HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-08-10 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• REGULAR lllETING ar THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY or IHOLIWOCI>, COLORADOll, HILD AUCRIST 10, 19'2• lla7or Nielsen called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROU. CALL: CaYe~er, Present Koser, Preaent T.Carl Coomba, Preaent Vo1el, Preaent 5 Present 0 Absen\ Clerk read \he minutes ot the preYiopa meetings. Alderman Weigand, lloYed ) Jenkina, Present Weigand, Present Vogel, Seconded) that the minutea aa read be approTed. ROLL CALL: Ca Tender, 1.7e Ko1er, AJ• Coombe, Aye Vogel, Aye 0 Na7a Jenkina, A7e Weigand, A7• Clerk read \he Otticera relort tor the month ot Jul7, 1942. Alder11&12 Vo1el, lloTed ) Koger, Seconded) that the Otticera report• be accepted and tiled. ROU. CAU: Ca Tender, A7• Koger, AJ• Coomba, A7• Vogel, Aye 0 Na7a Clerk read the bill approTed b7 the Finance Committee. WARRANT REGISTER. Salarr Fund General Expence Street l'Und Fire Fund Libra17 FUnd Lilht Fund Polio• Fund AldermaD Cooaba, lloTed ) Total f 528.00 680.97 3302.33 32&.31 103.TI 200.00 1101.28 t&Sio.&'7 JeDkina, A7• We11and, Aye Vogel, Seconded) t.hat the billa read bJ the Clerk and approTed b7 \he Finance Co1111ittee be allowed. ROLL CALL: CaTender, A7• Ko1er, A7e & A7ea Coomba, A7e Vo1el, A7e O Na7a Jenkina, A7• Weigand, Aye Mr. Peter Ha11•. ot Clinton, Iowa, appeared before the Council in regard \o one ot hi• houa•• that was conde1111ed on account ot plumbinc and he waa told he could 1•t \be Deoeaaa17 plumbina. Th• matter was referred to Alderman Jenkins, CaTender, Koser and Dr. Wiedenaann. Alder11an Cooaba, lloT•d ) Ko1er, Seconded) \hat the City ot Englewood bu7 \he dltoh rllh\a tro• Jobn 1. and Mamie Haatinga (14 lots) and Carl 1. Carlaoa and Hilma Carlson (10 lot.a) at their ottered price ot fl25.00, in order to eliminate \he lrr11atlon ditoh wit.bin the city limits of the City ot Enclewood • ROU. CAU: CaTender, A7e Ko1er, A7• Alderman W•i1and lloT•d ) Coombe, AJ• Vogel, Aye 0 Na7a. Jenkina, AJ• We11and, A7• Coomb&, Seconded) that the Da7 DriTer and the t .. nilht DriTera in \he Fire D•ptartment be lnoreaaed $5.00 per month eaoh ettectiT• Ausuat lat 1942. ROU. CAU: CaYender, Aye Ko1er, AJ• Coombs, Aye Vo1el, Aye O Na7a. RESOWTICJl. WHEREAS, the tollowinc described property, to-wit: Jenklna, A7e We11and1 A7• Lot.a '5 \o '8, ino, Block 24, South Broad-7 Heiaht.s, is delinquen\ 1.n the pa711ent ot apecial taxes oTer a period ot seTeral years, and WHEREAS, the OWDer thereof Assembly ot God Church, baa ottered to pa7 the amount ot the aald delinquent inatallmenta, \01ether with intereat on \he same at tJle ra\e ot a1x percen\ (8JC) per annum; and the Council beleiT•• lt \o be the beat intereats ff the Cit7 .r to accep\ auch otter: NOW THDBl'ORB BE IT RESOLVED: That the Count7 Treasurer ot Arapahoe Coun\7 be and he la hereby authorlaed \o accept as pa711ent in tull the aaount ot \he said delinqueD\ inatallments, together wi\h interest on the aaae at th• ra\e ot aix per oen' (8') per annua; and to laaue a receipt in tull therefor. Alderman Coombs, lloTed ) Vo1el, Seconded) that the aboTe resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: CaTender, A7• Ko1er, AJ• 8 Ayes Coombe, A7e Vo1el, Aye 0 Nays Jenkins, A7• Wei1and, A7e 175 Alderman Vo1el, MoYed ) . CaYender, Seconded) that the Council hold a Special Meetina Auau•t 17, 19•2. ROU. CALL: CaYender, Aye Coomba, Aye Jeakina, AJ• Koser, A7e voael, A7e Welcand, A7e 6 A7e• 0 Na7a. Alderman Voael Mo Ted ) I Coombs, Seconded) that the Council ad3oura. ROLL CALL: CaYender, IJ• Coombs, A7e Jenkina, A7e Koser, A7• vo1el, A7e W•1aand, AJe & A7ea O Naya. K1nu\ea read and approYed • I I I