HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-09-27 (Regular) Meeting Minutes16
Sl!PTl:llBl:R 27, 1943.
Kayor 11ei•en called the meeting to order and asked for Roll Oall.
Ooo•b•, Pre•ent
Koger, Present
6 Present
ridler, Present
Vogel, Present
0 !Absent
Jenkin•, Present
Weigand, Present
IBERSAI, the following described property, Lot• 5 A 6 Block ~' Re8Ub
of LOt1 6 A 7, n111ea SUb. are delinquent in the payment of 1pecial taxe• oTer
a period of year• and
1'HSREA8 the owner thereof, Edith I. Balley, baa offered to P&J' the amount
of the •&14 delinquent 1natallment•, together with intere•t on the •ame at the
rate of •ls percent (~) per annum; and the Council bel1eTe• it to be to the best
intere•t• of the City to accept such off~r:
IOW THERErom: Bl IT RESOLUI>: That the County Treuurer of Arapahoe County
be and he i• hereby authorised to accept as P81'ment in full the uount of the
aa14 delinquent 1natall.llents, together with interest on the 8&118 at the rate of
ais percent (~) per annum; and to i•sue a reoeipt in fUll thereMr.
Alderman Jenkins, KoTed )
Vogel, Seconded) that the above and foregoing resolution be
Cooab8, Aye
Koger, Aye
6 I.yea
fidler, Aye
Vogel, Aye
·O Jaye
&·l ! 2 M. Y. 112 I
Jentim, Aye
Weigand, Are
_,AS, The BORTH Half of the Borth Half of the Southeut quarter of the
of the Southwest quarter, an4 the lorth Half of the Southwest quarter of the
Southwe•t quarter, and the Seuthweet quarter of the Southweat quarter of the
Southweat quarter, and •e•t Half of the Soutbea•t quarter of the Southweat
quarterj_ill in Section thirty-four (34), Township tau (la-) South, Range aizty-
eight (t>e) West· except Lot 12. Block 8, lormandT .&4dition; Part r and all of
Block 7, lorma,;,\y Addition, Arapahoe County, Oolor~J.-~Te been 1old for tue•
for MTeral year• amwtnting to between 15000,00 and ~.oo, And;
1fBJ:UAS, Tbe City of Dlglewood desires to open roadl Del nreet• through
a&ld property and for which purpose the City of Englewood i• ne1ot1ating for
the purcbaae of the •ame, And;
IHEUAI, The Certificates of Tues, including the current general tuea
may be purcbued for the sum of 11051.72 from the County of Arapahoe, ad;
IBSRZAI, The City Council believes that it would be for the be•t interests
of the City to purchue •aid tu certificates now held bJ the County of Arapahoe;
. IOI TBRSFOB, Be it Reeolved that a warrant be ordered drawn for mxM•
•aid 8Ull of aoney to the County Treuurer of Arapahoe OountJ for the purchue of
•aid tu certificate.
Alderman Vogel KoTed )
Jenkin•, Seconded) that the above and foregoing re•olution be
Roll 0&11:
Ooomb•, Aye
Koger, AJe
6 Aye•
11d.ler, Aye
Vogel, AJe
0 • .,.
I I.I 2Jt.ll.112 I
Jent1u, .,e
•e1gad, kl•
IDRUI, A part of the lorth Half of the lortb half of the loutheut q
quarter of the Southwest quarter and the lorth half of the Soutblreat quarter of sa
the Southwest quarter, and the Southwest quUter of the loutmreat quarter of the
Southweat quarter, and the Weet half of the Southeast quarter ot the louthweat
qpf.rter of the Southwest qu&r1er• All in Section thirty-four ()Ji.), Townahlp tour
(q.) South, Range ·aixty-eight (68j We•t,; except Lot 12, Bloot I, lonanctr Mdltlon;
Park ., an4 all of Block 7, •orundy A4Q1t1on, Arapahoe County, OolorMc», hU been
•old for general tue• for the year 1928, •1th sub tuea paid on the •-, which
oertifioatee are held by an 1n41ndual; And,
IBZREAS, The City of J:nglewood deeires to open road.I and. 1treeta through
•aid property and for which purpo•e the City of Englewood 1• negotiating for the
purohue of the aaae; And,
1111mAS, Said Tu Certificat es may be purchased for the aum of 134<>.00; jnd,
WBSRSAS, The Oity Council believes that it would be for the beat intereata
of the Oity to purchale •aid certificate•;
•OS TDRD'CllE, Be it Re•olved that a Warrant be ordered drawn for •aid na
of 110ney for the puroha8e of •aid taz certificate.
Alderman Vogel, Moved )
adopted. Jenkiu, Seconded) that the a"ove and forgoing resolution be
Oooab•, Aye Fidler, Aye Jenkin•, Ar• Koger, Aye
Vogel, Aye Weigand, Aye
Ayea 0 lay a
Alderman Vogel, Moved ~
Jentina, Seconded that the Council adjourn.
Ooomba, Aye Fidler, Aye Jenkin•, ,..,.
Koger, Aye
Vogel, Aye leigan4, Ar• Aye a 0 l&J•
IU.nutea read and approved thia ~day of October,