HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-10-11 (Regular) Meeting Minutes18
OOTOBJ:R 11th, 1943.
MaTor lielaen called the meeting to order and aeted for Roll Call.
Coomba, Present
Koger, Pre•ent
Vogel, Present
Present O Abaent
Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting•.
Jenkin•, Present
Weigand, Present
Alderman Vogel, Moved )
Weigand, Seconded) that the minute• a. read be approved.
Roll Call:
Ooomba, Aye
Koger, Aye
Jidler, Aye
Vogel, A.ye
6 Ayes 0 Bays
Jenkin•, Aye
Weigand, Aye
Clerk read the Officers reports for the month of September.
Alderman Weigand, Moved )
Koger, Seconded) that the Officer& report• be accepted
and filed.
Roll Call:
Coombe, Aye
loger, Aye
6 Ayes
Fidler, Aye
Vogel, Aye
0 IQ'&
Clerk read the folloWing bills approved by
Warrant Register.
Salary hnd
General Expen•e J'und
Street JUnd
rtre l'1Dd.
Library JUnd
Light Jund
Police Fund
City Planning & loning
Jenkin•, Aye
Weigand, AJ•
the 71nanoe Committee.
10.00 15573.69
Alderman Jentina, Moved )
rtdler, Seconded)that the bill• read and approved bJ the
finance Committee be allowed.
Roll 0&11;
Combe, Aye Fidler, Aye Jenkin•, Aye
Koger, Aye Vogel, Aye Weigand, Aye
Ill'. Robert John Ra:nadell aated the Council for a refund of t12.oo on a
fine impoaed on him on account of fighting.
Alderman Weigand Moved l
Vogel Seconded that the above fi .. of t12.oo be referred
to Douglu Sovern, Chief of Po ice for investigation and action.
A oo'NP1llloat1on wa. read fromttbe Libr~ Board •tat1ng that the tera of
Kr. Leo Goorman expire• October lat 1943 and aating that Mr. Goonan be
reappointed to aerv• the board for a term of three year•.
Alderman Vogel, Moved 0
Jicller, leooncled) 'tb&t Mi-. Leo Ooorman be reappointed to
the Library Board for a t9rll of three years.
Roll Oalla
OOo•b•, AJ•
loger, Aye
Jidler, AJ•
Vogel, Aye
o •ar•
Jn.tine, '1•
lelguut, '1•
WDRUI, the folloWing f;f~fii.t·*rfp:riy~ to-wit& Lot• 24 to 27,
Bloot 18, Jaotaona Broadwar Beighta, is delinquent in the paraent of
apeoial taxea o•er a period of several yeara, and
~. the owner Della A. Ziler baa offered to PaT the amount of
the •aid delinquent 1nata~imenta, together •1th intereat on the aaae at
the rate of •iz percent (~) per annum; and the Council believe• it to be
to the beat interest• of the City to accept auoh offer: ·
IOW TDRDORJ: BE IT USOLVED: That the County Treuurer of Arapahoe
OoUDtJ be and he i• hereby authorized to accept u pQ"Mnt in full the aount
of •aid d~i1nquent ina~all.Jle11ta, together with intereat at the rate of aiz
percent (6') per annum; and to issue a receipt in full therefor.
Alderman Vogel, Moved )
Coombe, Seconded) that the above re•olut1on be ad.opted.
Roll Oall:
Coollb•, Aye
loger, AJ• 11dler, Aye
Vogel, Aye
0 la.ya
Jentlna, AJ•
Wes.sad, AJ•
DSUAI, the fo1 OW1!lg uacribed propert1, to-wits Lot• 2l to 27~
Block 7; Lota 25 to 28, Block 8, Lota 1 to 4, Block 10; Jackaons Broa4-
•81' Beighta, 1• delinquent in the P871l9Dt of apecial taz•• OTer a period.
of aeTeral ••ar•, an4
IBIUd, the owner neanor H. Letta, hu offered to par the aaount
of the said delinquent in•t~imenta, together •1th intereat on the aaae
at the rate of aiz percent (6J) per annum; and the Council belieTea it to
be to the beat intereata of the Oity to accept auoh offers
•OW TBERUOU BE IT USOLVED: That the Oounty Treuui-er of '1-apahoe
County be and he 1a hereby authorised to accept u P&JMDt in full the amount
of -aid delinquent in~°'all.menta, together With interest on the •-at the
rate of aiz percent (~) per aDDum; and to 11aue a receipt in full therefor.
Alderman Vogel lloTed )
Coombe, Seconded) that the aboTe reaolution be adopted.
Roll Call:
Ooomb1, Aye
~oger, Aye
11dler, Aye
Vogel, AJ•
6 AJe• 0 • .,.
Jenkin•, Ar•
Weigand, At•
Alderman Weigand, lloTed )
Eager, Seconded) t~at the 0&••1dJ propert1 on Lincoln
Street be purchaaed for a right Of j•ar to open Lincoln ltreet for the
8WI of 12500.00.
Roll Call;
Oooaba, AJ•
Xoger, AJ•
11dler, AJe
Vogel, Aye
6 Aye• 0 R&T•
Alderman Fidler Moved )
Jenkins, AJ•
Weigand, AY•
Vogel, Seconded) that the Oolorad.o Central Power Oo.
be requeated to 1natall a atreet light at E.Stanford and So. Penn.
ao11 oa11:
·eoomba, Aye
Eoger, Aye
6 I.yea
ftdler, AJe
Vogel, Aye
0 lay•
Jenkina, 41•
Weigand, Aye
Alderman Jenkin• Moved )
Vogel, Seconded) that the Council adjourn.
Roll 0&11;
Ooomba, 41e
~ger, AJe
6 Ayea
l'idler, Aye
Vogel, AJe
0 lay•
Jenkina, AJ•
Weigand, AJ•
Kinutea read and approTed this J: ~day of lovember, 1943