HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-01-11 (Regular) Meeting Minutes192 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD JANUARY 11th, 1943. Uayor Nielsen called the meeting to order and asked tor Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Cavender, Present Koger, Present Coombs, Present Vogel, Present 6 Pr:e.~eqt : 0 Absen~ Jenkins, Present Weigand, Present Clerk read the minutes ot the previous meetings. Alderman Weigand Moved ) Coombs, Seconded) that the minutes as read be approved. ROll CALL: Cavender, Aye Coombs, Aye Jenkins, Aye Koger, Aye Vogel, Aye Weigand, Aye 6 Ayes O Nays. Clerk read the Otficers report tor the month ot December, 1948. Alderman Vogel, Moved ) Koger, Seconded) that the Officers reports be accepted and tiled. ROLL CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye O Nays. Jenkins, Aye Weigand, Aye 6 Ayes Clerk read the bills a p proved by the Finance Committee. Warrant Register. Salary Fund General Expence Fund Stree\ Flind rire fund Library Fund Light Fund Police Fund Total Alderman Jenkins, lloved ) $606.00 420.03 1097.91 484.86 174.61 200.00 1226.87 $4210.28 Vogel, Seconded) that the bills read by the clerk and a p proved by the Finance Committee be allowed. ROU CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye 6 _Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye 0 Nays Jenkins, Aye Weigand, Aye · Clerk read the a pplication ot Adolph F. Roth, dba Roth Tavern at 3416 so. Broadway, tor a Beer and Wine License for 1943. Alderman Coombs, Moved ) r r Weigand, Seconded) that Abe application ot Adolph F. Roth, dba Roths Tavern, ot 3416 so. Broadway, tor a Beer and Wine License be approved. ROll CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye 6 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye 0 Nays. Clerk read the following agreement, Jenkins, Aye \7eigand, Aye THIS AGREEUENT, made and entered into this __!lth,day ot January, 1943, by and between George Otto, ot 4202 South Grant Street, Englewood, Colorado, and the City ot Englewood, a Uunicipal corporation ot Arapahoe County, Colorado, WITNESSETH: That wherea !: the City is the owner_ of the sanitary sewer system and the streets and alleys in the City of Englewood and Whereas, Georg e Otto is the Owner of certain real estate located in said city and \'fhereas said property is now not adjacent to or served by said sanitary sewer system but George Otto is desirous of availing himself and his property ot the services rendered by said sanitary sewer system and is willing to abide by the rules and pay the charges now or hereatter affecting said sewer services; NO W THEREFORE in order to avail himselt and his pro p erty of said sewa ~e services Georg e Otto will at his own expenae construct and exte:d the sanitary sewer line in t.bSuaJ.&ax between south Grant and South Logan Streets trom its presen! ~i¥m1Hus tor a distance ot lee hundred (100) teet, across Princeton Avenue and into the alley in Block Twenty-Eight (28), soua. Broadway Heights, according to speci- fications approYed by the City, and Geor g e Otto will furnish all ma terial, labor and supervision thereon. IT IS AGREED that upon completion said sanitary sewer extension sha ll immediately and without turther conveyance or writing become the property ot the City ot Englewood and the City shall thereafter control, ma intain and re pair same in the same manner and under the same conditions I I I I I I as other parts of said sewer system are maintained and repaired. IT IS FURTHER AGREED that in consideration or the premises George Otto _shall have the right to connect his premises at 4202 South Grant Street to said sanitary sewer line without additional connection charge by the City but shall not be excused or released from any service or other charges now in effect or any future general charges hereafter imposed. This Agreement has been approved by the City Council ot the City of Englewood, Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the pa rties hereto h a ve signed and attested this agreement this day and year first above wrftten. George Otto, George Otto The City of Englewood, Colorado. N.S.Nielaen, r.taY.or ATTEST: John F. Cameron, City Clerk. Alderman Weigand, Moved ) Coombs, Seconded) that the above and foregoing aggeement be approved and til•d. ROLl CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger. Aye 6 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye O Nays. Alderman Coombs, Uoved ) Jenkins, Aye lf/eigand, Aye Weigand, Seconded) that the City Treasurer be authorized and empowered to transfer the sum ot $171.96 from Paving District NO.l to the Sinking Fund. ROll CALL: Cavend~r, Aye Koger, Aye 6 Ayes Alderman Jenkins, Moved ) Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye o rTays Jenkins, Aye Weigand, Aye Coombs, Seconded) that 8~ ot the liquor licenses collected tor 1943 be paid to the State Revenue Department. ROLL CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye 6 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye 0 Nays Alderman Vogel, Uoved ) Jenkins, >.ye Weigand, Aye Jenkins; Seconded) that the Council adjourn. . , ROLl. CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye 6 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye 0 Nays • Minutes read and a p proved thisJ:'~day of February, 1943. Jenkins, Aye Weigand,. Aye 193