HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-02-23 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREGULAR ADJO URNED tlEETitTG OF THE CITY courcIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HElD FEBRUARY 23, 1943. Mayor Nielsen called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Call. ROLL CALL: Cavender, Present Koger, Present Coombs, P resent Vo g el, Absent 5 Fresent 1 Absent Alderman Coombs ?.foved ) Jenkins, Present ~eigand, Present Koger, Seconded) that Douglas Sovern be appointed as Chief of Police to fill the unex p ired term or J.G. Boyer, resigned. ROll CAU: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye 5 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Absent 0 Nays 1 Absent Alderman ~ei g and Moved ) Jenkins, Aye Weigand, Aye Jenkins, Seconded) that the following list of Judges be appointed to aerve ae Judg es at the Election to be held April 6, 1943. 7ard 1 P recinct 1. ?.ell Maddox, Catherine Lidholm, Emma Edom. Precinct 2. Edith Bailey, l.!a ry Dumbauld, Sarah Vlatson. recinct 3. Grace Smith, Amelia Fisher, Daisy I. P eak •. r recinct 4. Uaude Green, Chas. o. Sevier, r earl Willis. :Ward 2. Precinct 5. Jeanette Bladholm, Ferne Davis, Lillian Bullen. Precinct 6. ?.t ildred Bad e er, lula J. Calloley, Ethel Booth. P recinct 7. Elaine Sovern, Ina Ailes, Anna Breymaier. Precinct 8. Florence Dunning, Beverly La P ean, Alice Evans, Fr&einct 9. Helen Nichol, Anna G. Arendt Lyda Albers. ~·1a rd 3. Precinct 10. Edna Bayman, Addie Stephens, Uartha Watson. recinct 11. Eva Burke, Edna H. Jackson, Hrs Black. P recinct l~. P.azel· r edersen, Audrey Deal, Marian F. Young. r recinc' 13. Ethel Greeno, Harriott ttcMahon, Dora McCune. Precinct 14. Shirl~y Goorman, Ruby E. Joyce, Ruth Faivre. ROLL CALL: Cavender, Aye Koger, Aye 5 Coombs, Aye Vogel, Aye ;..yes 0 l ays 1 Absent Jenkins, Aye Yeigand, Aye Judg e Harold H. Davies a pp e a red before the Council and stated that he had received a check from the U.S. District Court for a refund in the amount of a.co from the costs paid in the case of Livingston et al vs. City of Englewood. thia check was drawn payable ·to Harold H. Davies and he indorsed said check p ayable to the city of Englewood and delivered it to the City Clerk, who wrote a receipt to !I r. Harold H. Davies. RESOLUTION. 1"1HEREAS, the Revenue Act of 1942 subjects municipal employees, among others, to a victory tax or five percent or their gross income received after January 1, 1943, and munici palities are r~quired to withhold this tax and pay it over to the federal governmemt, AND WHEREAS, t h e municipality may elect to use either of two optional methods to com pute the amount to be with held for p ayment to the federal govern- ment under the Revenue 'ct, BE IT RESOlVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, Th at beginning with the first p ayroll after January 1, 1943, the City Clerk shall deduct and withhold from wa g es or salary paid to each official or em p loyee of -the city, t h e victory tax im p osed by the Revenue Act of 1948. That the amount withh eld s h all be based on the wage bracket withholdings authorixed under Section 466 (c) (1) of the Internal Revenue Codei Th at the clerk and other city officials shall p erform all other duties necessary to co mp ly with t h e victory tax p rovisions or the Internal Revenue Code. Alderman Coombs, Moved ) 'J ei g and, Seconded) t hat t h e above and foregoing Resolution be ado p ted. ROLL CAL L : Ca vender, Aye Koger, Aye 5 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vogel, Absent O Nays 1 Absent Jenkins, Aye \"/eigand, Aye Alderman Koger read the following bids for installing a toilet in the Community ~all. Jull & Buchaman, $100.00 Bu d r lumbing & Heating Co, $175.00 and R.E.Uur phy, $145.00. Alderman Ko g er, Moved ) Wei g and, Seconded) t ha t t h e bid of Jull & Buchanan for $100.00 for installing toilet in Communit y Ha ll be acce p ted. ROLL CALL: Cavender, Aye Ko g er, Aye 5 Ayes Coombs, Aye Vo g el, Absent 0 Hays 1 Absent Alderman Jenkins, .t oved ) Jenkins, Aye 'J eigand, Aye Coombs, Seconded) t h at t h e c ouncil adjourn. ROLL CAll: Ca vender, Aye Ko g er, Aye Coom bs, /..y e Vo c el, Absent 1 ~ Aye9 _4.1 0 tra ys 1 Ab s EJnt ~~ ,'/)?t~./l'l..J Aye , Aye I ~ 197