HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-11-02 (Recessed) Meeting Minutes.. o~. REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING CONTINUED FROll JISTJmllR 25, 1943, or THI CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, HELD NeVEllBBB e, 1943. Ka7or Nielaen called the •••ting to order and aaked tor Roll Call. BOU. CALL: Co011ba, Preaent Koger, at.aaut 4 Fidler, Preaent Vogel, Preaent Preaent ~ Abaent Jenkina, Abaent Weigand, Present The budget tor the year of 1944 waa preaented and no one appearing at thla Publio Hearing wlth &n7 ohangea, Alderaan Vogel, lloYed ) Fidler, Seconded) that the budget aa preaented be adopted. BOU. CALL: Coo•ba, A7e Koger, Abaent 4 A1ea Fidler, Aye Vogel, Aye O Naya 2 Absent . .i.l.l.Q~l!!J..2.1! Jenk1'na, Abaent We1gancl, A7e WHSREAS, lt la the dut• ot the Clty Council ot the Clt7 ot Englewood, Colorado, under the atatutea ot the State ot Colorado, to •ak• ~he annual tax leY7 tor City purpoaea tor 1943 1 due and payable ln 1944; NOW THERBrOR! Bl IT RESOLVED: That there be, and it ber•b7 i•, leYied tor the 7ear A.D. 1943, due and payable aa required b7 atatute in the year 1944, tor City purpo•••• a tax ot 17.6 mill• on the dollar upon all taxable property, real, peraonal and •1xed. within the 11•ita ot the City of Englewood, Coant7 of Arapahoe, and State of Colorado, aubJeot to a tax in aocordanoe with th• lan ot \he State of cororado. Aldenaan Co011b•• lloYed ) Weigand, Seconded) that the aboye ant toregolng reaolution be adopted. BOU. CALL: Coo•b•• A7• Koger, Abaent Fidler, Aye Vogel, Aye 4 ~yea 0 Naya Alderman Co011ba, UoYed ) 2 Abaent Jenkina, Abaent We i1an4, A7• Fidler, Seconded) that telegr .. a be aent to 5dw1n c. Johnaon, and Buaene D. Milliken, senatora, w1111 .. s. Hill, Berr•••ntlYe and Jobn c. ViYlan, GoYernor ot the ~tate ot Colorado, requeat DI th .. to do all in their power to r .. edy the matter of and reatore •ilk del1Yeriea to D9rllal in thia COllllUD1ty. BOU. CALL: Coombe, A7e Koger, A baent 4 Ayea Fidler, Aye Vogel, Aye 0 Naya 2 Absent Jenkina, Abaent Weigand., A.7e Aldel"llAD Vogel, Moved ) Co011ba, Second .. ,) that the Council a4.1ouni. ~~ Minute• read and approYed thla /'~day of NoY••ber, 194S. 221