HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-08-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesSPECIAL CALL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF BNGLIWOOD, COLORADO, HELD AUGUST 17, 1942. . MeJor Nielaen called the meeting to order and aaked tor Roll Call • . ROLL CALL: CaYender, Present Koger, Present & Present Coombs, Present. Voge _l, Present O Absent. Clerk read the Call tor the Special Meeting as tollows: Jenkins, Present Weigand, Present NOTICE OF SPECIAL CALL MEETING or THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ar BNOLB1IOCI>, COLORADO. George A. CaYender, T.Carl Coombe, Edgar Jenkins, J.R.Koger, Fred w. Vogel, Harr1 G. Weigand. Councilmem ot the City of Englewood, Colorado. Yo• are hereb1 notified bJ the undersigned Ma7or, and six members ot the Cit1 Counoil ot t.he Cit1 ot Englewood, Colorado, that a Speoial Meeting has beea ealled ('b7 motion dul7 passed August 10, 1942) and will be held August 17, 19'2 at 7:SO P.K. o•cloolc tor the purpose ot tlrat readlnc Introd•otion, passage or reJect1on of A 8111 tor an Ordinance Regulating all operations ot oonstnaotion, maintenance, equipment, and oooupano7 of lM11d1nga and structures within the City ot Inglewood, Colorado, and eepealing all other Ordinances and parts ot Ordi.Jlanoes in oontl1ct herewith. Dated thia 10th da1 of August, A.D. 19'2· Alderman CaYender, Koger, STATE 01' COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ARAPAHOI) 88. CITY OF INGI..Daa> ) Coombs, Vogel, N.S.Nielaen, Ma7or Jenk1na, Weigand. •• the 1Uldersigned Councilman ot the City ot Bnalewood, Colorado, do eaoh ot seYerall7 state that we rece1Yed notioe ot the aboYe Speoial Meeting more t.haa twent7-tour (2') hours betore said meeting and herebJ wa1Ye turther aerYice ot same. 1Zv<L Conr <f- tlq.;yiy i2 ) w;c:y amR ( Clerk re&d A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCI REGULATING ALL OPERATIONS OF CONSTRUCTICll, MAINTENANCE, EQUIFllBNT, AND OCCUPANCY 01' BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AND REPEALING ALL OTHER OJU>INANCES AlfD PARTS OF ORDI• NAlfCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Alderman Coombs, MoYed ) Vogel, Seconded) that A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AIJ.. OPERATIONS or CONSTRUCT•ON. MAINTENANCE, EQUIPMENT, AND OCCUPANCY OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY or ~GUWOOD COLORADO, AND REPEALING ALL OTHIR ORDINANCES AND PARTS 01' ORDINANC~ IN 6VNFLICT HjtRaj61lTH, be passed lta first reading and published in the Englewood Pr•••• ROLL CALL: Cavender, A7e Koser, 1..7e I 1.7es · Coombs, A7e Vogel, A7e O Nays Alderman Voael, MoYed ) Jenk1na, A7e Weigand, A7e Koger, Seconded) that the Council adjourn. ROLL CALL: CaTender, AJe Koser, AJe 6 Ayes Coombs, A7e Vogel, Aye 0 Na7s. Jenk1na, >Je Weisand, }Je 4 Minutes read and approYed thi~da1 ot Septemb r, 1942. 177