HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-10-25 (Regular) Meeting Minutes220 RIGULAR ADJOURHD MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THI CITY or INGLIWOOD, COLORADO, HILD OCTOBER 25th, 19,3. lla7or Nielaen called the meeting to order and aaked tor Boll Call. Roll Call: Co011ba 1 Preaent Koger, Preaent 5 Fidler, Preaent Vogel, Preaent Preaent 1 . Abaent Jenlclna, Preaent •e11and 1 Abaent Mr. Buaaard appeared before the Council and aubmitted the tollowlns route tor Bu••• \o opera\• on a 15 ainute achedule, beglnnlng a\ s:ao A.II. and en41DI a\ 1:15 A.•. Beginning at Girard & Broadwa7, thence nor\b \o FloJd,tbence eaat on FloJd \o Clarkaon, thence aouth to H .. pden, thence eaa\ to Dcnmlnc, \hence north to Amheret, thence •••t to Ogden, thence eouth to Cornell, thence •••t to Lo1an 1 thence nor\h to Batea, thence •••t to llati, thence aouth to Dart.mouth, thence eaat to Bannock, thence aoutb to Girard, thence eaat to Broadwa7 1 thence eouth to Haapden, thence eaat to Logan, thence aouth to Tufte, tbenoe ... t \o Broadwa7 1 thence north to Radcliff, thence •••t to Deleware, thenoe north to ijulno7, thence •••t to Blati, thence north to Oxford, thence eaat to Bannock, Thence north to Girard, thence eaat to place of begginning. Alderman Coombe, lloYed ) Fidl•r, Seconded) that the aboYe achedule and route of the Buaaard Buaea, who haa taken OYer .th• llaur1oe I. Hill intereeta be approYed. Roll Call: .Cooaba, A7e Koger, A7• Fidler, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ay•• O Na7a 1 Abaent Alderaan Cooaba, lloYed ) Jenklna, Aye Weigand, Abaent Jenkina, Seconded) that the consolidated budget be publiahed NoY .. ber 21th, and that a Public Hearing be held Noy. 2nd, 19,a. Roll Call: Coaba, A7e Koger, A7e Fidler, Aye Vogel, Aye 5 Ayea . o Naya 1 Abaent lloYed ) Jenkina, A7e Weigand, Abaen\ Alderaan Jenlcina, Voa_el meeting NoYember, -p.n~, Seconded) that the Council adJourn. to a continued 1943, tor a public hearing of the 19'' Bud1et. Roll .Call: Cooaba, Aye Koger, Aye 5 A7ea Fidler, Aye Jenkina, A7• Vogel ., Aye Weigand., Abaent. O Naya . 1 Abaent --- ~ llinutea read and approYed thla ~day ot NoYember.1 1943. I I I .·