he Clerk and approved by ROll CAIL: Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker Absent Nays none RESOLUTION 2 Absent Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye WHEREAS lots 23 & 24; Block 8; South Broadway Heights; are delinquent in the payment or apec1.a_l taxes over a period of several years, and I WHEREAS the owner thereof, E.L. Harlan, has offered to pay the amount ot the said delinquent inatallments, together •1th interest the same at the rate ot six percent (et!) per annum; and the Council believes it to be to the beat interests ot the City to accept auch offer; . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Treasurer ot Arapahoe County be and he ia hereby authorized to accept as payment in full the amount ot the said delinquent installments, together with interest on the same at the rate ot Pix percent (6') per annum; and to issue a receipt in full therefor. Alderman Coo~ba moved,) Dunning seconded,) ROLL CA!.L: Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes the adoption of the above resolution. Coombs Aye Dolezal Aye Walker Absent Weigand Aye Nays none 2 Absent Clerk read the applications of the Used Car Dealers, but, inasmuch as all were not in, action on them was deterred until March 28th meeting. Councilman Weigand introduced a bill for an ordinance entitled, •AN ORDIN- AtJCE VACATH'G l I VAl E STREET t BETWEEN THE WEST LINE or LOGAN STREET AND THE EAST l I TJE OF SHER MAN STREET, AS SHOWN ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF BLOCK 7, 8, 9, and 10, or At?ANDAl E' IN Pl AT BOOK A-1, AT PAGE 21, IN THE OFFICE or THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF ARAFAH OE com·TY, COlORADO, SAVE AND EXCEPT THE PORTIONS NECESSARY TO EXTEND 3 GRANT STREET At!D TO EXTEND THE PUBLIC ALLEY BETWEEN SHERMAN AND GRANT STREETS, AND GRANT & LOGAN TqROUGH SAID STRIP OF LAND HERETOFORE DEDICATED AS LINVALE STREET.• Clerk read the proposed ordinance entitled, •AN ORDINANCE VACATING LINVAL! STREET, ETC , ETC. -·-----THROUGH SAID STRIP OF LAND HERETOFORE DEDICATED AS lINVALE STREET•, in full. Alderman Weigand moved,) Coombs seconded,) that proposed ordinance entitled,•AN ORDINANCE VACATING LINVALE STREET, BETWEEN THE WEST LINE or LOGAN STREET AND THE EAST LINE OF SHERMAN STREET. AS SHOWN ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT or BLOCK 7, a, 9, and 10, or ANANDAlE, IN PLAT BOOK A-1, AT PAGE 21, IN THE OFFICE or THE CLERK AND RECORDER or ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO, SAVE AND EXCEPT THE PORTIONS NECESSARY TO EXTEND GRANT STREET AND TO EXTEND THE PUBlIC AILEY BETWEEN SHERllAN AND GRANT STREETS AND THI! PUBLIC AILEY BETWEEN GRANT AND LOGAN STREETS, THROUGH SAID STRIP or LAND HERETOFORE DEDICATED AS LINVAlE STREET•, doea now pass its first reading and be publi~hed in the Englewood Enterprise aa Ordinance No Seriea ot 1938. 4 ROll CAll: Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes Alderman Coombs moved,) Coombs Aye Walker Absent Nays none Dolezal seconded,) that the surety bonda Manwell, local licensed electricians, be approved as RO ll CAll: Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes Alderman Coombs moved,) Coomba Aye Walker Absent Nays none 2 Absent Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye ot Fred Newland and Jack required by ordinance. 2 Absent Dolezal Aye Weigand Aye Dolezal seconded,) that there being before the Council, Council adjourn until March no further business to come 28, 1938. ROLL CAll: Jenkins Absent Dunning Aye 4 Ayes Coombs Aye Walker A1'•ent Nays none 2 Absent Dolezll Aye Weigand Aye Minutes or this meeting stand approved as 1938. read er i;di.i~ I I I I