HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-10 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRICJULAR llDTING or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or INGLIWOOD, COLORADO, HILD MARCH 10, 19'1. Ka7or Graham called the meeting to order and aaked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: CaTencler, Koser, Preaent Coomba, Preaent Pre aent · Vogel , Preaent 5. Present 1 Absent. Clerk read t.he ainutea of ~he previous meetinga. Jenkina, Abaent. Weigand, Preaent. Alt•rman Coomba UoYed ) Koger Seconded) that the minutes atand_ approTed as oorrected. ROLL CALL: CaYender, Ar• Koger, Aye Coombe, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayes 0 Nays l Abaent . Clerk read the otticera reports tor the month ot Februaey. 1941. Aldena.&n CaTender, moYed ) J enk1na, A baent Weigand, Aye . Weigand, seconded) that the ott1cera report• be accepted and tiled. RCl.L CA.LL: CaY•nd~r. Aye Koger, Aye 5 Ayes Coomba, Vogel, 0 Naya Aye Aye l Abae'nt All b1lla read by the Clerk and approved by tre Finance ~oamlttee. War.rant Reg1ater. Salary Fund General Fund Street Fund Fire ·rund Library Fund Light~ Police ~d Moved ) • 580.00 1041.69 3461.15 315.11 100.00 300.00 1335.65 111ss.10 Jenkina, Absent Weigand, Aye Alderman Coombs, ~•igand by t.he Finance Coamittee ROLL .CALL: Seconded) that the billa read lqld~• Clerk and approved be approYed. Ca Tender, Aye Koger, . Aye . 5 Ayea Coomba, Vogel, O Naya Aye Aye 1 Ab~ent. Jenklna, Abaent Welaand, Aye. A oollJIWlioation from tJle Board of Water Commiaaionera ot Denyer, Colorado, regards to atorm water }>elng dive~ted into the City Ditch, waa ~ead and rettered to Fred Voaela Street .Commltt••• Kr. Koa\ler, requeated the City Council to uae aome land on the ... , aide of Bannock Street, in the !300 Block, as a play ground tor _\h• 807 Scouta, and waa rettered to ~· Street Comm1aa1oner. Clerk .read propoaed ordinance NO 1 Seri•• ot 1941 entitled, •An ORDINANCE EXTENDING FOR A PERIOD or TEN YEARS THE FRANCHISE ORIGINALLY GRANT&D BY ORDINANCE NO.I, SERIES or 1920, PAS~ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL or THE dITY OF DOU:IOCI>, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR or SAID CITY ON OCTOBER 11, 1920, TO ARAPAHOE ILECTRIC LIGHT &: POUR COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, WHICH SAID FRANCHI81 HAS BEIN ASSIGNED TO AND IS NOW HELD BY COLORADO CENTRAL POWER COMPANY, A CORPORATION:: B• It Ordal~ed by the City Council ot the City of Inglewood, County ot Arapahoe, State ot Colorado: That t.he franchia• granted by Ordinance No.5 Seri•• ot 1920, paaaed by the City Council of the aaid City ot Englewood and approved by the Mayor thereof on OCtober 11, 1920, to Arapahoe l~ectric light & Power Company, ita auooeaatra and aaalgna, tor a per•od ot twenty-five yeara, now held by Colorado Central Power Co•paft7, a corporation, granting t.he right and privilege to install, extend, maintain and operate an eleotric _plant or ayatem in the said City ot Inglewood tor \he aupply, diatribution and aale of electricity in said City of Englewood, be and the same ia hereb7 extended tor a period of ten years beyond and ln addition to the period tor which aaid franchiae originally was granted. Aldenaan Cavender lloYed ) eigand Seconded) That proposed ordlnanoe NO. , series of 1941 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING FOR A PERIOD or TEN YEARS THI l'IINCHISI ORIGINALlY GRANTED BY ORDINANCE N).s SERIES or L("),PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL or THI CITY or ENGLEWOOD, AND APPROVED BY THE llAYOR OJ' SAID CITY ON OCTOBER 11 1 1920,, TO ARAPAHOE ILECTRIC LIGHT & FOWER COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, WHICH SAID FRANCHISE 111 HAS BEBN ASSIGNED TO AND IS NOW HELD BY COLORADO CENTRAL POWIR COMPANY, A CORPORATION: doea now paaa lta final readins, be published aa Ordinance No.l, Serl•• ot 1941, ~ in the Englewood~, according to the Statutes of the State ot Colorado.~~~· ROLL CAU.: Cavender, Aye Coombe, Aye Jenkina, Abaent Koger, Aye Vogel, Aye Weigand, Aye S Ayea O laya 1 Abeent rhe Recreation Committee represented by Mrs Farrell appeared betore the City council and explained purposea and needs of the Nursery School. Alderman Vogel, Uoved ) Coombe, Seconded) that the Treasurer draw a warrant tor Fifty (50.00) Dollar• to the Englewood Nursery School. ROU CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger Aye Coombe, Aye Vogel Aye Jenkine, Absent \"leigand Aye 112 5 Ayea 0 • .,.. 1 Abaent. Th• following list of Judges propoaed tor the City election to be held April 1, 1941 waa read: Precinct fl Ura. Nell Maddox, 2830 So. Bannock St. Ura, Catherine Lidholm, 2872 so. Cherokee St. Ur. Harold Francia, 2865 So. Acoma St. Precinct #2 Ura Uyra Cazin, Miaa Sarah •~taon, Mra. Mary Dumbault, Precinct #3 Ura. Della Walton, Ura. Grace Smith, Ura. Grace Guanero, Precinct f4 Ur. Arnold Lotvenborg, Ur. Charles o. Sevier, Ura. Maude Green Precinct #5 Ura Jeanette Bladholm, Ur. William F. Lucking, Ura. Elizabeth Smith, Precinct 16 Ura Ethol Booth, Ura. Blanche Lloyd, Ura. Mildred Badger, Precinct #7 Ura. Dorothy Clitt, 2869 So. Grant St. 2724 so. Broadway. 2825 so. Sherman St. 154 E. Cornell St. 3032 So. Breadway 3055 so. Lincoln St. 3063 So. Elati St. 2948 So. Cherokee St. 2901 So. Cherokee St. 3185 So. Bannock St. 3126 so. Cherokee St. 3141 So. Bannock St. 3251 So. Lincoln St. 3243 So. Lincoln St. 3311 So. Grant St. 3375 So. Clarkaon St. 3144 So. Logan St. Ura. Elaine Sovern, Ura. Anna Breymaier ,. 3210 So. Washington St. Precinct fa Ura. Florence Dunning, Ura Alic• Evans, Ura Beverly Lapean, Precinct #9 Ura. Geneveive Bailey, ll ra. Anna A rend, Ura. Helen Nicholl, Precinc\ #10 Ura Eleanor Letta, Ura Lelah c. Elliott, Ura. Viola Winkler, Precinct #11 Ura Eva Burke, ·ura. Esther Bonar, Mra Argyle Potter, Precinct 112 Ura. Audry Deal, Ura. Hazel Pedersen, Ur. George Thorngate, Pr•cinct #13 Ura. Lucille Wright, Ura. Dorla McCune, Ura Ethel Greeno, Precinct 114 Mr. H.T.Corbia, Mr• Ruby Joyce, Yrs Ruth Faivre, Alderman Weigand moved ) 3602 So. Penn. St. 3563 So. Sherman St. 3698 So. Lincoln St. 3755 so. Bannock st. 3605 So. Broadway 3606 So. Bannock St. 3975 so. rox st. 3928 So. hcoma St. 3990 So. Deleware St. 4240 So. Elati St. 4243 So. Acoma St. 4247 So. Galapago at. 3965 So. Grant St. 4035 so. Sherman St. 4090 So. Pearl St. 4194 So. ~erman St, 4211 So. Clarkson St. 4109 So. Sherman St. 4547 So. Lincoln at. 4321 so. Penn. St. 4357 So. Lincoln St. Coomba, aeoonded) that the list ot Juda•• tor the City election aa read be a pp ointed to aerve tor the election to be held April l, 1941. ROU. CALL: Cavender, Koser, Aye Aye 5 Ayea Coombs, Vogel, 0 Nays Aye Aye 1 Absent. Alderman Cavender moved ) Vogel seconded) that the Council AdJourn. Minute• read and approved thia l'f,,J. day of April, Jenkins, Abaent Weigand, Aye I I I I